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Tag: january

eatcleanExercisefamilyfeel goodFitnessgoalshappyhealthyHealthy TipsLifestyleMotivation

A Goal Should Scare You A little….

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]January is coming to an end. I want you to take a moment and look back. Are you where you thought you would be? Have you stayed true to yourself and your program? Do you remember December when you were convinced you just couldn’t wait to eat clean and go back on program and do all the right things? You were so upset with how quickly you put the pounds on and promised yourself that January was going to be your month to feel good and get back to the person you love to be. For those of you who did exactly that – I give you a big congratulations as I know there are so many that are doing amazing and I’m truly so proud of you all for working hard everyday. I know how hard this is. I see first hand the struggle is real. With temptations and pressures of work, jobs, friends, family. It’s so easy to give in. We all get weak sometimes. What you have to always remember is there will always be something going on…happy, sad, good, bad, quarantine, celebrations, peer pressure, job, family, friends, health. The list goes on and on. This is life and what makes life so truly amazing is the ups and downs we go through to get to where we are each day. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Did you set your goal this week? This week we have been talking about the importance of setting your goal. Why? Because goals trigger behavior.  Having a challenging but achievable clear, compelling goal mobilizes your focus toward actionable behavior. In other words, goal setting motivates you. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]HERE ARE SOME TIPS ON HOW TO STICK WITH YOUR GOAL[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]1. Promise and Commitment to Yourself…. Don’t think about the actual goal instead remember that your goal was a promise and commitment you made to yourself. It’s easy to say who cares I didn’t lose the pound, or the so what I ate the extra snack, or big deal I didn’t run that mile. It’s not the actual goal that you gave up on it’s yourself. You made a promise and commitment to yourself to do this one challenging but achievable goal this week. Don’t give up on the commitment and the promise because that is the same as giving up on yourself. And once you do that you are giving yourself the excuses and lack of discipline to break that promise and commitment every time something gets challenging in your life. The most important promises and commitments in life are the ones you make to yourself. Those are the one’s you need to keep.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]2. Don’t Give Up…. Remember before you give up on your goal because you are stressed or because of anything that is not going right in your life – remind yourself giving up on your goal is going to make it worse not better. The one thing you can control is completing this small challenging but achievable goal. If you don’t give up and you complete you daily goal you will actually feel more motivated and stronger to handle any obstacles that may travel on your path that day.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]3. Don’t Allow Setbacks to Destroy your Goals…. Unfortunately, many things don’t go as expected, no matter how much planning we do. Being patient with yourself is key to approaching bumps in the road in a positive way. Accept the hiccup in your plan and determine what you could have done differently and how you will now move forward in achieving your goal. For example: If you decided your goal was to stay on program no matter what this week….. then don’t turn one “weak” moment into a reason to cheat the entire day, night week, month. If you get right back on program after your slip up, it will keep you mentally in the game knowing that you didn’t turn a slip into a fall.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]4. PLAN – PREPARE &. FOLLOW THROUGH…. Yes most of you know this one and how important it is. It’s not just about food. Whatever your goal is this week you must Plan (know when you are doing it or how you are doing it), Prepare (make sure you know the time, or have what you need to accomplish it), and Follow Through with what you planned and prepared for each day. These three things are life changing when you incorporate them into your every day. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]5. Push Yourself…. Without pushing yourself to your limits you will never know how far you can can go and what you can really achieve.  It’s okay to be a little uncomfortable — that usually happens when you push yourself. If you are not a little uncomfortable you are not pushing yourself hard enough. This week give yourself that extra push everyday to complete this one goal, and don’t let yourself make any excuse why it’s not important. How hard you push is going to determine how much you want it. That extra push and being a little uncomfortable can make all the difference. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]This is a journey – your journey. You don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently. Because reaching consistent small goals lead to big results.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]A GOAL SHOULD SCARE YOU A LITTLE
AND EXCITE YOU A LOT[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

January Is Almost Over


January is coming to an end. I want you to take a moment and look back. Are you where you thought you would be? Have you stayed true to yourself and your program? Do you remember December when you were convinced you just couldn’t wait to eat clean and go back on program and do all the right things? You were so upset with how quickly you put the pounds on and promised yourself that January was going to be your month to feel good and get back to the person you love to be. For those of you who did exactly that – I give you a big congratulations as I know there are so many that are doing amazing and I’m truly so proud of you all for working hard everyday. I know how hard this is. I see first hand the struggle is real. With temptations and pressures of work, jobs, friends, family. It’s so easy to give in. We all get weak sometimes…even my sharks get weak. What you have to always remember is there will always be something going on…happy, sad, good, bad, celebrations, peer pressure, job, family, friends, health. The list goes on and on. This is life and what makes life so truly amazing is the ups and downs we go through to get to where we are each day.
What is important and what I want you to always remember this – When you feel good about yourself, and when you feel healthy and strong anything life throws at you is always going to be easier to get through. There is a sense of power when you feel good about yourself. There is really no denying it – when you are healthy, thin, fit, and your clothes fit you – it puts you in a good place physically and mentally. Your problems make you less upset. You no longer get upset over every little thing. You are not short with your spouse or your children. Everything seems easier to get through – Can’t pay a bill? Who cares my jeans fit me; Homework coming out of my ears? – Who cares the scale was amazing this morning. Instead of hiding from everyone – you can’t wait to socialize and see people. You see, over all when you do the right things for you body and mind…and when you have control over your food and what you are putting in your body to make you feel good – it just makes everything in life easier and makes you a happier person.
Here are some tips for the next time temptation shows up on your healthy path:  
1) Remember before you go off program because you are stressed or because of anything that is not going right in your life – remind yourself going off program is going to make it worse not better. The one thing you can control is your food and how you want to look and feel. If you stay on program you will be able to handle whatever is in your way that day.
2) When my sharks get weak they have an extra on program snack. They don’t turn one “off” moment into a reason to cheat the entire day, night and week. If you feel weak and you need something, choose one more on program snack. Most of the time it’s not hunger you are feeding so whatever you have that is on program will help you and it will keep you mentally in the game knowing that you are still on program.
3) Send in your food. The clients who send Me and Thea their food and drink every night do the very best. It is an accountability for you and it helps us evaluate what you are doing and give us the opportunity to change things if we need to.  
4) Remember your promise to yourself. Think about December and how you felt. Think about your next vacation and how you WANT to feel. Constantly remind yourself that this is important to you. Remember there is never any judgment on our part. We know how hard it is and we want you to succeed. No one wants this for you more than we do. So if you fall off you simply reach out and we will get you right back on. I don’t care if it happens 5, 10 or 100 times. You have to keep trying and you will eventually succeed. Not everyone succeeds the first time. You just don’t know that because you only see the final product of someone else’s success. I know what it takes them to get there.  And for many, it’s more than once until they really get it and do the very best.  —  Do not wait until you get to a decent number before you reach out. That is never a good thing. It’s like waiting to look good to go to the gym. When you have lost your way and are struggling we are here to get you back on your healthy path.  
5) Remember this is a journey – a work in progress. There is no end to eating clean and doing the right things for your body and mind. Even when you reach goal you still have to eat clean and do the right things – so stop looking and feeling like you can’t wait until it’s over – it’s never over. It’s just a matter of what part of the journey you spend the most time in.  
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10017
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Incentive Week!

Use this week as an incentive to see what you can accomplish when you put your mind, body and soul to it. This week we are going to send out a Before and After each day of some awesome clients who don’t mind helping inspire others by sharing their hard work and awesome results!


Remember, losing weight, saying no and doing the right thing is hard for everyone. It’s not just you who has to walk away. We have said it over and over that doing that right thing makes you feel lighter, happier and healthier. When you see the confidence and the happiness in each of the clients faces you really understand why it’s so important to live healthy and clean. When you feel good about yourself it changes who you are. Yes physically, but also mentally too! You are happier. You feel it and everyone around you can feel it and see it too!


WHATEVER YOUR LAST TWO WEEKS ENTAILED – HEALTHY OR UNHEALTHY behavior or if you have been 110% on program or 110% off program – Today is a new day for everyone. If you haven’t already started then start now so when your next big event, vacation or summer rolls around you are not dreading it – but looking forward to dressing and enjoying it. Eating healthy and clean, losing weight and feeling great is something that has to be a part of your life everyday.  If you are struggling, keep trying. Because it’s only when you are good to your body that your body will be good to you.


Domenica loves the way she lives and lives the way she loves!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Incentive Week!

Use this week as an incentive to see what you can accomplish when you put your mind, body and soul to it. This week we are going to send out a Before and After each day of some awesome clients who don’t mind helping inspire others by sharing their hard work and awesome results!    
Remember, losing weight, saying no and doing the right thing is hard for everyone. It’s not just you who has to walk away. We have said it over and over that doing that right thing makes you feel lighter, happier and healthier. When you see the confidence and the happiness in each of the clients faces you really understand why it’s so important to live healthy and clean. When you feel good about yourself it changes who you are. Yes physically, but also mentally too! You are happier. You feel it and everyone around you can feel it and see it too!  
WHATEVER YOUR LAST TWO WEEKS ENTAILED – HEALTHY OR UNHEALTHY behavior or if you have been 110% on program or 110% off program – Today is a new day for everyone. If you haven’t already started then start now so when your next big event, vacation or summer rolls around you are not dreading it – but looking forward to dressing and enjoying it. Eating healthy and clean, losing weight and feeling great is something that has to be a part of your life everyday.  If you are struggling, keep trying. Because it’s only when you are good to your body that your body will be good to you.  
Domenica loves the way she lives and lives the way she loves!
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness 
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

New Year Celebrations

The final holiday of 2014 is just around the corner. It is hard to believe that this year is about to come to an end! Whether you plan to celebrate the coming of the New Year out on the town or watch the festivities from the comfort of your home, take this time to make one last healthy push this year. New Years is typically a night of partying and leaving this year behind for a fresh start, but don’t let it fool you. You don’t get to press a magical restart button when the clock strikes midnight. The rules still apply, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate these past 12 months to the fullest. Make this week extra healthy – eat clean and exercise in preparation for New Years Eve celebrations and to get a step ahead on your New Years Resolution, instead of letting Christmas and Hanukkah holiday eating spread out over this week. The time after the big holidays is crucial. It may seem like a constant uphill battle, but once you are able to bounce back after such a hectic and heavy eating schedule you will be so glad that you put in the extra effort now. Enjoy that party and a bubbly drink knowing you earned it.


This is a great time to be building momentum. This month we have talked a lot about getting through the holidays, but you should also take this time to give some thought to your New Years Resolution. Usually it’s something that people dread. A seemingly impossible task that they commit themselves to even though they know deep down that they won’t accomplish it. They tell their family and friends that they’re going to finally get healthy, eat right, exercise and lose those 5, 10, 15,  20 plus pounds. But then they dive in with the wrong mindset. Everything healthy they do is a step in the right direction, and when they go off track and finally give up? Well, it was expected to end that way anyway.


That cycle ends this year. Whether you have been on your weight loss plan for the past few months or made the decision to start last week, you already took the first step. What else will you do differently? Remember how far you have already come and look forward to your future accomplishments.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018