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Whether you have done it already, have not done it yet, or are continuing to do it every week, here are some answers to many of the questions and some suggestions to help you get through the day.
RESULTS: The results are in and the clients have been losing anywhere between 3-7 pounds with the detox. The key is you must go right back on program the next day. The best part about doing the detox and why it works so well – is when you do the detox after a cheat day it’s like cheat day never happened because you are giving your body a day to process all the stored food. It’s also detoxing all the chemicals and toxins from the cheat day foods. It’s a win – win for weight loss and health.  Clients are feeling energetic, lighter, flatter and happier.
The detox comes in six bottles set. The best day to do it is the day after a cheat day, vacation or holiday. You can do the full detox once a week or do mini detox a couple of times a week.
1. Amazing Results:  Drink 6 bottles 2 hours apart all in one day – this will give you the best detox and weight loss results
2. Great Results:  Drink 3-4 bottles and no food for one day. You will still get great detox and weight loss results. Save the other bottles for the next day or next week.
3. Great Results:
Day 1:  Drink 3 bottles with just water in between
Day 2: 2 Bottles – and have a solid dinner and snack
Day 3: 1 bottles – and have a solid lunch dinner and snack
*You can do consecutive days or split them up each week.
4. Good Results:
Once a week : Drink 2-3 bottles during the day and only have dinner and one snack
3. Appetite control and detox
Have one bottle first thing in the morning to help you with appetite control and give your body a mini detox to start the day
*Detox must be completed at least 48 hours before a cheat day/holiday/vacation.
It’s a lemonade with a spicy kick. Is it very spicy? No. But you will feel the kick.
Suggestions and thoughts from my creative clients:
– pour over ice in a wine glass
-shots – put it in a shot glass and take shots of it all day
-drink it through a straw
What does the detox actually do:
It’s a detox not a cleanse. What’s the difference? A cleanse has laxative affects.
The Innovation Detox:
– purifies the body of toxins
– gives the body a rest from whole foods and let’s it digest and process stored food that is left in the intestines
-reduces inflammation in the body
– eliminates stomach bloating
-satisfies cravings and helps curb hunger
-creates weight loss
Can you workout? Can I have Coffee? Can I chew gum?
Yes you can workout the day of the detox and the day after. But always listen to your body and if you feel that you can’t then don’t. This is a detox so if you drink coffee – have the coffee and then start the detox. Once you start the detox it’s detox drink and water only. No coffee, gum, mints etc. You don’t want to put any chemicals in your body you are trying to get rid of.
Is it hard to do? It’s as hard as you tell yourself it will be
– Funny story – one of my clients who I new was very capable of doing this was really excited when she got the detox. But of course like many of us the morning she started she let her mental thoughts immediately get to her. She texted me half way through the first bottle and said — I don’t know if I can do this. I already have a headache—-… and went on to list all the negative things she was feeling. Im very familiar with all my clients and their personalities and I knew what was happening. I explained that she needed to get over the initial thoughts that this was going to be her day drinking detox. Thinking negative thoughts about not eating and chewing all day can be difficult. And for many of you it’s about routine. You wake up and you know when you are going to eat and you look forward to it. Getting past the thought that you are drinking all day is a big deal. I totally get it. But I also know what you can do and how good you feel when you do it. — I told her to basically stop thinking about it so much and just get past it. It’s one day and you can do anything for one day. And honestly once you finish the first bottle it really gets so much easier both mentally and physically. She listened. Sure enough not only did she drink 5 bottles, she felt so amazing and her numbers on the scale were so good that she decided to drink the detox for breakfast and lunch the next day and only had dinner and dessert. She told me she wasn’t even hungry the next day and that I was right once she told herself to get over it and just be “okay” with it – she was fine.  My point to the story is that it’s very easy to talk yourself out of anything. Keep this in perspective – It’s one day and it’s amazing results for your weight loss and your health!! You can do anything for one day and when you are getting such amazing results it should make it that much easier. Just commit and get through it. Stay positive and know that you can do this. Most of all remind yourself the good you are doing for your body both physically and mentally.
You can always do better than give up