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Tag: try harder

ExercisegoalshappyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]THIS WEEK WE WANT TO TRY HARDER….[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]When you feel like you have tried everything – I want you to ask yourself- have you tried harder?  This week is all about trying harder to be better so you can be the best version of you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]If your answer is “YES” I’m trying hard to reach my goal. I ask you this: Are you trying hard enough to accomplish it? While every goal is different, here are four questions you can ask yourself to figure out if you are trying Hard Enough to Accomplish your Goal.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]1. Are You Invested Enough To Cause Discomfort?
Your investment in a goal always includes a combination of time, effort, and resources. But no matter how you invest in your goal, if that investment doesn’t cause some level of discomfort you’re probably not trying hard enough. All success requires sacrifice, and sacrifice is a willingness to accept discomfort in the pursuit of something greater. If you’re not investing in your goal in a way that causes discomfort for yourself, you’re probably not trying hard enough to succeed.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]2. Are You Working Toward Your Goal Every Day?
Nothing is accomplished without consistent work because consistency builds momentum and momentum drives success. Reaching your goal isn’t something you only do whenever it works for you – that would be a hobby. Reaching goals is something you work on consistently even when it not a good time and doesn’t fit into your day. If you don’t work toward your goal on a daily basis then you’re not trying hard enough to accomplish it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]3. Are You Willing To Do The Work Regardless Of The Results?
Most things won’t give results immediately….or consistently. For example some clients do not see the results on the scale every week. But even when they don’t see the results – they know they feel so much better.  That’s why it’s crucial to be motivated by the work itself as opposed to just the results— you have to fall in love and love to live the process and the program. When you feel great living 6 clean days with 1 cheat day you know if you didn’t lose weight one week at least you feel better, you are in control and you love what you are eating. You know the results will come but until they do you are loving how you are feeling and living. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]4. Do You Know Why You’re Trying?
It’s easy to try, but it’s hard to try harder. A key to doing so is to have a deep, fundamental understanding of why you want to try in the first place. Are you driven to accomplish this goal because you want to live healthier? You want to fit in your summer clothes? You want to look better? You are getting married? There are infinite reasons to do things and they’re all valid as long as you feel them deep in your heart and bones. The only wrong reason to pursue something is one you don’t firmly believe in. If you don’t know why you’re pursuing a goal in the first place, or if you are doing it to make someone else happy — then I can tell you there’s no chance you’ll find the inspiration, motivation, and determination necessary to work hard enough on it to succeed.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]But if you know why you want to try, and combine that with a willingness to sacrifice, effort on a daily basis, and a love for the life instead of just the results…..trying hard enough will no longer be something you do — trying harder will be your new way of life.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Success Comes When You Try Harder[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick