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Tag: resolution

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Incentive Week Day 7


As we come to our last incentive day I want you to think about this past week. How did you do? Were you successful? What can you do to improve next week? Life is balance and so is weight loss. While we would love to have everyday perfect its not always real life. The best way to get through any challenge in our life is to learn to live with the up and downs. They say the best things in life take work. It takes waking up and doing the right thing everyday. It takes getting rid of the negative around you and those who bring negative into your life. But the only way to do this is to learn that we all have highs and lows. You need to be strong through the high and even stronger through the lows. You need to learn from what you have done and each day make an effort to change what needs to be changed. It doesn’t have to happen overnight. But it does have to take place each day. Make a change each day and keep working toward what you want. Because if you don’t, not only will life pass you by but it will pass while you are miserable. While you were waiting to change, while you were putting it off until tomorrow — Today is your tomorrow.  
Look back and think about what you didn’t do great and make it great this week.
Look back and think about any negative that pulled you down and drained your energy – stay away from the negative and stay positive and bring only the positive in your life.
Look back and think about what was so important that you needed to cheat yourself from your goal – make sure it doesn’t happen again this week.
Look back and think about what you wanted the beginning of last week. Are you closer to it this week?  If not make it happen, and if you are one step closer – then congratulate yourself on your success and keep moving forward.
You are the only person who can make your life amazing. You are the only person who can turn into the person you want to be. Take a moment and think about this: What do you think when you see someone that looks amazing, happy, healthy, thin and fit. They look like they have it all together. They are always happy and walk with a hop in their step and everyone notices it. What are your thoughts about them?  Do you think … “I want that” or “I wish I had that” or “I wish I felt like that – the confidence, the happiness”… If you want it then do it.  Because I can tell you from all the thousands of clients I have seen change into who they want to be…you are no different. If you want it then put the work it and put the time in and get it done. Do it and Be It! You are the only person who can make excuses for yourself and you are the only person who can make it happen. Time is once again flying by – February is only a week away…STOP WAITING AND START DOING.  
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~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Incentive Week Day 6


2016 BLIZZARD! After such a mild December – I would imagine anyone who owns a snow plow is beyond thrilled today 🙂 With this amount of snow, along with how heavy the snow is today and the additional wind you might make the right choice in hiring them to do your driveway. Studies show that hundreds of people die each winter from cardiac-related injuries associated with shoveling snow. Many researchers believe it could be double or even triple that depending on the snow fall amounts. The reason is that when young healthy people shovel snow, their heart rate and blood pressure increase more than when they typically exercise on a treadmill. Combine it with the cold air, which causes arteries to constrict and decrease blood supply, you have a perfect storm for a heart attack. Snow shovelling is particularly strenuous because it uses arm work, which is more taxing than leg work. Straining to move wet and heavy snow is particularly likely to cause a surge in heart rate and blood pressure. In addition, many people hold their breath during the hard work, which also puts a strain on the body. One more thought when doing any exercise the prime time for snow clearance is between 6am and 10am which is when circadian fluctuations make us more vulnerable to heart attacks. If you have to shovel today do it slow, don’t wait for it to pile up before you start. Go out every 2-3 inches and shovel. Make it a family affair and give everyone a piece of the driveway and spend 20 minutes then come in and warm up. If you can hire the snow plow it’s a good day to do it. If you are in the position to do a good deed and you have a neighbor who is elderly, sick or alone then make sure you check on them and spend the extra dollar to have their drive way plowed as well. Blizzards are only fun if everyone is healthy, safe and warm.   

“Happiness is not in things… it is in us”


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~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Incentive Week Day 4

Out with the negative and in with the positive:  January is not an easy month. You are set out to conquer your resolutions. You are a little hungry after eating and drinking anything you wanted in December. Some are recuperating financially after trips and holidays. If you want to be a pessimist you can say that January sucks! If you want to be an optimist you will say January is a great month to do the right things. To change who you are and become the person you want to be. You will think, it’s time to do it now so I am ready for my next vacation, my next holiday, my next weekend out. This year you are a new positive you, mentally and physically. You are not doing it because you have to but because you want to.  You want to be positive and do the right things for yourself and your family. You want to be the best person you can be. This year you will take all negativity out of your life and replace it with positive thoughts and actions. Why? Because it’s healthy to be positive and because being positive makes you happy. When you are healthy and happy you can accomplish anything.  
The first step toward change is awareness. 
The second step is acceptance. -Nathaniel Branden
 Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 1.11.03 PM
Congratulations Jessica!!! you look absolutely amazing
Jessica loves the life she lives and lives the life she loves!
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Incentive Week Day 3


Sometimes it’s so easy to live in the moment. “Have it now and worry about it later” – This year you have committed to doing the right thing everyday. You don’t want to live in the moment if it involves sabotaging what you are working so hard for. You have committed to making healthy choices for your body, mind, soul, family, job and all around well being. While we know some days are definitely harder then others, you must continue to stay strong and each baby step will lead you to your ultimate goal. Stay on your path and keep making the right choices for you. Everyone has a slip up here and there – it’s what you do after that’s important. Pick yourself up, lick your wounds and  move past it and keep going. If you keep pushing forward you will succeed. Just don’t stop – Don’t give up. Life is about challenges and this is one challenge you have to win.  

You have to live healthy to look and feel healthy. Today I want you to remember that every thing you do and every choice you make does not only affect your today – It affects your tomorrow and the next month and year. They say how you live in your 20s affects your 30s and how you live in your 40s affects your 50s and so on…The reason behind it is the more you abuse your body the harder your next decade will be. When you turn 40 you will feel 50! However, if you live healthy and clean and take care of yourself from the inside out you will always feel young and energetic, and healthy. When you are 40 you will feel 30! That’s the path you should want to be on and stay on!  
 Gabby 1
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle


Keep doing the right thing everyday and good things happen. Remember – It’s easy to do the wrong thing. Anyone can do the wrong thing. But doing the right thing everyday can be hard. It’s hard because it’s worth it. It’s hard because it gives you results. Don’t stop – don’t look back…Keep moving forward, keep trying and trying until you reach your goals!!!!

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. -Arnold Bennett
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Where Are You With Your Resolution?


We are two weeks in to the New Year, which is around the time that most people give up on their New Years Resolutions because they are too hard, too busy or they just don’t care enough.  The start of the New Year can be a busy time and resolutions easily take a back seat to other responsibilities. Don’t let this way of thinking get you down. Take control now and reverse your mindset. As cliche as it sounds, the New Year is a fresh start, and winter is the perfect time to get in shape at a healthy pace before spring and summer. Here are some thoughts to keep you motivated. 


Make your Resolution clear. The more specific you are with your Resolution, the easier it will be to enact. Maybe you want to lose a certain amount of weight for a special date like a vacation or event. Or maybe you want to get healthy for your next doctor’s appointment. Or maybe you want to change your eating habits like avoiding red meat, alcohol or artificial processed foods. Or maybe you want to get in to exercise and run a 5k, half marathon or marathon. It can even be as simple as meditating for 10 minutes each day, fitting in to that dress or old pair of jeans, or starting your day with lemon water. Whatever it is, committing is the first step. 


Don’t give yourself an out. You may feel busy, stressed, overwhelmed or unmotivated to eat healthy and lose weight at this time of year, but pushing it off another year won’t make you feel better. Making promises to ourselves are easy to break because we can be too forgiving and find reasons to let ourselves off the hook. Don’t let excuses bring you down.


Find ways to follow through. Accountability is a huge part of a Resolution. We may have all the motivation in the world in the beginning but if we don’t have a way to keep ourselves on track we can hardly find success. If you find it hard to hold yourself to your Resolution, there are other ways to keep yourself accountable – eating healthy with your whole family, exercising with friends, a fitness tracker, or signing up for a gym, class or weight loss plan 🙂 Anything that consistently tracks your progress and keeps you on your path and motivated can only help. 


Give yourself time. Like all major changes in life, slow and steady is the best way to make lasting changing. This is especially true for weight loss. Our bodies need clean nourishment, not magic pills or overnight diets. When you decide on your goal, give yourself time to lose weight in a healthy way. Take each week one day at a time, step by step. Each healthy meal and snack, each craving and indulgence that is avoided, brings you even closer to your goals. 


It’s not too late to achieve your New Year’s Resolution – make 2016 your healthiest year possible.


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

New Years Resolution for 2016 “Do The Right Thing”

So once again the party is officially over. Everyone is back on schedule and life resumes as it once was. Resolutions are priority and gyms will be flooded with strangers. Before you commit to making losing weight and exercising your resolution there are some things I want you to consider. Eating clean and healthy is not something that needs to be focused on once a year. It needs to be focused on everyday. Even cheat days are a part of healthy eating because it keeps you clean the other 6 days. Eating clean and healthy and losing weight is not something that you should HAVE to do – rather it’s something that you should WANT to do everyday. Why wouldn’t you want to be the healthiest you can be everyday when you know it makes you so happy to do so.
Why not change your resolution this year to not one resolution – but instead have a new resolution once a month that will help you be overall healthier, and a better you. Just like I always say, each small goal is a stepping stone to your big goal. Each resolution should be a step toward you being an overall healthier and better person.  
Here are some examples of Resolutions that might work for you and why:
NO ALCHOHOL  – CAN YOU DO IT? January is a great month for this since many have already over did it in December 🙂 – Stop drinking for one month. And if you feel that one month would be too difficult to accomplish then try for one week each month. Every week will make a difference in your weight, and over all health. Most people know that drinking too much alcohol can lead to health problems. But not everyone knows that two of those health problems are cancer and anxiety – both are attributed to alcohol use. Never mind how it slowly breaks down your immune system and makes you feel overall unhealthy. It’s one of those things that in the moment it’s great but what it is doing long term will cause you much regret. Even when it comes to weight loss it’s not only the alcohol it’s what the alcohol makes you do that is an additional issue. We lose all our sensibility to thinking that we are fine but in reality most of the time it leads you into making choices that you wouldn’t normally do. So if you want to detox and really clean out your body and lessen your anxiety this would be a great way to start.   
What I find most amazing which many of you are not aware. Both men and women have expressed to me the feelings of peer pressure when drinking. Yes we know misery loves company and it can be very difficult to say no thank you. Isn’t it funny what we expect our children to do, we have just as hard a time as grown ups. But the reality is, many of my clients feel that it’s easier to order a drink because it’s expected then to explain why they would rather not have one. Take a moment to stop and think where you fit in with this and maybe re-evaluate where you want to be in this time of your life. Make sure your choices are what you want and not for the sake to please others. We tell our children if your friend jumps off a brige would you do it? What you need to think about is “are you doing it?” Remember just like eating clean. The absence of you not drinking will only be shocking for a brief moment to those around you. Eventually everyone will get use to the new you – including you! Both the absence of alcohol and the decision to do what makes you happier and healthier would be a definite stepping stone to an overall healthier happier you. 
STAY IN A LITTLE MORE: If you find that giving up alcohol in the presence of your family and/or friends will be more difficult than you can handle – an option would be to stay in a little more. For one month have no self planned social events. Obviously if there are celebrations and parties that you have committed to that’s different. But I’m talking about opting for a movie in with the family and ordering dinner in. Both will help with the inability to stay clean around others. A little extra family time for one month isn’t a terrible thing. Never mind the money you will save. But think about how much easier it will be to stay in control and on track. Maybe after giving yourself a couple of weeks of no outside social events you will have an easier time when you start venturing out again.
10 MINUTES A DAY: Find 10 minutes everyday to be with yourself. Even if you have to lock yourself in your office or room with no phone and no one around. Take the 10 minutes to do some deep breathing exercises and just be still. No thinking no talking just breathing. Studies show this reduces anxiety and prolongs life expectancy by reducing immediate stress. It doesn’t have to be the same time everyday although you are more likely to stick with it if it is. But each morning plan out 10 minutes of you time to just breath. It’s something we definitely take for granted. Really listen to it and feel it and let it calm you. It sounds a little silly even as I write it – but try it once and then let me know how silly it is. It may be the best 10 minutes of your day.  
MEMORIAL DAY – It sounds so close yet so far.  But you know it will be here before you know it. Write down where you want to be by Memorial Day. Weight, eating habits, exercise. Do you have any goals for your family? Your job? Write them all down and each day focus on reaching your goal to get there. If you have a pair of pants or a bathing suit you want to fit in by then – keep it out where you can see it and try it on everyday. Remember that if you utilize each day of your life to get you closer to the things you want and the things that mean a lot to you then you will reach your goals. But you must use your days to your advantage. Make the most of each day so that you are one step closer to the person you want to be.  
Making the most of each day means to think about what will help you really reach your goals.  For example: If you know that you have been eating too much everyday and you have to force yourself to exercise to undue the damage. Then get off that hamster wheel because you are going no-where. Instead turn it around and make sure that you are eating clean and less everyday so that you don’t HAVE to exercise. You will exercise only if you WANT to but you won’t be doing it to undue damage. You will do it because it’s good for you and it will be an addition to your over all health and weight loss. How about you make a a resolution to yourself to take one day at a time from now until Memorial Day so that you have a nice jump start to get to where you want to be. This way you are not trying to lose weight or feel good or be ready for summer and starting it all on Memorial day. This year start now and take it slow and do it one day at a time to make the changes into the person you want to be. Use this time to get a head start instead of trying to do it last minute 🙂   
DO THE RIGHT THING. If you go into each day with the attitude that you will do the right thing even in the most difficult circumstances then you will see a dramatic difference in your life. Many times we set out to do the right things but we don’t always follow through because of inside or outside interference. But a great resolution and one of my favorites to live by is to just do the right thing. No matter what – each day do the right thing. It’s not hard to differentiate what that is. Each person has their own right things. Whether it’s just simply waking up happy everyday or being at work on time and doing a good job. Being prepared for school. Eating clean. Exercising. Not drinking or smoking. Being good to yourself, your family, and friends. Loving big. Sharing with others. Showing up when you are supposed to even when its somewhere you don’t want to be. Cleaning and doing laundry when it needs to be done. Each day you know what the right things are for you. Follow through and do the right thing everyday and it will change your life. When you concentrate on doing the right thing all the time then you will have less time to do the wrong things.     
When we live life by really trying to do the right thing all the time – life is a lot easier, happier and fulfilling. It takes so much more energy to do the wrong thing. It takes more energy to figure out an excuse to do the wrong thing and at the end of the day it makes you unhappy when you do the wrong things. Many times we create our own problems. We don’t do the right things we don’t follow through on our plans and we don’t do what we promise that we are going to. In return it makes us unhappy and most of the time it makes those we love unhappy. It’s so much easier to do the right things for yourself because 9 out of 10 times when you are doing the right thing for yourself it will be the right thing for those around you and you will make yourself and those you love very happy.
To change yourself,
look at what you fear and what you hate.
Start There.
 ~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick 
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Reflect on Your Resolution


As we embark on the second month in the New Year, take some time to reflect on your resolution. Has it changed? Are you on track? Has it taken a new direction? Have you accomplished some of it? All of it? Many people make the mistake to committing themselves to a resolution but then never tracking their progress. Either it happens, or it doesn’t (and usually, it doesn’t) – there is no in between. A huge part of reaching success with a resolution is to hold yourself to it, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t adjust it. This is not meant to give yourself a way out, just to make sure that you can reach your goals. For example, if you had planned to lose a certain amount of weight in the month of January and it didn’t happened, don’t give up on it. Come up with a plan to make it happen in February. But don’t just push it back – reflect on why it didn’t happen. Maybe it was too big of a resolution for just one month. If so, try spreading it out over 2 months or more. People always seem to be in such a rush to complete their resolutions, but accomplishing a goal or making a lifestyle change doesn’t happen over night. Give yourself time to reach the finish line.


This is why quick fixes never work. They are only made to give you immediate results, not lasting, healthy changes. Patience may be the hardest part of working towards a goal, but if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Changing your habits not only takes time, but it also takes a lot of strength. Not just the physical strength to exercise, but also mental strength to stay on track and motivate yourself. It can be exhausting to constantly have to think about what to eat, when to exercise and to keep yourself from going back to old habits, but the strength you build and the amazing things you accomplish because of it will be just a rewarding as reaching your goal weight. Fad diets and quick weight loss solutions make you drop pounds but they don’t improve your lifestyle the way getting healthy does.


If you’re feeling stuck with your resolution, try breaking it down and making it more specific. Instead of just saying you want to lose a certain amount of weight or you want to “get healthy”, make it more precise. Try making tangible goals, like working out 3 days a week or cutting back on a certain food or drink you consume often. The more vague a goal is, the harder it is to achieve. It may seem like the more open-ended an objective is, the easier it is to accomplish because there are so many ways it can be fulfilled, but this will actually work against you. The same way that you decide the road to take before you drive anywhere, you need direction to be able to follow through on your resolution. Always have a plan, get as specific as possible, and stick to it!


2015 is only just beginning…Make it count!


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018


FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Is Someone Trying to Sabotage Your Resolution?

We’re more than half way through the first month of the New Year and you have probably already faced many obstacles while trying to stick to your Resolution. Going back to school and work after the winter break means eating on the go and that healthy eating usually takes a back seat to a busy schedule. And it can be tough to make time for exercise, especially in the cold weather when it can be hard to find the energy. Difficulties like these can be combatted from within through motivation and encouragement, but sometimes you will find that challenges can come from another person. Your friends and family may seem supportive, but sometimes they think that steering you away from your weight loss will make you happy and more relaxed. They see you eating light and they hear of how you struggle sometimes, so they think that giving you a way out and convincing you to skip that workout or to have that dessert will solve your problems. It can be hard to say no to the people you care about and spend the most time with, but you also have to watch out for people that are trying to sabotage your Resolution.


Co-workers may mean well when they come by with that box of donuts or plate of cookies they baked last night, but you have to rise above being tempted in the workplace. The last thing you need is to start rewarding yourself with food when you complete a task or feel stressed at your job. Getting personal at work can be uncomfortable, but there are nice ways to turn down unhealthy food and unnecessary snacks. Just let people know that you don’t have room or just ate, or if you feel the need to take what they are offering, only take a bite or two. So next time your coworkers are passing around birthday cake slices at an office party, have a plan and get through the day without the extra eating.


If you don’t find temptation at work, you will most certainly find it at home with your kids and family. You may plan to eat healthy when you come home but your kids probably have something else in mind. They want what they want, and they want dessert too, and you won’t hear the end of it until they get it. Maybe they want to go out for dinner to their favorite place where you know you don’t have many options. It can be hard to juggle your own eating habits with your family’s. You feel like eating healthy doesn’t seem like a priority when you’re eating with other people. This can be especially hard when you’re at a relative’s table when food is personal. If you do feel the pressure to eat, use the tasting method. Just take one spoonful. And remember that when it comes to family meals, it’s about more than food. Don’t focus on what you’re not eating, focus on the time you spend together.


Your family and coworkers may understand your choices, but your friends may be your biggest obstacle. They want you to indulge and enjoy things with them. They want to go out for drinks or meet up at a cafe for coffee. When you find yourself in a social situation where eating or drinking certain foods is part of the get-together, you have to do the best you can. Don’t just give up because you think the situation is out of your control. Look for healthy alternatives or go for something that you know is a good choice. Meeting up isn’t an occasion to fall off the wagon. You can also plan accordingly when you have the time. If you know you’re meeting up with a friend for coffee, keep it simple (no sugary syrups or whole milk) and make it one of your snacks.


Navigating social situations is part of daily life so it will also be part of your weight loss. It can be tiring to combat your own temptations, and then to add someone else telling you that you should treat yourself to whatever food you want isn’t helpful. They may think that one meal or snack isn’t a big deal, but you work too hard to spoil your resolution. Make it something you are proud of and include the people around.  If they really want the best for you they will understand.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution


It’s time to shake off that holiday haze and get back to reality. Some people see it as a welcome end to a hectic and busy holiday season, while some may still be clinging to the last few moments of celebration. Either way, for almost everyone it is time to go back to school or work, say goodbye to your relatives and put the decorations back in the attic. Returning to your usual work or class schedule is impossible to avoid so maybe you’re thinking about taking your time getting back to your weight loss plan. January 1st was still part of the holiday break so maybe you planned to get serious about your resolution today…But you weren’t ready to get up when the alarm clock went off this morning, so forget about having your head in the right place when it comes choosing what to eat this week. And those leftovers shouldn’t go to waste, right? The passing of another holiday season and the stress of going back to your regular routine may make you feel overwhelmed, but now is not the time to shy away from your commitment to your resolution. Take this as an opportunity to kick things into high gear. Use this fresh start to build on what you have been doing.


But beware – the worst thing you can do right now is go overboard. Putting too many things on your plate or trying to quit certain things “cold turkey” can make you weaker and crumble under pressure. If you have a long list of strict resolutions or things you want to accomplish (quit candy, cut alcohol consumption, exercise more, drink less soda, drink more water, eat more vegetables, get healthy, try juicing or a detox, eat more protein and focus on your weight loss, etc.) all at the same time, your brain is going to be the one getting the workout instead of your body. When you split your attention and have too many priorities it can actually make it harder to accomplish anything at all. For example, if you over do it at the gym it just means you’ll probably dread exercising and be less likely to workout. Instead, push yourself just beyond your comfort zone without getting too intense. Similarly, if you were to skip meals or try some crash diet you are basically setting yourself up for failure. Making changes to your eating and exercise habits is possible when done right.


The best way to succeed is to break up your resolution into manageable pieces. You should make realistic goals that are specific to you. If you have never been a runner and then decide to run a marathon next month, you should probably reconsider. Or if you want to cut down on how much sugar you consume, you will probably be feeling cravings after just a day or two without it. Your brain automatically prefers comfortable, old habits over new and different ones. For a while, for example, you will still crave sugar or resist going for a jog, but eventually you will be running a full marathon and will have left those sugar cravings behind. The most important part of this idea is to have a plan and hold yourself accountable. Make clear goals for each month or week and keep track of them. If you miss a goal, it’s not the end of the world. Readjust your plan and keep going. You’re not giving yourself any excuses to quit, you’re actually ensuring your success.


Most of all, it’s important to remember that this will take time. It is commonly felt that resolutions need to be accomplished within the beginning of the new year for them to count, but remember that a year is 12 months. It’s not a January Resolution, it’s a New Year’s Resolution. Changing your habits and completing a major accomplishment won’t happen over night. The changes may be small and gradual, but that doesn’t make them any less of a success. By the end of the year you will have accomplished so much that you never thought would ever be possible right now. The same way you start with simple, short phrases when you learn a new language – start small and you will see major results.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018