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Tag: josephine fitzpatrick

familyfeel goodholidaysLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]As we travel through December – we know December is a month of baking cookies, chocolate coins, candy canes and marshmallow Santa’s. For someone out of control, it can be a month of pure over indulging resulting in plenty of extra bulges YIKES! And while so many of you are in total control — others are still struggling. If you are struggling — please do not be embarrassed about struggling, gaining weight or losing control. I promise you that you are not the only one. You just have to keep moving forward and keep getting back on your path.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Wherever you are today and moving into this week I want you to be positive and confident about what you can achieve and why you want to do it. Think about feeling good, happy and alive in your mind and body. Don’t focus on just today think about tomorrow, think about next week and think about January. Think about how you WANT to feel going into the New Year AND think about how you DON’T want to feel going into the New Year. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]This is your path… your life and your journey to get to where you want to be. Only you can make it happen. Everyone has different reasons for losing weight and feeling great. Whatever your reason is, you need to keep it close to your heart. You have to realize that life is short and you want to enjoy it fully every single day. Don’t be upset about things you have the power to change. Use those emotions in the most positive way and change the things that do not make you happy[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Slips and Falls… Regardless of where you are or how many times you slip up – the most important thing you can do is get right back on program and keep going in the right direction. Whether it’s a little slip up or a big one – it’s not about the slip – it’s about getting up. We all slip and we all fall but the sooner you get back on your feet and on your path is the sooner you will feel so much better and be back on track. The longer you lay down the longer you will feel terrible and the longer it will take to get back to a better place. Life is not perfect and it will never be perfect. We will always have times that will be more difficult than others and they are usually times that feel different from everyone else. It doesn’t matter – what matters is right now. Wherever you are you have to focus on where you want to be and keep moving in that direction. If you keep getting up every time you fall, you will get there. Yes, it might be slower than someone who doesn’t fall as much but who cares – the most important thing is you are in the right direction and you will get to your destination.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Stop Thinking So Much…. We focus on “why do we keep doing this” or “how can I be better” or “isn’t there a magic pill” – just stop thinking. Instead of spending so much time and energy thinking about an easier way out – or thinking about why you keep slipping –put that energy into the change. Just keep getting up and keep trying to make the right choices. Don’t worry about where your weight is today – don’t even think about it. Just follow your program and you will feel better tomorrow. The program is the program – you know it works — when you follow your menu you lose weight. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Everyone is different….. Sometimes the scale will take longer than a week to see a change. Some see a pound a week others see the loss every two weeks. Some can cheat a little and lose a lot and others will be 110% strict and lose very little. You have to stay focused. If you are eating right and staying on plan you need to stay focused and on your path. Your body is shrinking everyday and the scale will catch up to where you want to be. You have to have patience and remember that being in control of who you are and what you are doing is just as amazing as seeing the scale go down. Your body will decide when and how much – you will decide how close to 110% you will be every day.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]The Journey…. Something I think is important to share is how important your journey is. I know I say it all the time but it’s very easy to get caught up in feeling sorry for yourself and bad about the mistakes and choices you make. But what I want you to focus on is how happy you are on the journey to feeling your best. Every step you take in the direction of eating clean and losing weight is one more step to feeling great both mentally and physically.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Final thoughts…. December will give us Challenging days but the bottom line is the days and weeks go by fast. Before you know it will be JANUARY and it runs right into a very short FEBRUARY and then just like that it’s MARCH and we will be shopping for shorts and summer clothing. A really good habit to get into is when you see you are having a bad day – make a promise to yourself that when you have a hard day your food will 100%. Because it’s the hard days we need the most strength to stay on program. Some times we can’t control whether our days are hard but we can definitely control if we make that day harder than it has to be. And going off program is going to make any bad day – worse.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]”You Don’t Have to Go Fast
You Just have to keep going…..”[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
familyfeel goodHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Another Holiday has passed and Chanukah, Christmas and New Years are only weeks away so we are going to start today by Facing Your Truth – Yikes!  It’s always hard to be honest with yourself. It’s so much easier to make excuses. Because we don’t just make the excuses we actually start to believe them. But where does that get you? Does it leave you in a good place or does it leave you in an unhappy place with a good excuse for being there. When you are honest with yourself and face your truth – that’s when you will do something about it. Because once you stop the excuses and face the truth about what you want you will realize you have two choices: 1) Work hard and change it OR 2) live with it and settle for where you are. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]I know after Thanksgiving Weekend it’s so easy to feel defeated. Excuses are easy to come by, and it was easy to fall prey to a table full of yummy temptations. Four days of holiday is a lot for anyone to get through. Especially for those who don’t like to say “No, thank you.”  They seem like such easy words to say and yet when faced with temptations of food and drink, those words are the hardest things to get out of your mouth. What you have to remember going into December — it’s a month full of holiday cookies, egg nog, honey and spiked cider – so it’s time to face your truth and start it by saying “No, Thank you.”  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]HERE ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITE TIPS TO HELP YOU THIS MONTH:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Be Consistent – Six days on and one day off. The more you do it the easier it is and the better your body responds to the program and to weight loss.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Eat clean and Eat Less – The cleaner the food with no preservatives and no chemicals the better your body processes it. The less you eat the less it needs to process. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]If you Don’t Need It Don’t Eat It. – Never eat just to eat. Less is always better when trying to lose weight.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Absolutely No Extras – This is a life changing rule. No taste, sips, bites or pieces. Only eat what is on your menu. Follow your meals and snacks and nothing in-between. The more you learn to live by this rule – the easier it is. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Everything Matters – nothing is free and everything you put in your mouth matters. When it comes to weight loss you have to be accountable for everything that passes your lips.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Plan – Prepare – Follow Through – I can’t say it enough, when you plan prepare and follow through is when you will get the best results every single day[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Right now you have time before the New Year to make positive mental and physical changes. Start those changes with consistency. You have to eat clean, eat less and you have to do it everyday for six days. I know it’s hard and life can get in the way — especially around the holidays. But I can also tell you the only way to get through them is to be consistent. When you are consistent you are training your brain and body to do the right thing and the more it does it the easier it will be. Remind yourself by New Years Eve —  you will either feel amazing or you will wish you felt amazing.  We all don’t want to live with the could have and should have — especially when the DOING IT is right in front of you. You have all the tools and the only thing that is standing in your way is you. Your willingness to walk away – and to say NO- THANK YOU. Try not to complicate it. Don’t make it harder than it has to be. Once you are firm and tell yourself that you are sticking to it 100% – there is no alternative- you will do it. But if you give yourself even the slightest glimpse of doubt if you can do it – then you are already setting yourself up to go off program. You are always in control even when you don’t want to be.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Be firm in your decisions. It’s not about the food it’s about the discipline. From the time you wake up and open your eyes until you go back to bed you must be firm in your decisions. What you decided from the time you woke up was that you were going to stay on program – because you want to feel good and you want to look good. You are going to stick with your meals and snack(s) and you are going to do that because sticking to your menu is what creates the weight loss. — And the weight loss and feeling good and feeling healthy and lighter is what makes you happy – and that is what you want and that is why being firm in your decisions is so so important every single day.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]My final thoughts for you – I work with clients everyday in every state. Every one of you is capable of weight loss. None of you are any different than anyone else. We all have things going on in our life. No one is problem free all the time. Whatever your situation and problems are I can promise you that it feels harder than everyone else’s. But the truth is they are all equally as hard to the person who has them. If you want to lose the weight you can do it. We know it’s hard and we know it’s even harder to stick to eating less, and eating clean and not grabbing for the extras when everyone around you seems to be eating everything. But at the end of the day you can only control what you are doing and your choices. It’s only food and it will always be there . If you want to change your life forever and live in a happy healthy place –then no excuses, live in your truth and stay disciplined in your choices. Focus only on the decisions and choices that you can control and will bring you happiness.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Discipline Is Doing What Needs To Be Done, 
Even If You Don’t Want To Do It[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
clean eatingfamilyhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]As many of you know because I mention it all the time — Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year. In fact, I love the whole weekend.  It’s a time that we enjoy our families, and traditions, and we are truly grateful and thankful for everything we have and those we love. While we should feel like this everyday (and hopefully most of us do) Thanksgiving Day gives us a day to celebrate it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NOT A VERY SOCIAL WEEKEND…… When it comes to Thanksgiving and Weight loss it’s usually not just about Thanksgiving it’s about a very social weekend. However this year and this weekend we are in a much different place. Social is not high on the list of activities with the world we live in – so while we are keeping everything more low key it should be easier, right? Maybe for some but for others it’s going to be a lot more indoor and a lot of left-over temptation to deal with. Which wouldn’t be terrible if we only went for the left-over turkey, but it’s usually the sides and desserts that we tend to gravitate toward. So while you are making your plans for Thanksgiving it is probably a good idea to make plans for the left-overs too. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Some Left-Over Options:
1) Freeze everything immediately after dinner – do not leave it out for the next day. You don’t want anything tempting left out where you can taste, bite and pick….
2) Soup kitchens – we have a list on our website. Call for covid instructions.
3) If you want to keep them and eat them – plan the exact day you will be doing that so you can look forward to it. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Throughout the four days you want to maintain control and enjoy. I think for many of you the importance of taking one day at a time — planning, and knowing what you are doing in advance is key to your success. Think before you grab – and think again before you eat. Think about your plans and know where you are going, what you are doing and when you are cheating. Don’t just plan your cheat days. It’s also important you are planning what you are eating when you are staying 110% clean and on program.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]When we are celebrating and following traditions it’s easy to get caught up in the holiday spirit and before you know it Monday morning comes and you look back and think oh no… what did I do??[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Here are some options to help you have a Happy Monday After [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]1. WEIGHT LOSS: Cheat Thanksgiving Day and Stay on program and clean the rest of the weekend. While this is a little challenging it’s doable. You choose Thanksgiving day as your Cheat Day and you are 110% the remainder of the weekend. Just remember it’s always harder to stay on program after you already cheated when you still have a long weekend in front of you. So you must really be in a good mental place to do this and follow through with it. Plan where you are going and what you are eating on program the remainder of the weekend.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]2. WEIGHT LOSS:  Eat Clean Thanksgiving Day and Cheat one day on the weekend. This is challenging but very doable. You can have your Turkey and Vegetables and you save everything else on the table that you love for your cheat day. Having your cheat day later in the weekend is always easier. Once you get through eating clean Thursday and Friday – then you choose your cheat day and before you know it the weekend is over and you made it. — JUST BE SUPER CAREFUL. It’s usually not the turkey that is the issue…. It’s the sides, the desserts and the alcohol that causes the binging. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]3.  MAINTAIN:  This is a little more realistic and if you are not in shark mode this might be the best option for you. You split the Cheat Day and you choose two nights out of the four days.  So for Example – you choose Thanksgiving and Saturday to be your cheat nights. You would eat on program Breakfast and Lunch and then Cheat Dinner, Dessert and Drinks. You would do that for Thanksgiving and then again one day on the weekend either Saturday or Sunday. The remaining two days you would be 110% clean.  This is a realistic way to stay on program and enjoy the weekend.  You won’t lose but you won’t gain and that’s great. Then you go right back on Program and give it 110% clean week and weigh the following weekend. Again very important to plan and know where you are going and what you are doing so you can plan and prepare for your on program days. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]There is always a choice and you are the only one that can make
it because you are the only one who has to live with the results.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]  
 [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]While you have many options – you really only have two choices:   1) You will plan in advance and follow through with your plans or 2) you will go through the weekend mindless and no plan and end up cheating a little or a lot each day. RESULT #1: Monday morning you will either be super happy and feel good and in control and eager to get back to your 110% week of eating on program — RESULT #2  you will be miserable walking around in tight clothes mentally knowing that you didn’t do what made you happy you did what was easy. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]My Final thoughts:  Thanksgiving comes once a year but so do many other holidays and birthdays. Don’t look for excuses to sabotage yourself. Think about what makes you happy today, tomorrow and the day after. Keep the focus where it should be – not on what you can’t have – focus on what you do have. It’s a beautiful holiday with a lot of celebrations – Enjoy all the love, family, friendships and memories this holiday has to offer – because that is what it is truly about. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Much Love, Health and Happiness
To all of you 
From all of us xo[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
Happy Thanksgiving
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingeatcleanfamilyfeel goodhappyhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleMotivationweight loss


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]It’s not always about doing what makes you HAPPY
Sometimes it’s about having to STOP doing what is making you so UNHAPPY[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Hundreds of new clients and returning clients have signed on in the last month. So much so that I was actually thinking of having a cut off. But those of you that know me know I can’t do it. My life is about helping those in need — it’s what I love to do more than anything. I could never turn anyone away who really wants to lose the weight and be healthy. One reason I tell you this is because I want you to realize the importance of when you are on program I need you to work hard and be committed to the program. That doesn’t mean you don’t make mistakes – we all make mistakes and we all have bad days and some even bad weeks but regardless you keep moving forward and you keep trying because eventually it will come together for you — even if you have hiccups week after week you keep trying until the hiccups are gone. We both know it’s hard work but in order for you to get the best results you need to be in it mentally and physically. So if you are going to do it I want you to put the same amount of love and effort into it as I am for you. That is what creates the best results.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]The Second Reason I am telling you this is because I wanted to tell you the number one complaint of both Men and Women New and Returning— they gained weight in quarantine it got worse over the summer and now they feel completely overweight, OLD and out of shape. Yes OLD. Everyone says it. Weight = feeling OLD.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]I have clients all over the world we are all experiencing quarantine. But not everyone treated the time the same.  The bottom line is those who have done the right thing are in a really good happy place right now – and those who did not have decisions to make. Remember: with all the health issues obesity can cause – extra weight on your body also makes you look and act old. I have mentioned this many times because I have seen it in front of my eyes so often. When a client comes to me overweight most of the time they look even older than they are. They look older they act older, they dress older and most important they feel older. Sometimes we don’t even realize how different — until the weight is off. We know we are not looking and feeling our best but then when we lose the weight we think – WOW that’s what I looked like before? For so many I see the transformation right in front of my eyes. It’s truly amazing how as the weight comes off the confidence comes back. Clients constantly send me before and after pictures – The changes are beyond amazing and it’s not just in how they look. They tell me how they feel amazing, young, and energetic and how they love to wake up feeling lighter, fitter and just simply happier. They no longer wake up afraid of having health problems. They don’t wake up wondering if they will stay on program- they just do the right thing because they know how important it is to their health, and how much it changed them both mentally and physically.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]SOME NOVEMBER TIPS FOR YOU:
  • With Thanksgiving so close – if you are even thinking of pausing your weight loss or pushing off your weight loss for another day or week you need to refocus right now and realize that life is never going to stop for you to lose weight. Start now and make it happen. You will always have an occasion, an event, a holiday, and/or dinners out. You need to make this a way of life and the only way to do that is to incorporate your busy life with your weight loss goals. You can do anything and go anywhere and stay on program.
  • Stop making deals:  If you cheated extra during the week you don’t make the deal to starve yourself the next two days. If you have a lunch or dinner out and it’s not your Cheat Day – You should never be thinking…“Should I stay on program or go off?” – There is no should I or could I. There are no deals to be made with yourself. You have done plenty of that and look at where it has gotten you. You need to be in SHARK mode — keep it all very simple — if it’s not your Cheat Day then you are on program regardless of where you are or what you have going on in your life.
  • Make it a priority: Yes unfortunately you need to be little obsessive about your weight loss. Not in the sense that you have to be extreme but you do have to think about it and it has to be a priority – weight loss is hard and it takes commitment and you have to be willing to feel that little hunger. You can’t get distracted and mindlessly eat —With so much temptation around (and with the holidays it will only get worse) you have to be focused, committed and a little obsessive about staying on program. The more you make it a priority in your life the better the results and the easier the weight loss will be.
  • If you are feeling a little mentally weak – Take out your skinny pants and try them on. Try on your shorts. Look online for a bathing suit you want to be in. Shorts and/or sun dresses – because the next vacation along with spring will be here before you know it. With the weather we are having in NY these days it might be here even sooner than we think. While quarantine was a great time to be the best you can be and even get yourself to a better place — many did not use the time wisely. So now this is the time for you to do it. Start now – you don’t wait for warm weather to be here and then try and start. You do it now so when vacations return and warm weather arrive you are ready.
  • Extra weight makes you unhappy –  studies show that unhealthy and over weight people get angrier over unimportant issues 5x faster than healthy fit people. Most likely the reason is because unhealthy and overweight people tend to start their day unhappy and frustrated to begin with. So as the day goes on so does their temper. So next time you think “should I eat it or should I stay on program?” Remind yourself it’s not just extra food or unhealthy food that you are debating about – What you really are debating is do you want to add another unhappy day to your life and to the life of those around you. Do you want to continue to feel unsettled and out of control with your unhealthy eating habits and more importantly unhappy with who you are and who you have become. Is it really worth what you will be going off program for. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Final Thoughts…..You will always be faced with challenges but you must constantly remind yourself how important this is to you and those who love you. Remind yourself how much you want this. How much better you feel when you stay strong and on your path. It is only when you have this self motivation and consistency of eating clean and on program that you will truly feel better each day. You will feel more in control and wake up feeling healthier and happier. But you have to start and when you do in just a couple of days you will feel better and in a couple of weeks you will wake up like a Shark – doing the right thing, feeling lighter and fitter each day – and all because you finally made the decision that the only deal you will make with yourself is you will do what it takes to live your best life and be the best version on you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]“Create The Life You Can’t Wait To Wake Up To”[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
eatcleanfeel goodhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysLifestyleMotivationweight loss
[dt_sc_hr_invisible]NOVEMBER GOAL[dt_sc_hr_invisible]
[dt_sc_clear]The only special people in the world are the ones who make themselves that way.
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]DO YOU HAVE A GOAL? Sometimes feeling good about the future is one of the keys to happiness. We all need goals to motivate us. It should be challenging enough to excite you, but also achievable. Choosing an ambitious but realistic goal will give your life direction and bring a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you achieve it. A great short term goal for November is Thanksgiving. Where do you want to be when Thanksgiving arrives? [dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small] THANKSGIVING IS LESS THAN 4 WEEKS AWAY: But regardless of where you are right now – ONE solid week is sometimes all it takes to get back on track to feeling great. When you have a week that is 110% clean and on program, at the end of the week you will see where your weight truly is. You will get rid of the water weight and maybe even a pound or two of real weight. It really doesn’t take much and for those who have been on the program you know that you don’t want to go into Thanksgiving feeling bloated and heavy.  Get back on program because even if it’s not where you want to be it’s going to be better than where you are today.[dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND EXCUSES: YOU CAN DO THIS! If you want to reach any goal (short or long term) you must stay positive. Don’t give in to the negative thoughts and excuses “I will start after Thanksgiving” or “What’s the point of starting now how much could I lose” or “ I will wait until January”.  There are so many excuses – you can find one whenever you need to. But where are they getting you? – The more you put off what you need to do the longer it will take to get to where you want to be.[dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NOVEMBER IS A GREAT MONTH FOR WEIGHT LOSS: You can really make so many positive changes in the month of November. It’s a great month to focus on you and your goals. From now until Thanksgiving you should be focused on how you want to feel sitting down at your turkey dinner. You have almost 4 weeks – even if you do 1lb a week that will be 4lbs less than you are today. 2lbs a week is 8lbs. Don’t waste this time — make the changes that will help you feel good about yourself.  There is no better feeling than enjoying the holidays when you are feeling so good in your mind and body. [dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]IF NOT NOW – THEN WHEN? —November will fly by and December is around the corner. Every month you have choices – lose weight, maintain or gain. How you live, how much work and how much time you put into what you want will determine the outcome. No one else can do it or make it happen except you. It takes more than just saying you want it you have to work hard for it everyday. So stop just saying it and instead prove it.  Prove to yourself what you really want and what you are capable of.[dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO NOT LIVE THE BEST VERSION OF YOU:  Give yourself reasons why YOU SHOULD do it now. Why you CAN do it. Why wouldn’t you want to do it. If you are 180 and and want to be 130 – then why shouldn’t you be 130?  If you see people around you that have lost the weight and look great – why shouldn’t that be you? If you keep telling yourself that they are more disciplined than you – it’s just another excuse. What that really means is that they are just willing to work harder for what they want. You need to remind yourself that you are no different than they are and there is no reason why if you work hard you can’t be the number you want or look the way you want.  If being thin and healthy makes you feel beautiful and happy — then what is stopping you? [dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]ARE YOU WILLING TO WORK FOR IT? Weight loss requires work, consistency, commitment and patience. Understanding that there is no end but only a journey to live a clean and healthy life that will get you to your goal. It’ takes thinking, and making the right choices everyday. Now if you don’t want to work hard for what you want and put the time in that you need to – then that’s a different story and that’s on you – and it’s something you have to come to terms with. But if you are willing to work hard, put the time in, make the commitment to make the right choices – you will get your results. 99% of the time the only one that gets in your way is YOU![dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]EVERY MORNING WAKE UP AND PUSH YOURSELF TO BE THE BEST:  How many times have you heard this? But I bet you didn’t know that people who wake up and remind themselves to be positive and challenge themselves to be the best they can be have the most success. Eventually it doesn’t take much effort because it’s simply the way you live. It’s what makes you feel great and you don’t want to feel any other way. Life is short – and if you don’t make the time and effort to do what makes you happy and you don’t put the work in to change into the person you want to be – life will pass you by and you will look back and wonder – why didn’t I do it!? [dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]It doesn’t matter if you have 10 or 100 pounds to lose. If you keep putting yourself in the direction of positive thinking and reminding yourself that you can do it, and keep giving yourself goals to get there – you will do it. While it may take some longer than others to reach their goal, we are all on the same journey and those that live it all end up in the same happy place – Eating clean and feeling good is a journey that we should all be on everyday. [dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium]You are happy when you feel good
And you feel good when you are happy[dt_sc_clear]
[dt_sc_clear]~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyfeel goodhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


Halloween Pumpkins, Ghosts, Thanksgiving, Fall Shopping, Leaves Changing….

What is not to Love about Fall?!

Sometimes it’s not enough to just take care of your body.  When you FALL in love with taking care of your mind and body it can be life changing.  It doesn’t matter where you are right now — if you are just starting, have been on program or returning…  wherever you are the most important thing to start with is to remind yourself daily how important it is to feel good about yourself and how happy it makes you when you are doing the right things —  and you are the only person that can make that happen.


In the beginning of the program (the first couple of weeks) you just need to get through the weeks to get to your cheat day.  The Cheat Day is life saving as it helps you stay on program the other six weight loss days.  but after a couple of weeks and after seeing some really nice changes — it should start to become more than getting through your six clean days to get to your cheat day.  In fact, it should start to reverse.   You should start to live for the six clean days.  The Cheat Day is fun and always look forward to it, but your body and mind should begin to understand and take notice that you feel your very best on your six clean days.  Mentally you start to look forward to them — at the end of your Cheat Day you can’t wait to eat clean the next day.  You can’t wait for a couple of clean days to pass — so you can feel better and get back to the lighter and cleaner feeling you love.  You can’t wait to get back on the track of eating clean knowing that you are back to fueling your body with healthy and clean eating and in return it’s working your numbers in the right direction.  By mid week you should begin to get excited wondering what you will lose this week.  The closer you are to your menu the more weight you will lose.  Will you see a new number and will it be the lowest one you have seen in a long time?  It is so exciting to take care of yourself to the point of loving it.  Loving how you feel and loving how it’s changing you mentally and physically.  When you love feeling good, healthy, lighter, fitter and thinner there is truly no better feeling and no better way to live.  It’s a positive addiction that you should want and love.

 Clients literally text me all the time and say “I have to start sending my food again”, or “I have to get back on program.”  A client just texted me yesterday and said “I have to get back on program.  I don’t know why I go off program every time I am off program I am miserable and when I’m on program doing the right things and taking care of my body I am so happy.  My husband told me last night it’s time to get back to Josephine.  He didn’t say it because of the weight he said it because he knows how happy and good I feel when I am on program and he sees how miserable I am when I’m off.”   MY RESPONSE: YAY!!!! — that of course makes me so happy!  I never want anyone unhappy but it absolutely thrills me when clients realize that being on program is when they are the happiest.  They are the happiest because they feel the best.  So why do we go off program when being on makes us so happy?  The answer is simple — no matter how great being on program makes us feel we will always have little slip ups and hiccups because life gets in the way.  And once it’s in the way and we lose that control —  our brain takes over and it can take days, weeks and sometimes months to get back on path.  But the most important thing is that you do get back on path because you know that is when you feel the absolute best!

 This week try focusing on your six clean days instead of focusing on your Cheat Day.  Think about each  day and how good you feel when you go to bed because you followed the program and stayed 100%, and think about how amazing you feel when you wake up.  Whenever we do the right things for our body it changes us as people.  We are happier, and proud of ourself and how we are treating our bodies.  We are proud of the way we look and feel.  I don’t think anyone can say that they don’t feel anything but amazing when they get dressed in the morning and feel great in their clothes.  If you want that to be you then you need to work for it.  If you want to feel good all week then you need to stay focused and positive about your clean days.  Don’t focus on the one Cheat Day — focus on how you feel the six clean days…  you feel lighter, healthier, thinner — and how you feel when you followed all week and at the end of that week you step on the scale — so proud, super happy, like you want to jump around and tell the world you did it — you followed you lost weight and you feel great!!

 When you do the right things for your body, and make the right choices, and fuel your body with the right foods, you feel better.  Some weeks will always be harder than others but if you stay true to what you want and what makes you feel the best and keep positive everyday knowing this is what makes you happy — then you will start falling in love with what you are doing and what it’s doing for you.  When this happens you will never want to go back to treating your body unhealthy — because you know feeling like that makes you unhappy.  Why would you want to do anything that makes you unhappy or not feel good?  Stay positive and remember what makes you feel your best and what makes the changes in your body the best it can be.  Stay focused and positive on your six clean days and how they are changing your body and then you will truly enjoy your cheat day.

 As much as you love and enjoy the Cheat Day you realize that every consecutive six clean days that you complete is what is changing your body.  It’s changing how you look, it’s changing the scale and most important, it’s changing how you feel.  When you fall in love with taking care of our body and fall in love with feeling the very best that you can — it no longer is about the one Cheat Day a week.  It’s about the six clean days that you are fueling you body with healthy clean portioned foods that make you feel your best.

There is no better feeling than taking care of yourself.  There is no better feeling than doing the right thing for your body and your mind.  There is no better feeling than being the best you can be.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


clean eatingeatcleanfamilyfeel goodhealthyHealthy TipsholidaysSUMMERweight loss


4TH OF July Weekend has arrived — it’s time to make your choice and stick to it.


As many of your know it doesn’t take much to gain weight.  All it takes is not thinking, not planning, and frequently over indulging — very easy to do any time of the year but especially over a long holiday weekend.



you have 3 choices — Lose, Maintain, or Gain


WEIGHT LOSS:  If you are really motivated and the weight loss means everything to you and you don’t want anything in your way of reaching your goals then you will continue to stick to your menu and ONLY HAVE ONE CHEAT DAY THIS WEEKEND.  That means no extras at all.  Simply stick to your meals and snacks and only cheat the ONE cheat day.  If you do this and treat this weekend like any other weekend you will continue to stay on your path and lose weight.  Will it be easy — that depends on how much you have going on  — it also depends on what is most important to you.  While some can go to a BBQ and focus more on how they feel others are challenged by what is around them.  These are choices only you can make.  There are always options — if you are going out make sure you bring what you need or make sure they will have what you need available to you.  Plan before not after.  Don’t give yourself reasons to do the wrong thing.  If you want to stay on program and feel your best then follow your plan and stick to your clean meals and snacks.  The most important thing is to make your choice before you go and stick with what you plan.


MAINTAINING:  If you have a lot going on this weekend and you feel really good about where you are and you want to enjoy a little extra then you will split your days.  You pick 2 out of the 3 days and you stay on program for breakfast and lunch and cheat dinner, drinks and/or desserts; and you do it Friday and Saturday OR Saturday and Sunday or Friday and Sunday (you choose 2 days of the long weekend and cheat any one meal, drinks and/or desserts and the rest of the day you are 100% on program).  If you follow this you will maintain your weight through the holiday weekend — very doable.  But again the most important thing is to make a choice, plan for it and then stick to it.


WEIGHT GAIN:  Very easy to do but NEVER an option!


We always talk about planning and how important it is. But what is more important is following through on the planning.  Do the right things and make sure that if you planned on being 110% today — then you are 100%.  If you planned on cheating for dinner and dessert and then right back on the next day — make sure you go right back on the next day — no excuses.  If you planned on being off program 2 nights but clean all day then make sure you do it.  Always think things through — what is tomorrow going to feel like, and what the end result of your choices will be.  Will it make you happy? Is it worth it? Think about where you are today and where do you want to be come Monday.  Learn to live and enjoy today but plan for what you want and where you want to be tomorrow.


ALCOHOL – THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK:  One drink you are okay — TWO drinks you are forgetting what is important to you — THREE drinks you are done. It’s not the alcohol that is the issue it’s what the alcohol makes you do and what it makes you forget.  It’s fun to have but it can be very damaging on so many levels.  Remember to think before you drink.  Like everything else have a plan and know how many you are having and stick to what you plan.  Drink water throughout it’s hydrating and it keeps your hands busy.


FINAL THOUGHTS…. whether you want to lose weight this weekend or maintain you can do it.  You follow your plan and decide before so you know what you are doing and what the outcome will be.  Think things through and always remember that just because it’s a holiday weekend that you want to enjoy and celebrate doesn’t mean that you need to cheat at everything you go to or everyday of the weekend.  You can enjoy and celebrate everything without constantly indulging unhealthy weight gaining foods.  We know you will feel better mentally and physically and have a happier time staying on program.  When you can be amazing and on program do it because every good healthy clean choice can make the difference between maintaining and gaining.  And all the choices you make as the weekend progresses will make the difference in how you look and feel each day.


You are the only person who can make the excuse of why you are going off program and you are the only person who can give yourself a better excuse of why you are staying on program.  Monday is only 4 days away — think about how you want to wake up and feel when the weekend is behind you.


Make good choices today so you don’t have regrets tomorrow

Innovation Wishes everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe 4th of July

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 

eatcleanfamilyFitnesshealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss



If the scale stopped moving it’s most likely because you stopped moving too!  Rainy days and quarantines can make for a very unhealthy lifestyle for weight loss and health!

DID YOU KNOW…. Based on a study of more than 220,000 people, researchers found that the longer you spend sitting down every day, the higher your risk of dying prematurely, even if you engage in regular exercise.  And if that isn’t scary enough then you should know sitting down for long periods of time isn’t just bad for your metabolism, it can also make you age quicker too.  New research has found that sitting down for long periods of time even with regular exercise can make a person’s cells age prematurely.  Yikes!

Why does this happen?…  Because you are not meant to sit you are built to stand upright.  Your heart and cardiovascular system work more effectively that way.  Your bowel system also functions more efficiently when you are upright.  You are also meant to move!  When you are moving, your overall energy levels and endurance improve, and your bones maintain strength.  Moving your muscles helps your body digest the fats and sugars you eat.  If you spend a lot of time sitting, digestion is not as efficient, so you retain those fats and sugars as fat in your body.  — Yikes again!

Interesting fact…. Your legs and gluteals, are the biggest muscles in your body and when used they burn the most calories.  That’s why runners, long distance walkers, and lower body training will always have and create leaner bodies because they are working their legs and gluteals, and burning the most calories. These large muscles are important for weight loss and overall strength to help stabilize the body.  Sitting for long periods can lead to weakening and wasting away of the large leg muscle and gluteal muscles.  What happens when your leg muscles waste away?…  you don’t burn as many calories because you no longer have the biggest muscles in your body and if that isn’t bad enough you end up with all fat and cellulite.  Because prolonged periods of sitting reduce blood flow and that creates fat and cellulite.  Just another big reason to get up and go…..

Live Longer!… Physical inactivity contributes to over three million preventable deaths worldwide each year. It is the fourth leading cause of death due to non-communicable diseases.  It’s also the cause of approx. 30  per cent of breast, colon cancers, diabetes and heart disease.   So next time you are at your desk and working 8 hours straight think about the damage you can be doing to your body.  Set the timer and make sure you are moving.  It’s something you have complete control over to change.

Feeling Sad?…  We don’t really understand the links between sitting and mental health as much as we do the links between sitting and physical health.  But we do know that the risk of both anxiety and depression is much higher in people that sit more.

Have I made my point yet?…  if not, let me make it clear — it’s time to stop sitting and start moving! And walking your plate to the sink doesn’t count.

Move More In Quarantine…..  An hour of exercise a day is just not enough in quarantine.  Before quarantine you were exercising an hour a day and then you were running errands, work, sports, shopping, kids etc…  Now you exercise and hour a day and you sit a lot more than you used too.


  1. Add one extra hour a of exercise a day (walk, bike, hike, HIIT workouts, or just dance with your family around the house for an hour — so much fun and good for everyone!).  If you do it consistently for 7 days along with your current one hour you will see a big difference in your body and the scale.
  2. Don’t sit for longer than 30 minutes at a time.  Get up do jumping jacks or jog in place.  Do anything to get the blood flowing and the body moving.  Just keep thinking sitting too long = loss of muscle, and lots of fat and cellulite.


Today is more challenging than ever because you are not always on the go.  Being sedentary is definitely going to play a part in how your body looks and functions. So whether you are cleaning, playing with the kids, walking, biking, jogging, …. find the time to move and make the excuses to keep moving as much as you can.  It will help you mentally and physically feel so much better today, tomorrow, next week and next month.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingeatcleanfamilyfeel goodHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


I think it’s safe to say we all need a little extra motivation to do the right thing.  Between the quarantine and the weather – yikes! But Mondays are always a great day for motivation and a great day to be embraced.  Any mistakes you made last week you can change to positive this week.  Anything you wished you could have done better last week — you can do better this week.  Don’t waste another week, and another opportunity to be amazing.  These are the challenging days we all need to fight to get through.  Make this week your week that you will fight for what you want and what makes you happy.  — Not to mention freezing cold snow today is turning to 60 degrees tomorrow.


WHAT YOU DO TODAY WILL REFLECT YOUR TOMORROW:  It’s absolutely true that what you do today will reflect your tomorrow and what you do this week will reflect next week and this month next month and this year next year….   That’s why they say how you live in your 40s, has a lot to do with how you feel in your 50’s.


For so long I have heard so many of you say “I wish I wasn’t working I would have more time to take care of myself.”  OR “I have no time for myself because I am always in the car running around with my kids activities”.  Well…. be careful what you wish for — because now you all have time — plenty of time to do the right thing.  But as with everything in life your new found time comes with new challenges.  The challenge to be in the house around food 24/7.  The challenge to find activities to keep moving and stay motivated.  We are in a new world of less social and more “me time/ family time”.  And quite honestly how you use this time for yourself and your family will absolutely reflect on your tomorrow on so many levels.  So think and make the right decisions because you have more control in your home than anywhere else.  This can really be a positive life changing time of yourself and those you love.


I am truly so proud and  happy to say we had a lot of great weight loss numbers this past weekend.  Not that I ever doubt anyone but I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect as we have never been in this type of situation.  But so many of the clients felt they needed to be extra strict in fear of gaining.  So they gave up a snack and added a little more activity.  Others are so motivated because they feel this is their time to do the right thing knowing when they do emerge from the confines of their home they want to shine.  I have actually had many tell me in the VERY BOLD LETTERS and  with certainty that when the quarantine is over they want to be the butterfly emerging from the cocoon.  — motivating!


NEW AND OLD JOBS – JUST DIFFERENT LOCATIONS:  I was recently speaking with a client and we were talking about how important it is to follow your menu and really understand that anything over the amount on your menu is going to make a difference in your weight loss.  She said to me, ” I see so many of your clients who have lost so much weight and they are so thin but they act like it’s a job and they treat it like it’s a job — is that good?  I said you have to treat it like that.  But it doesn’t have to be a negative job — it should be a positive job.  It’s a job that you love to do.  You want to eat clean and be healthy and yes treat it like an important job in your life.  Today is no different we are just all working in this same job from home.  But if you keep doing the right thing regardless of where you are working from you will always get the best results.


IT NEEDS TO BE ABOUT YOU:  What we don’t always realize is weight loss is so much more than just the number on the scale.  Because everything in our life stems from how we feel and how well we take care of ourselves.  Feeling good or bad will result in having a good or bad day.  Feeling good and treating your body healthy — is going to result in how you approach life and all the good and bad obstacles that come with it.  If you are feeling happy, healthy, fit and strong you are going to get through the rough days a lot better than if you are feeling heavy, bloated, sick and depressed.  In fact, studies show that overweight people have an 80% higher rate of depression than people of a healthy weight.  Why? because you always feel better about yourself when you are taking care of yourself.  Sometimes just having the feeling of control over what you are and are not eating can change your day from bad to good.   You have to decide what is important to you.  Find a motivation to help you get you there and make a commitment to make your health and weight loss a priority.  Even though it’s not normal times it can still be a job that you are excited about doing — and that will give you normalcy and motivation.


I know you have heard this before from me but I need to repeat it — you need to start somewhere.  If you are already in a good place then I am super excited for you  to continue to be amazing!  If you are not feeling great and have no control then you need to get right back on program today.  I promise you, after one week you will feel good after two weeks you will feel great and a month — you will never want to go back to your old eating habits.  I can’t even begin to tell you how many people wrote to me that they were just so happy they started before the quarantine.  Trust me if you have not started do it now.  Whatever day you start it’s always going to be hard.  It was hard to start before the quarantine, it’s hard to start during the quarantine and it will be hard to start after the quarantine.  The longer you delay it the harder it will be.  Just do it — tomorrow you will be so happy you did.





~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


eatcleanfamilyfeel good


I think by this point we are all going a little Coronavirus Crazy!  I was waiting for things to settle down before sending a blog but I realized that might be a while so I decided to move forward and share my thoughts….


First of all I just want to say we have to remember to take everything in perspective.  For most of us if we get the virus we are going to be okay.  Remind yourself who you are protecting right now is the very young, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.  For everyone else it’s going to be like having a bad cold.  So if you are sick stay in and protect our parents, grandparents, children, and those who are already compromised with their health.




THE FLU:  In the U.S. at least 18,000 people have died and 250,000 have already been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season, according to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – more than 26 million Americans have fallen ill with flu-like symptoms.  And this flu season has been especially hard on kids.


CORONA VIRUS:  World wide there are 145,000 cases, 5,411 people have died from it and 70,200 recovered.


There is a big difference when you compare the U.S. and World wide.  When you compare the flu and the Coronavirus you wonder why are they closing schools, and big events for the Corona and they never do for the flu, when the flu affects so many more people?  — Not understanding can create the panic.  — To shed some light on this….. one reason for the closings and quarantine is the Coronavirus is very contagious and while for most of you it will never be more than a cold — it spreads so quickly it can easily become devastation to a community with elderly, very young and comprised immune systems.  So while you may not be affected as bad you have to realize and understand the importance of the damages it can do to others.  That’s the whole reason for the quarantine that if we isolate the virus the hope is the virus will eventually die.   That’s why it’s really important if you are sick or have been exposed to someone sick —  stay home.


But with all the panic that is taking place people are going to end up killing each other before they ever even catch the virus.  So slow down and just take a moment to realize sometimes all we need is a little time to get to a better place.


Right now one of the most important things for you to do is stay healthy because if you do get it the healthier you are the more you will be able to fight it.  I am always preaching to you to make sure you are eating clean and exercising and doing all the right things for your mind and body because the healthier you are the better you can handle anything that comes your way.


Here are some things to think about and do:

  1. Own your space — if you are at an event or any kind of gathering for personal or business give yourself some space when talking to others.  Remember it’s not only about the person you are talking too — it’s who that person was in contact with and the person before that person.  Protect yourself and give at least 6 feet between you and always give air hugs and blow kisses.
  2. Wash all fruit and vegetables with vinegar — Washing with vinegar is the best way to remove bacteria.
  3. Keep it positive! We are all in our own sense of quarantine so have some fun with it and spend some time with those you love and make some memories.  These will be the stories your children tell their children about how much fun they had when their family was quarantined 20 years ago.
  • Young or old – play games, cards, monopoly, charades
  • Get a jump on yard work.  Start pulling those weeds and raking the lawn
  • Clean out the garage – the storage room or the closets for spring
  • Take time away from the News and Social media and get outside in the fresh air and exercise.  Go to the park, or trails, walk, jog, hike, ride your bike, play tag, go to the beach and collect shells from the sand.  The recent weather has given us no excuse not to be outside getting some much needed vitamin D.
  • While you are out at the park — one thing I love to do in my home on a nice cool day is shut the heat and spray the whole house with disinfectant and then open all the windows — and then leave for the day.  Let the house air out and sterilize.


Final Thoughts:  Live your life.  Don’t live in fear because that is absolutely not healthy.  DO NOT use this time as an excuse to go off program.  Because before you know it this will all be a memory and we will wake up and it will be an 80 degree day and there will be those of you that are taking off the coats feeling really good and excited to put on the jean shorts and t-shirts — while others who did not do the right thing will be dreading the 80 degree day more than they did the flu/virus.  I am already seeing it.  Weights are sent to me all day Friday, Saturdays and Sundays and I can already see who is staying strong through the craziness and who is not. Make the right choice.


Right now the one thing you can control is your food.  So you have to decide when the time comes where do you want to be and how do you want to feel.  Make the choice and choose your hard.  Is it harder to do the right thing now or will it be harder to squeeze into your summer clothes later.









~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick