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Tag: 2015

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Holiday Travel Tips


As the year comes to an end we are approaching one of the most exciting times of the year. Whether you are planning a Christmas celebration at home, a family trip, a New Year’s party or a tropical getaway, there are so many things to look forward to. But this can also be a time when our eating can go off plan and we don’t eat as healthy as we would like. Here are a few ways to help you prepare and stay on track in the next few weeks. 
Prepare Healthy Foods and Snacks. The best way to ensure that you can eat healthy during travel and while on vacation is to prepare ahead of time. We always look forward to planning our vacation activities whether it is lounging on the beach or seeing the sights, but planning healthy eating might be a different story. But it is a good idea to push yourself to pack healthy snacks for travel and to do some planning while you are away to help you make the right choices. Travel snacks are easy. You can grab a protein bar, piece of fruit, Cheerios, nuts, or a bag of healthy chips or popcorn to reach for at any time in transit or on a long flight. And once you arrive, seek out local restaurants and stores that you might shop or eat at. Glance at their menus and see what they have to offer just to be aware of what you have to choose from.
Buy at the airport. If you get stuck and need to find food on the go, remember that you have healthy options. Airports may seem like all they have to offer is fast food and snacks high in salt and sugar, but if you really look you will find healthy options. Many airport kiosks will have great breakfast options such as Greek yogurt and mini Cheerios packages, hard boiled eggs, fruit, and there might even be a smoothie or coffee shop where you can get coffee, tea or a smoothie (just pay attention to the ingredients in everything, especially smoothies). You will also be able to find some good lunch options likes salads and wraps. You can also find a variety of snacks like nuts, hummus, cheese sticks, fruit or a latte to get you through the day. Eating healthy during travel will not only help you stay on your weight loss plan, but it will also make you feel better during travel and help you avoid getting too dried out or crash from a sugar high. 
Healthy Travel. Remember to stay hydrated during travel, especially flying. You can bring an empty water bottle with you to fill after you get through security, or you can purchase bottled water near your gate. Avoid too much caffeine and sugar like coffee and soda, especially when you are flying because they will just dry you out and make you jittery. While flying it can also help to move around. This can mean walking up and down the aisle, or just stretching in your seat. Here are some ideas:

Vacation Eating. Eating healthy on vacation presents many challenges. When we go to a new place we don’t know our options. Even if we are visiting a familiar place, we are living outside of our usual routine. Vacations are special so it makes us feel like we should treat ourselves and live in the moment. We want to eat and drink without a care in the world. And we should treat ourselves! That doesn’t mean we have to stuff ourselves, though. Decide when you want to indulge. Maybe you want to have a special dessert or a nice dinner each night. The choice is yours. Losing over vacation is very hard but possible, and maintaining going in to the New Year would be a huge accomplishment. 

Most important – vacations whether home or away should not be about food. The focus should be about spending quality time with the people you love, family, friends and most important quality time with yourself. What will make you happy…Walks on the beach with your significant other? Or playing more with your kids – or spending time with your parents. Maybe for some it’s reading a book you have been too busy to pick up or maybe you can finally have that extra time to exercise. Use the vacation and free time to your advantage and choose to do the things that will not only make you happy in the moment but also that will make you happy tomorrow and the next day. Enjoy – love and be happy.  
Your circumstances do not determine what your life will be; They simply reveal what life you have chosen up until now.  ​
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Where Will You Be on the Next Holiday Break?


Thanksgiving is behind us. Another Holiday has come and gone. As we look forward to our next Holiday Vacation we must use these next 4 weeks very wisely. Because depending on how your last 5 days went and the text messages I received – many of you are in very different places. Some had every intention on staying 100% on and unfortunately your path went in a very wrong direction. Others were expecting the worst and ended up with the best. For some, you had your plan and stuck to it with a 90-10 and ended up doing much better then you could have imagined. Then of course I have my hard-core, who stick to it regardless of what is going on. They never stray from the eat clean 6 and indulge 1. Regardless of what good or bad goes on in their day, they are never stressed about their weight because they always do the right thing.  
Where will you be on Holiday Break? It’s always great to have a big goal. But you need little goals in between. Each little goal you reach is a step closer to the big goal. Start today by having a 100% week. Put yourself – body and mind – to the test.  How much can you lose this week? Remember everything you do is for now. It’s not forever. It’s simply to get the weight off. Once the weight is off you are no longer restricting yourself and you can eat more and maintain. But for right now, it’s all about losing. Getting to a good happy place by Holiday Break.  
Mentally get into a good place – Losing weight is important to you for your health and happiness. For one week you will be 100% and see what your body does in return. For one week you will say “No” to anything that is tempting because it’s not worth the result. For one week you will be 100% focused on losing weight and not let anything get in your way. This week is about you and what you want for your body and health.
Visualize – where will you be on Holiday Break? Beach, Island, somewhere special – any of these places should be motivating enough to know that you will either be in a bathing suit or shorts and you want to feel good about wearing them and not hiding and wishing you would have done something when you had the chance. Keep this thought in your mind. Yes, you really can change a lot in 4 weeks!
Are you staying home?  Even more reason to do it now. You don’t want to be around so many delicious holiday choices with friends and family and not be able to enjoy it because you are in a bad place to begin with. Start today so you can enjoy later.  
If you take the baby steps now and get your number down each week you will feel lighter, in control and most important, healthy and good about yourself when the Holiday comes – everyone will be celebrating and you will too!
What happens when you follow your menu and eat clean foods:
– The first two days are the most challenging – get through them however you have to because I promise by the third day you will begin to feel amazing. Think of it as you over did it and this is what you have to do now. Give and take. It’s time give time.
– The 3rd day the cravings are starting to disappear and you begin to feel in control.
– By the 4th all water weight and bloat is gone.
– The 5th day your fat cells are starting to shrink! Your stomach is getting smaller and you begin to feel lighter (you know when you wake up and your stomach feels flatter and everything about you is just overall lighter- yes that amazing light feeling that gets you to hop out of bed instead of drag yourself out).
– By the 6th day you will begin to realize how less important food is compared to how important it is when you feel amazing, healthy and happy. You feel so good it makes you wonder why you ever over-indulged to begin with.   
– The 7th day (morning) – you weigh yourself and you are jumping up and down because you are thrilled you hit your first week goal (the closer you stay to the menu and the cleaner your foods are the more you will lose).  IT’S CHEAT DAY and you enjoy and then right back on and do it again and work toward your second week goal  – it’s that simple.  
Follow the plan. It’s 4 weeks until Holiday Break. Where do you want to be and how do you want to  look and feel when you get there?  
Saying what you want is easy – it’s time to prove to yourself you can do it.    
This vacation you will be feeling as healthy and happy as everyone around you.
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018   
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Be Thankful…

This is something that I posted last year and I feel exactly the same way so I wanted to share it again today. 
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It is a time when friends and family come together and enjoy the company of each other. It’s not about gifts or shopping…it’s a stress free holiday that focuses on great food, lots of laughs and the people we love. I believe it’s a time when many people reflect about the past year and think about all the obstacles and challenges they faced. 
THIS THANKSGIVING I am truly thankful for many things…..My Three Beautiful Boys who are the air that I breath and the joy and happiness that surround me everyday; My Two Beautiful girls, my boys brought into my life. My Husband who is my best friend, who believes in me and stays true to me in the good and bad times of my life, regardless of how difficult things get or how difficult I am – at the end of the day, he is always there for me. My Job…as it not only gives me the opportunity to do what I love, it also brings the most wonderful people into my life. For the loved ones I lost. The pain is always there, but I have learned to be thankful for the time I was so truly lucky to have with them.
I believe that sometimes we experience the really difficult times in life so we don’t lose focus on what we have that is good and great.  How we must realize that many things we go through are not nearly as unfortunate as others. It’s wonderful to be thankful for all we have, but we should also recognize and pray for those less fortunate – who have lost their homes, jobs and people they love. Think about the families that have dissolved from the stresses of life that were placed before them and loved ones that have passed from illnesses, accidents, military and suicides. Reflect on the sadness and unfortunate events that are happening in the world today. Our neighbors, who this year have lost spouses, children, jobs…and their hope. Pray that God keeps them safe and gets them through this holiday season. If you don’t believe in God, then just take a moment in your day to think about them, and have hope for them.
This Thanksgiving…learn from your mistakes and strive to be a better person.  Don’t lose yourself and your spirit to those who are angry and bitter – instead give yourself and your spirit to help those who are in need. Tell the people around you how much you love them. Appreciate each breath that you take. Be true to yourself. Be a leader not a follower – and always live, love and laugh like there is no tomorrow. Don’t think or worry about what you don’t have, instead take a look around you, and be thankful for all the wonderful you do have. Reflect and Remember that you are the only person who can make the life you want, and be the person you want to be. Leave yesterday behind and begin a great tomorrow.   
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Thanksgiving Tips


It can be extremely difficult to stay healthy on a day that is all about giving. As a society, we tend to think that giving and receiving food is a sign of comfort and joy, especially this week. Many of us may feel confident in our plans before Thanksgiving, but then we fall apart when we sit down to the big meal and try to navigate the next few days. Though gaining seems to be the usual result of Thanksgiving week, maintaining and even losing is still possible. Here are some tips to help you have a healthier Thanksgiving.  
Go for the good stuff. We may look forward to pies and gravy and mashed potatoes, but you will also find several healthy options as well. Turkey, sweet potatoes and vegetable will no doubt be part of your Thanksgiving table and can be enjoyed to the fullest. If you are trying to stay on plan, be aware of gravy, sauce, butter and other extra ingredients that make these foods heavy and fattening. You can always cook or bring your own healthy dishes to make sure you have options. Look for recipes featuring kale, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, green beans, pumpkin, cauliflower, asparagus, apples, carrots and so much more. This Kale and Butternut Squash Stuffing is a great example (and vegetarian!) of a healthier alternative to a Thanksgiving tradition:

  • 3 tablespoons of oil (divided)
  • 1 small butternut squash (cubed)
  • 3 small leeks (sliced)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 bunch of kale
  • 1 loaf of whole-wheat bread (cubed)
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 cups vegetable broth


Preheat oven to 350. Grease two small or one large casserole dish with cooking spray. In a large pot, warm 1 tbsp of oil then add squash, leeks, salt, and pepper. Cook until leeks are soft, stirring occasionally. Add kale, cover and cook for 4 to 5 minutes. Add bread and 2 more tablespoons of oil and toss. Whisk the egg whites and broth together in a separate bowl then add to pan. Toss the mixture until everything is absorbed. Add stuffing to casserole dishes and bake for 40 minutes or until lightly browned. 1/2 cup = 1 serving. You can find more recipes on our other blog post here.  


Skip the leftovers. If you are hosting Thanksgiving, give away all of your leftovers. You can even dress it up and try making these Thanksgiving Leftover Jars (picture below). They are a fun way to dish out leftovers and skip the old tupperware. Your guests will love having a Thanksgiving meal in a jar, and you won’t be tempted to extend Thanksgiving for three more days if you don’t want to. If you are attending Thanksgiving in someone else’s home, try and avoid taking any food home unless it is part of your plan for the week. If it is in your home and easily accessible you are very likely to nibble. But many of us will be taking home leftovers for our families, so be prepared to stay strong or consume responsibly.




Move around. Get your body moving any way you can even it it’s just walking around the house after dinner. It will make you feel better and help you digest. You don’t have to start a heavy exercise regime, after all you can’t out exercise bad eating habits, but even just walking around the neighborhood, mall or museum will help your body bounce back. 


Get back on track. Whether you plan to get back on your weight loss path the day after Thanksgiving or a little later, make sure you follow through. One week of eating off your plan won’t ruin all your progress, but it will take time to get back on track. Don’t dig yourself in deeper by continuing Thanksgiving-style eating until Hanukkah, Christmas and the New Year. 


What happens this week us up to you. You have options and choices to make. Make sure you make each decision for yourself and don’t let them get made for you. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

How to Improve Your Decision Making


With the beginning of the holiday season just around the corner, it’s time to prepare for all the choices we will be facing. Events, family meals and parties are going to be here one after the other and it can become difficult to make smart and healthy eating choices. Certain meals are special because of the seasonal food we get to have once a year, but some just seem special because it is holiday time. How can we know when to indulge and when to say no? Here are some things to think about when you aren’t sure what to do.


1) Be a fly on the wall. One of the best ways to make a rational decision is to try and remove yourself from the situation and think the way an outside observer would. Think about what you would tell a friend or family member if they were in your shoes. If someone you knew was trying to lost weight but they kept eating Thanksgiving leftovers, what would you tell them to do? If a friend was trying to get healthy but they kept drinking and snacking too much at holiday parties, what would you suggest? Sometimes we have to really push ourselves to make the best decisions, and it helps to think outside the box.


2) Think beyond the moment. When we get a craving, we want something immediately, but then we tend to feel guilty only a few moments later. Think about the moment after and whether a treat is really worth it. Remember that decisions don’t have to be made right away. Just a moment of pause before making a decision can bring us back to reality if we are getting carried away. Indulging is part of the season – food and holidays go hand in hand – so have a plan and be prepared for all the choices you will face. 


3) Don’t be too hard on yourself. The holidays are a special and emotional time. It can be joyous but also stressful. Party planning, traveling, hosting, cooking and spending time with family and loved ones can be the best and also hardest parts of the holidays and can drive us to emotional and over eating. It can be a constant cycle of stress and weight gain that feeds itself. Do the best you can and don’t let your worries and emotions get the best of you. 


We can choose what we eat and we can also choose what we decide is important. Food is a central part of the holidays, but it shouldn’t hold all of our focus. Just like Halloween, some seasonal foods are just every day foods dressed up to look special. Decide what is right for you and enjoy the time you spend with those you love.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Eating Clean is About More Than Weight Loss


Eating clean is one of the basic principles of weight loss. It is commonly known that even if you work out you can’t eat whatever you want if you want to lose. It is also known that even if you eat 500 calories a day of bad foods and lose weight, it’s not healthy. Eating clean is the healthiest and most affective way to lose weight, but why? How is it different from diets and programs that have specific guidelines and rules? 


When a weight loss or healthy eating plan focuses on one thing – no carbs, low calorie, raw foods, specific eating schedules, high protein, no sugar, low fat, etc.- it may improve part of your life and help you get healthy short term, but it won’t leave a lasting impression. How long are we really expected to eat processed microwave meals or deprive ourselves of entire food groups Eating clean is the best option because you are eating the healthiest versions and portions of every day food. You can cook at home, eat at a restaurant and enjoy dinner with family and friends without going off of your plan. Fad diets aren’t sustainable or realistic, but clean eating is a lifestyle that can last for years.


One of the best parts about clean eating is that when you eat clean and whole foods it not only makes you look better, but it also makes you feel better. When you eat frozen microwave dinners, even if they are light and low calorie, they are still processed and contain ingredients that don’t always make you feel fit. When you omit a food group from your life you are left feeling exhausted and deprived. Eating clean will nourish your body in a way that makes you healthy from the inside out by providing you with a variety of fresh foods rich in essential nutrients. These nutrients are so important to your body and overall health. They keep your digestive system regular, help you avoid and relieve certain diseases, and make you stronger both mentally and physically. Eating clean changes your overall well being from overweight and sluggish to feeling lighter, fitter and healthier. When it comes to weight loss, eating whole fresh foods can be a big help because they also keep you feeling full and satisfied longer to help keep you from snacking. And when you feel fit and healthy, you are more likely to keep it up and take care of yourself in other ways. Maybe you try exercise or mediation, or try something new and enriching like learning a new and creative skill or hobby. Not to mention when you are doing the right thing by your body, you want to be out and be social instead of hiding in your house in your sweat pants. 


Weight loss is important to all of us. It makes us look better and feel better about ourselves physically, but it also makes us feel better mentally – healthier and more happy and confident. When you make healthy changes you also change your habits and behavior into healthy acts of living. This is not only wonderful for you but also for those that are learning around you. There is no magic formula or secret overnight fix. It is a lifelong journey that should be a positive experience. Clean eating is best for your mind and body. Helping you lose and maintain a healthy weight is just the beginning.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Countdown to Holiday Vacations


THANKSGIVING IS AROUND THE CORNER and CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY VACATIONS ARE ONLY 10 WEEKS AWAY. Time really does fly whether you are having fun or not. While the time is flying you are either gaining, losing or maintaining. Keep it simple. We CAN’T eat whatever we want whenever we want, so focus on enjoying and indulging only on the holidays, vacations and special events. After all, that’s what makes them special. It’s in-between these amazing times of our life that we focus on eating clean, losing weight and staying healthy. Think of it like a photo album. The pictures in the album often show you snap shot to snap shot of the happy times in your life. It doesn’t have pictures of the in-between challenges and obstacles that every one goes through to get to the next happy snap shot.  

The key to success is pretty simple: It’s 6 days clean and 1 day to indulge. The harder you make it, the harder it will be. Follow these easy steps to keep your weight loss moving:
1)  Be accountable for everything you put in your mouth – everything matters.
2)  6 days clean and 1 day to indulge.
3)  Watch your portion sizes. Just because it’s clean and healthy doesn’t mean you can eat more. Less is best when trying to lose weight. If you don’t need it DON’T eat it!
4) You don’t have to eat everything on your menu. Listen to your body and learn the difference between eating out of want or need.
5) It’s okay to be a little hungry. When you are a little hungry it means your body is losing. Never starving but a little hungry is good.
6) If you exercise to tone and strengthen that’s awesome and will help in how you look and feel but you can’t eat what you work out. So if you workout more you can’t eat more. Don’t find yourself on the hamster wheel. Eating to workout and working out to eat. Just make sure you have a healthy snack ready after a workout that is a good combination of protein and healthy carbs for example: apple and 1 tbsp of peanut butter or almond butter works great. It will replenish and fill you up. After that it’s all mental. 
There is approx 10 weeks until holiday break. Holiday break when many of you will leave to spend a week in the sunshine on some beautiful island – in shorts and bathing suits. Make sure you are preparing now for then. Remember this: Eating clean, losing weight and feeling great is not something that can be bought or given to you. It’s something that only you can do for yourself. You have to be accountable for what you want and how bad you want it. If you eat clean and follow the program you will lose the weight and look and feel great. If you don’t then you have to live with going on vacation and looking back and thinking I should have – I could have – and why didn’t I. Don’t be that person. Be the person who walks around confident in your clothes because you worked hard and made the right choices. You made those choices even when it was difficult to do. You feel and look great because you did all the right things to get to a good place. Yes, it takes work and energy but it’s worth every minute that you say “no thank you”  and “ I’m eating clean today for a healthy tomorrow”. When your tomorrow comes and your next snap shot is ready to be taken – you will be ready and willing to stand in front of that camera.  
Everyone has the chance to be amazing, to look amazing and feel amazing. Everyone has the opportunity to wake up every morning and do the right thing and make the right choices. Life is you against you. You are the only one who can sabotage yourself and you are the only one who can make your life the best it can be.    
Doing the right thing will always result in overall happiness.  
10 weeks – 10 pounds = 1 lb a week
10 weeks – 20 pounds = 2 lbs a week.  
Don’t give up on yourself – you can do this!
Don’t wait for life to make you happy 
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Changing Seasons


The transition from Halloween to the beginning of November is the start of the major holiday season. Though Thanksgiving is still a few weeks away, we are now going to be surrounded by Thanksgiving paraphernalia as well as Christmas and Hanukkah decorations, clothes, treats and specialty items. Some of us may want to get caught up in the festive feelings, while some of us are more interested in saving the celebrating for the actual holiday. Now is the time to pick a side. It will be hard for some of us, but we can’t get ahead of ourselves just yet. Holidays can be stressful enough without the added pressure of weight gain if you start giving in to baked goods, candied apples and heavy fall foods now. It is definitely easier said than done, but taking things slow and steady is the best plan right now. This time of year is exciting for so many reasons – family comes together for good food, traditions and celebrations. It is a special time that can catch us with our guard down. Focus on the time you spend with your loved ones instead of the treats and indulgences. The year will be over before you know it so decide now and commit to having the healthiest holiday season possible. 


This past weekend was also important for another reason – Daylight Saving Time ended. Though it doesn’t seem like a big deal – if anything we got one more hour of sleep! – but it signals another change in our daily lives. The one hour difference means that the sun will set earlier when the days are already getting shorter. This one hour difference doesn’t take long to adjust to, but it represents something that few of us look forward to – dark, cold winter months. Motivation can plummet and once we are wrapped in layers of sweaters and coats we don’t care much about our weight loss and how we look. Some people even experience seasonal depression, or SAD (seasonal affective depression), which can come and go during the fall and winter. Whether you experience SAD or not, we all know how this time of year can make us feel – low energy, moody, unmotivated. When we get in a funk like this, it can be hard to get back on the horse and give ourselves a fresh start. Though we can’t stop the changing of the seasons, we can prepare ourselves. Find something to keep you motivated such as an event, trip or holiday you are looking forward to. Though you may not be able to show off your body the way you would in the summer, people will still notice the change and you will feel so much better sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner knowing you are in a good place and comfortable. It can even be something as simple as fitting in to an old pair of jeans you have’t worn in years. A little bit of positivity can go a long way. 


This is also a great time of year because of all the opportunities to try new things. The weather is still perfect for getting outside – fall is a great time for running and marathons – and soon it will be perfect weather for winter activities like cross country skiing, snow shoeing, ice skating and so much more. If you would rather exercise indoors, get prepared with the proper gear, equipment and accessories. Even just adding beginner yoga or meditation will keep you feeling fit and healthy in the long winter months. This is also a great time to try new recipes and delicious fall foods like butternut squash, chili, sweet potatoes, pears, and tons of vegetables that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Try making a hearty vegetable soup or tasty side dish. Anything you do to spice up your routine can help you stay motivated and committed.  


The year will be over before you know it so decide now and commit to having the healthiest holiday season possible.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Preparing for Fall

Though these last few weeks have still felt like summer for most of us, the shift to fall is now unmistakable. The temperature is dropping, the kids are back to school and there is a different feeling in the air. Fall is an exciting time of new opportunities, changes and challenges. Here are some things to think about to prepare yourself for some of these changes and put yourself in the best position to succeed.


Summertime is a great time for a lot of foods that are no longer in season, so make sure you have that in mind when you are planning your meals and snacks. Unfortunately a lot of fruits are on their way out, and you may even want to switch summer vegetables like corn and cucumber for heartier fall vegetables like squash, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and more. Adjust your grocery list next time you go shopping and be prepared for when you go out to eat. Eating foods that are in season is a great way to make sure you are getting as much nutrients from what you eat as possible, and it keeps you from being backed into a corner when your usual summer foods aren’t available.


Fall is a great time for fitness, indoors or outside. Even if you haven’t made exercise part of your routine before and want to try, there are so many opportunities to take advantage of. You can walk, run, bike and hike without the summer heat exhausting you and forcing you inside. It’s also a great time to try a gym membership, personal trainer or exercise classes or videos. Having an indoor exercise option will be especially helpful for days when the weather prevents you from going outside or when the winter comes around and getting outside seems impossible. Don’t wait until the last minute – get in to these good habits now so when it’s late in the fall and winter is around the corner you are ready. If you plan to exercise at home, make sure you have any equipment you might need – mat, weights, videos, or machines and space to do it. If you want to try joining a gym, find one in a convenient location with all the options and amenities you want so you aren’t stuck later. If you want to start taking exercise classes or working with a trainer, give yourself time to try a couple different things and find what you like.


The last thing that you should be aware of is your mindset. As we transition into sweater season, don’t let your motivation disappear and don’t let yourself hide under layers of clothing. If getting healthy and fit is what you really want, don’t let it slip away. Preparing now will help set you up for success during the hardest months of winter when it’s cold and dark and all we want to do is sit inside and hibernate. Now is the perfect time to try new things and change it up.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

August Hours & Closings and What’s Coming Up in September

STORE will be OPEN this week August 17th-22nd
WE ARE CLOSED NEXT WEEK AUGUST 23rd-30th (including deliveries) – so if you need anything please put your orders in this week.  Thank you :)
We will re-OPEN ON MONDAY Aug 31st through Wednesday September 2nd
AND closed for Labor Day Weekend September 3rd-7th
Closings do not affect communication, text, email and online. Josephine, Thea, Nora, Debbie and Jeff will still be available and working for all in-studio and online clients at all times.


*BEGINNER RUNNING CLUB:  Join Josephine and learn to run 1 mile, a 5k, 10k, and half marathon. Nothing will change your body like running does. Josephine has trained thousands of past clients ages 16-60 who have never run before to run half marathons. While it’s the hardest thing to do it’s the most rewarding. If running is something you always wanted to try then this is for you. Meetings will take place at local parks and running paths. Stay tuned for more info.


*INNOVATION “LOVE TO LIVE HEALTHY” WEB-CHANNEL –  Join us every week on our NEW WEB CHANNEL that includes In-studio weight loss sessions with real clients. Learn and watch REAL IN STUDIO CLIENTS weight loss successes and struggles. The weekly channel also includes discussions with Josephine on weight loss foods, tips and tricks to help you reach your weight loss goals. INCLUDES weekly one-on-one training sessions for individuals and families. The channel launches in September and includes everything you want to know and everything you need to know for weight loss success.






SEPTEMBER STARTS OUR NEW YEAR – IF THE SUMMER GOT A HOLD OF YOU AND YOUR WEIGHT – IT’S TIME TO TAKE IT BACK. Why wait until January to make a resolution? Start in September and by January you will need a new resolution. By next summer you will no longer face the challenges you faced this year. We have the menu, the food, the exercise and the 24/7 support you need. WE GIVE YOU NO EXCUSES. MAKE THE COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF. SET YOUR OWN PERSONAL GOAL AND REMEMBER THAT YOU, YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR HAPPINESS are the most important thing to you and everyone who loves you.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018