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Tag: workout

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestylePodcast

Interview with Dr. Hurlbert – Listen Now


If you missed our Radio Show this past Saturday you can hear it today on our
“Love to Live Healthy” Podcast


This Week listen to Josephine and Thea interview Dr. Marc Hurlbert from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF)
about the importance of testing, keeping a healthy weight, eating clean, exercise and alcohol consumption.


Did you know that over 80% of Breast Cancer is not family related. Listen to learn more about how you can Stay Healthy
 and get involved in the fight against Breast Cancer.


Simply click on the “Radio Show” Page above and scroll down to the “Podcast” Link, or click here.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Fall In Love With Yourself


FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF…is our Mantra for “FALL.” It’s sometimes not enough to just take care of your body but when you FALL in love with taking care of your mind and body it can be life changing. What does it mean to fall in love with your mind and body? It means it’s about more than doing things just to do them or follow things just to follow them. It means you are doing it because you love the changes and the way it’s making you feel and you keep wanting more and more of that feeling.


In the beginning of the program (the first couple of weeks) you just need to get through the weeks to get to your Cheat Day. The Cheat Day is life saving as it helps you stay on program the other six weight loss days. But after a couple of weeks and after seeing some really nice changes – it should start to become more than getting through your 6 clean days to get to your Cheat Day. In fact, it should start to reverse. You should start to live for the six clean days. The Cheat Day is fun and always look forward to it, but your body and mind should begin to understand and take notice that you feel your very best on your six clean days. Mentally you start to look forward to them. At the end of the Cheat Day you can’t wait to eat clean the next day. You can’t wait for a couple of clean days to pass – so you can feel better and get back to the lighter and cleaner feeling you love. You can’t wait to get back on the track of eating clean knowing that you are back to fueling your body with healthy and clean eating and in return it’s working your numbers in the right direction. By mid week you should begin to get excited wondering what you will lose this week. Knowing how amazing you feel and loving how you look and knowing that you are fueling your body with clean foods you should also think about what you will lose – how much? The closer you are to your menu and the cleaner your eating, the more weight you will lose. Will you see a new number and will it be the lowest one you have seen in a long time? It is so exciting to take care of yourself to the point of loving it. Loving how you feel and loving how it’s changing you mentally and physically. When you love feeling good, healthy, lighter, fitter and thinner there is truly no better feeling and no better way to live. It’s a positive addiction that you should want and love.


Client story: I had a client come in this past weekend who has struggled since she started. She struggled for many reasons – food around the office, socializing, summer etc. – we all know there are always reasons to go off program. But what we started doing with her is focusing and thinking about the reasons to stay on program. What did it mean to her and how she felt when she was on program. How excited she was losing weight and feeling great. How much the number went down when she did the right thing but even more important how amazing she felt knowing that her weeks started to become 110% on program. Yes – it was mentally hard sometimes but she knew physically she was feeling so much better and that is what we focused on and that is what was making her mentally stronger.


Since we started the “positive” thinking and focusing on her six clean days it has made a big difference in many ways. The last couple of weeks she has lost weight every week. She felt good about herself and her whole attitude changed from being sad that she was struggling to so positive and happy that she looked forward to eating clean and staying on program. All of a sudden she was excited to come in and step on the scale. She couldn’t wait to see the number and what she had accomplished during the week. What I found most amazing was as she was walking out last week – she said “I am really excited to have my cheat day because I understand now how much more satisfying it is to have the cheat day when you are really true to yourself and you are really clean and 110% for 6 days. Yes it was hard to eat less and once I focused on my 3 meals and 3 snacks I realized that I was eating so much more than that and was still having a cheat day. The six days weren’t making me feel great and the cheat day wasn’t satisfying. Once I started focusing on my 3 meals and 3 snacks is when I started seeing the weight come off. I immediately started feeling better. It was hard not to take bites and sips like I was used to doing but sticking to exactly what I was supposed to made it easier. It also made me appreciate my cheat day because it is truly the ONLY DAY I AM CHEATING.” It’s one true sign when you know you have been so on program that you feel like you deserve that day and you earned it. Sometimes we get caught up with having the cheat day whether or not we were 110% all week – we still feel like we should have it. But the truth is, you need to be focused on how clean your week is and that will determine if you should have a cheat day.


This week try focusing on your six clean days instead of focusing on your Cheat Day. Think about each day and how good you feel when you go to bed because you followed the program and stayed 110% and think about how amazing you feel when you wake up. Whenever we do the right things for our body it changes us as people. We are happier, and proud of ourself and how we are treating our bodies. We are proud of the way we look and feel. I don’t think anyone can say that they don’t feel anything but amazing when they can get dressed in the morning and feel great in their clothes. If you want that to be you then you need to work for it. If you want to feel good all week then you need to stay focused and positive about your clean days. Don’t focus on the one Cheat Day – focus on how you feel the six clean days. Yes, you may feel hungry but what else? Think about positive things you feel – Lighter, healthier, thinner – and how do you feel when you followed all week and at the end of the week when you step on the scale – proud, super happy, like you want you jump around and tell the world you did it – you lost weight and feel great!


When you do the right things for you body, and make the right choices, and fuel your body with the right foods, you feel better. Some weeks will always be harder than others but if you stay true to what you want and what makes you feel the best and keep positive everyday knowing this is what makes you happy – then you will start Falling in love with what you are doing and what it’s doing for you. When this happens you will never want to go back to treating your body unhealthy – because you know feeling like that makes you unhappy. Why would you want to do anything that makes you unhappy or not feel good? Stay positive and remember what makes you feel your best and what makes the changes in your body the best it can be. Stay focused and positive on your six clean days and how they are changing your body and then you enjoy your Cheat Day.


POSITIVE THINKING: As much as you love and enjoy the Cheat Day you realize that every consecutive six days that you complete is what is changing your body. It’s changing how you look, it’s changing the scale and most important, it’s changing how you feel. When you fall in love with taking care of your body and fall in love with feeling the very best that you can – it no longer is about the one Cheat Day a week. It’s about the six clean days that you are fueling your body with healthy clean proportioned foods that make you feel your best.


There is no better feeling than taking care of yourself. There is no better feeling than doing the right thing for your body and your mind. There is no better feeling than being the best you can be.


“This life is yours – Fall in love with yourself”


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Choices and Consequences

Don’t you just wish you could wake up and shower your fat away. Just jump in the shower and all the over eating and drinking that you consumed would just wash right down the drain. Unfortunately, as you all know, it’s not the case. But I am working on the invention! In the meantime, any weight that you have put on over the summer is here to stay until you make the effort and work hard to take it off. Better to be sooner rather than later because if you don’t do it now it will just continue to grow.


There are many people today who really struggled to get dressed for work. They are bloated and the reality of real life has come back in a quick and fierce way. If this is you – don’t be disappointed. This isn’t something that happened without you. As we all know life can sometimes make choices for us. They are the choices that are usually very unhappy and unfair. Things that we have no control over and things we wish we could change but we can’t. But for most of you, you are lucky enough to have control over your destiny, your life, how you live, treat others, and how you look and feel. If you feel run down after a long summer, and you are disappointed in the choices you have made and the place you have gotten to, I can tell you to not even bother sitting and feeling sorry for yourself or wonder “why do you always do it to yourself”. Don’t waste useless energy in things that really don’t matter. Because why you did it will not change today. It will not change where you are and where you want to be, and it will not change your happiness in how you feel this moment. Use the energy you have to get back on program and don’t look back. Keep it all in the positive because that’s the only way to succeed and move forward to your goals. It’s a choice in the right direction and will pay off with great consequences.


Unfortunately we don’t often think about the consequences until it’s too late. Many times that is because we don’t see it happening. We eat unhealthy and think nothing happened so we do it again and again. Before you know it —10lbs up and crying eyes. How? Why? What can I do? What can I take to make it go away? There has to be some quick fix!!! But there isn’t. No magic, no quick fixes only HARD WORK AND COMMITMENT! The very best thing to do is suck it up! Deal with it — and move on. Back to 110% on program and start eating clean on program. If you start today this is what your week will look like…


A glimpse into your successful week ahead!


TODAY: (YOU) Ugh. I’m so hungry – all I can think of is food. (J&T) Of course you are hungry because all you did was eat and drink all summer. Even if you didn’t cheat every day, you ate more than you needed for weight loss and now now you have to train your body and your brain to go back to eating less. Think of it as the price you pay for where you put yourself. There is nothing you can do except stay on program and eat clean. That is what will make you feel better. Stay strong and get through it with your meals and snacks, tea, coffee, and we promise it will pass.


WEDNESDAY: (YOU) Still feeling bloated and I’m still hungry. It’s soooooo hard. It’s sooo much harder for me than other people. I was always a slow loser. (J&T) Stay strong and on your path. I promise that you are not a slow loser you just need to stay on program and the consistency will get you to where you want to be. The first couple of days are the hardest. You can do this and you have to remember how much you want it. Remember how tight your clothes feel. You don’t want that. You want to feel good when you get dressed. Staying on program will give you that. You see other clients around you that look and feel great. Keep reminding yourself how much you want that.


THURSDAY: (YOU) I don’t understand, I have been eating clean why isn’t the weight just falling off of me (J&T) It’s Thursday morning, you only started Tuesday. That’s only two days of clean eating. I’m sorry but just because you ate clean for two days is not going to change the damage that fast. Right now patience is key! It takes more than two clean days. By the end of the week you will feel better. Don’t look for excuses to go off program. Stay strong and stick to your food and snacks. It’s more than enough for you. The hunger is mental. Keep busy this week.


FRIDAY: (YOU) Wow I can’t believe it I feel so much better you were right. I am not bloated and not as hungry and my Cheat Day is in two days already. I can do this. I woke up feeling so much lighter so I stepped on the scale (even though you always tell me not to unless it’s cheat day). It went down 🙂 Yay!!!! (J&T) Awesome. You are doing great!!!!! It’s only Friday so stay mindful and stay on your path and no cheating. You feel better because you have been doing the right things. No sips, bites or taste of anything that is not on program until Cheat Day. Just because your numbers went down doesn’t give you the green light to cheat today. You need the consecutive clean days to see the difference or you will go right back to where you started. Fat cells are closing – they will only completely close if you stay on program.


SATURDAY: (YOU) I’M SO HAPPY!!! I feel so much better I can’t believe what a week has done. Why do I even go off program when I know I feel so much better on program!!!!! I feel so much lighter and I’m not hungry and my numbers are going down and tomorrow is Cheat Day. I’m never going off program again!! I’m so much happier on program and feel so much better when I take care of my body. I love the way I look and feel. (J&T) WE ARE SO SO happy for you!!!! We knew you would do it. If you want it enough you put the work in and get through the tough spots and it pays off. You fueled your body this week on program and it paid off it the most amazing ways. Fabulous!!!


SUNDAY: (YOU) Cheat day!!!! I made the week and I feel great. I don’t even want to cheat but I have to right???? I feel so good. My numbers are down and I’m so happy. Thank you so much for getting me through this week. yay!!!! (J&T) We are so Super excited and happy for you!!!! You did it. We knew you could and you proved to yourself what is most important to you. We love that. Great job! Enjoy your cheat day and right back on program tomorrow!!!


EVERY CONVERSATION ABOVE = CHOICE & CONSEQUENCE! You reach out = we are always there for you! Together we get to a better place and together we reach your goal.


You can see consequences aren’t always bad. They are the result of a good or bad choice. So when you do the right things and get through the tough days (which everyone has) you will see the consequences are so worth it. You will do amazing and feel amazing and you will wonder why you ever did anything to not make you feel this way. You start to change and see the way you treat people around you – Sharing your happiness. Loving the way you look and the feeling is contagious and you just want everyone to know it and feel it. There is no better way to live than to take care of your body and mind. It changes you as a person. Last week you were miserable knowing that your clothes were tight and it made you moody and cranky (choice = consequence). But now being back on program for one week will change so much for you. Just one week will give you direction and makes you feel powerful in your choices and your body. Knowing that you are doing the right things and on the right path to make you feel the best you can be (choice = consequence).


Final thoughts going into September: Your happiness will always lie within the choices you make for yourself today and moving forward. Looking back is for memories. Today you either accept that life isn’t the way you want it to be, or you change it so it will be. You can sit and dream or you can make your dreams come true. Don’t live in the past. Think and plan about your future. What do you want and how do you want to feel. Start with a small goal that follows with a bigger goal. Example: Next weekend you want to feel better and be lighter but by Halloween you want to be shopping for fall clothes or pumpkin picking with your favorite jeans on.


The choice you make to go back on program, eat clean and feel better, healthier, thinner and lighter is a choice that you are making for your overall happiness and the happiness for those who love you.


Don’t give up when the road has become difficult – especially when you created the difficulties.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Take Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle


Hi Everyone:


Hope you are enjoying your Holiday Weekend.  Wanted to update you on the Studio/Store:  We will be RE-OPENING THIS TUESDAY 9/5 at 9:00AM.  We will be sending out an email tomorrow morning with all our NEW FOODS THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE TO YOU TUESDAY.  PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU SEND ALL PRE-ORDERS TO NORA or you can order online




CHEAT DAY CLEANSE: MOVEMENT, MUSCLE, MANTRA AND MEDITATION with Josephine. I do this one on one with clients in CA and NYC and it will now be available in class form for the Woodbury location. I will be teaching the class with our new Yogi Amy. The class will be offered Mondays at 6:30pm so you can start your week off on the right path. The class begins with some light movements and works into a constructed combination of Aerobic and Weight Exercises that are all done consecutive with Yoga movements and poses. The class finishes with a Meditation that allows your body to cleanse from the Weekend and prepare your mind and body for a healthy motivating on-program week ahead. It’s 90 minutes of Amazing.   All ages and all levels welcome. Beginner to advanced. Yoga experience is NOT necessary.
*Space is limited – you must sign up for this class in advance.  Email Jeff to sign up:  – $20  


Every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Enjoy a combination of Yoga movements in a relaxed environment that will strengthen both your body and mind while transitioning your mid week in the most positive way.  $10


YOGA FLOW – with Amy
Saturdays 11am and Sunday mornings 10am 
A Yoga flow class in which the breath guides the movement of the body.  The mind becomes focused on the breath, as the body moves through a specific series of poses. Attention is placed on the journey of the movements. It’s an energetic blend of Yoga providing strength, flexibility & peace of mind.  $10


KIDS YOGA – with Amy
Sunday 9am.  Kids ages 6-11 welcome.  $10

Introducing your children to yoga at an early age can help them learn healthy lifestyle habits and set the foundation for a fit future both mentally and physically.


“It’s not always about where you stand right now – 
it’s about the direction you are going that can make all the difference”




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestylePodcast

New Podcast Featuring Bonnie


Bonnie Katz Podcast Interview: Stay On Your Path In Every Season


When it comes to summer and weight loss – August is right up there with the most challenging months. It’s easy to want to put your weight loss on hold when there are only a couple of weeks of summer left. Whether you are getting ready for school, the last of summer vacations, or the feeling of wanting to celebrate one last time. Take a moment and think about how hard you have worked to continue to lose weight or maintain this summer. You do not want to throw it all away because of a couple of challenging weeks ahead.


Before you decide to put your weight loss on hold until September I want you to listen to Bonnie’s inspirational podcast. She started two summers ago and she talks about how she lives the program no matter what season it is. Her motivation just might make you realize how important it is to stay on your path.


Do the things in life that make you sooooo happy 
that when others look at you they become happy too


Like Bonnie Does!
Living the Innovation Program makes Bonnie happy
and it show in how she looks and how she feels!
We are so proud of you Bonnie.  You look absolutely amazing!!!!
Listen to Bonnie’s Interview by clicking HERE
Bonnie loves the way she lives and lives the way she loves


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestylePodcast

Samantha’s Podcast

Listen to Samantha Massa’s Weight Loss Journey.
Samantha changed how she eats and how she thinks about food.
All in time for her Wedding Day this Saturday!!!!


We are so excited for you Samantha!  
Samantha LIVES the Innovation Program
And looks absolutely AMAZING!!!


Click Here to Listen to Her Interview 






~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Thea’s Journey


So I found it fitting to post this considering July marks 2 years since I decided to lose weight and live a healthier and happier lifestyle.


Backstory: Senior year of high school I decided I wanted to lose weight for prom and even got my prom dress a size smaller than my normal size to guarantee that I lost the weight. I lost 14 lbs and was so happy and felt amazing, for the first time in years I had seen a number I was unfamiliar with. However, when I started college that year I gained the 14 lbs back and more. I was at my highest weight ever. I ate terribly, thinking that if I ate bad food it would help me deal with the stresses and new changes with starting my first year of college. Well, let me be the first to tell you, it DIDN’T help and only made things worse. I was so unhappy. My weight was high, my body looked terrible, my skin was awful, I felt like crap and was so tired all the time. I was using food as a coping mechanism and that absolutely was NOT the answer.


My first summer after college I decided enough was enough. I was committed to losing the weight and NEVER gaining it back. I finally stepped on the scale and remember crying because I couldn’t believe what the scale said, seeing how much damage I had done. I didnt let that stop me though. I decided I can’t focus on what I did, only what I am GOING to do moving forward. I started eating clean and running maybe 2-3x a week. I remember getting through my first week and felt so good and happy with the results I was already seeing.


Fast forward 2 years, I’m down 30 lbs and have kept it off. I love to eat clean and exercise. I see how much happier I am. I see how I have changed mentally and physically for the best. Weight loss is a journey, not a race, and it is a journey I have learned a lot from. Enjoy the journey, you learn so much about who you are and discover characteristics you didn’t know existed within yourself. Certainly, there are times where it will feel easier to give up. If this was easy, nobody would have unhealthy habits and everyone would be thin. But I can guarantee that it in reality, giving up will only make you feel worse about yourself afterwards. Food DOESN’T make you feel better or solve the problems in your life. Food is just fuel for your body, don’t abuse it or use it as a coping mechanism. If you fall off or have a bad day, just get right back on. I learned that I’m happiest when I’m eating well and exercising. This is my way of life. I changed my mindset about weight loss. I stopped making it about an event or a dress, I made it about me and my life. While losing weight for an outfit/trip/event is a great short term goal, it’s not a long term goal. What I learned is that I made it all about the dress and once I wore the dress, I was way more relaxed with my diet. What I should have been thinking was, “I’m gonna lose weight to feel better about myself in this dress and then focus on keeping it off after.” I lost sight of my long term goal and only focused on a short term goal. Don’t lose sight of your long term goal. I love the person I’ve become while on this journey. I’ve not only made this my way of life but I’ve been so blessed to help other people along the way be the best version of themselves and learn to love to live healthy. If it wasn’t for Innovation, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. I wouldn’t be my happiest and healthiest version of myself. Thank you to my family for always being my support system throughout all this. Thank you for encouraging me and reminding me that I could do this. I’ll never forget weighing in and telling Josephine (my mom) and her ALWAYS celebrating with me. I’m overjoyed and excited to live in this balance of a happy and healthy lifestyle, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way.


This is what happens when you LIVE the Innovation Program

Thea Loves the life she lives and lives the life she loves!




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Summer Checklist


Do you ever notice how there are so many things in life that we make so much harder than they should be? Even when we want things to be simple and we want to do the right things, we can find a way to make them difficult. Like losing weight. We know what we have to do and yet we keep putting it off and putting it off, and   before you know it, we are in a place that feels impossible to escape.   It’s just so easy to give in to the cravings and our surroundings. But at the end of the day when you are laying in bed you wonder, Why?  Why did you go off your path when you know that staying on it is what makes you feel your best?


This week keep it simple:


  • Follow your menu
  • Have one Cheat Day
  • Exercise when you can
  • Text us 24/7 whenever you need us
  • If you fall off you get right back on. Don’t let one day turn into one month
  • Give 110% because even if it ends up less it will be more than giving no effort at all
  • Be accountable – if you go off, own it don’t ignore it
  • Stop putting it off. If you need to get back then do it now. The longer you wait the more weight you will have to lose
  • Understand there is no magic pill. If you want to lose weight you need to eat less and follow the program. It’s very doable that’s why there are so many who lost it and keep it off. But you need to put the work in to see the results.


If you are doing great then continue on your path and be proud of yourself. Right now we have literally hundreds of “sharks’ who have stayed on program and continue to lose weight and feel great, proving it can be done if you want it badly enough. They have made enjoying life first and food secondary. For them there is no better feeling than eating clean and feeling amazing. They show it everyday in how they look and feel. They love to get up and get dressed in clothes that they want to wear, not clothes they have to wear. Being on program is a way of life and they love to live it.


If you haven’t been in a good place, don’t wait for the perfect time to do what you need to. There is never a perfect time. Start today and don’t look back. Don’t think about where you were or even where you are starting –  Focus only on where you are going and how badly you want to get there. Everyday that you make amazing is one day closer to where you want to be.







Roberta loves the life she lives and lives the life she loves!!!



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestylePodcast

New Podcast with Marnie

If you need some inspiration and motivation today, listen to our new podcast out now. Josephine interviews Marnie on her weight loss and how she feels great!


Marnie is an example of how if you are willing to work for what you want 
 there are no limitations in what you can achieve!










~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019




FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

The Path of Your Summer

When summer begins and the kids have gone and work has ended or slows down, we promise ourselves that we are going to do all the things that we put on hold in May and June. But what really happens is the complete opposite. We let a sense of freedom take us over. Freedom from schedules, and pressures of the year are now replaced with parties and social events that just don’t seem to end. The first couple of weeks it’s all so easy to ignore our responsibilities. But now we are 4 weeks in and clothes are tight, and faces are bloated and, we are realizing we need to rethink what we want and how we are going to approach the weeks ahead. If you find this is you then you need to do what so many others did this week: they came in and reset, and are back on track to their 6 days on and 1 day Cheat. If you do it you will not only debloat but you will feel both mentally and physically better and back in control and on your path. Don’t put it off because you have a vacation coming or because you have dinner plans. Those are all things you can work around. But if you continue on a destructive road you know that you will crash and you don’t want it to be while on vacation or when the kids come home from camp.


Losing weight in the summer is not easy but it’s easier than the feeling of gaining weight in the summer – it’s always a choice. It doesn’t mean you have to be perfect every week from now until September, it just means that the more weeks you can have that are back on track, the better you will feel and the better the end result will be. I see first hand the clients that came back this week and how much better they felt a couple of days in. Take control – don’t put it off. We will get you back on track to a controlled week where you know everything you do will make you feel amazing come the weekend. Don’t worry if you come back higher – we saw so many clients come back this week with higher numbers – we totally get it and we are proud of them for coming in and taking control back. That’s what it’s all about. Thats what we are here for – to help you get it back. It’s never about where you are it’s about where you are going.


It’s not easy being on and in control in the summer but it’s worth it. You are in the drivers seat and you are the one who can and will control where you go. Will you gain? It’s up to you. Will you lose or maintain? Totally up to you. There are difficulties that arise in everyone’s life whether they are positive parties or negative problems. What is most important is dealing with them. Because if you let the food control the feelings you will end up even more unhappy than you are today. It might be 5lbs or 15lbs more. But if you know you are going in the wrong direction the time to deal with it is now. Yes, it takes a strong person but you have the strength in you. Is being overweight, bloated and unhappy an option for you? Is that what you want and how you want to feel? If you want to have the positive changes you need to be the active participant in your life and do something about it. You determine the direction you want to be. Which means you will determine the outcome of the summer.




This come from one of my In Studio clients who continued to lose because she is a total shark. Even though she started as a snail for quite a while. But she stuck with it and it happened. Because when you are a consistent snail it happens and that’s what makes you a shark! And once she saw the changes and felt the changes she became a determined shark. Even though she loves food – she also knows how much she loves being fit, and thin. She had a long journey but walked in my office the other day looking like a hot little momma! She is just one of the many clients who proves that weight absolutley ages us and when we take it off we take years off. I remember when she first walked in my office. She looked like a completely different person this past Saturday. It was like this younger version who was now so confident and strong both mentally and physically stepped out the body of when she first came to see me. She is very close to her goal but she told me she knew she had “arrived” at her happy place because her 18 year old son came in the kitchen and said to her “WOW MOM! You look great! You really have it all going on!” She said it was by far the best compliment that she could have ever gotten. Better than her husband or friends – because when your 18 year old son notices that you look great – you must look great! I loved loved seeing her in that moment. I say it all the time – there is nothing better than your children looking at you and thinking my Mom looks great – she lives healthy, she takes care of herself and is strong and fit! Or,  My dad looks fit and strong – he looks so much younger than the other dads. This is how kids think and this is how they want to think. They don’t want to worry about you and why you are unhappy and why you look unhealthy and if you are okay. They want to know that their parents are taking care of themselves. They don’t want to have to worry about you.  They know when you are happy, sad, depressed and upset. If it’s a problem you have no control over thats one thing – but when it’s something that you are creating and not taking care of – that’s not fair to anyone – so change it.


One of our online clients came in to kiss me a quick hello on Saturday. She is online so I haven’t seen her in months – but I knew her weight was going down and is at an all time low for her. When she came in I barely recognized her. Completely lean from head to toe she looked like a teenager running in my office. She has been at this and had her ups and downs but never gave up. It’s truly the most amazing feeling and sight to see someone who struggled to get to this place that she worked so hard to be and the difference in how she looks and feels shows in every step she takes and every smile she makes. She clearly feels so amazing and has realized that there is no food in the world that could make her feel better than she does today. She has learned to love to live healthy and clean and On Program 110% and it shows. She still enjoys her Cheat Day every week but she makes sure that her 6 clean days are 110% on – doesn’t matter that it’s summer. The one day is enough for her and she stays on program and does all the right things the other 6 days of the week. It’s how you have to live and it’s more than enough for us all.



I once read that every morning you are handed twenty four golden hours. They are some of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. Unfortunately, as we all have experienced, they don’t last forever and for some they are cut way too short. But they are here for you now. Make sure you are using your twenty four hours to make you feel the most amazing person you can be. It’s easy to indulge and over do it. But getting back on track takes strength and courage – both of which you have. Just keep remembering and thinking about what really makes you happy. Not for the moment but for the week, the month and a lifetime. Being healthy and fit OR over indulgent and overweight – it’s always a choice that you can only make. It’s not about where you are standing – it’s about where you are going. It’s more than never having bad moments, it’s about always knowing you are bigger and stronger than the moment.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019