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Tag: weight loss tips

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

4 Things You Can Do Tonight for a Better Tomorrow


Losing weight doesn’t just happen during the day. What we do at night and while we sleep can affect us just as much as what we do during the daytime hours. It’s true that we burn calories while we sleep, but that doesn’t mean that we can do whatever we want during the day and evening. Here are somethings to consider tonight to have a healthy tomorrow. 


1. PLAN: Have a plan for what you will eat tomorrow. We’ve heard this all before, but it really is a huge help. This can mean prepping your entire day or just having something ready to go. As the week goes on we can get lazy or lose energy and the temptation to pick can overwhelm us. Sometimes other unscheduled events can come up and before we know it, we’re eating whatever is easy and nearby. Make sure you always have a plan B. If your original day goes haywire then being prepared with portioned snacks in the right place (fridge, purse, backpack, car, briefcase, etc.) or a pre-made meal at home or at work that is ready to eat can make a huge difference by taking out the stress of choosing what to eat. Some like to cook a meal or multiple meals ahead of time, some do their grocery shopping on the same day every week, and others have their go-to places that they like to eat at, or take out or order in from. Find what works for you and stick to it. Having a plan B can save you from a weight gaining day. 


2. EXERCISE: If you plan to exercise tomorrow, have your clothes and equipment ready. This is especially important now that the mornings are getting colder, making it harder to even get out of our nice warm beds. Make it as easy as possible for you to get up and get your day started, even as the mornings get darker and colder. Less daylight can also make us feel like the day is over at 6pm, but that doesn’t mean we should throw in the towel when there is still plenty of time to make progress. If you like to exercise in the morning or at night, stick with your routine. Don’t let any excuse get in your way. 


3. AFTER SCHOOL activities: If you are busy with after school activities and running around with the kids use it to your advantage. One of my clients told me she brings only water with her and is surprised at how she really doesn’t need to eat snacks when she is running around. If the snacks are available she may eat them. But when she doesn’t have them she drinks water and goes home and has dinner. Often resulting in one or no snacks for the day. So if you feel you can go with one or no snacks at the after school actives give it a try. Bring water and remember you may feel a little hungry but that’s a good sign that you are losing.   Remember you control your food. The food doesn’t control you. 


4.  SLEEP! It’s not only important for your overall healthy, but for your weight loss as well. Having a good night’s sleep will ensure that you have a clear head and plenty of energy to do your best. When we are tired, we look to caffeine and sugar to give us a boost. It can also cause us to crave comfort foods to make us feel better. Being sleepy will mean that it will be harder to resist these foods and drinks, so make sure you get some rest! It can also mean that you are too tired to workout if exercise is part of your day – yet another reason to get a good night’s sleep as often as possible. 



When your MIND plans for your BODY you will find great success in your weight loss, overall health and well being!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018


FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Decoding Food and Drink Labels


When it comes to food and drink labels and packaging, we all understand the basics pretty well – calories, fat, sodium, sugar, protein, serving sizes, etc. But do you know the difference between Unsweetened and No Sugar Added? What about Low Fat and Fat Free? And what does “Reduced” really mean? Many food labels can be misleading or confusing, so here is a breakdown of different food labels and what they really mean. 


No Sugar Added


These both means that a product contains sugar, but it is sugar that is naturally already in the food. Fruit, vegetables and dairy are some foods that naturally contain some sugar. So when you see a product that says “No Sugar Added” that means it contains ingredients that already have sugar, and that they didn’t add any more to the product. Per the FDA, “No Sugar Added” foods cannot be sweetened with sugar containing ingredients, but they can be made with artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. Artificial sweeteners are synthetic sugar substitutes, although they may be derived from naturally occurring substances such as herbs or even sugar itself. Sugar alcohols come from plant products – the carbohydrate in something like berries or other fruit is altered through a chemical process. Artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols can be beneficial because they can help with weight loss, but they have been known to have negative effects when consumed in excess and have a bad reputation for being part of processed foods. 




Here is where it gets confusing. According to the FDA, foods and beverages labeled as “Unsweetened” can contain naturally occurring sugars and sugar alcohols, but they cannot contain artificial sweeteners. For example, orange juice can be labeled as “Unsweetened” but it will still contain sugar because sugar is naturally found in oranges. So, similar to “No Sugar Added” foods, they may already have sugar in them, but the difference here is that “Unsweetened” foods and beverages cannot have artificial sweeteners. 


Sugar Free


As you can probably guess, this means that there is no naturally occurring sugar in this product, but it can contain artificial sweetener. That is how products like pudding and gum can be called “Sugar Free” but still have a sweet taste. 


Fat Free


This means that a food or beverage has little to no fat in it, specifically less than 0.5 grams per serving. The terms “zero”, “without”, “no” and “skim” have also been used on labels to describe fat free foods and drinks. 


Light or Low Fat or Sodium or Cholesterol 


Anything that says it is low in fat, sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol means that it is reduced. Specifically, if it has 3 grams or less per serving of fat, 1 gram or less per serving of saturated fat, 140 mg or less per serving of sodium, and 20 mg or less or 2 g or less than saturated fat to be considered low cholesterol. It is similar for “Light” or “Lite” labels but conditions are a little more complicated for these labels, but they mean that a product contains lower fat or sodium or other component.  



Reduced Fat or Sodium or Cholesterol


Don’t be fooled by these labels. They are not the same as “Low” fat, cholesterol or sodium. Reduced means that something has been altered to take out at least 25% of the fat, cholesterol, sodium, etc. in a certain product. So, if a product contains 1,000 mg of sodium per serving, then reducing it by 25% doesn’t do much. That doesn’t mean that all “Reduced” labels should be avoided – just know what the contents really are.




Any label that reads “100% Organic” contains ingredients that are grown or produced without using chemicals, with no genetically modified organisms and have had no exposure to irradiation. No other additives are permitted. “Organic” labels are products that contain 95% or more organically produced ingredients. Any other ingredients must consist of non-agricultural substances as regulated by the USDA. Anything that says that it is “Made with Organic Ingredients” is something that is processed but made with at least 70% organic ingredients. 


Gluten Free


This means that the product does not contain any detectable gluten or oats or related products or gluten containing ingredients. Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat, rye, barley, and triticale. Some people eat gluten free because they or a loved one has celiac disease, while some people choose to avoid gluten for other health reasons or weight loss reasons. 




The term refers to how much fat is in meat, poultry, seafood and game meats. “Lean” means that a product contains less than 10 g total fat, 4.5 or less saturated fat and less than 95 mg of sodium per serving and per 100 g. 


Good Source


Anything that says it is a good source of vitamins, fiber, minerals, etc. contains 10% to 19% of the Daily Value.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

The Three C’s of Weight Loss


When it comes to reaching a real and important goal there are no shortcuts. Making an effective and long lasting change in your habits and lifestyle takes time and determination, and unfortunately there are no secret ways to make things easier and quicker. This is especially true for weight loss because you are going through a physical and mental change. You engage your whole body and mind to reach a weight loss goal. Even though there is no magic spell that will make everything happen overnight, there are three key things to keep in mind and use in your weight loss plan that will help you reach your goal. 




Having mental strength is one of the most important tools in your arsenal. You have to have the strength to resist temptations and you also have to have the strength to pick yourself up and keep yourself motivated when things get difficult. When you doubt yourself, remember how committed you felt when you started. You were full of hope and optimism, and ready to take on anything. It’s hard to constantly stay in this state of excitement and confidence, but hold on tight to your commitment. It will keep you going. 




It’s not possible to snap your fingers and get everything we want, but there are ways to make things easier for yourself. Do you have trigger foods that cause you to binge and munch mindlessly? Don’t buy them, even if you tell yourself you won’t touch them or over indulge. Don’t put yourself in that position. Are you planning on going out to a meal or outing? Take a look at the menu ahead of time and have a plan whenever possible. Don’t play it by ear and make decisions in the moment. Do you plan to start or re-commit yourself to exercise? Find a gym or facility that is close to where you live or work and easy to get to. In the winter it will be hard to get out of the house, not to mention going to the gym and working out. If you want to exercise at home, find a space to put the equipment you want to use and get any equipment you want now. It will be hard to skip a workout when all you have to do is get out of bed and get dressed. Putting in a little extra work ahead of time will make your life so much easier when it comes time to execute your plans. 




This quality is crucial. All the efforts you make mean nothing if you wipe them away the day after. Consistency is the key to your success. It may feel tedious, fighting little battles every day and not getting dramatic results week after week. The truth is, you don’t want dramatic weight loss. When it goes off too quickly, it will come back just as quick which is never healthy. There is a saying: Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your methods. Consistency doesn’t mean you always have to do the same thing day in and day out, but you do have to make smart and healthy choices that bring you closer to your goals every day. 


When you bring these three qualities together and use them as a guide in your weight loss you will have a strong sense of confidence and direction. Decide what you want, go after it with the right tools and support, and you will find nothing but success.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Thoughts to Keep Your Weekend Cleaner


The weekend has finally arrived. It’s friday – you made it clean all week. Yay!!! Good for you!! The most important thing I want you to remember going into your weekend is unless it’s your cheat dat – you have to keep it clean. If you get sloppy and cheat a little Friday, Saturday and Sunday you will not lose weight. The cheat day only works when it’s ONE day and when the other 6 days are 100% clean and that includes the weekend. Just so you understand how important this is I want to share with you some science behind how the weight loss program works.

You have trillions of fat cells in your body. Some are open and some remain closed. The open ones are active fat cells. Some people have more open than others (overweight and obese). When you gain weight the fat cells open, and when you lose weight the fat cells close. That’s why when you lose weight the fat doesn’t fall to the floor – It literally shrinks. The fat cells do not close overnight – they close over a period of time. They will only close when you are eating clean consistently and consecutively. Each day that you eat clean they close a little more. When you eat clean consistently on consecutive days they keep closing. If you continue to eat clean everyday for 6 days then by the end of the week on the 5th to 6th day of your clean eating they completely close and that’s what gives you the loss on the scale. Depending how many fat cells close at once will determine the number of pounds you lose. When fat cells close this is real fat loss. So you can see how important the day or two before your cheat really matters. The 5th and 6th day is where you see your maximum loss. If you cheat a little the day before then you will sabotage your losses and your fat cells will stop closing.

Just to recap: if you eat clean all week and then on the 5th and 6th day you cheat a little – you have not given the fat cells enough consistent consecutive days to keep closing and you will not lose that week. You may feel better because the cells are 1/2 way or 3/4 of the way closed. That’s why sometimes the scale doesn’t move but you say “you feel like you lost weight” but you won’t see it on the scale until they close completely and that will only happen on your clean 5th and 6th day of your week. The 5th and 6th day are so important and can take you from a 1 lb to a 3 lb loss depending on how clean your entire 6 days were. So if you had an amazing week and you really want to see your weight loss efforts then make sure you keep your weekend clean and only cheat on your cheat day. A glass of wine, a bite of cake or a piece of pasta can throw you off and stop the process – so think before you act and make sure what you are about to do is worth what you are going to lose or gain.




~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Pumpkin Spice Madness


October is pumpkin season! It’s impossible to go anywhere without seeing pumpkin flavored everything – lattes, cookies, cakes, bread, pie, ice cream, yogurt, tea, coffee, oatmeal, pancakes – and the list goes on. The trouble is, they are rarely healthy! Try these recipes to get in on the pumpkin craze this season without derailing your weight loss. 


Pumpkin Spice Latte 




The most popular item of the season, lighter and cleaner. For this recipe, you will need 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 3 tablespoons of pumpkin puree, 1 teaspoon of pie spice, 8 ounces of brewed coffee (or 1 shot of espresso), a sprinkle of cinnamon and sweetener to taste. In a saucepan, mix together the almond milk and pumpkin then cook on medium heat on the stovetop (or microwave for 30-45 seconds). Remove from heat and stir in spices and sweetener then pour into a mug. You can even use a brother or blender to froth the liquid. Add coffee or espresso and a sprinkle of cinnamon and enjoy!


Pumpkin Bean Dip 




This recipe is a delicious alternative to hummus. You will need 1 can of pumpkin, 1 can of black beans (rinsed), 1/2 can of cannellini beans (rinsed), 2 tbsp of oil, 2 cloves of garlic, juice from two lemons, 1/2 tsp of cumin, 1/4 tsp of salt and 1/4 tsp of pepper. The best part is how easy it is – simply add all the ingredients to a food processor and blend! Keep it refrigerated until ready to serve. Try them with rice cakes, Ak Mak or Cheese Crisps. It’s great for parties and get togethers! 


Pumpkin Seeds 




When Halloween comes around, don’t just throw out the unused insides of the pumpkins you carve. Pumpkin seeds are a great snack – a good source of protein, potassium and magnesium. They can also help lower cholesterol and promote good prostate health. You could even add them to a salad or have 1/4 cup as a snack. You can easily remove the pumpkin pulp from the seeds by washing the seeds in a strainer. Make sure they are dry before roasting. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Take the seeds you have and place them in a large bowl. Toss the seeds with oil (1 tablespoon per 2 cups of seeds) then add spices of your choosing. You can try dry barbecue seasoning, curry spices, cinnamon, ginger, chili powder, nutmeg, and more. Once they are coated, spread the seeds out evenly on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes, stirring them every few minutes. 


Protein Pumpkin Spread 




This recipe is great for breakfast or a snack. All you need is 3 tbsp of pumpkin, 1 scoop of protein powder (vanilla works great), 1 tbsp of almond butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Simply mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and spread 2 tbsp on a slice of whole wheat bread for breakfast or one tbsp on one rice cake or two Ak Mak for a snack – or even 2 tbsp with an apple is delicious.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Beginner’s Guide to Protein

When it comes to weight loss, protein is something that people seem to obsess over. Eating enough of it, finding the best sources of it, trying supplements, consuming enough for exercise, etc. It can be hard to find reliable and helpful information about your protein needs when you change your eating habits and start to lose weight, so here are some common questions and tips for understanding protein and its role in your diet.


What is protein?


We are going to start with the very basics. In the simplest terms, protein is a type of molecule in food and beverages that our bodies can break down into amino acids. Our bodies need amino acids to function. There are some amino acids that our bodies can create, but there are some that we need that we get through consuming food.


How much protein should I be having?


Determining the right amount of protein that is good for you depends on your age, height, weight, gender, level of activity and more. There is a healthy range for everyone. You can eat 1,000 calories a day of food without protein and lose weight, but it’s not healthy. The same goes for too much – you don’t want to over do it. It’s true that your needs can change slightly. The amount of protein that a teenager should have might vary from that of an adult. People who exercise might need slightly more protein than people who don’t. Pregnant or nursing women need more protein throughout their day than women who are not. But keep in mind that in general, these changes are minor and it doesn’t help you to consume more than you need. Unless you are a body builder, you don’t have to go overboard. Your current weight loss plan takes all these factors into account and contains the right amount of protein for you, no extra effort required 🙂


What are the best sources of protein for weight loss?


Remember that there is always difference between “healthy” foods and “weight loss” foods. Foods like red meat and whole eggs are good sources of protein, but if you want to lose weight there are other alternatives that are better options. The best protein options are foods that you are probably already familiar with – Greek yogurt, chicken, turkey breast, tuna, salmon, peanut butter, nuts, tofu, edamame, quinoa, egg whites, cheese and more. These foods are seen over and over again and that’s because they work. Don’t be fooled by trends like “superfoods” – that is just a marketing term used to describe foods with supposed health benefits. Stick with the clean and simple options and you will lose weight and get your healthy dose of protein.


What about protein powders, bars and supplements?


A bar, smoothie or shake can make a great meal or snack during your day or a perfect after work out choice to help your muscles recover, but you don’t have to consume protein products all day to get your recommended amount of protein. Again, consuming 10x more protein won’t make you 10x healthier or lose weight 10x faster.


The most important thing to take away from this is that protein is just a part of the big picture. There isn’t one aspect of food and weight loss that is going to change you overnight so you shouldn’t over think it or go to the extreme in an effort to rush the process. The correct portions and healthy weight loss foods you eat are exactly what you need. Not magic pills, not new trends or quick fixes, not the newest supplement or superfood. Like weight loss, getting the right amount of protein is all about simplicity and balance. Have the patience, be consistent and you will see results.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

The first day of fall was this week and the season is starting to feel like it is really here. Something that brings a lot of comfort and warm memories during these months are delicious and hearty meals made in slow cookers and crock pots. When losing weight, we often miss out on such meals because it can be difficult to find clean and healthy recipes. Here are some great recipes that will support your weight loss without missing out on flavor.


Quinoa Squash Stew




For this filling and tasty recipe, you will need 7 cups of vegetable broth, 1 cup of quinoa, 1 butternut squash (about 6 cups), 1 medium onion, 14 oz tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 bay leaf, 3 garlic cloves, 2 tsp of Oregano, 2 tsp dried Parsley, 1/2 tsp chili flakes, 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper, 2 tsp curry powder, 1 tsp of salt and 1 tbsp of olive oil. It will make 8 servings and it’s also gluten free. Diced up the onion and peel and cube the squash, then simply add all the ingredients to the slow cooker and stir them together. Cook on high for 3-4 hours (until quinoa is cooked and the squash is tender). At this point you should stir everything again really well then let the mixture sit on the low heat setting for another 30 minutes to let all the liquid really absorb. After that, give it another stir before dishing it out (1 cup = 1 serving).


Split Pea Sweet Potato Soup




This recipe is also a delicious and hearty meal for those colder nights, and it’s also vegan. Start with 1 pound (2 1/4 cups) of green split peas, 5 celery stalks, 1 large sweet onion, 1 garlic clove, 8 cups of vegetable broth, 1 medium sweet potato and salt and pepper to taste. Chop the onion, mince the garlic, slice the celery, wash and drain the peas, and peel and dice the sweet potato. Add everything except the sweet potatoes and cook on low for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. After 2 hours, add the sweet potatoes and cook for another 30 minutes (until peas are soft and soup looks creamy). Stir before serving and add salt and pepper to taste (1-2 cups = 1 serving).


Chick Pea Coconut Curry




This is an exciting and satisfying recipe that is also gluten free and vegan. You will need 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1/2 a yellow onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 tablespoon of ginger, 15 oz can of chick peas, 1 cups of tomato, 2 cups small cauliflower florets, 1 sweet potato, 1 cup vegetable broth, 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk, 1/2 tablespoon curry powder, 1 tablespoon garam masala (Indian seasoning), 1 teaspoon of salt, and 2 cups baby spinach. Start by chopping the onion, mincing the garlic and ginger, peeling and dicing the sweet potato and chopping the spinach. Then heat the oil in a pan and sauté the onion, garlic and ginger for 5-7 minutes. Transfer this mix to the slow cooker then add all the other ingredients except the spinach and give it all a good stir. Heat on low for 6 hours or on high for 4 hours. Right before serving, add the spinach and stir in the slow cooker for 5 minutes (1 cup = 1 serving).


Pepperoncini Chicken




This last recipe is a great lunch or dinner option with tons of flavor that also reheats perfectly. You will need around 3 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast, 1 cup low sodium chicken broth, 8 oz of pepperoncini peppers with liquid and 2 tbsp. of Italian seasoning. Add all these ingredients to the slow cooker and stir together. Cook on low for 4 hours. Once it is finished, you can shred or slice the chicken (4-6 oz = 1 serving). Simple and delicious!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

The Ups and Downs of Weight Loss

Losing weight is usually an uphill battle. When we start, we hit the ground running and do our best day after day to reach out goals. We see changes in the number on the scale, but what about the times when instead of a straight path we experience ups and downs along the way? We all got through periods of progress, periods of gaining, and periods of plateau, but what can be hardest is jumping back and forth between losing and gaining. Here are some ways to deal with the highs and lows of weight loss.


Face difficult situations head on. There is always going to be a birthday, holiday or special occasion that will throw us off our game. Even just a weekend can cause us to go off track. Don’t think you will get through it by winging it and then when you don’t do well just blame it on the situation. Don’t give up control so easily. Have a plan for when you want to eat healthy in a difficult situation. This can mean variety of things such as bringing healthy snacks when you know you will have a busy day and not much time to find something good to eat, or eating something healthy before a party or event so you don’t go overboard with snacking on appetizers or a buffet. Snacking here and there really does affect your weight loss and keeps you from having the momentum you need see the number on the scale go down. Know your weaknesses and extinguish them when they pop up.


Always learn from your mistakes. Gaining isn’t a failure, it’s a learning experience. Each time you slip up, you learn something. You find your weak spots and have the opportunity to be more prepared next time. Maybe you buy a treat for your cheat day but you nibble on it during the week, or maybe you end up at your favorite restaurant during the week and instead of ordering what you should eat, you give in to your cravings. Next time, you know to avoid temptation in whatever way it affects you and to be strong in your choices.


Be patient with your body. Years ago, our bodies needed to store fat as a protection mechanism. Today, it is one of the reasons our bodies might be resistant to weight loss. When you hit a plateau or even see a weight gain when you did your best to eat clean all week, don’t be so hard on yourself. Sometimes it will take a little longer to see the result. Changes don’t happen overnight, and sometimes when your body is going through a major physical change it takes a little time to adjust and settle. Just remember that changes comes with consistency. The more consistent you feed your body clean, the fast you will see the changes you are working for.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Tips for Yom Kippur

The Jewish holiday Yom Kippur is this week starting on Tuesday, and whether you are celebrating or not, it can offer all of us an opportunity to learn from our past mistakes and move forward with optimism and a new healthy plan. Yom Kippur is about atoning for the wrongs we have done in the past, but it is also about moving past the regret by committing to change. Sometimes, all we need is a fresh start to fill us with motivation and get us back on track – so take advantage of this holiday.


For those of you who will be fasting, start preparing now. Really make sure you are drinking plenty of water in the next day and a half and try to avoid caffeinated drinks – if you are a usual coffee or soda drinker, being deprived of caffeine on top of being dehydrated won’t be easy, so try and cut back now to make things go a little smoother for you. Don’t overeat or eat too much right before the fast – this actually won’t help you. Continue to eat your meals and snacks the way you normally do. Tomorrow, start with a breakfast high in fiber and protein like Greek yogurt or whole wheat break with peanut butter and banana. Protein is great for before the fast, and also try and choose foods that are lower in sodium (having a lot of sodium will just make you thirstier), such as an egg white omelet with vegetables (which can also have a lot of fiber) or quinoa and vegetables.


Once the fast is over, take it slow when you start to consume food and drinks again. Start with water and slowly sip on your first cup – if you take things too quickly the sudden intake of water will dilute your blood and you could feel dizzy. Next try having something light and hydrating like grapes or an apple. When you are ready to have a meal, you might be craving carbs so try some good carbohydrates with protein like light tuna salad with 2 Ak Mak crackers or rice cakes with salad. Add some healthy white fish or chicken. Continue to hydrate with water all night. Even if you are indulging for this meal, try to choose foods that you don’t eat al the time. Pick the choices that are presented only once a year. And don’t try and fit all your meals and snacks you missed during the day into one evening. It will just overload your stomach and make you feel nauseous.


One last thought…Wedneday is a great day to reflect on making better choices. Do you really want to start the year overloading on bagels and French toast? Or is it time for a change and to begin with a healthy commitment to yourself and your family? You eat clean after a fast you will really make the fast work for you in a positive and healthy way. You cleanse and the replenish with healthy, clean choices. It will give you a jump start into your weight loss journey of being healthy and fit. More importantly, you will start with a true commitment to yourself and your body. You reflected, atoned, and you will begin feeling healthy, light, fit and committed to change. The importance of the holiday is that you reflect and atone but also that you have learned from your mistakes. In order for us to be better we need to learn from the past to have a brighter and positive future. This holiday is a great opportunity to give yourself a clean slate not only for the week but for your entire weight loss journey. Take care of yourself and have a happy and safe holiday!




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Preparing for Fall

Though these last few weeks have still felt like summer for most of us, the shift to fall is now unmistakable. The temperature is dropping, the kids are back to school and there is a different feeling in the air. Fall is an exciting time of new opportunities, changes and challenges. Here are some things to think about to prepare yourself for some of these changes and put yourself in the best position to succeed.


Summertime is a great time for a lot of foods that are no longer in season, so make sure you have that in mind when you are planning your meals and snacks. Unfortunately a lot of fruits are on their way out, and you may even want to switch summer vegetables like corn and cucumber for heartier fall vegetables like squash, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and more. Adjust your grocery list next time you go shopping and be prepared for when you go out to eat. Eating foods that are in season is a great way to make sure you are getting as much nutrients from what you eat as possible, and it keeps you from being backed into a corner when your usual summer foods aren’t available.


Fall is a great time for fitness, indoors or outside. Even if you haven’t made exercise part of your routine before and want to try, there are so many opportunities to take advantage of. You can walk, run, bike and hike without the summer heat exhausting you and forcing you inside. It’s also a great time to try a gym membership, personal trainer or exercise classes or videos. Having an indoor exercise option will be especially helpful for days when the weather prevents you from going outside or when the winter comes around and getting outside seems impossible. Don’t wait until the last minute – get in to these good habits now so when it’s late in the fall and winter is around the corner you are ready. If you plan to exercise at home, make sure you have any equipment you might need – mat, weights, videos, or machines and space to do it. If you want to try joining a gym, find one in a convenient location with all the options and amenities you want so you aren’t stuck later. If you want to start taking exercise classes or working with a trainer, give yourself time to try a couple different things and find what you like.


The last thing that you should be aware of is your mindset. As we transition into sweater season, don’t let your motivation disappear and don’t let yourself hide under layers of clothing. If getting healthy and fit is what you really want, don’t let it slip away. Preparing now will help set you up for success during the hardest months of winter when it’s cold and dark and all we want to do is sit inside and hibernate. Now is the perfect time to try new things and change it up.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018