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Tag: march



March has arrived with weather that is a great reminder that Spring and Summer are around the corner!


We have a beautiful 5 weeks of weight loss right in front of us.  Do not waste it.  Do not look back and say why didn’t I do it.  Think about it — 2 lbs a week is so doable and that would be a fabulous 10 lb weight loss in one month!  Yes sometimes it requires getting out of our own way.  For example:  Stop the alcohol on non-cheat days; Make sure your cheat day is 1 day and not 1 1/2 or 2; — It’s so easy to sit and cry and think nothing works for me,  but i’m telling you that is absolutely not true.  The program will work for you  — but only if you put the work in.  You have to put the time in and you have to be consistent.  You have to be mentally prepared to give it 110% and stick to your 6 days of weight loss with 1 cheat day.  When you do that I promise you that you will see the same weight loss as everyone else that is on program.


If you have not been doing the right thing and are walking around miserable or are miserable inside your head — you know that you are the only person who can change it.  I can give you all the tools and I can show you thousands of clients who have done it and continue to do it and look and feel amazing.  And I can tell you 100% that you are no different than any of them.  If you want it you can have it.  But first you have to stop playing mind games with yourself, stop making deals with yourself, and no more excuses.  If you really want the 10 lbs in March then start working had for it everyday.  Follow your program and don’t let anything or anyone get in your way – including yourself.


Clients already have had a successful 2020 and it’s only March.  Clients from all over Chicago, California, Arizona, Alabama,  Boston, Florida, Georgia, and right here in New York — amazing amazing results.  Why?  It’s not because they all just jumped on program and did the right thing — although many have done just that.  But majority have been on and they struggled their way through it.  They have hiccups but they hold their breath and get past them.  Sometimes it’s a day and sometimes it’s a week but they get past them.  The reason I am telling you this is so you realize you are not the only one who struggles.  Weight loss is hard.  But if you want to see the weight loss you have to be willing to put the work in every day.  You have to be consistent and always continue to move forward.  You have to push yourself when you don’t want to be pushed and you have to be okay with walking away from temptation that will always be there.  But most important is you have to really decide what it is you want and how important it is to you to get there.  It’s not easy to eat less than your body needs…. it’s not easy to deal with the hunger that you feel when you are eating less… and it’s not easy to walk away from temptation when you are hungry.  But it’s even harder to step on the scale and feel uncomfortable in your own skin.


This month be willing to embrace the challenge.  Get through the little hunger, the temptation and the hiccups.  Pass on the drink and be okay with it.  When you are out to dinner order on program.  Walk away from the temptation and be excited about it!  Promise yourself that no matter what or who is on your path you will continue to do the right thing.  Because when you do that is when April 1st will come and you will be 10 lbs lighter than you are today and you will be so so happy that you are back in control, and back on your happy path where you always feel amazing.


THINK ABOUT IT:  In 5 very quick weeks you are either going to be super happy that you put the work in and feel amazing and on your way to being the best you for Spring and Summer OR you will look back and think “I should have… I could have… I wish I did it… ugh why didn’t I do it.”  ~choose your hard.



~It’s the challenges that make life interesting

Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful~

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick



clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle



This week has been mentally tough for everyone.  With the threats of snow and the cold weather it can be challenging to remember why we are restricting ourselves from all the comforting foods we could be having.  but this is the time you have to constantly remind yourself that summer is going to sneak up on you and when it does you want to be ready.

In only a couple of short week we will be taking the coats off.  Think back to a time when you were not ready to reveal yourself.  It could have been last spring or last week on vacation.  When everyone is taking coats off and you wished you could keep yours on because you were not mentally or physically ready to reveal what was underneath.  March and April are transition months when the weather changes from Cold-to Warm – to Some very Hot Days.  Think of this as your transition months as well.  you want to take where you are right now and continue on with where you want to be.  When it’s hot you want to be ready for it and when coats come off and shorts go on you want to be following the same transition from winter to spring to summer.  you don’t want to be that one person walking around with a winter coat on or a long sweater because you didn’t do what was good for you right now.

Think about and motivate yourself for what you have coming up in the Spring and Summer.  Whether it’s Graduation parties, Vacations, Bar Mitzvah or Sweet 16.  Keep reminding yourself that you are preparing right now to be and feel the best you can for what’s ahead.  Shop online for spring and summer outfits and bathing suits.  It doesn’t always have to be a special occasion it can just be that you want to be prepared for the BBQ and Beach season that you love and want to be ready to enjoy.  When it’s 90 outside you don’t want to be in cover ups and long jeans.  You want to be feeling good and confident in your skin and your clothes.

Living the program makes you happy.  When you get through these tough weeks you will feel so much better and you will feel the mental strength that comes with staying strong and on your path.  When you follow your program and you get through these tougher weeks the results will be amazing.  The sun will be warmer and you feel better and you look better and act better.  We have had a lot of returning clients in the last two weeks. Some come back just to reboot – others may have let vacations and holidays get the best of the them  — some just feel better when they come in.  But what I have learned from all of them is one thing they all seem to say — Being on program feels so much better than being off program.  It doesn’t matter if they weren’t cheating everyday – it’s really not about that.  It’s about having the control, and that amazing feeling of lightness in your body that you feel when you live the program.  As soon as they had the feelings of being off for an extended period of time whether it be 2 weeks or 2 months they realized that they started to not feel well — feeling sluggish, out of control, and just not as happy as when they are on program.  It doesn’t take long both mentally and physically to learn that your body responds best to living the program.

When you don’t do the right thing by your body it takes away confidence and self control.  You quickly fall into sabotages and bad habits and before you know it you look back and think why did I do something that made me unhappy/  I was so happy on program and doing the right things for my body and mind.  Yes – just like this week – it may sometimes feel restricting but that is such a better and easier feeling than not being able to get your pants on or feeling the lack of confidence when you are walking into work or attending a party.  Or most important just feeling miserable in general because you just don’t feel good about yourself or your health.

The truth is feeling good about yourself and eating healthy is the most important thing you can do.  It sets up your day anyhow you perform in it.  From taking care of your family, to being productive at work.  When you don’t do the right things and you don’t feel good about yourself it affects everything including your confidence.  It’s not always easy but you must make it a priority to stay on your path.  I see you all and read the texts and I know when you are on and feeling good you are completely different from being off and not feeling good about yourself.  So while March may be challenging and difficult I can assure you that the challenge of staying on program is going to be a lot easier than the challenge of entering into Spring and Summer in a body that you don’t feel good in.

The First Step to Transitioning is Deciding that you are

Not Going to Stay Where you Are!

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick