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Tag: stress

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Muscle vs. Fat vs. Exercise, Water, Stress = Scale

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]So you’ve been exercising and continually eating on program only to step on the scale and find out that you’ve gained a few pounds. It’s okay. I know your immediate thoughts: “why am I gaining weight?” and “How am I gaining weight for that matter?” Then you think “let me text Josephine” 🙂  While it can be easy to let a higher number on the scale screw with your head (especially if you feel you’ve been doing all the “right” things), it isn’t cause for panic. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]It’s been such a topic of discussion on weight, exercise, water intake, stress, muscle vs. fat. So what I have decided to do is explain how each affect your body and I will follow it up with a video and podcast for further clarification. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]HERE ARE FEW REASONS WHY EVEN WHEN YOU ARE SHRINKING YOUR NUMBER CAN BE HIGHER. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WEIGHT TRAINING:  Weight training can cause weight gain due to an increase in muscle mass. If you strength train regularly and improve your fitness level, your weight on the scale may increase while your body fat percentage decreases. Muscle is denser than fat and takes up more space. So even though a pound is a pound – meaning whether it’s a pound of fat, feathers, sand or muscle a pound is always going to weigh a pound. HOWEVER, when you lose body fat and you replace it with 2x as much muscle you can actually be smaller and weigh more because fat takes up more room then muscle. So while I never discourage weight training I always tell clients you have to be okay with the number going up if you are weight training. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]MUSCLE VS. FAT:  Muscle is smaller and denser than fat. A great example is to take your leg (thigh) or stomach. . Fat is mushy and spreads and is loose and takes up more room. So if you have flabby thighs or a flabby belly with muffin tops you have lots of fat cells stored there. Now you are eating on program, you are exercising and building muscle. While you are building muscle you are decreasing your body fat and your cells are closing (fat cells never go away they just close and make more space either to just be thinner or they are making more space for muscle). Just like you can keep growing fat cells and get heavier and heavier you can do the same with muscle and build muscle in that area. But because muscle is smaller and denser your weight will be the same but you will look totally different – smaller and leaner.  You can fit 2x more muscle in the same space as fat and it will still look smaller because it’s dense.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]FOOD AND EXERCISE: Important to remember when you exercise and you are trying to lose weight you don’t eat more. It’s a very hard concept especially when you are hungrier from exercising more. Your reward is how you look it’s not to eat more because you exercised. One of the most common things I see when when a client uses a workout as a green light to eat whatever they want. Sometimes when you have an intense sweat session or you push yourself in a new way, you can look to food as a reward for a hard workout completed. I have had clients come to me and say I did double workouts or I worked out for hours. I always say “why?” Of course you want to work out and stay healthy and look and feel good but unless you are a professional athlete you don’t need to be working out for hours. What you need is your hour of exercise everyday and to eat on program and you will get the best results. In fact most of the clients who complain that they are doing double workouts or are in the gym for hours are those who are also complaining they are not losing weight – and that is mostly because they are eating more than they should as a reward for working out. Your body needs fuel, but an intense workout is not a license to eat whatever or as much as you want. The best results is when you are eating on program and exercising – that combination is all it takes to look and feel your best.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WATER WEIGHT: Water makes up approximately 65 to 90 percent of a person’s weight, and variation in water content of the human body can move the scale by ten pounds or more from day to day. That’s right water can alter your weight by as much as 10 pounds. Sounds like a lot? It’s not. Great example my boys who weight train heavy regularly – they never care what the scale says, in fact the higher the better because to them they are gaining muscle and that’s what they want. Along with that they walk around with a gallon jug of water, and they continually fill it as soon as it’s empty. So of course you can be up to 10 pounds higher when you are drinking large amounts of water constantly throughout the day. *You should be drinking at least half of your body weight in water each day and even more if you are having serious workouts or running long distance. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]However for most of us it’s about 3-4lb water weight, so if you think you just lost a few pounds from that serious spin class? Don’t get too excited — it’s likely just water loss due to sweat. And if you’re seeing a higher number on the scale, that could be due to water retention from drinking the water throughout the day. The amount of H20 in your system has a heavy influence on your weight and could be the answer to the question, “why do I gain weight so easily?”  Your body will always fluctuate do to water. So no matter what, stay hydrated all day. At the end of the day it’s good for you body, weight loss, skin, and over all health.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Water Fluctuation: If you are not weight training generally your weight will always fluctuate at least 3 lbs from water. However you will also notice that if you are not weight training and only doing cardio then each week you have a new low number even with the water weight (so even with the water weight you should be lower than the week before depending on how much water you are holding). So while mid-week it might seem higher by the time you weigh in you should see a new low number even if you are still holding a little water. Depending on how much water you are holding can determine the 1-3 lb loss. Example: you started at 200 but lost 5 lbs and now 195. Mid week you will see anywhere between 195-197 (that is the 3lb fluctuation) but you won’t see the 200 because your new low is 195. And that will continue as you lose weight. So when you get to 180 from the 200. You new low will be 180 but it can fluctuate up to 183. My point is you should always give yourself 3lbs higher for the weight to fluctuate with water. Some will be higher than 3lbs but as a rule I always tell clients give yourself at least 3lbs. With that said understand that if last week your new low was 175 and you lost another 3lbs this week you may only see 1lb loss on the scale because you are holding 3lbs of water which would means you will see 174 but you are really 172. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Water & No Exercise: For those of you that are not exercising at all then it’s a whole different story and it could take you longer to see results. As we age our bodies run slower so we need exercise to help it run properly. When you have no exercise and sitting all day is like a slow death. You are not burning anything your body is existing and it will take twice as long to see the weight loss. So while you may have lost 1lb this week you may be the same or even higher with no exercise (depending on your age) because if you are 150 but lost 2lbs but are holding 3lbs of water weight you are going to read 1lb higher when you are actually 1lb lower. If you stick to it you will eventually see the weight go down even when holding the 3lbs of water but it will take longer. That’s why I always tell you at the very least go for a long walk. Do something to get your body moving.  [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Water & Weight Training: If you are weight training then you won’t see a new low but you will be smaller in size. When you are building muscle and holding water it could take weeks to see the number go down even though your body is shrinking. If you are weight training you can actually see a 5lb or more weight gain (not in a week but over time).  Because you are replacing muscle with fat so that could be 1- 2 lbs and then you have the water weight and that is 1-3 lbs addition to the muscle. But at the end of the day if you can handle the number on the scale you always look better overall and will be smaller overall if you weight train. Unless of course you are body building then you will be bigger but it will be all muscle and you will still be happy. If you are struggling with understanding this – I plan to follow it up with a video and podcast for clarification.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]STRESS: Stress can cause weight gain. When you are under stress from tough workouts or a tough day, or lack of sleep, your body produces the stress hormone cortisol. More cortisol released in the body can cause fluid retention and inflammation. Make sure you plan some downtime to do the things that recharge you mentally and physically. Be sure to take a recovery day during your workout week, so you are not over-exerting your body. Rest days and cheat days are just as important as clean on program eating and exercise days.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]WEIGHING: While weighing yourself can be one way to track your progress, it shouldn’t be the only way. And it certainly isn’t worth obsessing over with daily weigh-ins. Remember losing pounds on the scale does not mean that you are more fit — it just means you are lighter at that moment, which doesn’t mean much at all especially if it’s water weight. And keep in mind that if you’re exercising but gaining weight, it could be that your workouts are effective and you are just gaining more muscle then you had in fat. One of the best ways to track your progress is your clothes. I ask clients all the time how are your clothes fitting you. That is the key to seeing your results because it’s not just that they fit you but that you look and feel good in them. Because you can be in tight pants at 125lbs and be made up of mostly loose fat but when you are working out everyday and you are muscle you can weigh 135lbs and those same pants are loose on you or fitting you perfect. So it’s not always about the scale it’s the combination of what you are doing weight training, cardio, water, eating on program and stress. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]NUMBERS: So if you are a numbers person and need to see the number drop on the scale each week then you should wait to weight train until you reach your goal. Keep your stress in check and do a cardio session before you weigh in to release any water you are holding in your body. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]CLOTHES: If you are okay with the number fluctuating and are okay with tracking your progress with your clothes and how you look and feel, then eat clean on program, incorporate the weight training sessions, drink your water -but always continue to keep your stress in check. Progress: once a month put on a piece of clothing (pants, shorts, bathing suit) and at the same time weigh yourself. See how the difference in the scale matches up with how your clothes are fitting you from the month before. You will be pleasantly surprised with the results. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Final Thoughts: Keep your motivation up, stay positive and continue on your path and do the right things. This will always keep you in the right direction. Whether you are looking for muscle, fit, thin and/or lean  — when you are happy, healthy and confident you can have success and look amazing in any healthy body. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Do’s And Don’ts of Summer Weight Loss


Summer is a great time for weight loss. We can show off and enjoy our hard work, and it’s also a strong motivator to keep working towards our goals. In the winter, we hide under layers of clothes and indulge in heavy holiday meals. But now is the time that we can feel lighter and enjoy the weather. But we also have to be careful because when we feel carefree we can lose sight and go off track without realizing how much we can gain. Here are some tips for summer that will also help you stay on track.


DO Stay Hydrated. With the increase in temperatures and hours of sunshine, even just walking to get from point A to point B can cause us to sweat and lose water. Simple activities such as walking, biking, shopping, going to the beach and any other way you enjoy the outdoors can really dehydrate you if you aren’t careful. Be prepared with water and hydrating snacks on hand.  Water is always best. Something with additions like electrolytes or a natural flavor is great, but make sure you aren’t drinking sugar and sodium. Avoid sugary beverages like sports drinks, energy drinks and even some teas and juices. Always pay attention to the labels. You can also choose a hydrating snack like watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, apples, celery, and so much more.


DON’T Gain From Drinking. When we drink it’s usually for two main reasons – to hydrate or to enjoy. When we hydrate, we are quenching our thirst and helping fuel our bodies. We need water to live and we are constantly losing water. When we drink to enjoy, we are having a coffee or tea with breakfast, a soda with lunch or a glass of wine with dinner. We drink for the taste, or just out of habit. These type of drinks can be enjoyed and you can still stay on plan, but it takes self control. As we have said many times before, alcohol is one thing but the things we eat and drink are another thing. Sugar, caffeine and alcohol can cause us to crave food we wouldn’t normally eat, especially in the summertime when we are relaxing and enjoying the season.


DO Be careful in the sun. One thing many of us look forward to is the sunshine and getting a tan. Having a little bit of color can make us feel even more confident but it can also have lifelong effects. Cover up and wear sunglasses, and always use sunscreen. Seek shade wherever possible, such a a beach umbrella, awning or cabana. Make sure children and kids always have sunscreen and shade.


DON’T Burn. Premature wrinkles, sun spots, eye damage, sunburn and skin cancer can all be direct results of too much sun and UV rays exposure. Avoid tanning beds and sun lamps – try a self tanning lotion instead. It can also hydrate your skin an give you a natural glow.


DO Enjoy Travel. The free time we get in the summer is perfect for travel. Whether you are planning a family trip or a getaway while the kids are at camp, summer is wonderful for a vacation. Going on a trip is a rewarding and relaxing, and we can to enjoy ourselves when it comes to activities, shopping and eating and drinking. Think about what matters most to you and come up with a plan before you go. Pack healthy snacks, look at menus ahead of time and set your limits for yourself.


DON’T Indulge Beyond Your Limits. Travel also involves long plane rides or train or car travel, which can mean waking up early, staying up late or just having an exhausting day getting somewhere. When we are tired we look for caffeine and sugar to give us a boost, and healthy foods can be limited at airports and during transit. But it’s not impossible and you can follow through on your clean eating. While you are away, be realistic about how you want to eat and what you want to accomplish. Being on vacation can mean staying out late and eating and drinking late into the night. It can also mean big breakfasts and constant munching during the day on appetizers and other treats. When you come back, be prepared for the results and be ready to get back on track.


DON’T Stress. If you let the negativity get to you it will just make it worse. Don’t give up because you think you have failed. You only fail when you stop trying. The last thing you want is to have a terrible summer where you are down on yourself and spiraling out of control. It always sounds easier said than done, but all it takes is one healthy snack or meal to get you back on track. One healthy decision can get moving in the right direction agian. Don’t let one slip up or one bad week make you give up on everything.


DO Stay Motivated. Find what speaks to you and go after it. Whether that is an event or date that you are working towards, or a dress or pair of pants you want to fit into, or maybe you just want this to be your summer where you feel fit and accomplished. Celebrate the little successes and enjoy the progress you make each day and each week. It will all add up and before you know it you will be exactly where you want to be.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Ways to Fight Stress


There are a lot of factors that affect our weight loss, some more obvious and influential than others. The exercise we choose to do and the food and drinks we choose to put in our bodies are clearly key components, but everything starts with the decisions we make. Our mental state, motivation and attitude all directly relate to everything we do. If we are in a bad mood, exhausted, bored, anxious or feeling any negative emotions or thinking pessimistically, we are more likely to make unhealthy choices. We look to food for comfort, stimulation or a pick-me-up instead of thinking of it as nourishment or fuel. When it comes to our frame of mind, stress can seriously influence us, sometimes without us really realizing it. The symptoms and affects of stress affect each of us all in different ways, so here are some tips and tricks to help you manage and alleviate any kind of stress and to keep you on your weight loss path.


Stretching or Yoga. Exercise isn’t possible for all of us, and even if it is part of your routine you might not always have time or the ability to get in a workout when you need it. Doing a simple yoga sequence or some stretching is a great way to release any physical pain or tension as well as the mental pressure and stress you are feeling.


Listen to music. Whether you put on your favorite album or make a playlist, listening to the right music can totally change your mood and can ease your stress. There are so many resources online, from music videos and playlists to soothing sounds and relaxing tones that will fit your situation if you don’t have what you want on hand. But it doesn’t always have to be relaxing music – sometimes we need something energetic and feel-good to boost our mood, or sometimes we need something angry or sad to help us embrace our stressful feelings and release them.


Make a To-Do list. If you have a lot on your plate, it can help to get organized and make a plan to tackle everything you need to accomplish. A little bit of planning can help your day, week or month run smoother and decrease your stress over deadlines, upcoming events or anything else on your calendar.


Do an activity you enjoy. This may seem obvious, but sometimes we get so caught up in our stressful situations that we can’t think about anything else. When we are rushed, nervous, or pressured in work or personal situations, sometimes we don’t want to or can’t step away from them. But taking a break and doing something that will make you happy, even if it’s just for the moment, is always a good idea. That can be as simple and quick as reading a chapter of a book, visiting a fun website, shopping online or making a tea. Or it can be something like having lunch with a friend, going for a walk or making plans for the future that you can look forward to.


Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Though we may not always have a choice when it comes to our sleep schedule, don’t overlook it. Lack of sleep can increase our stress which can effect us in so many ways from the moment we wake up until we finally go to sleep at night. Not getting enough sleep can leave us cranky, tired and vulnerable – which ties in to our next tip.


Watch your caffeine, sugar and snack intake. When we are stressed it can make us feel exhausted, anxious and defenseless to the bad decisions we don’t want to make. We seek out sugar and caffeine to pick us up and wake us up, or we look to sweets and salty snacks to keep us occupied and satisfy our cravings. You don’t have to deprive yourself, just make sure that you choose healthy options and keep it in moderation.


Meditate. If you don’t know the sources of your stress, meditation is a great way to take a pause, reflect and loosen up. It may help you identify your stressor, or it’s just a perfect time to clear your mind and find calm. The best part is that it’s free and you can do it almost anywhere for any amount of time.


Identifying your stressor is an important part of getting rid of it. We may not always be able to just walk away from what is stressing us, but knowing where our stress comes from can help us prepare for it and deal with it. This can include family, work, school, general obligations or even internal stress we put on ourselves or the stress of trying to lose weight and get healthy. Or sometimes it’s just nothing in particular, just the every day grind or your daily routine. Whatever stresses you, try some of these tips and take some time to reflect and make your life a little more stress free.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke in Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Ways to Fight Stress


There are a lot of factors that affect our weight loss, some more obvious and influential than others. The exercise we choose to do and the food and drinks we choose to put in our bodies are clearly key components, but everything starts with the decisions we make. Our mental state, motivation and attitude all directly relate to everything we do. If we are in a bad mood, exhausted, bored, anxious or feeling any negative emotions or thinking pessimistically, we are more likely to make unhealthy choices. We look to food for comfort, stimulation or a pick-me-up instead of thinking of it as nourishment or fuel. When it comes to our frame of mind, stress can seriously influence us, sometimes without us really realizing it. The symptoms and affects of stress affect each of us all in different ways, so here are some tips and tricks to help you manage and alleviate any kind of stress and to keep you on your weight loss path. 


Stretching or Yoga. Exercise isn’t possible for all of us, and even if it is part of your routine you might not always have time or the ability to get in a workout when you need it. Doing a simple yoga sequence or some stretching is a great way to release any physical pain or tension as well as the mental pressure and stress you are feeling. 


Listen to music. Whether you put on your favorite album or make a playlist, listening to the right music can totally change your mood and can ease your stress. There are so many resources online, from music videos and playlists to soothing sounds and relaxing tones that will fit your situation if you don’t have what you want on hand. But it doesn’t always have to be relaxing music – sometimes we need something energetic and feel-good to boost our mood, or sometimes we need something angry or sad to help us embrace our stressful feelings and release them. 


Make a To-Do list. If you have a lot on your plate, it can help to get organized and make a plan to tackle everything you need to accomplish. A little bit of planning can help your day, week or month run smoother and decrease your stress over deadlines, upcoming events or anything else on your calendar. 


Do an activity you enjoy. This may seem obvious, but sometimes we get so caught up in our stressful situations that we can’t think about anything else. When we are rushed, nervous, or pressured in work or personal situations, sometimes we don’t want to or can’t step away from them. But taking a break and doing something that will make you happy, even if it’s just for the moment, is always a good idea. That can be as simple and quick as reading a chapter of a book, visiting a fun website, shopping online or making a tea. Or it can be something like having lunch with a friend, going for a walk or making plans for the future that you can look forward to. 


Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Though we may not always have a choice when it comes to our sleep schedule, don’t overlook it. Lack of sleep can increase our stress which can effect us in so many ways from the moment we wake up until we finally go to sleep at night. Not getting enough sleep can leave us cranky, tired and vulnerable – which ties in to our next tip. 


Watch your caffeine, sugar and snack intake. When we are stressed it can make us feel exhausted, anxious and defenseless to the bad decisions we don’t want to make. We seek out sugar and caffeine to pick us up and wake us up, or we look to sweets and salty snacks to keep us occupied and satisfy our cravings. You don’t have to deprive yourself, just make sure that you choose healthy options and keep it in moderation. 


Meditate. If you don’t know the sources of your stress, meditation is a great way to take a pause, reflect and loosen up. It may help you identify your stressor, or it’s just a perfect time to clear your mind and find calm. The best part is that it’s free and you can do it almost anywhere for any amount of time. 


Identifying your stressor is an important part of getting rid of it. We may not always be able to just walk away from what is stressing us, but knowing where our stress comes from can help us prepare for it and deal with it. This can include family, work, school, general obligations or even internal stress we put on ourselves or the stress of trying to lose weight and get healthy. Or sometimes it’s just nothing in particular, just the every day grind or your daily routine. Whatever stresses you, try some of these tips and take some time to reflect and make your life a little more stress free.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke in Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

How Healthy Is Your Heart?


February is American Heart Month, so we want to ask – how healthy is your heart? Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. But the good news is, with healthy choices and the management of health conditions, heart disease can often be prevented. Make sure you are doing everything you can to keep your heart healthy and strong with the following tips for a healthy heart:


1. Get a check up. In general, you should be getting a check up at least once a year. If it has been more than a year or you can’t even remember the last time you saw your doctor, now is a great time to get yourself checked out and get the right tests done to make sure your heart is healthy. Ask about blood pressure tests, cholesterol tests, diabetes screening and seek counseling if you need extra guidance. Learn about prevention for conditions you may be at risk for. Keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check. Cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for heart disease and heart attack. When there is too much LDL (“bad”) cholesterol circulating in your blood, it can slowly build up in your arteries and create plaque that can narrow your arteries. If a clot forms, it can block a narrowed artery and a heart attack or stroke can happen. High blood pressure can damage your heart and arteries by placing too much pressure on them. This can cause microscopic tears in the walls of your arteries. If you are already at risk for heart disease, or take medication for blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, follow the instructions carefully. Manage your symptoms and medications carefully with your doctor.


2. Eat right. Having a healthy diet is great for your weight loss but can also help prevent heart disease and improve heart health. Reduce trans fats and steer clear of foods high in sodium. Look for foods with protein, fiber and Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation in the body and can prevent damage to bloods vessels that can cause heart disease. Salmon is a great source of Omega-3 (as well as many other vitamins and minerals) which makes it such a smart choice for heart health. Look for protein in legumes such as beans, peas and lentils. They are great for your heart because they have no cholesterol. Nuts such as walnuts and cashews are also extremely healthy sources of protein. Fruits with antioxidants like blueberries help remove free radicals (harmful molecules that can contribute to heart disease) with their powerful antioxidants. Spinach is probably the healthiest food for your heart with Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. It has a particularly high amount of folate, which is important for building and maintaining healthy cells – especially red blood cells needed for heart health. Ground flaxseed is also high in Omega-3 and fiber and can be added to yogurt, oatmeal and even mustard for an extra healthy meal or snack.


3. Don’t smoke and limit alcohol use. Alcohol can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heavy drinking can weaken the heart muscle. Smoking is also a risk factor for high blood pressure as well as heart failure and coronary artery disease which can lead to heart attack.


4. Exercise regularly. Check with your doctor first to know how much activity is good for you, but exercise is the best way to build a strong heart. Walking is the simplest way to get your blood pumping. Swimming, cycling, skating, and jumping rope are also great ways to move you body and step it up a little more. A class like Zumba can be a fun way to get your heart pumping, just make sure you can handle this cardio workout. Weight training and resistance bands will help you stay in shape and can increase “good” cholesterol. Yoga is also a great heart healthy activity that combines stretching, breathing and relaxation – something that is important to our last heart heath tip.


5. Limit stress. Identify your sources of stress such as anxiety, aches and pains, trouble sleeping, and fatigue. Learn techniques to reduce stress, like deep breathing, meditation, guided muscle relaxation and yoga. Get plenty of rest as often as you can. Clear your mind of nagging worries and let go of things you can’t control. Spending time stressing about other people or situations you can’t control will just take away all your energy and stress your body. Take 10 minutes to get some air and take a break every day. Most of all, take care of yourself.


This month we will revisit Heart Health and provide more tips and ideas for getting your heart healthy and strong.


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Eat to Live, Don’t Live to Eat

This is the time of year when warm, hearty foods can bring comfort and good feelings in the cold months. You may even associate this time of the year with certain foods, like casseroles during the holidays. You can’t imagine a November without turkey or a December without a special feast. The same can be said for more day-to-day wants and needs that food may fulfill. When you’re stressed do you reach for treats or snacks? When you’re bored do you open the pantry? When you’ve completed a difficult task do you crave your favorite food? Ask yourself – are you living to eat, or eating to live? When you live to eat, you indulge in foods that make you feel comfortable, relieve your stress or boredom, or reward an accomplishment. You eat something because of how you feel emotionally instead of the physical hunger you feel when your body needs fuel. On the other hand, when you eat to live you provide your body with nourishment that fuels and supports your health.


Eating habits can be hard to break. If you were always rewarded with dessert after a good meal or good behavior as a child, you’ll probably still crave something sweet today after something positive. When you want to relax, you may seek out your favorite comfort foods. When you’re feeling stressed you may have a taste for salty or sweet snacks to distract you from your situation, and you may tell yourself you can’t get though it without eating something. Cravings like this can be a huge mental hurdle when trying to only eat when your body needs food. They come on suddenly and after you eat what you thought you needed, you aren’t satisfied at all.


Next time this happens, try taking a step back from a stressful situation whether you have two minutes or two hours. Instead of heading to the break room or kitchen, go for a walk outside or around the office, stop by the gym or just get in a workout at home. You can release endorphins and boost your mood, and doing something productive that gets your blood flowing can help you get in the right mindset to overcome a challenge. When you’re looking for comfort, try another activity like reading a book, walking the dog, taking a bath or watching a favorite movie. When you accomplish something and you’re looking for a reward, treat yourself to something other than food. Remember that a special occasion or success does not have special circumstances or rules. You are still accountable for what you put in your body.


When your body does actually needs food, it will feel different. It will come on more gradual and you won’t seek out something specific like you do when you have a craving. When you eat to fuel your body, you will feel full and satisfied after, without the guilt of indulging in something impulsive. You can’t depend on food for anything other than sustaining life and health. Changing the way you think as well as the way you eat is the only way to have a lasting effect.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11730

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018