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Tag: motivation

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Patterns and Traits to Follow for Successful Weight Loss

Many of my very successful clients tend to follow the same pattern / trails for weight loss success. Below are the TOP FIVE TRAITS for WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS. 


PLANNING: You should know what you are going to eat. Successful clients know what they are going to eat the next day or at the very least the next morning ahead of time. You should never wing it. When you wing it, you will end up grabbing something not on your program.  Many of them will even email me what their choices are for the day and I will okay them to ensure that they will have an amazing weight loss day.  


PREPARED:  So now you plan your day, the next step is to be prepared. You need to make sure the choices you picked for your day are available to you. This may include you stoping at the store the day before or taking something out of your freezer the morning of. When you are prepared for your day you are 99% more likely to stick to ONLY your weight loss foods instead of grabbing something out of hunger. Many of the clients who are well prepared know what they have in their freezer and refrigerators and choose the meals each day according to what is available.


CONSISTENCY: Another very important trait that my most successful clients have is they are consistent throughout. They are consistent with planning, they are consistant with being prepared and they are consistent with doing the right things and making the right choices every day. Consistency is one of the most important traits because if you have a fabulous day of planning and a fabulous day being prepared that’s great, but it’s not enough.  Because now you have to have them 6 days straight to see results. Weight loss days need to be consistent in order to work. I can’t tell you how many times a client will say to me, “But I was good the last two days!” lol You know who you are 😉 – Always remember you need 6 consecutive weight loss days to see the scale move.


EVERYTHING MATTERS: While the top 3 may be very obvious, this one is less obvious but just as important. EVERYTHING MATTERS. Every bite, crumb and sip matter. If you have an extra glass of wine, it matters. If you use soy sauce, it matters. If you have an extra handful of Cheerios, it matters. Will you gain from the little extras? No, you won’t gain, but you also won’t lose. You will maintain. While most of you come in being very successful maintainers, my job is to get you to lose. So remember the most successful clients live by the rule that everything they put in their mouth matters and there is no food or drink that is free. If you are eating it or drinking it, it counts.


POSITIVE THINKING: This is my favorite. While most clients may not start out with it, after only a few sessions many learn the power of it. Positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. Positive thoughts can actually create real value in your life. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and helps you expect only positive results. A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. To use it in your life, you need more than just to be aware of its existence. You need to adopt the attitude of positive thinking in everything you do – INCLUDING LOSING WEIGHT. BREATH IT AND BELIEVE IT!   


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Sleep and Weight Loss


Though they may seem unrelated, your sleep habits and night time routine can actually play an important part in your weight loss. Night time snacking, caffeine and sugar consumption, weight loss, metabolism and quality sleep are all very connected. For example, getting a good night’s sleep will improve your overall well-being and also help you keep cravings at bay. If you’re tired during the day you will probably be looking for caffeine or sugar to give you a boost. Having low energy will also make you reach for comfort foods and you’ll probably be more inclined to skip a workout or an opportunity to be active. Lack of sleep can also lead to irritability, weakened immune system, impaired memory and more.


What is one of the most common causes of poor quality sleep? Many people find that they can eat healthy during the day but that their resolve is worn down by late afternoon and night time, when they can’t help themselves from indulging in sweet and salty snacks. Late afternoon snacking and night time snacking can take a healthy weight loss day and change it to an unhealthy weight gain day in a matter of a couple of hours. A majority of clients find themselves challenged between the hours of 4-6pm and 7-9pm. If you have poor sleep quality from the night before, think about how that is going to affect your ability to stay strong through these challenges. When we don’t sleep we break down from the inside out. If you are reaching for caffeine in an effort to pass on the snacking you may find drinking caffeine after 4pm will keep you in lighter stages of sleep when you need deep, quality sleep to function at your best during the day. Sleep is also essential to proper metabolism function – if you aren’t getting enough sleep it can slow your metabolism. It’s not just snacking that can affect you in this way – big meals or heavy foods can increase heartburn and other discomfort that can keep you up. Many of us like to have something sweet after dinner or a late night salty snack, and that’s okay. But make a plan to have your allowed snacks planned in advance so you know what they are and when you are eating them. When you are done – you are done!


There are several ways you can improve your night that will lead to quality sleep. The best thing you can do is cut the caffeine well before you plan to go to bed.  Lowering your time with bright lights and computer, tablet or phone screens will also help you when it’s time to go to sleep. The blue light from electronics such as phones or computers can suppress your brain’s production of melatonin, a brain chemical which helps us fall asleep. Another option is to try to go to bed and wake up at consistent times. This can help you get into a regular rhythm and will train your body to expect to go to sleep at a certain time and keep you consistent. Meditation has also been known to significantly improve sleep quality. Meditating during the day or evening can help you release tension and recharge, which can lead to a more relaxed night.


Try some of these tips and have a healthy, restful night tonight!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

4 Weight Loss Truths

Don’t get caught up in misconceptions or unrealistic expectations. Losing weight isn’t easy – nothing worth while ever is. But understanding why it takes so much hard work can help you reach your goals and keep yourself healthy long after. Here are our top 4 truths about weight loss. 


1. Slower is Better. The safe and effective way to lose weight is through healthy changes at a healthy pace. As much as you want to see a change over night, quick fixes and fad diets won’t help and aren’t healthy. Studies show that people who rapidly lose weight are more likely to gain it back, so give yourself time to make the healthy changes stick. You’re not just eating right and working out – you’re fighting cravings, battling bad habits, trying new things and making major adjustments. Your mind is going through just as much change and hard work as your body. Have the patience to succeed.  


2. Everyone is Different. Some people see dramatic weight loss in the first few weeks, while others may not see a change for what feels like a long time. This is just another reason to have patience. Just because you aren’t experiencing the weight loss you want yet, that doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong. Everyone is unique – what works for your mother, sister, friend and co-worker might just not work for you the same way. Again, you have to have patience. But there are so many benefits to getting healthy that you will experience whether the number on the scale changes or not (less body fat, more energy, less stress, better sleep, lowered risk of a number of disease – just to name a few). 


3. Don’t Worry About Consistency. Rarely will you lose the same amount of weight each week, even when you are perfectly on program. Typically you will see a big difference in your first week because you are making such healthy changes, but as you go on in your weight loss the progress slows. It is completely normal to experience fluctuating weight loss from week to week. Your weight will even change day-to-day for reasons such as food and water intake – these are not permanent changes. Think of it this way – if you were to drink a gallon of water and then step on the scale that would increase your weight, right? But it’s not permanent. Don’t get caught up in the small fluctuations – focus on the big picture. 


4. Don’t seek perfection. No one is perfect. Setbacks are normal and you may experience them more than once. The ways or the reasons you get off track aren’t as important as your ability to bounce back and move past them. Making mistakes and learning from them are part of life, don’t let them stop you in your tracks.  True Success is when You have the strength to lift yourself up, brush yourself off and get back on your path.  


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Struggling After Vacation

Spring has finally sprung and we are experiencing some beautiful weather. This week I want you to concentrate on moving forward and ONLY moving forward. Leave the past behind you and focus on the future. STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP…IT GETS YOU NOWHERE. Don’t spend your energy and thoughts about what you didn’t do or should have done this past holiday break. Think about what you want to look and feel like come this summer. Are you ready for the barbeque parties? Or the pool?  Can you imagine yourself in shorts and a tank top? Sundress? These are questions only you can answer. Because in a few short weeks you will be pulling your summer clothes out of your closet and they will either be VERY TIGHT or THEY WILL FIT or THEY WILL BE BIG. The result is entirely up to you.


After vacation we tend to have a hard time getting back on track. We spend a week eating and/or drinking a little more than we should (a lot more for some). Your body doesn’t turn off and on after a week. It needs to be trained again. So if you are experiencing a hard time because you are struggling getting back on track.  Try your best to work through it. It’s okay to be a little hungry it will go away. Yes they may be real hunger pains, but only because you just spent a week of overeating. You need to work through it or your new extra weight will become old weight and will not come off so easy. Do it now….Get rid of it now!


Start with the basic 3 meals and 3 snacks. If you need an extra snack, have one from your program. It’s better to have an extra snack off your program than to grab something that will take you off your path. Make sure you have healthy on program snacks with you at all times. It’s important to have snacks within arm’s reach. If you get to the point where you are starving then you waited too long and most likely will grab something unhealthy. After one week you should be back on your program 110%.


We can’t change the past. We can only learn from it and use what we learn to make our future a better and positive place for us. Treat your body with respect, love and kindness. Fuel it with healthy food that will make you feel good and run at 110%. When you treat your body like the gift that it is…it returns the favor.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Easter and Passover Recipes


Two of Spring’s biggest holidays are just a few days away! Although it hasn’t really felt like winter has ended, Easter and Passover are fast approaching. Many of you will choose one of the days this weekend as your cheat day, but as usual the celebrating might last for more than just one day. Here are some healthier recipes and treats that can help you make smarter choices so the weekend doesn’t put too much of a dent in your weight loss plan.


One of the highlights of Easter weekend for kids and adults is the Easter basket and Easter candy. When looking for something healthier than the typical candy, try some dark chocolate. You could even make dark chocolate bark with some healthy add ins such as roasted pumpkin seeds, dried fruit, nuts or even wasabi peas or sea salt. It’s a healthier option that’s still a sweet treat. To make it, chop one pound of dark chocolate into fine pieces and microwave 3/4 of the chocolate for 30 seconds. Stir with a spatula and repeat the heating at 30 second intervals until the chocolate is melted and smooth. Add the rest of the chocolate and stir until all the chocolate is melted. Pour the chocolate onto a large baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper. Spread the chocolate evenly in the pan and sprinkle on your toppings. Let the chocolate cool until set (at least 4 hours, or 30 minutes in the refrigerator) then break it up into small pieces. You could put the pieces into little bags and put them in an easter basket or give as gifts.


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If you’re looking for something simpler, a festive fruit or vegetable plate is a great option. Carrots and green veggies such as celery or broccoli make a healthy and easy appetizer or snack. You could add even more vegetables or a mix of fruit and make a colorful egg shaped platter.


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Instead of reaching for candy while decorating eggs, you could boil a couple extra eggs and have them as snacks. Another festive snack takes just a few simple ingredients – add hummus to small pots and stick baby carrots in each.


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Passover includes a lot of healthy foods that can be enjoyed without worry and included in some interesting dishes. You can make a bitter herbs salad by combining romaine lettuce, radicchio, arugula, celery, scallions, parsley, dill, mint, and a dressing with garlic, salt, lemon juice and olive oil.


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Charoset is a sweet and healthy spread that is made from a combination of nutritious foods. To make it at home, combine raisins, pecans, almonds, dates, figs, ground cinnamon, unsweetened applesauce and fruit juice in a food processor.


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Chocolate no-bake macaroons are a great healthy and festive dessert option. They are also vegan, nut free, gluten free, dairy free and kosher. In a bowl, mash 1 banana then stir in melted coconut oil, maple syrup and vanilla extract. Stir until well blended then add cocoa powder. Add unsweetened shredded coconut and a pinch of sea salt. Scoop rounds of the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place them in the freezer for around 20 minutes or until ready to enjoy.


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Have a Healthy and Happy Easter and Passover!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Information and Tips for This Week


Hi Everyone! I will be heading to San Francisco, California this Friday 3/27 to meet with a client for one week. I strategically planned it because we also have a family event we are attending the following week, so it will be a work/vacation for 2 weeks. However, I will continue to be available to you throughout the 2 weeks. Starting Friday 3/27 all texts and emails will be answered in the early morning and late evening. Because of the time difference and my work schedule it would be impossible for me to give exact times. What I think would be most effective for everyone is if you continue to text and email throughout the day when your questions come to mind or when you need any help. But just be aware that the questions you send will be answered in the mornings and late evenings. So you may have to be proactive in some of your questions. For example, if you are going out to dinner I t would be great to ask the day before so it gives me time to look up the menu and answer.


If you send me your daily food diary you will send it as usual and know that I will comment on it either that evening or the next morning depending on when you send it. The same with your weight. If you are an online client and you send your weight in weekly then you will send it as usual and depending on when you send it I will answer either in the morning or evening. If you have any food questions, general questions, need motivational support – you will send them whenever you think of them and I will answer either the morning of or the evening, depending on when it’s received. Text messages should be sent to 516-457-8598 and all emails should be sent to


While I am gone you will:


Remember that you are accountable for everything you put in your mouth. The up coming holiday should not only be about food – It should be about the holiday, family and friends. Spring Break means summer is around the corner, along with shorts, tank tops, summer dresses and bathing suits.








WE ARE CLOSED APRIL 3, 4 AND 5 for Passover and Easter


Jeff is available for anyone who would like to continue to weigh-in. He will be in the studio Wednesday through Friday 9am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm. (all weights are sent directly to me).




In the next two weeks we will begin spring break and holidays. Reasons why you CAN’T STAY on your program will start flooding your head. So take these next two weeks and make a real difference. More than you already have. Really give yourself 2 hardcore weeks. Here are some tips on how to do that:


1) One snack a day – I can see your eyes rolling through my computer. But honestly we don’t need ANY snacks, never mind 3. I give them to you to get you through the day mentally, not physically. 3 meals a day is plenty for us. So if you can survive on one snack instead of 2 or 3 you will see an amazing difference in your weight loss. Do you really need the snack between breakfast and lunch? Do you need a whole snack after dinner? What about if you just took a bite of something sweet after dinner. Wouldn’t that be just as effective? These are the things I want you to think about moving forward. Remember it’s for just 2 weeks. It’s not forever.


If it’s too hard you may want to try and do 1 or 2 snacks every other day instead of every day. You may be surprised that you do not need it and won’t feel the loss of hunger from it. Sometimes we get into the habit of eating something at a certain time but it’s not something we really need or necessarily want. Test it out and see how you do.


2) Start walking. Make a promise to yourself that you will walk everyday for the next two weeks. Even if you currently go to the gym, incorporate the walking into your day. It may sound silly or not worth the effort to you, but I assure you that if you incorporate at least 30 minutes a day of walking in addition to whatever you are doing now, you will see that it will make a big difference in your weight loss numbers.


Set a minimum time (for example 30 min a day). If you do more, great, but you have to do at least 30 min. Walk everyday. It can be at the soccer field during sports practice or in your neighborhood. Walk the dog or walk with your significant other or your children. But walk!!! Walking is not only good for exercise. It also sets off a feel good hormone in your body. It’s good for your Mind and Heart. It also gets you out of the house and out of the kitchen!! Because as I have told you over and over… most of the time when we are reaching for something out of the cabinet, it’s not because we are hungry. You just spent all winter cooped up in your home and now you have the opportinuinty to go out and enjoy the weather. It’s lighter later, and even on the brisk days it’s very doable to go out and walk. Momma Nature is giving you NO EXCUSES, so stop making them for yourself.


3) Drink your lemon water and continue to drink water throughout the day. There are so many reasons to start your day with warm/hot lemon water. It gets your metabolism moving and heats up the body for blood flow. The acidic in the lemon combined with the hot water not only helps break down internal fat, it also reduces your appetite. Then continue to drink water throughout the day. Water acts like lubricant for intestines , it keeps everything moving throughout your system. When it gets dry and hard it gets clogged. The water keeps it moist. Another amazing factor is it keeps you full longer. When you drink a 12 oz bottle of water before a meal you physically won’t be able to take in as much as if you didn’t drink it. If you are not a water drinker you need to keep it with you at all times. Have one full bottle on hand and when that runs out fill it with another. You will get used to it and eventually look for it. I know you will run to the bathroom more often but that will eventually stop. Your bladder will get use to it and it will become less and less. But like everything else, all of these amazing things will only happen when you are consistent with drinking it. It doesn’t work when it’s for one or two days. It has to become a part of your life for it to work. Consistency is key! Minimum is 8 oz 8 times a day.


The more you are on track before the holiday starts the better you will do during it. Healthy is a way of life. Start living it!


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
Healthy TipsLifestyleUncategorized

Are You Ready For Spring?

This past weekend we sprung forward for Daylight Saving Time and also the weather slowly started to creep out of the 30’s and up toward the 50’s. The snow is finally melting and the warmer weather and longer days we have been waiting for will be here by the end of the week. Now is a crucial time for your weight loss. You probably felt like the dark, cold winter days were filled with monotony and low motivation. During these long winter months it felt like the light at the end of the tunnel was so far away that it would never come – but now is the time that you should be feeling and looking amazing, not just day dreaming about it.


Use the improving weather to jump start your motivation. Recently the weather has been a hassle with mounds of snow and layers of ice, but now you have so many opportunities to enjoy the outdoors and boost your mood. In fact, it’s a scientific truth – a study published recently shows that people who engaged in outdoor activity had elevated mood and self esteem after just 5 minutes. Whether you are switching from snow shoeing to jogging or just trying to energize your exercise routine after months of work out videos inside, you will notice a big change with just one work out.


Your goals are closer than you think and making them even more of a reality can help get you in the right mindset. As you prepare to pack away the heavy coats and sweaters remember that you won’t be able to hide underneath winter layers any more. If you have lost touch with your goals and your progress, strengthen your commitment. Now is the time for you to start enjoying all the hard work you have already put towards your goals and to keep pushing yourself. It hasn’t always been easy but that’s what makes it worth it. It’s time to embrace the shorts and t-shirts!


Prepare yourself for this transition. Warm weather may take you out of your comfort zone but that doesn’t mean you have to spin out of control. Maybe it’s the first time you’ve worn a tank top or a bathing suit in a long while, so you have to work on your confidence as much as you work on your weight loss. Don’t just focus on the things you still want to accomplish or how far you still have to go – think of all the things you have done to make yourself proud.


This is an exciting time when you get enjoy the benefits of your hard work and take your weight loss to the next level. In the winter there is little satisfaction in your efforts when you’re covered head to toe. The shrinking number on the scale can put a smile on your face, but when you put on summer clothes for the first time this year and go to the beach or out with friends you’re going to love your healthy lifestyle even more.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Reflect on Your Resolution


As we embark on the second month in the New Year, take some time to reflect on your resolution. Has it changed? Are you on track? Has it taken a new direction? Have you accomplished some of it? All of it? Many people make the mistake to committing themselves to a resolution but then never tracking their progress. Either it happens, or it doesn’t (and usually, it doesn’t) – there is no in between. A huge part of reaching success with a resolution is to hold yourself to it, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t adjust it. This is not meant to give yourself a way out, just to make sure that you can reach your goals. For example, if you had planned to lose a certain amount of weight in the month of January and it didn’t happened, don’t give up on it. Come up with a plan to make it happen in February. But don’t just push it back – reflect on why it didn’t happen. Maybe it was too big of a resolution for just one month. If so, try spreading it out over 2 months or more. People always seem to be in such a rush to complete their resolutions, but accomplishing a goal or making a lifestyle change doesn’t happen over night. Give yourself time to reach the finish line.


This is why quick fixes never work. They are only made to give you immediate results, not lasting, healthy changes. Patience may be the hardest part of working towards a goal, but if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Changing your habits not only takes time, but it also takes a lot of strength. Not just the physical strength to exercise, but also mental strength to stay on track and motivate yourself. It can be exhausting to constantly have to think about what to eat, when to exercise and to keep yourself from going back to old habits, but the strength you build and the amazing things you accomplish because of it will be just a rewarding as reaching your goal weight. Fad diets and quick weight loss solutions make you drop pounds but they don’t improve your lifestyle the way getting healthy does.


If you’re feeling stuck with your resolution, try breaking it down and making it more specific. Instead of just saying you want to lose a certain amount of weight or you want to “get healthy”, make it more precise. Try making tangible goals, like working out 3 days a week or cutting back on a certain food or drink you consume often. The more vague a goal is, the harder it is to achieve. It may seem like the more open-ended an objective is, the easier it is to accomplish because there are so many ways it can be fulfilled, but this will actually work against you. The same way that you decide the road to take before you drive anywhere, you need direction to be able to follow through on your resolution. Always have a plan, get as specific as possible, and stick to it!


2015 is only just beginning…Make it count!


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018


FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Stop Looking for Excuses


There are so many reasons to take it easy this season but now is not the time to hibernate! Excuses to stray away from your weight loss plan are everywhere. But this year isn’t going to be the same as the last. It may feel impossible to spend your time and energy on getting fit, but now really is the best time to focus on your weight loss.


One of the most common excuses this season is the weather. Being bundled up and feeling sluggish in the cold temperatures isn’t exactly the right environment for outdoor activities or heading the the gym. But believe it or not, this is exactly the reason why you should exercise regularly – what better way to warm up than to work out? Instead of sitting on the couch under a pile of blankets, get your body moving to warm yourself up. The best part is, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to fit in a workout. Try some of our at home work outs ( or check out our Pinterest for more ideas (


Another seasonal condition that can keep you from working out can be the lack of sunshine. Less daylight can make you feel like the day is over by 4 p.m. Again, just because you don’t want to go outside int he darkness to get in a workout doesn’t mean that you have to miss out. It can also be a good idea to switch to morning workouts if you have the time. You can get in some sunshine and start your day right, which means you have a better chance of having a good rest of the day.


Feeling under the weather? Cold and flu season is in full swing, but you don’t have to let minor symptoms get in your way. Dealing with the sniffles is likely to be part of your winter season, so don’t let it be an excuse to cancel a workout. Many time exercise can actually help you feel better. Exercise at a lower intensity or pick something low impact and slowly build back up to a regular workout as you feel better.


You may not want to think about it now, but warm weather isn’t as far away as you think. Skipping a workout or deviating from your weight loss plan for a day or a week may not seem like a big deal when spring and summer feel so far away, but now is really the perfect time to get ready for warmer seasons. You don’t have forever, you have a couple months and you can do a lot in this time. Make it count! You will feel great and look great when it’s time for shorts and t-shirts.


Turn your excuses into reasons to motivate yourself. Winter is no excuse to stop working towards your goals. Keep a positive outlook and soon even the smallest healthy choices you make will have major results.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8301 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Is Someone Trying to Sabotage Your Resolution?

We’re more than half way through the first month of the New Year and you have probably already faced many obstacles while trying to stick to your Resolution. Going back to school and work after the winter break means eating on the go and that healthy eating usually takes a back seat to a busy schedule. And it can be tough to make time for exercise, especially in the cold weather when it can be hard to find the energy. Difficulties like these can be combatted from within through motivation and encouragement, but sometimes you will find that challenges can come from another person. Your friends and family may seem supportive, but sometimes they think that steering you away from your weight loss will make you happy and more relaxed. They see you eating light and they hear of how you struggle sometimes, so they think that giving you a way out and convincing you to skip that workout or to have that dessert will solve your problems. It can be hard to say no to the people you care about and spend the most time with, but you also have to watch out for people that are trying to sabotage your Resolution.


Co-workers may mean well when they come by with that box of donuts or plate of cookies they baked last night, but you have to rise above being tempted in the workplace. The last thing you need is to start rewarding yourself with food when you complete a task or feel stressed at your job. Getting personal at work can be uncomfortable, but there are nice ways to turn down unhealthy food and unnecessary snacks. Just let people know that you don’t have room or just ate, or if you feel the need to take what they are offering, only take a bite or two. So next time your coworkers are passing around birthday cake slices at an office party, have a plan and get through the day without the extra eating.


If you don’t find temptation at work, you will most certainly find it at home with your kids and family. You may plan to eat healthy when you come home but your kids probably have something else in mind. They want what they want, and they want dessert too, and you won’t hear the end of it until they get it. Maybe they want to go out for dinner to their favorite place where you know you don’t have many options. It can be hard to juggle your own eating habits with your family’s. You feel like eating healthy doesn’t seem like a priority when you’re eating with other people. This can be especially hard when you’re at a relative’s table when food is personal. If you do feel the pressure to eat, use the tasting method. Just take one spoonful. And remember that when it comes to family meals, it’s about more than food. Don’t focus on what you’re not eating, focus on the time you spend together.


Your family and coworkers may understand your choices, but your friends may be your biggest obstacle. They want you to indulge and enjoy things with them. They want to go out for drinks or meet up at a cafe for coffee. When you find yourself in a social situation where eating or drinking certain foods is part of the get-together, you have to do the best you can. Don’t just give up because you think the situation is out of your control. Look for healthy alternatives or go for something that you know is a good choice. Meeting up isn’t an occasion to fall off the wagon. You can also plan accordingly when you have the time. If you know you’re meeting up with a friend for coffee, keep it simple (no sugary syrups or whole milk) and make it one of your snacks.


Navigating social situations is part of daily life so it will also be part of your weight loss. It can be tiring to combat your own temptations, and then to add someone else telling you that you should treat yourself to whatever food you want isn’t helpful. They may think that one meal or snack isn’t a big deal, but you work too hard to spoil your resolution. Make it something you are proud of and include the people around.  If they really want the best for you they will understand.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018