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A family that lives healthy together – lives longer forever.  As parents we have an opportunity to make living healthy a life time memory that will live forever within our children.  We get to set examples of who we are and what we would hope for our children to become.    It’s not just about today – it’s about their future and ours.


Start by taking one meal a week and make it a memory, something that will last in all of your thoughts forever.   If you have young children you can start by filling your table with colorful vegetables that you can explain what they are, how they grow and how and why they are good for you.  Make sure your healthy dinners  are  always filled with healthy conversation.  Play a game where you have each person tell a tale or story about something that is their favorite memory.   For example:  My family loves to play trivia at dinner time.  Every Sunday we sit down to a healthy dinner together.  Throughout the week we all think of trivia questions that we can ask and on sunday we go around the table taking turns asking the trivia questions.  Each q1uestions always ends up in great conversation about the question.


Whatever you choose to talk about or play, the idea is to make it a memory.  A memory that your family will think back on and remember fondly.   A tradition that they will want to continue with their own family someday.  When that day comes…. your dinner times will be remembered forever.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018