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Tag: 25lbs

blogINNOVATIONLifestyleMotivationPodcastweight loss




Josephine (Host)

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today we have a very special guest, one of our success stories, Shari Rauch. Let’s see, I’m going to bring her in. Hi Shari, can you hear me?

Shari (Guest)

Yes, I can hear you. Hi.

Josephine (Host)

Hi. Welcome. One of the absolute things I love is that about your story is it’s the second time you did this. You had success the first time, lost all your weight and it was years ago how long ago was that? 

Shari (Guest)


Josephine (Host)

And then, of course, with everything, life, age, pandemics, name it, you gained weight and you came back. I guess it was like in the summer, right this past June,


June, yes


Okay yes, and what I love and I think is so inspiring and this is what I told you, I wanted to share so much with our audience is you were a one pound a week weight loss and sometimes you weren’t even a pound. 

Let’s talk about first, how much did you lose so far? 


25 pounds


Wow. That’s amazing. It’s a lot of weight. It’s insane, especially doing it like that. But if you think about it, did we ever have a two pound week? I think once or twice, right?

Shari (Guest)

Yes In the beginning there were a couple of times I would lose two and a half maybe, but that was the most I ever got in one week. 

Josephine (Host)

That’s what I thought. And, honestly though, look at like you now. Like, if you look back and if you would have given up because it wasn’t a lot of loss each week, you would have just regained the weight and ended up starting all over again.  

This is what I tell people all the time if you stop and then you just regain what you lost, it’s the hampster wheel you never get anywhere and just keep starting over. 

What I loved about you, you had that mindset. No matter what and I tell you this all the time when, there were weeks you came and worked hard and lost nothing and you were disappointed. Of course you’re trying so hard, but I never looked at you and said she’s going to give up, You were just so mentally in this. 

Shari (Guest)

And it took me quite a while to get myself mentally to that point. I mean, obviously, the weight starting with pandemic years was creeping on, creeping on, then pre-menopausal and hormones and so many things, just all compounding one after the other, making it, you know, all this weight gain coming on and I hit rock bottom and I said finally, like all right, like this is it, I can’t take it anymore and I’m going to do this. But before that I wasn’t mentally ready and I knew like I probably would have given up. The only time I ever weighed that much is when I had two babies in my belly. I was pregnant with the twins. 

Josephine (Host)

Wow, that’s so funny, but that’s so inspiring. If you look back, do you feel like it took as long as it did? I mean June? What are we in January, so Basically, it’s not even what. Seven months. 

Shari (Guest)

I feel like it’s been like slow and steady, but I feel so much better now getting to this point it was worth it, you know, every bit, of every little bit each week it was so worth it. 

Josephine (Host)

I just did a podcast with someone else and I was talking about you in the beginning. You didn’t really have that much exercise either. You started that more towards, like the middle to the end, right? 

Shari (Guest)

Yeah, and I’m trying. And you know, to be honest, I am not a big exercise person, I don’t love it, I kind of hate it. But I force myself and I mean I’m better in the warmer weather, in the summer I love to walk and that’s my big thing, but not in the winter, now I’m getting on the peloton and I’m like forcing myself to get up, you know, early in the morning and do it, even though I don’t like it, but I do feel better after I do it. So I’m really trying to push myself for more exercise. 

I wish I had that exercise bug. I just don’t. And the first time I did the plan, you know, it was really with almost no exercise and the weight came off a lot easier. And now I feel like I really need to try to incorporate more exercise along with the eating to make it work at this stage of my life, you know, hormonally and everything else, where I am, and I’m not working in the city anymore, so I’m a lot more sedentary where I used to commute every day. So I’m just in generally not moving as much as I used to.

Josephine (Host)

Right and that is important. I see you buying all new clothes, when I bump into you at RAGS and you look so happy and amazing. 

I do want to talk about the five hour and detox, because I think what’s really great to tell people is how much you basically bounced back a lot between the detox and the five hour. 

Shari (Guest)

Yeah, I’ve been doing both. I think I like the five hour better. I did a mix of the detox and five hour this week, a couple of days and I kind of felt like I was a little bit hungrier than usual, where I think I’m not feeling as hungry when I do the five hour. I have that little like hunger pang like in the morning and I get past it and then once I eat my muffin for lunch like I’m full and I’m good till dinner, but having the detox drink and then the muffin for lunch. I don’t know, I think I was feeling a little hungrier this week or maybe it was in my head. 

Josephine (Host)

You were supposed to feel a little hungry. I was trying to confuse your body a little bit just because we are down to those last 5 pounds, you know. So that’s when I like what I called it the doubling down, Like sometimes just confusing your body a little bit. So if a little bit hungrier, that’s probably a good thing. Another thing to mention is you started with just the regular innovation and sometimes we still throw it in, especially on the weekend,

Shari (Guest)

 I know, in the beginning we did more of the regular innovation and then we switched over to the five hour, which I really like doing the five hour. I feel like it just works very well for me. I’m not finding it that hard to stick to. 

Josephine (Host)

Yeah, and I felt like, even when you didn’t lose you always said you felt lighter. 

Shari (Guest)

Yeah, sometimes the scale just didn’t move, but I felt lighter for sure. 

Josephine (Host)

What’s great about that is too, is sometimes it just takes that scale a little extra time, another day. We just don’t see it, but you felt it and a lot of time mentally you need that, you know. 

Shari (Guest)

I mean, it definitely stinks when the scale doesn’t move, but it helps when you feel lighter.

(Both laughing)

Josephine (Host)

I know it stinks for both of us, trust me. Well, it’s great. You’re doing amazing, you look amazing. I can’t even believe It’s 25 pounds. 

So this is a great question. Okay, last question. It’s 25 pounds, and because I saw you go through this, and it was a lot meaning a pound a week, and you just kept at it, and some weeks, no pounds, and you still kept at it. You were so mentally strong. I was so proud of you through the whole thing. If you look back now, though, if somebody said to you when you first started, it’s gonna take seven months, but you’re gonna lose 25 pounds, what would you have thought? 

Shari (Guest)

I, it’s a good question. I mean, I think, just mentally, I was at the point where, like, I have to get this weight off and no matter what it takes. So if it’s seven months, then it’s seven months and that’s what it’s gonna be. But as long as I was seeing progress most weeks which most weeks I did it was worth it. 

Josephine (Host)

I really feel that to look back on like seven months, it sounds long, but it really wasn’t long. The days and weeks go so fast. And look at you now. You’re like a different person and in the middle of it, at any time had you given up, which I knew you wouldn’t it’s not even a question, but for other people, when they feel like it’s slow and they give up they never get to where they want to be. I think it’s important to realize when you don’t give up and put the time in look at where you got too. You are amazing and you look amazing. 

Shari (Guest)

Yes, 100%. I feel like a new person. I was at the point I was miserable. I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror, I didn’t want to put clothes on. I was just happy being in sweatpants, because then I didn’t have to feel how tight all my pants were and buying bigger sizes. It was, it was awful. And I just finally like hit the bottom and I said, okay, like I have to do something. I had started coming back and buying the food, but like I knew what I needed to do. I needed to start sitting with you being accountable every week and like really taking it seriously. 

Josephine (Host)

The last question what if somebody’s looking right now and they’re apprehensive about doing it or they’re scared about doing this? What is your best advice to them? 

Shari (Guest)

My best advice would be just do it. You just have to tell yourself mentally I’m ready to do this, I’m gonna do it and whatever it takes, and you just stick to it. You got to stick to your plan, you got to hold yourself accountable and you’ll see the results. 

You can’t be picking at this or picking at that, and, believe me, I do that sometimes. It’s not easy when I have two teenage boys and they’re eating all this fattening stuff around me and I definitely pick at this, pick at that, and that’s why I like the summer better when they weren’t around, and there was not a bad thing in my house, so it was a lot easier to stay on track but definitely hard with temptations around. But I always try to plan the best I can.

You know, if I have to go to a restaurant, I’m looking at the menu. I’m asking what can I eat? Like this is going to be hard, but you do everything to just try to stick to the plan and see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Josephine (Host)

Yes, see the results, and yes, see the cheat day at the end of the week. 

Shari (Guest)

By the time that meal comes, it’s like if I eat one thing on cheat day I’m so full. 

Josephine (Host)

Yes, exactly, which is the whole point. Like, mentally you want it but you can’t even physically do it, because your stomach shrunk and you get so full so fast, which is good. 

You are amazing. I am so appreciative of you being on. I know this is not really your thing, but you did it and you’re inspiring so many people. You look gorgeous Every time. I see you every Saturday, which I’ll see you tomorrow morning I am amazed by the progress and everything you’ve done and all the work you put in to get to where you are, so I’m really proud of you. 

 Shari (Guest)

Thank you so much. You’re the best, I couldn’t do it without you my therapy sessions every Saturday morning and getting me through when I just don’t feel good or got to get over something or stressed out so you’ve helped me get there. Without you I couldn’t do it.  

Josephine (Host)

Thank you so much I really appreciate that. I really do. I love you. You’re so great. Thank you, 

Shari Rauch 25lbs lighter, You’re an inspiration to so many people you don’t even know. One pound a week and you kept at it and seven months later you’re 25 pounds lighter. You look amazing. So proud of you. Thank you so much for being on our podcast and thank you all for listening today to our Love to Live Healthy podcast. I’m wishing everyone a happy, healthy week. Hugs and love from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick