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Tag: winter break 2018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Weight Loss Wednesday!




Are you staying focused on what you want and where you want to be? Make sure your week is moving in a positive direction. With Valentine’s Day and Winter Break in just a couple of days it’s easy to lose focus. Today I want you to think about the love of your life and/or those you love. Both of which should be celebrated today! Stay focused on what and who is important. Dinner plans tonight? Choose a healthy On Program meal that you can order in or out. Clean fish, grilled chicken and a steamed vegetable. Fresh fruit for dessert. If you are staying in you can make or order the same or have a clean Innovation dinner with an Innovation snack. Whether you are eating in or out, your options are endless. You really want to make sure you have a super clean day today. If you stay clean and On Program you will wake up tomorrow feeling amazing and it will be a true Valentine’s Day Gift to yourself.


FOCUS only on what you ARE eating and HOW MUCH you are eating. 
Because when it comes to the number on the scale that is all that matters. 


BE AWARE: We tend to get into a slippery little mindset of what WE DIDN’T eat instead of focusing on what WE SHOULD BE eating. I hear it quite often – “I was so good! I only had a bite of this and a bite of that. But there was so many more things on the table I didn’t eat” It’s kind of like saying I had one slice of pizza BUT I did great because I could have had two. Well guess what? – If you are trying to lose weight – you shouldn’t have had the first one to begin with. Don’t think about and stop focusing on all the foods you didn’t eat – because unfortunately your body doesn’t give you extra credit or extra weight loss because you didn’t eat things. It only focuses on what you did eat and how much – and that is what you need to focus on too.


FEEL THE LOVE: Today, stay focused on who matters to you in your life and how much love you have to share. The better you take care of your body and mind – the better you will feel and the more you will feel the love. When you feel good and feel the love – all you will want to do is share those amazing feelings and make everyone around you feel good too.


Give yourself the gift of love and health today and do it by waking up tomorrow feeling amazing!
 It all starts with you…


Making the right choices always makes you happy. 




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10016