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Tag: yom kippur


Yom Kippur – Have a Plan

Today at Sundown begins Yom Kippur the holiest day of the year — for those who observe it’s the day on which we are closest to G-d and to the quintessence of our own souls.  It is the day of Atonement — be forgiven and cleansed from all your sins before G-d.


For nearly twenty-six hours — from several minutes before sunset tonight to after nightfall tomorrow — we “afflict our souls”:  we abstain from food and drink, and head to temple and our time is spent in prayer to G-d.  It’s truly a beautiful holiday.


For those of you who fast, it’s a great time to give your weight loss a boost as well.  Your last meal today should be a nice balance of protein and healthy carbohydrates and this combination will sustain you throughout the fast.  Some great choices would be:


  • Grilled or roasted chicken (no skin)
  • Vegetables – Green Beans, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Asparagus.
  • Mashed Sweet Potato – no milk or cream
  • Fresh fruit


Water, water, water throughout the day today.  You should never wait until you are thirsty to drink water.   Once you are thirsty you are already dehydrated and when you are dehydrated you will feel hunger.  You should drink water all day when you are NOT thirsty to avoid dehydration.


Let’s Talk Breaking the Fast:  If you don’t cheat after the fast you will actually use the fast to your benefit. It will be a great addition to your weight loss.  After the fast you should start with a small on program snack and a bottle of water.  Then follow it by an on program meal.  Some examples:  Skagel or ezekiel bread with lox and light cream cheese; Light Tuna or Chicken salad with ak mak,  wasa or Innovation flax  crackers; vegetables and hummus; roasted chicken or fish with vegetable side.  If you really want to stay on program it’s very doable.  There will be a lot of temptation at the table so the results are all going to be about what you want when you step on the scale Saturday not what you want tomorrow.


PLAN AHEAD:  If you planned on cheating tomorrow then I am going to assume you saved your cheat day from this past weekend for tomorrow.  But if you didn’t save it and you decided you want to cheat tomorrow then I would simply skip this coming weekend cheat day.   It’s one or the other. You can’t have 3 cheat days in one week and lose weight.   Make the choice and stick to it.


Very Important – don’t cheat tomorrow and say you are going to skip this weekend cheat day and then you don’t skip it.  Because we all know where that will have you end up – yikes 🙁


Final thoughts:  You should only be breaking the fast if you actually fasted.  If you are not fasting because of medicine, not religious, you just can’t do it- or don’t want to do it… then you should be sticking 110% on program, and eating clean on program food.


Whether you are having a cheat day or deciding to stay clean on program – plan it and follow through.  I think especially on such a holy holiday it’s really important to stick to whatever you plan.  You don’t want to end the holiday and start the New Year beating yourself up because of  the decisions you made and how they made you feel.  If you are cheating then enjoy it and if you are staying on program enjoy it.


Don’t always base your decisions on what is in front of you.  Think about and base your decisions on how you will feel at the end of the night – how you will feel tomorrow getting dressed and how you will feel when you step on the scale this weekend.  


Whatever you decide— have your plan and stick to it.  Because the most important thing is owning it, — accepting it and enjoying every second on it.


Atone for the sins of the past year and learn from those sins

so that you can be a better person for the year ahead.


Innovation Weight Loss wishes you all a healthy, peaceful and fulfilling year.


G’mar Hatimah Torah


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Yom Kippur…


Tomorrow at Sundown begins Yom Kippur the holiest day of the year — the day on which we are closest to G‑d and to the quintessence of our own souls. It is the Day of Atonement — Be forgiven and cleansed from all your sins before G‑d.


For nearly twenty-six hours — from several minutes before sunset on 9 Tishri (Sept. 29) to after nightfall on 10 Tishrei (Sept. 30) — we “afflict our souls”: we abstain from food and drink, do not wash or anoint our bodies, do not wear leather footwear, and abstain from marital relations. Instead, we head to temple and our time is spent in prayer to G‑d. It’s truly a beautiful holiday.


For those of you who follow, it’s a great time to give your weight loss a boost as well. Your last meal on Friday should be a nice balance of protein and healthy carbohydrates and this combination will sustain you throughout your fast. Some great choices would be:


  • Grilled or Roasted Chicken (no skin)
  • Vegetables – string beans, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus
  • Mashed Sweet potato – (no milk or cream)
  • Fresh Fruit – nuts


Water water water throughout the day before you fast. You should never go into the fast thirsty. When you feel thirst that means your body is already dehydrated which is not good for any of your organs and will make you feel hunger. You should drink water all day when you are NOT thirsty to avoid dehydration.


When you Break the Fast you should not go crazy and eat everything in sight. Some of you will want to and others will not. If it’s your Cheat Day then have a piece and/or spoonful of the foods you like – scoop out the bagel and try to taste smaller choices – instead of eating large servings. If you over eat after fasting you will get sick. Ideally you should stay on program and let the fast work in your favor and Break the Fast with the following:


  • Light Tuna or Vegetable salads with ak mak or wasa crackers
  • Whole wheat or rye toast with lox and light cream cheese
  • Egg White salad with vegetables
  • Vegetables and guacamole or mashed avocado
  • Fresh Fruit – nuts
  • Water Water Water


If you do this you will lose more weight because you are having two clean meals with a long fast in between. The fast helps the weight loss because when your food is digested and used by the body – your body will then begin to burn stored fat. When the fast is over and you fill it with balanced nutritional foods and snacks you will see how much better you feel and will maintain that lighter healthier cleansed feeling. All the yummy treats that are around the table should be saved and taken home in a goody bag or put in your refrigerator and have it on your Cheat Day Sunday so you can enjoy the treats throughout the day and not try to get them all in after nightfall.


You should only be breaking the fast if you actually fasted:


If you are not fasting because of medicine, not religious, you just can’t do it….  then you should be sticking 110% to your program, and eating on program Friday and Saturday and unless it’s your Cheat Day Saturday then you should be on program and your Cheat Day is your Cheat Day – Done!


Innovation Weight Loss wishes you all a healthy peaceful and fulfilling year.


G’mar Hatimah Tovah
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Why Do We Fast On Yom Kippur?


The name “Yom Kippur” means “Day of Atonement,” and that pretty much explains what the holiday is. It is a day set aside to “afflict the soul,” to atone for the sins of the past year. This day is, essentially, your last appeal, your last chance to change the judgment, to demonstrate your repentance and make amends. Yom Kippur atones only for sins between man and G-d, not for sins against another person. To atone for sins against another person, you must first seek reconciliation with that person, righting the wrongs you committed against them if possible. That must all be done before Yom Kippur. (Judaism 101: Yom Kippur

I’m sure I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know…however, I searched throughly on “breaking the fast” and no where does it say that you should eat to the point of sickness. In fact, isn’t that a “sin? ” The idea of the Yom Kipper is probably one of my favorite Holiday meanings. And when used correctly it is a beautiful way to start the “new year”. But if you break the fast with over eating, make sure that is not on your list of atonements or you will be starting off your year in a very negative way.  

NOT CHEATING AFTER THE FAST – if you don’t cheat you will actually let the fast be a great addition to your weight loss. After the fast, have a healthy on program snack AND drink at least 8 oz of water followed by an on program meal. Have toast with lox and 1 tbsp of cheese. Or light tuna or chicken salad with crackers and vegetables. Or a salad with grilled chicken. Then if you are still hungry  have an on program snack an hour later. If you want the “fast” to be an addition to helping  your weight loss you need to eat healthy and on program.  
*You can not “fast” and then eat a bagel, lox and cream cheese or bagel and desserts etc. Just because you fasted that does not mean the unhealthy meal doesn’t count. Weight loss does not work like that. You will gain if you eat an unhealthy meal after the fast even if you fasted.  *You also do not have to eat all the food and meals you missed from “fasting.” You will not starve if you do not include all your missed meals. The idea of “breaking the fast” is not to eat all of what you missed but to “break fast” by eating a sensible healthy meal.  
Remember that the holiday is not about food – It’s about Atonement. It’s not about eating everything you missed out on. In fact, that would be counter productive in all areas of the atonement. The idea is to “give up” to atone for your sins. Not to replace everything once you break the fast. If you are trying to lose weight it would make sense to start your year by doing the right thing for your mind and body.  “Fast” and eat a sensible on program healthy weight loss meal and feel amazing going into the “new year” with your sins behind you.  
“Yom Kippur  – or the Day of Atonement,   –  One of it’s beautiful meanings is about how to be a better person for the coming year.”
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Tips for Yom Kippur

The Jewish holiday Yom Kippur is this week starting on Tuesday, and whether you are celebrating or not, it can offer all of us an opportunity to learn from our past mistakes and move forward with optimism and a new healthy plan. Yom Kippur is about atoning for the wrongs we have done in the past, but it is also about moving past the regret by committing to change. Sometimes, all we need is a fresh start to fill us with motivation and get us back on track – so take advantage of this holiday.


For those of you who will be fasting, start preparing now. Really make sure you are drinking plenty of water in the next day and a half and try to avoid caffeinated drinks – if you are a usual coffee or soda drinker, being deprived of caffeine on top of being dehydrated won’t be easy, so try and cut back now to make things go a little smoother for you. Don’t overeat or eat too much right before the fast – this actually won’t help you. Continue to eat your meals and snacks the way you normally do. Tomorrow, start with a breakfast high in fiber and protein like Greek yogurt or whole wheat break with peanut butter and banana. Protein is great for before the fast, and also try and choose foods that are lower in sodium (having a lot of sodium will just make you thirstier), such as an egg white omelet with vegetables (which can also have a lot of fiber) or quinoa and vegetables.


Once the fast is over, take it slow when you start to consume food and drinks again. Start with water and slowly sip on your first cup – if you take things too quickly the sudden intake of water will dilute your blood and you could feel dizzy. Next try having something light and hydrating like grapes or an apple. When you are ready to have a meal, you might be craving carbs so try some good carbohydrates with protein like light tuna salad with 2 Ak Mak crackers or rice cakes with salad. Add some healthy white fish or chicken. Continue to hydrate with water all night. Even if you are indulging for this meal, try to choose foods that you don’t eat al the time. Pick the choices that are presented only once a year. And don’t try and fit all your meals and snacks you missed during the day into one evening. It will just overload your stomach and make you feel nauseous.


One last thought…Wedneday is a great day to reflect on making better choices. Do you really want to start the year overloading on bagels and French toast? Or is it time for a change and to begin with a healthy commitment to yourself and your family? You eat clean after a fast you will really make the fast work for you in a positive and healthy way. You cleanse and the replenish with healthy, clean choices. It will give you a jump start into your weight loss journey of being healthy and fit. More importantly, you will start with a true commitment to yourself and your body. You reflected, atoned, and you will begin feeling healthy, light, fit and committed to change. The importance of the holiday is that you reflect and atone but also that you have learned from your mistakes. In order for us to be better we need to learn from the past to have a brighter and positive future. This holiday is a great opportunity to give yourself a clean slate not only for the week but for your entire weight loss journey. Take care of yourself and have a happy and safe holiday!




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Tips for Yom Kippur


The Jewish holiday Yom Kippur is this week starting on Tuesday, and whether you are celebrating or not, it can offer all of us an opportunity to learn from our past mistakes and move forward with optimism and a new healthy plan. Yom Kippur is about atoning for the wrongs we have done in the past, but it is also about moving past the regret by committing to change. Sometimes, all we need is a fresh start to fill us with motivation and get us back on track – so take advantage of this holiday.


For those of you who will be fasting, start preparing now. Really make sure you are drinking plenty of water in the next day and a half and try to avoid caffeinated drinks – if you are a usual coffee or soda drinker, being deprived of caffeine on top of being dehydrated won’t be easy, so try and cut back now to make things go a little smoother for you. Don’t overeat or eat too much right before the fast – this actually won’t help you. Continue to eat your meals and snacks the way you normally do. Tomorrow, start with a breakfast high in fiber and protein like Greek yogurt or whole wheat break with peanut butter and banana. Protein is great for before the fast, and also try and choose foods that are lower in sodium (having a lot of sodium will just make you thirstier), such as an egg white omelet with vegetables (which can also have a lot of fiber) or quinoa and vegetables. 


Once the fast is over, take it slow when you start to consume food and drinks again. Start with water and slowly sip on your first cup – if you take things too quickly the sudden intake of water will dilute your blood and you could feel dizzy. Next try having something light and hydrating like grapes or an apple. When you are ready to have a meal, you might be craving carbs so try some good carbohydrates with protein like light tuna salad with 2 Ak Mak crackers or rice cakes with salad. Add some healthy white fish or chicken. Continue to hydrate with water all night. Even if you are indulging for this meal, try to choose foods that you don’t eat al the time. Pick the choices that are presented only once a year. And don’t try and fit all your meals and snacks you missed during the day into one evening. It will just overload your stomach and make you feel nauseous.


One last thought…Wedneday is a great day to reflect on making better choices. Do you really want to start the year overloading on bagels and French toast? Or is it time for a change and to begin with a healthy commitment to yourself and your family? You eat clean after a fast you will really make the fast work for you in a positive and healthy way. You cleanse and the replenish with healthy, clean choices. It will give you a jump start into your weight loss journey of being healthy and fit. More importantly, you will start with a true commitment to yourself and your body. You reflected, atoned, and you will begin feeling healthy, light, fit and committed to change. The importance of the holiday is that you reflect and atone but also that you have learned from your mistakes. In order for us to be better we need to learn from the past to have a brighter and positive future. This holiday is a great opportunity to give yourself a clean slate not only for the week but for your entire weight loss journey. Take care of yourself and have a happy and safe holiday!




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Tips for A Healthy Fast

This weekend is the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, which means atoning for the sins of the past year by refraining from eating and drinking, among other things, for 25 hours. Though it is possible to safely fast for this amount of time physically, mentally it might prove difficult. After our body has finished digesting our last meal, our brain will send out signals of hunger. Dealing with that feeling can get you through the day, but it is the lack of water that can really affect your body. Water can’t be stored like glycogen, a resource that our body gets from food that we use for energy. We are constantly losing water every day, and that is why it is especially important to saturate yourself with water before you fast to help lighten the effects of dehydration such a headaches.


Drinking plenty of water is one of a few ways to prepare yourself for the fast. If you are a big coffee or soda drinker, or anything with a lot of caffeine, start cutting down on these drinks now and for the rest of the week. Being dehydrated on top of being deprived of caffeine will only make the head aches worse and can even cause nausea.


On the morning of the fast, which begins at sundown, try something high in fiber and protein like fruit and Greek yogurt for breakfast. For lunch, go for something high in protein and low in sodium like an egg white omelette with vegetables or fresh turkey over salad. Throughout the day watch your sodium intake, it will just make you thirstier. So when you have vegetables skip the salt and butter and go easy on the spices. For your final meal, continue with low sodium and high fiber foods. The fiber will help keep you full longer. Some options are roasted chicken, sweet potato, and beans (not from a can, which usually already has salt added – prepare them yourself). It is important to keep this last meal light even though you may want to eat as much as you can. A stuffed stomach will send hunger signals sooner. Also remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day.


Once the fast is over, you are going to feel hungry and very, very thirsty but do not over do it. Drinking cup after cup of water right after you break the fast will dilute your blood without giving your body time to adjust and may cause you to feel dizzy. Instead, slowly sip one cup of water then start to snack on something like grapes or an apple. Take it slow, then you can fully enjoy your celebratory meal.


Have an easy fast!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018