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Tag: spring

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Easter!


One of Spring’s biggest holidays is this weekend – Easter! This is a holiday that can sometimes spread out over a couple of days, so make sure you have a plan for the days you are eating clean and enjoy your Cheat Day! 


One of the main things to watch out for this week is Easter candy. There is a time to indulge and a time to say no. Maybe you buy some candy early to fill easter eggs and baskets, so make sure you aren’t snacking before your day to indulge. And once the holiday is over, no more! Don’t over buy so that you have leftover candy lying around. We sometimes do this when we have an reason to buy candy and treats, using a holiday as an excuse to have them when we normally wouldn’t. We think, one more piece of chocolate or candy on Monday won’t hurt, I don’t want to waste it. I’ll get rid of it tomorrow. Or, I’m saving it for the kids. No excuses! The weather is warming up and summer is around the corner. Now is not the time to fall off the wagon. Last week it was St. Patrick’s Day, this week it is Easter and Passover is in just a few short weeks. Whether you celebrate some or all of those holidays, now is the time to be on your toes. Think about your goals. Is it a certain event or time that you have in mind – Spring break, summer, or a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or other event approaching? Or do you just want to achieve your goal for personal reasons – confidence, pride, achievement, strength. Whatever it may be, now is the time to be on your best behavior. 


Planning is the key. Think about the treats you want to enjoy and think about your schedule for the next few days. Maybe you are attending or hosting a family dinner or a party. If so, plan to make or bring healthy dishes so you have options. You can make a festive veggie platter:   




Or you can make these adorable carrots and hummus cups: 




Or jump into spring with a fresh fruit salad. You can add sprigs of mint (shredded) for a delicious flavor, or juice from a lemon or lime for more flavor and to help preserve the fruit. Combine fruits of your choice in bite sized pieces. Use fresh fruit when you can, or if you buy canned fruit make sure it is in 100% juice and is not sweetened.  




Maybe your kids have a school event or an Easter egg hunt, which is great. Getting outside and enjoying the weather with your friends and family is an awesome way to spend the holiday. Walk as much as you can and plan other activities, such as arts and crafts or games. 


Planning ahead can only help. Enjoy the holiday and make this most of this week. 


Happy Easter!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

St. Patrick’s Day


Today is St. Patrick’s Day, a holiday that celebrates St. Patrick, the foremost saint of Ireland – although this holiday is much more well know for its parades and festive food and drinks. It is a fun and cheerful holiday that is celebrated by all people, but because of its emphasis on food and drinking especially, it can be hard for us who are eating clean to stay on track. Here are some ways to help you stay clean and enjoy the holiday. 


Keep it simple – If you don’t plan on celebrating big, keep things clean and simple. You don’t have to skip the holiday, there are smart ways to celebrate. Start your day with a green omelet, packed with your favorite veggies like spinach, broccoli, peppers, asparagus and more. Or try this Shamrock Protein Shake: Blend 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk, 1/2 cup fresh spinach, 3 tbsp fresh mint, 1 frozen banana and 1 scoop vanilla protein powder. It’s a healthy shake with a fresh twist. Keep going with the green theme and include the traditional cabbage in a green salad for lunch with lettuce, cabbage, avocado, cucumber and more. You can go even further with the colors and make a vegetable pizza or vegetable platter like the Irish flag using broccoli, peppers, cauliflower, carrots, snap peas, mushrooms or any vegetables you choose: 


Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 10.12.42 PM


Pay Attention to Drinks – Drink in moderation. Unless it is your Cheat Day™ alcoholic beverages are still one snack each. This means that 4oz of wine, 1oz of alcohol or 2 light beers are each a snack. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. 


Choose Your Cheat Day™ – Since St. Patrick’s Day is on a week day, some people might not celebrate until this weekend. This can be tricky because it extends the holidays and makes it hard for us to stay clean. Choose your Cheat Day™ wisely and stick to it. 


Enjoy the Celebration – If you have the time, a St. Patrick’s Day parade is a great way to get the family out of the house and doing something fun and active together. If you drive to a parade location, try and park a couple blocks away and enjoy the walk. 


Be Safe – This is our most important tip for everyone today whether you are all out celebrating or just trying to avoid the chaos. No matter how safe you plan to be, today is a day where you should be extra careful. Many people will be drinking and celebrating in large crowds, so just be careful when going out, watching a parade and driving home.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Spring Is In The Air


Although the first official day of Spring isn’t until next weekend, it is already starting to feel like winter is over. Yesterday it got up to 72 degrees in New York, the sun was shining and the parks and streets were filled with people enjoying the weather, and today will be the same. 


Spring means a lot of things. For many of us, it means Spring Break. Whether you are traveling or not, a week off from school or work can disrupt our routines and we have to plan for that. If you are traveling, what you plan to eat is just as important as what you plan to wear and where you plan to go. If you want to stay as clean and healthy as possible, plan ahead and give yourself all the preparation you need. Losing over vacation is difficult but possible. But if you want to enjoy the local food and drink, enjoy it. Maintaining is just as much of an accomplishment. But no matter what you choose, it’s back on track 100% when you return. If you are not traveling, it can sometimes be even harder to keep ourselves in check. We are at home with a house full of food, and if we aren’t occupied we could end up snacking all day long. A relaxing week at home is what many of us may need, but if you don’t keep some kind of control it will be hard to come back from it. Give yourself some peace of mind and make a plan for Spring Break. Decide now and follow through. 


This season can also mean Spring Cleaning – out with the old and in with the new. Maybe you need to mix it up and try new things. Maybe check out a new restaurant or recipe. Get outside and go for a walk and explore new streets and neighborhoods. Sign up for a personal trainer or a class with friends. Even the smallest change can invigorate your routine and your motivation. Going through the motions every day can become boring and monotonous, and makes us vulnerable to going off plan. We look for something, anything to excite us. Make it something healthy and positive. 


Spring can also mean growth. Flowers bloom, the leaves grow back on the trees and the grass is green again. It is a time to blossom and thrive. It is a perfect time for gardening. Plant vegetables and herbs and use them later for a delicious and healthy meal. The days are already becoming longer, so take advantage of the extra sunshine. Spending just a couple minutes outside will give you that little bit of Vitamin D our bodies crave. It will boost your mood and give you a moment to breathe and help you manage stress. Try having lunch outside or go for a walk in the morning. 


With each season our daily lives and routines can change. Make it a change for the better. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Get Ready for Summer – Half Marathon Training


(learn the proper way to stretch)
(to help hold those arms up for a long distance)
Monday & Thursday 5pm
Tuesday & Friday 12:30 pm
Saturday 1pm
Sunday 10am
Sign up is mandatory for all running sessions
Runs are unlimited – come to as many as you can!
Beginner & Advanced Runners are welcome


Sign up at Front Desk February 22-27th
February 27th is last day to sigh up


Any questions email josephine


“As you move outside of your comfort zone, 
what was once the unknown and frightening 
will become your new normal”


*Lucky raffle*
Just a little extra incentive. At the end of the marathon we will have one lucky winner. We will pick a raffle that will include all the clients that completed the marathon. One lucky winner will receive a full refund.




*Race fee is not included – all applicants are responsible to sign up for Marathon 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Get Ready for Summer – Half Marathon Training



(learn the proper way to stretch)
(to help hold those arms up for a long distance)
Monday & Thursday 5pm
Tuesday & Friday 12:30 pm
Saturday 1pm
Sunday 10am
Sign up is mandatory for all running sessions
Runs are unlimited – come to as many as you can!
Beginner & Advanced Runners are welcome
Sign up at Front Desk February 22-27th
February 27th is last day to sigh up
Any questions email josephine
“As you move outside of your comfort zone, 
what was once the unknown and frightening 
will become your new normal
*Lucky raffle*
Just a little extra incentive. At the end of the marathon we will have one lucky winner. We will pick a raffle that will include all the clients that completed the marathon. One lucky winner will receive a full refund.
*Race fee is not included – all applicants are responsible to sign up for Marathon 
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Shared Success

It’s Monday and the first thing I will tell you is PLEASE DO NOT GO ON THE SCALE


If you had your cheat day this past weekend, I can assure you the number on the scale is going to be higher. It’s not real weight. It’s not fat weight – but it’s going to still be higher from the extra food. I promise if you go right back on program 110% today and stay your path this week, your numbers will be even lower next weekend. However, if you choose to have a second cheat day or use the scale as an excuse to cheat another day then your fake weight will become real fat weight and you will gain.


Think about this past weekend. Is there anything you would change to have your Monday be a better one? Did you sabotage yourself in anyway? Take this week to think through any changes you need to make and start putting them into action for next weekend.


HELPING EACH OTHER IS SO IMPORTANT. I am all about helping each other. We get nowhere in life when we don’t share our experiences and knowledge. I believe the more people you help in life the more likely you will be able to reach your own goals.


Every month I will be posting 3 emails of clients who have had success on the program and have reached their own weight loss goals. They are clients who would love to share their success stories and help motivate you through your struggles. They are willing to answer questions and give some tips and hints of things they did to get them to their goal.


They are not to answer food/nutrition questions.  All food/nutrition & menu questions should come directly to myself or Thea ( 


But if you need a brain to pick or if you want to simply reach out and hear their story, send them a message. Share what they have to offer with someone you know. It’s a chain that we must make and continue to link. We need to always want the best for each other, because it’s only then that we will be successful in our own challenges. It doesn’t matter if you know them or not – it’s about connecting with someone who has been through the process.    Please feel free to email them anytime.



The more people you help in life, the more likely you will be to reach your own goals. If you reached your goal, take a moment and remember how hard it was. How you got through your challenges. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to help someone else who is facing those same challenges right now? If you are interested in helping and sharing your story, hints and tips please let me know and I will add you to our list of Successful Clientele who are looking to help those starting out or struggling.  



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

The Importance of Hydration in Warm Weather

Hydration is key to living healthy and it is especially important in the warmer weather. Our bodies are 60% water and we need to hydrate every day to replace water that we lose naturally through sweating, breathing and every time we go to the bathroom. It’s easy to go through a hectic day without realizing how long we go without a drink of water. We may not even notice how thirsty we are until we are already dehydrated. If you have a dry mouth, headache or feel tired – take the time to have a glass of water.


Proper hydration is so important during this time of the year. Daily tasks such as getting groceries, going for a walk or commuting to work can take a lot of out you in the spring and summer months. Even just sitting in the sun at the beach or in your back yard can cause your body to need more fluids. Pay attention to your body and drink water often – by the time you feel thirsty you are already in need of fluid. Make it a point to keep water on hand and make sure you have access to drinking water during the day, whether that means keeping a refillable water bottle with you or buying bottled water throughout the day or refilling your glass at work or at home from the sink or water cooler.


Staying hydrated during exercise is crucial, so make sure you are drinking water before, during and after a workout, especially in the warm weather. Drink a glass or a bottle of water 15 minutes before you exercise, make sure to drink as much as you need during your workout, and always rehydrate after. Being dehydrated during exercise can cause your performance to decrease and can even put strain on your heart – keeping the body hydrated helps the heart pump blood more easily through the blood vessels to the muscles and helps your muscles work efficiently. It also helps you regulate your body temperature in the heat and cool down after activity.


Though we may want to reach for juice, sports drinks or soda in the summer heat or during exercise, make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Juices and sports drinks may offer vitamins and electrolytes, but they also come with sugar and carbs. If you’re looking for something flavored and refreshing, try adding fruit or vegetables to your water for a tasty way to stay hydrated.


It may take some extra thought and care, but keeping yourself hydrated in the next few months is extremely important. It can help with your weight loss by decreasing your hunger before meals on top of being essential to a healthy lifestyle. Drink up!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Find Your Inspiration

The mental work that goes in to successful weight loss is often underestimated. Even when we have specific menus and plans to get us to our goals, just a little bit of exhaustion or defeat can tear us down and take us far from our path. Having to keep ourselves motivated and strong while losing weight can be a lot of work. Finding inspiration and positivity to keep ourselves encouraged and committed is essential.


Sometimes all it takes is a little visual reminder of what you are working towards and all the good you are doing. Check our Facebook page for daily motivational posts that can keep you in the right mindset. If you have a specific event you are looking forward to such as a wedding, bar mitzvah or vacation, use a calendar or the clothes you plan to wear to keep you motivated. One of the hardest parts of weight loss is that results take time, so visuals are a helpful way of picturing what you are working towards when you need a reminder.


It’s also important to remember the benefits you are going to experience beyond weight loss. Losing weight can lower your risk of heart attack and stroke, and it can also help you lower your blood pressure to help keep you from heart disease. Weight loss is also known to reduce your cholesterol and your risk of Diabetes and other chronic disease. Getting healthy will also benefit your skin: Vitamin C, which is found in oranges, berries, peppers, tomatoes, melons, broccoli and more, is essential to building healthy tissue and skin. Broccoli as well as spinach, carrots and kale are also high in Vitamin A which has huge benefits for your skin. You may also experience benefits in your digestive system. After all, if you put good food in your belly it’s going to feel good! Eating clean can also help you boost your energy levels. Eating heavy meals will make you feel exactly that – heavy. Avoiding foods that make you feel sluggish and give you short term sugar highs will help keep you focused all day. Because of this, weight loss is also known to boost your mood. When you feel better physically, you have a more positive outlook and have the ability to reduce stress and accomplish more during the day. Proper nutrition also gives your body the vitamins and good bacteria that can kill germs, help fight diseases and boost the immune system.


If you find your motivation fading during the day, maybe it’s your environment. If you’re stressed and looking for comfort food or just feeling burnt out, find a way to step away and re-energize yourself. That can be going for a walk or working out if you exercise. It can also be anything that makes you happy that doesn’t have to do with food – listening to upbeat music, chatting with a friend, read a book or work on a hobby. You will feel so much better doing something productive and rewarding yourself with something other than food. You can also do something relaxing such as meditation or listening to soothing music to reduce stress and prevent yourself from emotional eating. We all have times in the day when we get antsy and are vulnerable to weak moments of intense cravings – know when this time is for you and be prepared to redirect your attention and focus on something positive.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Make Healthy Habits Stick

We’ve all felt that excitement and anticipation when trying something new or making a change. We are hopeful and motivated for the future and nervous about the road ahead at the same time. But once those beginning jitters go away, how do we keep ourselves on track? Reaching a weight loss goal can be a long and difficult path to success, but the habits you form in the beginning will help get you there. The little changes and progress you make every day will add up in no time, and the longer you stick to your healthy habits, the more you will benefit and the easier it will all become over time.


You have to start by committing to a goal. It may seem unnecessary, but making your goal something specific and attainable can help you form habits to get you there. Once you pick something, break it down in to smaller steps that you can work on each week and each day. For example, if you want to make a certain amount of progress by a certain date, break it down week by week to help you stay motivated. Seeing yourself lose each week will make you want to try even harder the next week and soon you will feel really good about your healthy habits when you see how they are working for you.


As much as we try, it is inevitable that there will be bumps in the road. When you have a craving, think it through. 10 minutes from now do you want to feel guilty or proud? Think about the benefits and the downsides and make your choice with logic and a clear head. None of us are perfect, but you do have a choice when something doesn’t happen the way we want it to: give up or learn from it. Understanding the real reason why you can’t stick to your habits or why you haven’t been able to make it work in the past can help you find success this time. Move forward with new understanding but don’t be hard on yourself. Making a major change in your life can require constant effort and be quite exhausting, but the new habits you form from hard work and dedication will help you reach your goals and sustain a healthy lifestyle. Slowly, it will become easier and easier to make the healthy choices until they become habit.


An important part of making smart choices is having a plan and being prepared. If you want to eat clean, you have to have healthy food in your home or a plan when you eat out. Make a grocery list, check restaurant menus ahead of time, plan your meals and snacks – do whatever it takes to give yourself a helping hand.


The definition of a habit is an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. You may feel nervous and impatient in the beginning, but even the smallest changes you make are setting you on the right path. The work you do day in and day out may feel tedious sometimes but you are rebuilding your lifestyle while also losing weight. It takes time and hard work but that’s what makes it worth it.


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy Tips

Living with Discipline

This weekend you will live with the act of DISCIPLINE or with the act of REGRET.


When it comes to weight loss, I know more than anyone how difficult it is. Seeing client after client struggle with food choices. Losing weight is a job. So if you already have one job you are putting a second full time job into your schedule. It’s something you have to think about all day – every day. There is no magic pill, it requires thoughts, actions and most of all, DISCIPLINE.


If you go through this weekend and you are not disciplined then what are you left with…what are your alternatives? Your alternative is to live with the REGRET of not doing the right thing, of caving in out of peer pressure. REGRET is about NOT remembering you are more important than the food. Tempatation is around us everyday in all forms. YES, waking up and doing the right thing everyday can be challenging. Yet it’s what we teach our children and family. Regrets are simply burdens that interfere with your present happiness and restrict your future. Unproductive regret WILL KEEP you from moving forward and reaching your goals.


We know DISCIPLINE is the bridge between goals and accomplishments, so why do so many view discipline as a negative and not a positive? Because being disciplined in a world full of temptation is really hard to do. But when you learn to live with discipline it can change your world and teach you to live with strength and empowerment. Living with discipline gives your world structure and control. It stops the questioning of “Should I?” When you live with discipline there is no “should I” —there is only I WILL!


and live by it!


THE VOICE OF REGRET: I shouldn’t have had all that food. Why did I have that second drink. Why did I eat all those desserts. I feel horrible and sick. I ruined another week. Why do I keep doing this to myself.


THE VOICE OF DISCIPLINE: I will eat clean today. I will do the right thing today and I will do it because it makes me happy and keeps my world in control of who I want to be and what I am all about. I will not let food control my life and not let alcohol paralyze me into someone I am not. I will not let temptation step into my world. There is a time and a place for indulging and it’s when I choose it to be.


Becoming and living like the person you truly want to be is the best gift you can give yourself and your family.




~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018