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Category: Healthy Tips

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Innovation Toy Drive and Giveaways







Starting tomorrow 12/12 bring in an unwrapped toy to the Innovation Woodbury location and you will get to pick from the bag of coupons and receive one of the following:


Free Innovation Snack
Free Innovation Meal
$25 Innovation gift card
$50 Innovation gift card
and there will be ONE $100 gift card in the bag


You can use the gift cards for food, In-studio sessions, Online program or Personal training


We will have the TOY BOX available from Tuesday 12/12 through Saturday 12/23 –
Everyday you bring a gift you get to pick a prize.




On December 23 we bring all of the remaining food from the studio and the toys that are donated by YOU to the Soup Kitchen. The kitchen is located in a town that has many underprivileged families. They don’t have much food and toys are not an option. The soup kitchen informed us that last year because of our donation – on Christmas Eve they were able to send hundred of families home with a goodie bag of Innovation food and a toy for each of their children. So on Christmas morning we fed people who could not afford to eat and YOU all gave children a gift to open who wouldn’t have had one. This is not just about dropping off a gift, it’s about making a true difference in someone’s life. We sometimes get caught up in our own little world and forget how a little act of kindness can make such a big difference for those in need. And on a day that is filled with hope, your gift makes such a big difference for both parents and children on Christmas Morning.


Thank you in advance for being a part of something so special with us. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Keep It Simple…


As we travel through December (with only 19 days until Christmas Break) – many of you are right back on your path but others are still struggling a little to get there. Wherever you are today and moving into this week I want you to be positive and confident about what you can achieve and why you want to do it. Think about feeling good, happy and alive in your mind and body.


Don’t ever be embarrassed about gaining weight. You always have to remember you are not the only one. Don’t think about the past or how you “used” to look. Don’t get discouraged because you keep slipping up or having more than one Cheat over the weekend. What you need to focus on is the following:


SLIPS AND FALLS – Regardless of where you are or how many times you slip up – the most important thing you can do is get right back on program and keep going in the right direction. Whether it’s a little slip up or a big one – it’s not about the slip – it’s about getting up. We all slip and we all fall but the sooner you get back on your feet and on your path is the sooner you will feel so much better and be back on track. The longer you lay down the longer you will feel terrible and the longer it will take to get back to a better place. Life is not perfect and it will never be perfect. We will always have times that will be more difficult than others and they are usually times that feel different from everyone else. It doesn’t matter – what matters is right now. Wherever you are you have to focus on where you want to be and keep moving in that direction. If you keep getting up every time you fall, you will get there. Yes, it might be slower than someone who doesn’t fall as much but who cares – the most important thing is you are in the right direction and you will get to your destination.


STOP THINKING SO MUCH – We focus on “why do we keep doing this” or “how can I be better” or “isn’t there a magic pill” – JUST STOP THINKING. Instead of spending so much time and energy thinking about an easier way out – or thinking about why you keep slipping – I want you to stop thinking about it all and just start doing it. Just start today and get on program and make the right choices. Don’t worry about where your weight is today – don’t even think about it. Just follow your program and you will feel better tomorrow. If you want to use your time thinking, then keep it about positive things like your family and your friends and your home and job. The program is the program – you know it works. Food is fuel and if you eat what is on your menu then you will lose weight. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. Don’t look for foods that will fill you and don’t look for “more” than you need.  Just follow the menu and you will lose the weight and your Cheat Day will come and you will enjoy it.


THE JOURNEY – Something I think is important to share is how important your journey is. I know I say it all the time but it’s very easy to get caught up in feeling sorry for yourself and bad about the mistakes and choices you make. But what I want you to focus on is how happy you are on the journey to feeling your best. Every step you take in the direction of eating clean and losing weight is one more step to feeling great both mentally and physically. Life is too short and you don’t want to keep doing things that intentionally make you feel worse. Keep the focus on positive things that will make you happy – Like Christmas Break!


If you want to lose a little or a lot of weight before the Break then follow your program and weigh-in, and keep yourself accountable. Even 3 lbs can make a big difference on how you look and feel. So make the commitment today to stop thinking and start following.




1lb a WEEK = 3 lbs – SNAIL 
2 lbs a WEEK = 6 lbs – SHARK 
3 lbs a WEEK = 9 lbs – KILLER SHARK


Don’t think – Just follow. Sometimes keeping it simple is all it takes to be successful. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Make The Right Choices Today


If I had to give you any advice today it would be stay off the scale and get back on program 110% today. I can’t stress enough to you how important the week after a holiday is…


Here is why: 


Mentally you need to get back into the mindset of how important it is to get back to feeling good. How much better you feel when you are doing the right things. Just knowing that you are back in control can change your outcome. If you sit and start to feel sorry for yourself for the damage you did it can very easily snowball and before you know it you are sabotaging another day, week or month.


Frustrated and Upset: Don’t even bother being frustrated or upset with yourself. If you know you were off and you cheated then you don’t deserve to be frustrated or upset. That is for people who have done amazing all week and for some reason the scale didn’t move as much as they wanted or expected. It’s not for people who cheated and want to turn back the clock. You just need to put the time in now and pay the price and if you do it, and you stay on program – one week will make all the difference…


It only takes one week: I promise you regardless of how terrible you feel today it will only take one week for you to get back to the weight you started before Thanksgiving. I know for some it sounds unrealistic. You feel like you have done so much damage. But the truth is, there are steps to weight loss. You have Weight loss – Maintain – Weight Gain. When you are On Program you are in Weight Loss. Eating less than your body needs. When you go off program and you start eating more it can feel like so much more than it really is because it’s so much more than your weight loss days. But when you are eating more you still have room between maintaining and gaining. So while you feel like you gained – I promise a lot of it is “fake weight” and you maintained more days than gained. Although the scale may not show that today – so stay off it! After one solid week back on program you will see the “fake weight” gone and you will either see your pre-Thanksgiving weight or very close to it.


The key is to have a solid 110% On-Program week after a bad week and that is what will get the numbers right back down.


For most of you, you know the Drill for this Week:


MONDAY – feeling horrible – bloated – not happy
WEDNESDAY – feeling okay – not the worst but not the best – just happy to be back and in control
FRIDAY – already thinking of the Cheat Day and looking forward to getting back on the scale. Knowing regardless what it says you are back on your path and feeling good again. Yay!




I want to say and address the clients who have done exactly what they said they would. There are so many of you who really set a path of what you wanted to do and you followed it. I am so happy and thrilled for you who stayed true to what you wanted to do and how you wanted to feel through the holiday and today. Yes, because you did it and accomplished it, but also for many of you it’s because it shows how much you have changed from when you started. You did something that when you first started would have been nearly impossible for you to do – that is amazing and you should be really proud of yourself today. Whether the choice was to maintain or continue to lose – so many of you did exactly what you planned and stayed true to what you wanted and what you knew would make you happy. We all know how hard that can be and the choices and decisions that had to be made in order for you to stay strong and on your path. You deserve to be celebrated and acknowledged. Your reward is how you feel today, and how happy you are with yourself and how you will spread that happiness to all those around you (although some that did not stay on program may not be in the mood for sharing it today).


My final advice for today is to think about where you are – and where you want to be. Get rid of the frustrations and don’t be upset. No negativity – keep positive. When you change your mindset into positive it can change your outcome. But you are the only person who can do it. If you give yourself excuses you will never reach your destination. Don’t focus on last week – it’s already gone. Look ahead and keep the focus on today and tomorrow. Because each positive On Program day will turn into a better one and the great days will turn into a great week – the great weeks will turn into great months and the great months will turn into an amazing year. Your life, your choices – Make sure you make the right ones.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

The Weekend Is Almost Here – Are You Ready?


Are you ready for one of the biggest Holiday Weekends of the year?  Did you know that a majority of people who do not watch what they are eating – or those who do not plan for this weekend – will gain anywhere from 7-10lbs.  Sounds unbelievable but I have seen it first hand and it’s all too true. What is even worse is it’s on foods that they claim to not even like or need. Here are some tips so that doesn’t happen to you:


HERE ARE SOME OPTIONS FOR THANKSGIVING WEEKEND – DECIDE WHERE YOU ARE AND WHO YOU WANT TO BE:   Sometimes we can start with the best intentions but it only takes one to two things to trigger it into a snow ball effect – and before you know it you are out of control. It’s important to always HAVE A PLAN! I can’t say it enough, if you plan you will have so much more success than if you don’t.


If you want to be a SHARK: You will cheat one day this weekend and only one day and the other days you will have planned and you will follow them 110% and you will have the very best weight loss week. Remember, your plan must include all days not just the day you know you are cheating. Sharks know what they are doing at all times – everyday. They plan and they follow it. So if you want to be a shark and have the best weight loss this weekend, you need to know exactly what day your cheat day will be and know exactly what you are eating on your non Cheat Days. As you know, it’s important to plan your cheat day but when we are not on a regular schedule like this weekend – it’s just as important to plan your weight loss days which are your NON-CHEAT DAYS. Know what you are eating and what your choices will be, and you will come out of this like the SHARK that you are.


If you want to be a SNAIL: You will split the cheat days and be clean all day and cheat Thanksgiving dinner and one night over the weekend and you will lose like a Snail. Again, make sure you have the non-cheat days planned and even plan the cheat dinners knowing exactly what you want to cheat with.


If you want to be a SLUG:  You will taste and have little cheats through the whole weekend keeping the days clean and only tasting and having little cheats each night and you will most likely maintain. If you are happy with not gaining and not losing, and also not over doing anything and just kind of staying in one place, then a slug might be a good option for you. A good way to control being a slug is to try tasting each item that looks appealing to you and bypass anything that you wouldn’t normally eat. Tasting one large tablespoon of each thing you like is sometimes more than enough. When you are a slug you want to stay on your path and make sure no one steps on you  – so each night decide in advance what you are tasting and what you are bypassing. Sometimes when others see we are not 100% they think it’s okay to pull you into the dark side, offering more wine/food than you need or planned –  but if you know what you are tasting and treating yourself to and you stick to it you will come out of the holiday feeling okay and still in control.  Yes, Monday you will feel the weekend bloat and not feeling your best but you won’t feel the worst either. Slugs usually come out of the weekend needing one full week to get back to the pre- holiday number but still feeling okay with their decisions.


Being a slug is very common for many people over the holidays and vacations. And it works great if this is where you want to stay – as long as you know what you are tasting and treating yourself to each day you will do great. If one night it’s drinks and the next morning it’s bagels and maybe one night a meal – it’s all good.  But to be a slug still means that 80% of the day is clean with 20% cheating each day.  Find your balance and what works for you and what’s worth it –  And never ever eat just to eat or cheat just to cheat. Make sure everything that you do is worth the results. Being a slug is fine to do and you should have no guilt when it’s over a vacation or holiday weekend.  The only time being a SLUG is NOT OKAY is when you are living like this everyday and never really getting any where. Make a choice and stick to it. If you feel you deserve to be a slug this weekend then go for it and enjoy it.


If you want to simply MAINTAIN:  You can keep it very simple and have one cheat dinner and one full cheat day and that will keep you maintained for the week.  And you will come out of it feeling great and controlled and be able to stay on your weight loss path feeling great. Again very important for the cheat dinner your day needs to be super clean and your non cheat days need to be 110% planned weight loss days. This will keep you on track for a maintain week and in a very good place come Monday morning.


If you decide to be a GLUTTON and eat from the time you wake up until you go to bed over the course of the weekend then you will be one of the very unhappy people who wake up Monday morning trying to squeeze into your clothes that will make you feel more like the stuffed turkey and sausage that you consumed over the weekend. At that point I promise you will look back and not be happy with your choices and you won’t even remember what you ate and drank that got you to this point. THINK BEFORE YOU GRAB AND ALWAYS REMEMBER EVERY CHOICE HAS A GOOD AND/OR BAD CONSEQUENCE.


My final thoughts for you this Holiday Weekend – there is always a choice and if you make the one that works for you this weekend – then come Monday morning you will feel so much better than any EXTRA food or drink you would have tasted.   There is no better feeling than waking up Monday morning knowing that you followed what you planned. You enjoyed – you feel great and you fit into your clothes. Remember me saying this – wherever you are right now, today, this moment – you want to be in a better place come Monday morning. You can enjoy the weekend, the food, drink and the treats and still do the right thing. You want to enjoy those you love, and remember the holiday is about being grateful for what you have and who you have in your life. It’s not about over indulging and gluttony.  It’s about happiness, being grateful and feeling good both mentally and physically. You need to figure out and plan what that is for you this coming weekend and what plan will make you feel the very best starting Wednesday night and waking up Monday morning.


“Inner peace begins when you choose not to let what is going on around you affect the outcome you have already planned”   ~Me


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Thanksgiving Side Dishes


It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is only one week away! Time really flies, so make sure you are making this next week count, such as eating really clean or getting in some extra exercise time, because before you know it you will be faced with one of the biggest meals of the year. Whether you are preparing to host, bringing a dish or attending dinner in someone else’s home, there are a couple dishes and sides that can be great options for a healthy and yummy holiday. Here are some tips and tricks for making healthy Thanksgiving dishes.


The first recipe is a great substitution. Cauliflower can be cooked and mashed just like mashed potatoes and taste just as delicious. It’s a healthy version of a Thanksgiving staple, and many people at the table might not even notice the difference. It’s a great dish because you won’t feel like you’re missing out on anything and you can feel good about what you’re eating. All it takes is 6-7 cups of cauliflower, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.




Another simple dish features and great fall vegetable is Brussles sprouts. Brussels sprouts have so many health benefits – they offer extensive detox and digestive support, are packed with antioxidants, and can also help reduce inflammation and cardiovascular problems. If you simply coat them lightly in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, cook them in the oven then you have a tasty side that you can really feel good about.



This next recipe combines another fall vegetable with a popular grain: Butternut squash and quinoa. While this selection would normally be a main for you on any other day, on Thanksgiving you can take a scoop as a side. This is a delicious, hearty dish that is also packed with mushrooms, carrots and onion. Cook the squash in the oven, the quinoa according to normal instructions, and the rest of the ingredients cook on the stove. When they are combined, you have a sweet and healthy dish that will please anyone at the table.




This last recipe combines a lot of great fall foods in an interesting salad. It includes pumpkin, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, green beans and beats in olive oil and vinegar. It has plenty of nutrients from the variety of ingredients, such as fiber, protein and antioxidants. Each bite is bursting with flavor and will fill you up with healthy foods.




Having some healthy sides up your sleeve can help make smart choices easy so you can relax and enjoy your family and friends. When you’re not worrying about what you’re eating, you can really embrace the holiday.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 11797


FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle



DO YOU HAVE A GOAL? Sometimes feeling good about the future is one of the keys to happiness. We all need goals to motivate us. It should be challenging enough to excite you, but also achievable. Choosing an ambitious but realistic goal will give your life direction and bring a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you achieve it. A great short term goal for November is Thanksgiving. Where do you want to be when Thanksgiving arrives?


THANKSGIVING IS LESS THAN 2 WEEKS AWAY: But regardless of where you are right now – ONE solid week is sometimes all it takes to get back on track to feeling great. When you have a week that is 110% clean and on program, at the end of the week you will see where your weight truly is. You will get rid of the water weight and maybe even a pound or two of real weight. It really doesn’t take much and for those who have been on the program you know that you don’t want to go into Thanksgiving feeling bloated and heavy.  Get back on program because even if it’s not where you want to be it’s going to be better than where you are today.


NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND EXCUSES: YOU CAN DO THIS! If you want to reach any goal (short or long term) you must stay positive. Don’t give in to the negative thoughts and excuses “I will start after Thanksgiving” or “What’s the point of starting now how much could I lose” or “ I will wait until January”.  There are so many excuses – you can find one whenever you need to. But where are they getting you? – The more you put off what you need to do the longer it will take to get to where you want to be.


MAKE ROOM FOR ONLY THE POSITIVE: You need to get rid of the negative thoughts and think only positive. Give yourself reasons why YOU SHOULD do it now. Why you CAN do it. If you are 180 and and want to be 130 – then why shouldn’t you be 130? If you see people around you that have lost the weight and look great – why shouldn’t that be you? If you keep telling yourself that they are more disciplined than you – it’s just another excuse. What that really means is that they are just willing to work harder for what they want. You need to remind yourself that you are no different than they are and there is no reason why if you work hard you can’t be the number you want or look the way you want. The only special people in the world are the ones who make themselves that way. 


ARE YOU WILLING TO WORK FOR IT? What weight loss does require is work, commitment and patience. Understanding that there is no end but only a journey to live a clean and healthy life that will get you to your goal. It’ takes thinking, and making the right choices everyday. Now if you don’t want to work hard for what you want and put the time in that you need to – then that’s a different story and that’s on you – and it’s something you have to come to terms with. But if you are willing to work hard, put the time in, make the commitment to make the right choices – you will get your results. 99% of the time the only one that is getting in your way is YOU!


EVERY MORNING WAKE UP AND PUSH YOURSELF TO BE THE BEST:  How many times have you heard this? But I bet you didn’t know that people who wake up and remind themselves to be positive and challenge themselves to be the best they can be have the most success. Eventually it doesn’t take much effort because it’s simply the way you live. It’s what makes you feel great and you don’t want to feel any other way. Life is short – and if you don’t make the time and effort to do what makes you happy and you don’t put the work in to change into the person you want to be – life will pass you by and you will look back and wonder, Why didn’t I? 


It doesn’t matter if you have 10 or 100 pounds to lose. If you keep putting yourself in the direction of positive thinking and reminding yourself that you can do it, and keep giving yourself goals to get there – you will do it. While it may take some longer than others to reach their goal, we are all on the same journey of living the program – Eating clean and feeling good is a journey that we should all be on everyday. 


“Focus on the Journey Not the Destination”


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Halloween – Weight Loss and Hard Work!


Weight Loss Challenge….. First of all, we want to congratulate everyone that showed up for the Wednesday night and Saturday morning Weight Loss Challenge Classes. Both were not easy to do classes and more importantly not easy to show up to – but those of you that did should be super proud. You all worked really hard and it showed. We already had amazing weight loss numbers this week and as we move into the second week of the challenge you must remember how important this is to you and how much you want it. When you showed up for class you proved that you want it more than just for the moment.  It’s easy to forget how much this means to us. It’s easy to forget how amazing we feel when we are doing all the right things – going into your second week you will remember how good it feels and how important it is to you to stay on your path and make the right choices today, tomorrow, and the next day. When you get weak, reach down deep and use your strength to remember how great you felt when you stepped on the scale and saw the new number you haven’t seen and the excitement and cheers and crying that went on because of the new low number you worked so hard to see. Remember when you finished class and felt that accomplishment knowing each time you are getting stronger and stronger — pushing yourself to the limit can be uncomfortable but it can also be an amazing feeling. Most of all, remember that this is what makes you happy. Eating clean, taking care of yourself, and being the best you can be. You can only do that and feel that when you start from the inside out. This past week you have started and now you are on your way to feeling lighter, healthier, and fitter than you have. Something that you have not seen or felt in a very long time. It’s amazing what one week can do – just think about how more amazing you will feel in 7 more weeks. We are super proud of you all for showing up and giving your all.


HALLOWEEN… Tomorrow is the biggest candy day of the year. Be very careful with how you handle this day. Just like many other holidays you can think you have it under control but the only way to really do that is to have a solid plan. Here are some suggestions to help you get through candy day:


  • Don’t buy the candy early! Why tempt yourself when you don’t have to. Buy it the morning of Halloween. There is always candy left in the stores they never run out.
  • Have it for your Cheat Day. If you love Halloween and you love the idea of trick or treating with your red cup in hand and tasting all the different treats then make sure you save Halloween for a Cheat Day.
  • Be a Trick or Treater – If you already had your Cheat Day then become a trick or treater. Tomorrow make up your own candy bag with all your favorites and save it for next weekend and enjoy it on your Cheat Day. Everything taste so much better when it’s on your Cheat Day.
  • Have your own snacks – If you are staying clean and on program then make sure you have your own yummy snacks and treats on hand that are on program. So when the urge hits, you can grab what you need to get you through it.
  • Be proud – there is a great feeling of accomplishment getting through a tough holiday and staying on program. You want to be able to wake up Wednesday morning and know that you were 110% because any piece of candy that crossed your path you waited until your Cheat Day to have.


The most important thing is to a plan and stick to it. Clients who plan each day have so much more success then those who don’t.  


WHERE ARE YOU?… If you are not in the challenge but you are on program and following your menu, take a look at your last week. Are you in a good place? Have you done all the right things? Do you feel the best you can feel today? Did you have only ONE Cheat Day this past weekend?? When Monday morning rolls around you have to make sure that you can start your week knowing that you did all the right things on the weekend. That you had ONE Cheat Day and only ONE. You have to be honest with yourself and understand that if and when you have a little over one Cheat Day it’s no longer a weight loss week it turns into a maintain week. If it’s more than a little and becomes an extra day or more – it’s a weight gain week. So when you step on the scale the following week what you did this past weekend will reflect in next week’s numbers. It’s easy to live for the moment but if you want to see a change and a difference in the scale, and in your body then you need to be on program 6 days a week with ONLY ONE CHEAT DAY. Is it hard? Of course it’s hard! But look around you at all the sharks and all the amazing results. It’s clearly worth it.


REMEMBER… It’s important to remember at the end of the day that you can’t blame anyone else for the choices that you made. Each choice you make determines the outcome of your weight loss or weight gain. You are in control or out of control – it’s always your choice. If you are unhappy with the way you look and feel – then change it. Instead of crying over it and making everyone around you miserable – change it! Fight hard and don’t look back. Start today and plan for tomorrow. Know what you want and don’t let anyone get in your way. Don’t let any excuses enter into your mind. ONLY YOU have control of what you want – how you want to look – and how you want to feel.


HARD WORK… I am a true believer in hard work. If you work hard and put everything you have into something you want – 99.9% of the time you will get the results that you want. This goes for anything in life not just weight loss. While it would be nice to sit and wait for things to come to us – it won’t ever happen. It’s fun to dream but reality is so much better. It’s both a hard but very simple process – If you believe in hard work and put the time in – you will get the results. Sometimes we don’t want to put the work in so we make things more difficult then they have to be. Keep this simple. Work hard and stay on your path and the results will come.  It may not be today or even tomorrow but the results will come.


IT’S UP TO YOU… Always remember it’s up to you – no one will hand you the future you want – or the results you want. Take one day at a time – and always believe in yourself. Your happiness is the result of no one else but you. If you are unhappy about the way you look and feel – then you must change it. The choices we have in life are endless and so is the potential for happiness.


“Take each day one at a time, and you’ll be amazed at how your difficulties manage to become less difficult”


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestylePodcast

New Podcast – Out Today!

Listen to our latest Love To Live Healthy podcast:


“Skinny Shaming”
You may even have done it or have had it done to you!


Go to the “Radio Show” page on our website or click here to listen.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle





Tonight at 7pm is the first Innovation Challenge class.


Email Jeff if you are attending.


One class a week is mandatory

Classes are Wednesdays at 7pm & Saturdays at 7am


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Weight Loss Challenge – Starts Today!



– Weigh in today: In-studio (Friday 10/20 or Saturday 10/21 for your starting weight to be re



– First Class is Wednesday 10/25
*Each exercise class will finish with Nutrition Information and a Q & A for all participants.




– You must be an active online or in studio client to participate
– You must attend one class per week
– Classes are every Wednesday 7pm and Saturday 7am
– You must weight in once a week (Friday or Saturday)


Because of the High Demand we will be also starting an ONLINE ONLY competition that will be for clients who DO NOT live ON LONG ISLAND that would like to participate. Stay Tuned for email.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


 Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019