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BE OBSESSIVE[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]With February coming to an end and beautiful Spring approaching we are going into MARCH with a Healthy Positive Mindset of OBSESSION.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]When you hear the word OBSESSIVE – you may think that’s a bad thing. But that’s only true when you’re obsessing over something that’s not healthy. The truth is obsession is an absolutely positive quality when it comes to improvement – and that is exactly the case when it comes to your mind, body, health and weight. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]If you want to be successful you have to be obsessive about it. Obsession can be a powerful and positive mental state. An obsession, by definition, is something that excessively preoccupies the mind. So if you are asking yourself is it healthy to be obsessive about something the answer is absolutely – especially if that obsession is an obsession to improve yourself – it’s not only healthy it’s also very motivating[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]We have all seen the obsessive people. You know the clients who are “on program” every week. If it’s not their cheat day they don’t cheat. They don’t make excuses and they don’t look to blame others – they own it. They are okay with being uncomfortable. They know what they want and they are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. They are aware everyday of how much this means to them and they are willing to work for it every day.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]So how do we become obsessive about what we want. Most of us are naturally goal-striving. We experience more satisfaction and joy from striving to achieve our goals than we do from actually achieving them. When we check the scale at the end of the week and see that all our sacrifices paid off in a 1-2 pounds loss, it feels amazing. Small successes are motivating, and they help us stay focused. These small successes also feed our obsession to keep striving and improving. So start with small goals and be obsessed about reaching them.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Here are some tips on how to become obsessive to achieve your dreams and goals:
  1. Make your dreams deeply enrooted and emotional. Making a committed decision about who you want to become and then working every day to become that person. It has to be emotional to you. Once you start living in harmony with your emotions it will create the actions needed, you’ll no longer have to rely on willpower. Because it’s so emotionally important to you – you’ll know what you need to do and just do it. The time you used to spend thinking if you should or shouldn’t will not exist. When you are obsessed about it – you just do it.
  2. Don’t let yourself get distracted. Obsession with improvement means that every day, without fail, you will relentlessly focus on completing your day and reaching your goal. You will do whatever it takes.
  3. Your obsessions should be what you are craving for. You know when you have a craving – your focus becomes on satisfying the craving. Let’s say you wake up in the morning with a craving for a latte. It’s the only thing you’re currently concerned about. As a result, you grab your keys and head to your local coffee shop to satisfy your craving.  Successful people have this feeling on a daily basis. But the cravings are on their dream and goals. When they want something, they devote their entire focus and energy to making it a reality. Until they achieve their goal, they’re not focused on anything else. Make your obsession your craving. If you want to lose weight don’t only want it crave for it. Crave for it like you would anything else in your life big or small. Make it your obsession to reach it.
  4. Make yourself a priority and stop blaming time: One of the  most common excuse people will often make is, “I don’t have enough time” but the last time I checked everyone lives by the same 24 hours. So why is it then that some people are able to accomplish so much more than others? The answer is because they live by their priorities and do only that which is most important. So make yourself a top priority. It’s not selfish it’s necessary.
  5. Stop the Excuses. I can never say this one enough…. like all other thoughts, excuses are only our perception of reality. They are not the truth, but rather just the reasons we tell ourselves for why we did or didn’t do something. Excuses are the little stories we try to make ourself believe why we decided not to do something and why we didn’t follow through with what we planned. Stop making them.
[dt_sc_hr_invisible]My Final Thoughts: I suggest that you become obsessed about living the life you want – otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t live it. It’s important to stop waiting for success and instead start approaching it as a duty, obligation, and responsibility.  The people I know who are at the top of their game didn’t get there by wanting to be better, they are there because they are obsessed with wanting it. And listen I know there are a lot of people who will disagree with me, and that’s okay. Everyone has to have their own beliefs and thoughts on what is important to them. But from what I see – when you take care of yourself and feel your best it gives you confidence and courage to live the life that makes you the happiest. And because of all the temptation in the world – you have to be obsessed about your goals and dreams because there is just too many distractions to take you off your path. And before you know it months and years have gone by and you are still trying to accomplish the same thing. Don’t do that to yourself. Be obsessive about what you want and reach that goal. When you reach it then you can move on to the next goal and next dream. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]I’ve learned it’s always a choice – your choice.
You can tell yourself all the excuses in the world about why you can’t do the things you supposedly feel are so important, but no excuse exists that can or will get you what you want. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick