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Tag: weightloss

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We’re barely a week into the month of October and already every store is filled with Halloween themed costumes, decorations and candy. While it may only hurt your wallet to give in to the first two, buying Halloween candy so early in the month will cost you more than just money. Even the bite-sized versions are packed with sugars and calories, and offer your body no nutritional value. Just think – If it wasn’t Halloween would you even consider buying this candy?


Avoid the “but it’s a holiday” excuse. If you start making excuses to buy it, you’re going to give in to your excuses to eat it. Just because it’s the special Halloween version that only comes out once a year, that doesn’t mean you should get it. Two weeks ago we discussed having tablespoon sized portions of your favorite holiday dishes and desserts on Rosh Hashanah because they only come around once a year. But this is not your family’s special recipe on a meaningful holiday. The Halloween candy is candy in a costume. It’s a great marketing tool that is meant to bring nostalgia. It represents your youth, and the comforts of your youth. A time when it was YOU who was once running around in the Halloween costume. The combination of the approaching Fall weather and the packaged Halloween candy can bring you back to a time when life was easy, fun and stress free. That’s a wonderful feeling, and I agree with the fun of the holiday, but not in the 2nd week of October. Halloween is one day, October 31st. Candy should be purchased the day before and celebrated the day of. Don’t make it longer than it really is.


It’s going to be difficult enough because without even buying the candy you will still come across plenty of it. Look around, Halloween candy is everywhere – in a bowl on every desk at the office, every counter at the bank, the nail and hair salon. It’s sitting next to every cash register and everywhere in between. You already work so hard to eat right and exercise, don’t sabotage yourself. The little slip ups add up very quickly. EVERYTHING COUNTS AND EVERYTHING MATTERS. Don’t let all your weight loss efforts go to waste over a candy bar that is dressed up in a Halloween Costume. Because when the costume is off, it’s really just a candy bar you can buy anytime of the year.


There are many healthy treats that you can buy and/or make with your family. Check the blog on Monday for some healthier Halloween treat ideas.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Snacks For The Whole Family

In the midst of everyone’s busy schedules packed with work, school, after school activities, social events and errands, planning a healthy snack time can fall through the cracks. This can be true for not only you but for your kids as well. Unhealthy snacking can quickly erase a day of clean eating and exercise, not to mention fill your kids with sugar.


When you know it’s going to be a hectic day, throw some almonds or carrots sticks in a baggie for your passengers to munch on in the back seat and stick some in the cup holder for yourself. Snack boxes of raisins or apple slices with to-go peanut butter packets are great for school or work. Easy grab and go bars like Special K Protein bars or Fiber One provide a little bit of sweetness as well as protein and fiber.  For sports, dance or any active extracurriculars, try orange slices or peanut butter and banana sandwiches on whole wheat bread to give them a boost, and always hydrate with water.


On days when there’s a little more time to prepare something at home, something as simple as celery with peanut butter and raisins or veggies with hummus can satisfy everyone. Sliced fruit or a bowl of grapes is a great snack to share, maybe with a string cheese on the side. If they’re looking for something salty, try whole wheat pretzels or light popcorn snacks like Skinny Pop.


When they inevitably ask for candy or cookies, try something else sweet but smart like sugar free chocolate pudding. Trail mix is also a great alternative, as long as you make sure they aren’t just picking and choosing the sweet stuff! A cup of Cheerios can taste like candy with flavors like chocolate, apple cinnamon and dulce de leche, but they also pack whole grains, vitamins and minerals.


Snacking healthy will not only help you with your immediate fitness and weight loss goals, but it will also provide the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for you and your family.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Are Your Kids Making YOU Fat?

Back into the swing of things and we already feel the Snack Closet calling our name. We buy snacks for lunch, snacks for after school and snacks for sports.  Stealing one or two handfuls for yourself and then another for “just in case”. Before you know it, you ate half the bag of Goldfish. If only they didn’t eat those darn Goldfish! If only they ate vegetables and fruits. Not the candy, cakes and cookies…not to mention the ice cream!


Do these thoughts sound familiar? Are you constantly blaming your children for making you eat?  As parents, we know how very difficult it is to not buy that cake they love. You know, the one they beg for all the time, and when you buy it they only have one little tiny slice. The cake that you could inhale by just smelling it.  How are you expected to get through each day with all these delicious sweets and treats in the house? You have to take one piece or maybe two. A handful for me and one for you. What choice do you have? Do you have a choice?


Let’s think about this more clearly….Who bought the snacks? Are they really all the snacks your children like or are they some that you like as well? Or did you buy them because you like them and hope the kids will take a piece to make you feel a little better about buying and eating it?


When we really think about it thoroughly, it’s not the kids who are making us fat, it’s more likely that we are making our kids fat. We buy foods that we know are loaded with calories and sugar, but it’s okay because they are kids, right? When we’re really honest with ourselves, we realize this is not the case and it’s time to make the right choice.


Start by keeping the unhealthy snacks out of your home. If an indulgent treat is just a couple steps away, it’s more likely for you to give into it. Not to mention that giving in to your kids’ cravings is creating bad eating habits they may carry with them their whole life.


Next, lead by example. Show them that eating healthy is something to be proud of, not a way to punish yourself for bad behavior. When you start making healthy choices it will affect the people around you, especially your kids.


Check back later this week for healthy snacks you and your whole family can enjoy!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle


Vacations are coming to an end and the children are back at school…now it’s time to get back to you. Why wait until New Year’s to make a resolution to lose weight and be healthy? September is a perfect month to start a “New You”.


With long work hours and after school sports here are a some IMPORTANT TIPS to make sure your September schedule is a healthy one that works for you:


1) PLAN YOUR WORKOUT IN THE MORNING:  When you plan to do your workout first thing in the morning you have an 80% chance of actually doing it. On the flip side, if you don’t do your workout first thing in the morning, you have an 80% chance of NOT doing it!


When we start with a morning workout, we are much more likely to have a better nutritional day. Why? Because mentally you have put yourself on track for the day. You will not want to ruin your hard work and effort with an unhealthy snack or meal.


If you are a stay-at-home parent, get the kids off to school and head to the gym. Don’t put it off until after you clean the house or get the laundry done. Before you know it, the kids will be getting off the bus as quickly as they got on. Head right to the gym. Follow up by running your errands and then head home and do your housework.


If you are a working parent, make the effort to get up an extra hour early and get your workout in.  It will change the dynamic of your day from okay to awesome! While I understand how difficult it can be to add an extra hour to your day, I can assure you it’s worth it, both mentally and physically. Your body will get used to it and in return, that extra hour will actually make you feel more healthy and energetic throughout the day.


2) REMEMBER: WORKOUTS ARE IN ADDITION TO HEALTHY FOODS, NOT IN REPLACE OF:  What exactly does that mean?  You are doing your workout so you can be healthy. If you want to lose weight in addition to clean eating it will help you lose even more weight; HOWEVER, you are NOT working out so you can eat whatever you want all day…AND you are NOT working out so you can eat more food throughout the day (even if it is healthy food – it’s still more). Workouts are to keep your body, mind, muscles and bones healthy and toned. In addition to a healthy eating plan, it will help you lose even more weight.


3) KEEP MOVING: When you are with your kids at after school sports, make sure you are not sitting, chatting and watching them. Even if you already worked out in the morning, grab some of the moms and dads and walk around the track or field. Unless it’s a game, you don’t need to watch your child practice. They have coaches to tell them how to play. They only need mom and dad to tell them what a great job they are doing and how amazing they are.


4) PLAN YOUR MEALS IN ADVANCE: Don’t ever start the day by winging it. If you don’t know what you are going to eat each day, it will most likely turn out bad.  Either the night before or the morning of, make sure you know exactly what you are going to eat. Plan it out: You should know what you are eating for your meals and snacks each day. If you don’t know, you can quickly turn a healthy day into an unhealthy day all because of lack of planning. More importantly, when you don’t plan it out, it sometimes means mentally you know you will go off that day. That’s why you don’t want to think about it. So make sure you know exactly what you are going to eat from the time you wake up until you go to bed. When you are proactive it will make all the difference in your day.


When you incorporate some time for yourself into your schedule you can really make a difference in how you look and feel. No one said it’s easy to be healthy and fit, but everyone will tell you it’s worth it.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, N& 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle


Mondays can be tough days. They tend to make us feel bloated and tired after a long weekend of socializing. Even if it’s just socializing with the immediate family, statistics show that we eat 80% more on the weekend than during the week.


For many, Mondays are also the start of work and school week. It’s a day of transitioning from happy and carefree to miserable and restricted.


If you are tired of starting your week feeling unhealthy and bloated, here are two simple tips to make your MONDAY a better day.


1) Start Sunday Night! If you make an effort to get some form of exercise competed on Sunday night before you turn in, you will feel so much better Monday morning. Even if it’s just walking the dog for a couple of blocks – try to end your weekend with a healthily exercise. By doing this, you will feel like you are already ahead on Monday morning.


2) Start Monday LESS AND LIGHT with a Low Calorie & Low Fat Menu. Think egg whites, grilled chicken, vegetables, yogurts, and nuts. By starting your week less and light you will not only get rid of most, if not all, of your weekend bloat, you may actually lose weight that day.


If you make the effort to do a Sunday night exercise and make your Monday a less calories and low fat day, these two simple tips will not only make all the difference in how you feel, it will also make all the difference in how you start your week.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss & Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018