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Category: clean eating

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This time of year we can feel a little extra tired and stressed.  A lack of sunlight, shorter days and a change of weather all play a part .  When we don’t feel our best it’s even harder to do the right thing.  Because of all of your requests – I have been working hand in hand once again with my Naturopathic Doctor who is a specialist in Chinese Herbal Medicine.  We created and designed a 2oz shot that will increase energy, boost your metabolism and get your body working at 110% so you can feel your very best everyday.




Do a shot first thing in the morning and up to 3 times a day when needed.  Each shot is an immediate immune and energy booster that provides an increased metabolism, and blood flow.  They are also an excellent source of phytochemical to fight against aging, inflammation for a healthy all around immune system.


We used our special combinations to create our All Natural Energy Shots.  Both contain two Chinese medical herbs that together have been proven to stimulate the body and give you the most intense internal and external health benefits.  Along with our hand picked special blends both shots also include:


ELEUTHERA ROOT:  It has been proven to help the body boost metabolism handle stress and acts as a natural stimulant to increase blood flow throughout the body and nervous system.  It increases blood flow creating an energetic feeling throughout the day.


REHMANNIA ROOT:  Improves oxygen intake, reduces inflammation and helps pain and swelling. It improves allergies, and lowers blood sugar levels and helps diabetes or tired blood (anemia).  It also improves weakened bones (osteoporosis).


Two amazing Roots together are life changing in the way you feel and perform throughout your day.   So if  you need an energy boost or you need to increase your fitness levels, or you are just not feeling your best because of age, the lack of sunlight, change of weather, daily stress, allergies etc…   Give the shot a try.  It will give you an immediate internal all natural energy and health boost so you can enjoy your day and not drag yourself through it.


Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

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Innovation Tips for the Upcoming Holiday Season


  1. Don’t just do the program – live the program
  2. Walk away from the temptations and remind yourself to choose your hard.  – HARD TO WALK AWAY OR HARD TO DEAL WITH THE RESULTS OF YOUR ACTIONS
  3. One drink is a snack – Before you go for the second drink – remember it’s not the alcohol it’s what the alcohol makes you do.
  4. Be a Shark – it feels great!
  5. Be happy! No one wants an Eeyore in the room.  Everyone wants to be around the happy Tiger who is excited and feels good because they are doing the right things for their mind and body.
  6. Don’t live in the moment.  While it’s fun to do something spontaneous – make sure it’s not with food – the results can be both mentally and physically draining.  Plan, prepare and follow through
  7. Everything matters – every bite, sip crumb that you have extra is one extra to many.  Live by 6 clean days and 1 cheat day and you will feel great, be happy and lose weight!
  8. Everyday you will either lose weight, maintain or gain.  The choice is always in your control
  9. Less is always better when trying to lose weight.  If you don’t need it don’t eat it.
  10. If you want to feel amazing you must act amazing.  Stay on program, work hard and do the right things.

The better you feel the better you will live and the happier you will be

Stay on Program!

Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


A Positive State of mind is so important in so many areas of your life- family, work, school, friends, health.  We can literally talk our self into happiness and/or talk our self right into depression.  When you keep things positive and happy your life may not be perfect but it will be a lot better and a lot more positive than if you are living in a negative stare of mind.  When it comes to weight loss I would have to say more than 90% of it is mental.  We eat when we are not hungry, we feel pressured in social situations, we want the weight loss but we don’t want to put the work in that comes with it.  We can step on the scale and when it doesn’t say what we want we throw in the towel and over -eat.  We never even stop to think how much better we feel.  A great weight loss day can be as easy as walking away – but when you tell your mind that – it’s not so easy.


How do you get to a positive state of mind.  There is no magic.  You accept where you are and you move forward to where you want to be.  When you are not in a great place it can be the hardest time to push yourself to get there- but it’s also when you need to push yourself the most.  Let’s face it you have two directions…

  1. Do the right thing, fight through the hard and keep yourself in a positive place and feel good.
  2. Continue to make excuses, blame everyone around you and self sabotage and stay in the negative.

Sometimes it will take you being laser focused to do the right things – planning ahead, reminding yourself over and over what you want, walking away from the temptations, and pushing aside all the negative feelings – focusing only on where you want to go.  Reminding yourself constantly that when you stay positive and on program – it is the only thing that will change the way you feel mentally and physically about yourself and about everything around you.  Keep it simple – when  you do the right things and you follow your menu you feel better.  When you feel better you act better and you even speak nicer to everyone around you – you think happier thoughts throughout the day and you let go of any negativity.  Every good decision leads to another one.  Even when the scale doesn’t move as much as you wanted it to you wills till say how much better you feel mentally and physically by following your menu.  Will it be hard- of course it will be.  But just focus on one solid week at a time.  You have to stay positive and know if you put the time in an you follow your menu and you stay true to 6 clean weight loss days with 1 Cheat Day.  It will only take one week to get to a place the you realize and remember makes you so so happy.

We know staying on program and feeling good are two very good ways to live positive.  Here are some more ways that will keep you living in a positive state of mind:

  1. You must plan your days.  Know what you are doing and eating every day.  When you plan in advance and you know what you are eating you are taking the struggle out of your day.  When you take out the struggle you add in positivity.
  2. Know what you are wearing so you don’t have to sabotage yourself with negative thoughts first thing in the morning when things do’t quite fit yet.  
  3. Stay away from the scale for one week.  I know that will be the hardest challenge of all but I promise yo that by the end of the week not only will the number be in the right direction but you will feel mentally better all week.
  4. PROMISE yourself one solid 110% week on program.  Follow your menu for 6 straight days.  The consistency is the key and putting yourself in the mindset that no matter what I am sticking to my menu of meals and snacks for one week – after one complete week you will feel like you did it and you are back in it!  It will be an empowering positive end to a successful week!
  5. Change every  negative thought into a positive one.  As soon as those little negative thoughts come creeping into your mind you must immediately replace them with positive thoughts.  negative thinking will always win over positive if you let it.  Really make an effort to change your mindset when those little negative thoughts find their way in.  
  6. make the decisions that will keep your results positive.  Stay away from sabotages.  Remind yourself that you really can do whatever you want.  Every decision you make is your own.  Don’t base them off what others want.  You know your feelings and how staying on or off program will affect you.  It’s up to you to make the right decisions.  It’s not what is going on in your life or in anyone else’s.  You make each decision – because good or bad you are the one who has to live with the results.

There are soooo many Innovation positive Sharks!  They are positive about what they are doing everyday.  I you are not one o them – YOU SHOULD BE! There is no reason that you are not doing the right thing for your mind and body everyday.  There is no reason that you shouldn’t look and feel like you BEST SELF every day!  Don’t even begin to say “I can’t or it’s too hard.”  Everyone can make the same excuses just like everyone can make the right choices.  You can do and achieve whatever you want to.  But you really need to want it and it has to be a priority to you.  There is no difference between you and the person next to you who has done amazing and continues to do so.  The only difference is THEY WANTED IT MORE.  You can give yourself every excuse in the book but I’m telling you that if you really want it, and you make it a priority, and you stay positive and follow your program – you will do it.  

It all starts with you.  Your choices – Your decisions, and Your positive mindset.  




clean eatingeatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


I was never really big on detox and cleanses because I don’t like the fact of putting any kind of unwanted or needed chemicals in your body. And I don’t want you living on drinks to lose weight. Anything that you can’t do forever is never a good thing. As soon as you stop you will gain the weight back. More importantly I wanted to come up with something that was really going to make a difference in your body – making it both healthy and effective.  I love my clients and I really listen to their needs, frustrations and their challenges. I always say when you lose weight it’s like I’m losing weight and when you gain weight I feel like i gained it with you. 
I have come up with a detox/appetite suppressant that is effective and super healthy. I have been working with my clients in NY, California and London. They have all been doing it and absolutely love the immediate results. 
This detox is a very powerful and effective holistic tool you can use to suppress the appetite, stimulate healing, detoxification, inflammation and rejuvenation. It will help clean and purify the body of excess mucus, and toxins and waste. The body is designed to rid itself of toxins when it’s given the chance. This intermediate detox is one of the best ways to give the body a rest from foods and let the body process what is already stored in the digestive system.  That is why we recommend for best results doing it the day after a cheat day, weekend, after vacation, and/or after holidays. These are when you tend to take in more foods that are harder to digest, are processed and full of preservatives.
 It is a 100% raw, organic and clean so you can do it once every week if you choose to.


  • Your ability to remove waste and toxicity, which interferes with weTHIS DETOX WILL IMPROVE:ight loss, health and healing.
  • It will give your body a rest from food and lets the body process what is already in the digestive system
  • Satisfies cravings and helps curb hunger
  • Reduces inflammation in the body
  •  Eliminates stomach bloating
*does not contain any laxative
.Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
BCRFclean eatingdonationeatcleanfamilyHealthy TipsPink Promises

Pink Promises

In our busy life it’s easy to live in our happy chaotic little bubbles. We spend our busy days running around, working, socializing, preparing, being parents and others helping parents. We wear many hats and have many full time jobs. Yes, life is crazy busy and it’s easy to fall into the mind set of what do I have to do next – because that is all that is important at the moment. The months fly by and then all of a sudden we are making the appointment for the yearly mammogram. I know for most- having any yearly test is scary. It’s very often a topic in my office. Just scheduling the appointment can throw your whole day because of the anxiety that comes with it. I think it’s safe to say it’s a fear among most of us that regardless of how amazing things are at that moment – we can walk in the mammogram room and it be life changing results by the time we walk out.
But what I think we need to remember is while we are living in our little bubbles of everyday chaos and happiness, how comforting and important it is to know that if that day ever comes for us or someone we love – Pink Promises and BCRF are working hard everyday to accelerate the breakthroughs that are bringing us closer to a cure, and speeding up the research that give us the progress that improves survivorship and quality of life. Let’s face it, once you are diagnosed it’s no longer about how to prevent it, your life becomes all about how to survive it.
These things may not be as important to you at this moment and my hope for you is that it never will be. But by donating you are helping your future, and the future of those you love, and keeping that security that you hope you never need, but nice to know is there improving everyday in case you do. That’s an amazing feeling if you think about it. And what is even more wonderful is by donating you are helping all the Men, Women, Moms, Dads, Sisters, Daughters, Brothers, and Sons that are in need right now, today, this moment. Who are living by and depending on the treatments, cures and progress that BCRF is making everyday with our donations.
Did you know that Since the first Pink Promises event in 2010, they have raised over $4 Million to fund life-saving research through The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. And In 2018-2019, BCRF will award $63 million in annual grants to more than 300 scientists from top universities and medical institutions around the globe. In addition, BCRF has established the Evelyn H. Lauder Founder’s Fund, a multi-year international program dedicated to metastasis that is the first large-scale global effort to unravel the biology of metastasis, with more than $30 million earmarked to date. It is the largest privately funded project exclusively focused on metastasis in the world. But there is still more to be done and the thousands of women and men suffering from breast cancer today are depending on it.
I am super passionate about being a part of an organizations that truly makes a difference in the cause. That’s why I chose to be a part of Pink Promises. . If this is something that you want to do and be a part of, please join us at this year’s Pink Promises 2018 Casino Night, September 28. The Event is being held at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, and it Promises to be a memorable evening for all who attend.
If you can’t join us then you may want to donate to support the mission to end Breast Cancer, knowing that whatever you can give – 90 cents of every dollar goes directly to the research. It’s something to feel really good about when you know what you donate is really making a difference in our future and the future of those we love.
For more information about BCRF and this event, or to purchase a ticket or donate please go to
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss



August is so dangerous for so many reasons. We start the Summer full of excitement and committed to do the right thing and stay on program. It is fresh in our mind in May/June and even July – how hard it was to get to the happy place we started when summer began. It’s that memory that keeps us true and dedicated to what we want, who we are and how we want to feel…..  But slowly as the summer sun gets weaker so do we. August arrives and you start to feel like it’s almost over – the summer is ending. And all of a sudden you have to fit in as much as you can. This is when you must stay strong, mindful and positive. When you stay mentally strong you will remind yourself that the end of summer doesn’t have to result in the end of you feeling good and gaining weight.

Fall Is In The Air: For many are scheduling camp pick-ups; preparing for the last vacations; for others it’s the end of freedom and the end of less demanding schedules. We will start to feel senses of Fall coming near. The faint smell in the air, the Sun changing, or recognizing one orange leaf that has matured early. For some will feel Fall when they walk in the stores and see all the back to school shopping, and Teachers will start preparing for class rooms. Many will be packing up college students (that will be me crying and packing). For each one of us something reminding us summer is slowly coming to an end and Fall is around the corner – leaving little time left for summer fun.  While it’s easy to want to give in, this is when you need to be your strongest and not let the mental override the physical. We tend to mentally think “the end is near Im just gonna do what I want and go back to 100% in September” – No don’t do it. Im warning you that way of thinking will add on 5-10 pounds in a blink of an eye. You have to keep reminding yourself that Fall is around the corner and the more days you stick to your meals and snacks the better you will feel as summer comes to an end.

Let’s Face It – The “END” of Anything is Hard. While you might think you are ready for it — I know some of you are already saying, “I can’t wait to get back to a September schedule” and “I am going to go full force – hardcore in September!” and all that’s great, but don’t let that mindset determine what you do right now. Sometimes when we know we are going to give it a full commitment in a couple of weeks – it’s like saying you can have a free for all now. But you can’t and you don’t want to. As summer ends you need to get into the mind set —it’s ending and it’s okay—. And for it to be okay you need to start slowing things down — not speeding them up.

Mindset Is Everything When It Comes to Weight Loss. If you believe that you are going to be amazing and stay strong then you will be. If you tell yourself that you can’t do it and it’s too hard then you will give yourself a reason to “ throw in the towel” and you will regret it. Because at the end of the day it’s very important for you and your mental well being to feel the best you can be. The only way you will do this is to stay mentally strong and continue to stay on your program. Fell off – get back on. Had a bad week — make the next week great. You must stay disciplined and mindful, and even though the end of summer is the hardest to be discipline doesn’t mean you can’t do it.  But if your mindset is to “throw in the towel — summer is almost over — I don’t want to work hard anymore — I need a break — I want to just enjoy the rest of the summer.” Well… that’s the results you are going to get. You will gain and depending on how much depends on how far off you go from your path and how long you stay there. And let’s face it after a couple of days you are no longer enjoying it and you are out of control wondering how you are going to get back on program. You are feeling fuller, thicker and sad and that is what you are doing not to just yourself but those that are spending the end of the summer with you. Stay on program and it will keep you happy and everyone you love happy.

Much of what I am telling you I am sure you already know.  What is important is to recognize that you are the one in control and how you think is absolutely going to affect your outcome. So if you keep it positive and stay strong and stay as close to program as possible those are the results you will get. It’s always up to you and it’s your choices that determine your results. While friends, family and work all play a part the decision – you must take responsibility for the choices you make. Make August fun and exciting. Prepare, stay mindful and enjoy friends, and family time. Keep positive thinking and remembering that just because we may soon be losing the shorts and tank tops doesn’t mean you want to fill out the jeans and sweaters. Stay healthy, stay happy, and stay in tune mentally and physically with where you are,what you want, and what makes you feel your best.

Stay positive and you will get positive results!

When you feel good it’s always easier to transition from one change to the next. Don’t give yourself an excuse to do the wrong thing. Give yourself excuses to do all the right things. Make the choices that make you feel lighter, thinner, happier, healthy, and strong, and makes everyone around you happy too. Only you have the power, the want and the need to make this happen.

“Whatever we make ourselves believe is what we will experience”


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One Positive Thing Leads to Another


As summer continues on and our social plans seem to multiply life can start making choices for us. Sometimes they feel like choices that are completely out of our control. Other times we just aren’t really fighting for what we want and we tend to go with the flow whether it’s something that is making us happy or not. But I’m here to remind you that you are the only person who controls your own destiny. You are the only person who can decide how people and events affect you. So much of your happiness lies within the choices you make. You either accept that this is it and you throw in the towel and continue to get to a place that makes you more and more unhappy – OR – you change it and get back to a happy place that is positive both mentally and physically. You are the only person who has the power to change where you are and where you want to be.

Positive or a Negative: It’s really important to remember whether positive or negative – One thing really does lead to another. When you do something negative it usually leads to another negative experience and when you do something positive it leads to another positive experience. Here are two examples that you may be able to relate:

NEGATIVE ACTIONS BRING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS:  When you are eating unhealthy you don’t feel good. When you don’t feel good you are not happy and when you are not happy it shows in everything you do, act, feel and look.  When you are eating unhealthy you gain weight.  When you gain weight you feel lethargic, weak, and old. You would think because you are eating more food that you would want less, but the opposite happens and the more you eat the more you want. The worst part is you are not even enjoying the unhealthy food as much as you thought you would. It’s no longer special when you eat it all the time. Now because you don’t feel good and nothing fits you and you are tired – you don’t want to exercise. Even taking a simple walk can seem unappealing. When you eat unhealthy and drink too much you get into a negative mindset and all of your negative unhealthy habits bring negative feelings, thoughts and actions into your life.


POSITIVE ACTIONS BRINGS POSITIVE FEELINGS:   You plan your on program meals, snacks and drinks each day. Eating clean everyday makes you feel good. It gives you that lighter, happy and in control feeling that you love. You lose weight and have more energy than ever. This makes you happy. When you are happy everyone around you is happy because you are glad to share the love when you feel good. When you are eating clean and on program you feel good. You are excited to step on the scale and you are excited to get dressed. You are excited to go out!  You know what you are eating so you are not looking for food all the time. The less you eat the less you want and crave.  You are excited and enjoy your meals and your cheat day.  Whether it’s getting dressed or going to the gym, a swim or walking the dog – everything feels effortless and enjoyable.

Do these sound familiar. I know they do because eating unhealthy makes you feel unhealthy and eating clean and healthy makes you feel happy and healthy. It’s a very simple process if you don’t complicate it. When it comes to weight loss ONE THING (good or bad) LEADS TO ANOTHER. You are either eating unhealthy for weight gain or eating clean and healthy for weight loss. It’s the consistency of doing something over and over that makes the habit stick and that consistency is what will continue to give you either the worst results or the very best results.

My final thoughts that I want to share with you… Keep it positive! Be positive and stay around positive people. Work hard everyday and know that the consistency in doing the right thing is what will keep you in a good place. It’s the consistency of doing the right thing over and over that creates the weight loss. Yes it’s hard. But you can do this. You need to work for it and you will get the results. Think about where you are right now. If you are not in a good place then work to get there. I am always here for you and remember you are not the only person who falls off and has to get back on. I can’t even begin to tell you how many clients came in recently that I haven’t seen in a while. I haven’t seen them because they were doing great until they weren’t.  Please don’t ever ever feel embarrassed. No one is perfect. I feel so bad when clients come in and say they weren’t going to come in because they felt embarrassed that they gained weight back. Please don’t ever live unhappy over being embarrassed. It happens to everyone at one time or another – and for some more often than others. I have seen it all. And so many of you know me very well and you know there is never any judgement. I am grateful to be here for you and to be able to help you. It’s what I love to do. All I want is for you to do your best and feel your best everyday. I don’t care where you are – I only care where you are going. So whether you had a bad weekend, week, couple of months or year -don’t be discouraged. Just reach out. It only takes a week to feel better and back in control. It’s always so inspiring and motivating for me when I get the text messages after only one week about how much better you feel and are so so happy you are back on program and back to a controlled happy place. Knowing that each day you put in is a day that will return happy healthy feelings inside and out. Eating clean and healthy doesn’t only change your body it changes your mind and how you act. It keeps you in a positive mindset and changes your life for the better in every way.

You can either give up when the road becomes difficult

or you can keep going and make your path positive and happy!
Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


Lots of different emotions this past week. -Happy, sad, determined, mad, excited, disappointed-. You name it and I addressed it!  When you have a holiday week that is smack in the middle of two party weekends – the results are sometimes not pretty. It’s almost a given that at some point you might not do the right thing. How big and/or bad that thing– is very individualized across the board.
Now that the week is behind us this is what I will tell you moving forward. IT’S OKAY! It’s all okay. Food plays with emotions and feeling in the most drastic way. It can make you ride an emotional roller coaster that if not thought out can ruin your vacation, summer and your family fun. But what you have to remember is it’s not really the food that is doing it – it’s what you are doing with the food and how you are abusing it that creates the emotional roller coaster and results. The best thing you can do is learn from this past week and know what you will and won’t do next time. What made you feel good and what made you feel instantly bad. And most important how you feel today.
It’s so much more important to learn from your week then to be negative about it. There is no reason to beat yourself up or be upset with what you did last week or wish you would have done. You have to learn to say IT’S OKAY. What is done is done and whether you were good, bad or ugly you have to deal with it and move on. Once you come to terms with last week is when you will move on and put all your energy into today, tomorrow and this week’s weight loss. You need to think about the next 6 clean days your body wants, and craves so it can feel good. You should be embracing the clean eating and embracing being back on program so that you can get back to your very best and be ready for your next BBQ, Beach Day and Cheat Day.
There is only one thing as good as cheating and that’s eating clean after cheating. Getting back on program and having your healthy clean weight loss days are what you need to embrace and enjoy. You are doing your body good and you know that these clean days are what make you enjoy your cheat day guilt free. The more consistent you can keep six clean days the better you feel, look and the more you will enjoy!
I always like to address all the clients who lost weight this past week and did amazing. We had a lot of clients who lost, maintained or followed exactly what we planned. I’m super proud of you all.  You worked hard and stayed on program and remembered day after day what was important and what makes you happy! Congratulations to all of you for doing the right thing, working super hard and keeping yourself in a positive place.
For everyone else you know the drill and if you don’t this is it – you will be hungry this week and you will deal with it. Don’t sit and feel sorry for yourself because what is done is done. It’s time to pick yourself up and wipe yourself off -lick your wounds and move on to a positive place. Make your week a happy healthy and on program weight loss week. Because only you have the power, strength and want to make this week Amazing!
You can not make positive changes to yesterday 
But you can make them today tomorrow and the next day.
Love to Live Healthy With Josephine Fitzpatrick