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bloggoalsHealthy TipsMotivation


If your week is feeling a little challenging I want to remind you that you are not alone. One of the hardest things about holiday weekends is retraining the brain and the appetite to get back to eating on program and eating less. You will have a few tough days and by mid week you will feel back in control. Just stay focused and don’t give in to temptation. Think about your goals and what is truly important to you. Everything will feel better one on program day at a time.

By the weekend you will be ready to get back on the scale and have your cheat meal. Then next week instead of taking it one day at a time maybe take a leap and do the detox for 5 days or the 5 hour Fasting for 5 days. If you are feeling inspired and motivated then give yourself that jump to get to your next new low.

Remember the detox and 5 hour fasting is not something you have to do every week. Some clients do the detox every week with weekends off and others love the 5 hour fasting and live on it. But some will do one or the other and do it once a month. Some even combine the detox for a couple of days and the Fasting for a couple of days. You do what works for you. The most important thing is to keep moving forward and feeling your very best while you are doing it.

With November ending and December beginning we have to remember we will need to prepare in advance for all the holiday parties and vacations.

December is so busy it always tends to feel like the shortest month of the year. It’s a great month to enjoy when you need to — and the weeks you have nothing going on is when do everything you can to stay on program and get the very best results.

Remind yourself when you are doing the right things how great you feel when you are getting dressed or when you are going out or something as simple as putting on a pair of sweatpants. Everything feels better when we are doing our best to be our best.

Stay in the positive mindset of giving 100% on the days and weeks you can, because those 100% days and weeks will make a big difference in your results at the end of the month

It’s up to you to live WITHOUT the regrets of

should have, would have, could have



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick