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Tag: mindset

feel goodhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivationweight loss



YOU HAVE TWO CHOICES TO CONTROL YOUR MIND OR LET YOUR MIND CONTROL YOU. Life is all about making choices, and when it comes to weight loss it’s even more important to think things through before we do them. While it’s very easy to grab, eat and regret – the success comes when you plan prepare and follow through.
HALLOWEEN CHOICES:  Halloween Week can be an easy time to let your mind control you. Especially when you decide to buy candy early. Remember they are out on the shelves early because the stores are well aware that you will buy them and then eat them and then come back and buy more. This can happen multiple times before Halloween even arrives. Don’t fall into that trap – wait and buy the day before. Yes the candies are adorable but they are the same little chocolate bars you can buy anytime of the year they just have little wrapper costumes on to make them look more appetizing at Halloween season. Wait until the night before to buy them.
MIND CHOICES:  it’s so important for you to control your mind and thoughts and keep them mentally strong. Because when we are mentally strong we feel like we can accomplish anything. We force ourselves to do the right thing and control what we want and who we become. Regardless of how much temptation is around us we choose to be healthy and happy and stay that way. We wake in the morning with the 100% intention to be positive, feel amazing and do the right things. Day and night our mental strength controls our actions and our actions control our thoughts to stay happy, healthy and fit. But this will only take place if you make the effort everyday to control your mind and thoughts and keep them both in a healthy positive place. When you put the extra effort in — your mind and body rewards you with results.
FEEL GOOD CHOICES: Each week you work so hard to get to where you want to be. It’s hard and challenging but what choice do you have. This is life. Some days will be easier and some days harder, but the most important thing is for you to understand that you need to stay on your path and on program because that is when you feel your best and that is when you lose the weight. Here are some things I want you to think of this week:
  • When you are on program and it’s challenging you have to remember how good you feel. Yes the temptation is there but you are losing and you feel good that is more important then any cheat that is in front of you.
  • What is the alternative? You are off program – eating out of control and the whole time you keep thinking “I have to get back on program” meanwhile you are gaining the entire time you are contemplating going back on. Why even put yourself through that? Why even put the people you love through that? If you think about it – it’s just so much easier to stay on program, it’s so much easier to do the right thing and lose the weight. Because when you are not on all you want to do is be on.
  • You are just so much happier when you are in control and doing the right thing! Think about it. Even though it’s hard. Even though it’s challenging. Even though you have to talk yourself into making the right choices every day 6 days a week – it makes you so much happier when you do it.
YOUR PATH TO SUCCESS is a choice only you can make: You need to make the choice that weight loss is what you want and you are willing to work hard for it. Every day 6 days a week and when you work hard for what you want and don’t let anything in your path stop you — is when you will get it. Remind yourself daily that you are sticking to your program and doing the right things because it gives you a healthy mind and body, it makes you happy and it makes you look and feel amazing. The consistency of Living “six” on and “one” off is your path to success but it will only happen when you make it a priority in your life and that priority has to be everyday not just on the days that is convenient for you. There is no excuse you can find around you and no food on the table that is better than feeling good, being in control being happy and looking great. Your path to success is the choice to walk away from temptation and stay on your path. Because staying on your path is what will lead you to success both mentally and physically. Don’t make it harder than it is. Just follow your program and you will feel great.
Making the right choices is never easy. We speak to our children about it all the time. We tell them – Do the right thing. Make the right choices. And always remember what you do and the choices you make everyday affects everyone in your family and all the people that love you. When it comes to weight loss and health we are no different. We need to remember and live by that same advice.
~Love to live healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


A Positive State of mind is so important in so many areas of your life- family, work, school, friends, health.  We can literally talk our self into happiness and/or talk our self right into depression.  When you keep things positive and happy your life may not be perfect but it will be a lot better and a lot more positive than if you are living in a negative stare of mind.  When it comes to weight loss I would have to say more than 90% of it is mental.  We eat when we are not hungry, we feel pressured in social situations, we want the weight loss but we don’t want to put the work in that comes with it.  We can step on the scale and when it doesn’t say what we want we throw in the towel and over -eat.  We never even stop to think how much better we feel.  A great weight loss day can be as easy as walking away – but when you tell your mind that – it’s not so easy.


How do you get to a positive state of mind.  There is no magic.  You accept where you are and you move forward to where you want to be.  When you are not in a great place it can be the hardest time to push yourself to get there- but it’s also when you need to push yourself the most.  Let’s face it you have two directions…

  1. Do the right thing, fight through the hard and keep yourself in a positive place and feel good.
  2. Continue to make excuses, blame everyone around you and self sabotage and stay in the negative.

Sometimes it will take you being laser focused to do the right things – planning ahead, reminding yourself over and over what you want, walking away from the temptations, and pushing aside all the negative feelings – focusing only on where you want to go.  Reminding yourself constantly that when you stay positive and on program – it is the only thing that will change the way you feel mentally and physically about yourself and about everything around you.  Keep it simple – when  you do the right things and you follow your menu you feel better.  When you feel better you act better and you even speak nicer to everyone around you – you think happier thoughts throughout the day and you let go of any negativity.  Every good decision leads to another one.  Even when the scale doesn’t move as much as you wanted it to you wills till say how much better you feel mentally and physically by following your menu.  Will it be hard- of course it will be.  But just focus on one solid week at a time.  You have to stay positive and know if you put the time in an you follow your menu and you stay true to 6 clean weight loss days with 1 Cheat Day.  It will only take one week to get to a place the you realize and remember makes you so so happy.

We know staying on program and feeling good are two very good ways to live positive.  Here are some more ways that will keep you living in a positive state of mind:

  1. You must plan your days.  Know what you are doing and eating every day.  When you plan in advance and you know what you are eating you are taking the struggle out of your day.  When you take out the struggle you add in positivity.
  2. Know what you are wearing so you don’t have to sabotage yourself with negative thoughts first thing in the morning when things do’t quite fit yet.  
  3. Stay away from the scale for one week.  I know that will be the hardest challenge of all but I promise yo that by the end of the week not only will the number be in the right direction but you will feel mentally better all week.
  4. PROMISE yourself one solid 110% week on program.  Follow your menu for 6 straight days.  The consistency is the key and putting yourself in the mindset that no matter what I am sticking to my menu of meals and snacks for one week – after one complete week you will feel like you did it and you are back in it!  It will be an empowering positive end to a successful week!
  5. Change every  negative thought into a positive one.  As soon as those little negative thoughts come creeping into your mind you must immediately replace them with positive thoughts.  negative thinking will always win over positive if you let it.  Really make an effort to change your mindset when those little negative thoughts find their way in.  
  6. make the decisions that will keep your results positive.  Stay away from sabotages.  Remind yourself that you really can do whatever you want.  Every decision you make is your own.  Don’t base them off what others want.  You know your feelings and how staying on or off program will affect you.  It’s up to you to make the right decisions.  It’s not what is going on in your life or in anyone else’s.  You make each decision – because good or bad you are the one who has to live with the results.

There are soooo many Innovation positive Sharks!  They are positive about what they are doing everyday.  I you are not one o them – YOU SHOULD BE! There is no reason that you are not doing the right thing for your mind and body everyday.  There is no reason that you shouldn’t look and feel like you BEST SELF every day!  Don’t even begin to say “I can’t or it’s too hard.”  Everyone can make the same excuses just like everyone can make the right choices.  You can do and achieve whatever you want to.  But you really need to want it and it has to be a priority to you.  There is no difference between you and the person next to you who has done amazing and continues to do so.  The only difference is THEY WANTED IT MORE.  You can give yourself every excuse in the book but I’m telling you that if you really want it, and you make it a priority, and you stay positive and follow your program – you will do it.  

It all starts with you.  Your choices – Your decisions, and Your positive mindset.