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If you are not feeling good enough to exercise because of a Sprain, tear, fracture, a pinched nerve, maybe restless arms, legs, or the body is just too tired ??? These are just a few of the reasons we get sidelined from our exercise routine. Or better said…. these are a few reasons we push our exercise routines to the sidelines ;). Whether you have an injury or not….. if you want to get some basic exercise moves in that will keep your blood flowing, calories burning and body sweating the CHAIR EXERCISE is for you. They are for anyone who wants a modified exercise routine or someone who wants to modify their exercise to fit their injury.


With your doctors approval A GREAT Workout to try is the CHAIR WORKOUT.
Choose a Chair Workout that applies to you, either All Upper, All Lower or just Interval Total Body. These workouts will keep you in shape, healthy and happy AND fit. Do it 1-3x and you will experience a great workout as if you just took your favorite class. You are going to be amazed of how these non-impact workouts on a CHAIR. The Chair movements will get those endorphins going and bring back that feel good mood we all get after exercise. Not only do these workouts challenge your body, you will be sweating, burning calories and getting rid of excess fat and best of all you will feel great! Our chair workouts are easy to follow 5-10 minute workouts. Try one as a test to see how just sitting on a chair can give you a great workout. There’s always a way to workout so “No Excuses” you don’t have to stop. These workouts are challenging in a fun simple way and the best part, they are safe. With your doctors approval pick any of our Free Chair Workouts that apply to you; All Upper; All Lower or Interval Total Body and more. We update chair workouts every week so you always have something new to try.


just go to for all your Chair Workouts. Thanks! and keep moving!


*Remember, we all can sit on a Chair, even if we can’t stand or do floor exercises.