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Tag: summer weight loss tips

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

First Day of Summer


It’s the first day of summer and whether you are happy with where you are or you are looking to get back on a healthy path…summer plans can be challenging for everyone. I know many of you are thinking ‘how can I stay on program and lose weight with all the parties, bbq and events that I have every week?’… My thoughts to you are: If you can take the time to gain then you can take the time to lose. Follow these amazing tips to start the summer off right!
MEALSClean 6 days and cheat 1 day. Thats the most effective way to lose weight. If you eat 3 clean meals and 2-3 snacks a day with one cheat day then you will see immediate results.
LITTLE LIES: Stop telling little lies to yourself – Really think about what you are saying and feeling. When you say you are starving…are you really starving?? Do you really even know what starving feels like? Remember, you can convince yourself to feel however you want. So if you tell yourself  “I’m starving!!” that’s what you will feel. Switch it to “I’m getting a little hungry” and your whole attitude will change in a positive direction.  
NO EXCUSES: I have to split my cheat days; there wasn’t any options for me to eat; It was the cleanest choice there — There is always an option. At a restaurant, you may have to ask for it the way you want it and at a bbq you can eat before or you can bring a healthy choice. Think about it…when do you ever walk into a party empty handed? Along with the wine or dessert make sure you bring a healthy choice that you can enjoy. **Restaurants ask for grilled plain fish or chicken with steamed veggies. Everyone has it 🙂 
BE AMAZING: Summer is always going to be hard. But on the days you can be amazing, be amazing, and the days you can’t, then be mindful. You have 4 weeks in a month – if you lose weight 1 week but the other 3 weeks you maintain then you are still ahead of the game at the end of the month you still lost. If you can lose 2 weeks and maintain 2 weeks that’s even better!!
EXERCISE EVERYDAY: While you can’t exercise off what you eat, what you can do is feel and look better when you exercise. It’s amazing how you feel when you start your day with exercise. It immediately gets the blood pumping and you feel like you can accomplish anything. A walk, do weights, a jog, spin or  do a class…With the sun rising early try and find a way to start the day with exercise.  
LIVE LIKE THERE ARE NO DO-OVERS: Try not to live like you are on a diet. Every time you go off you think you have to start over. Instead, when you have a bbq or a night out that didn’t go as planned, just get right back on your healthy lifestyle. Eating clean and healthy 6 days a week with 1 day off is a way of life, not a short term fix. No one is perfect all the time. So when you are not perfect don’t throw in the towel and snowball into 10 lbs of a mistake. Instead, get right back on and CONTINUE on your weight loss and healthy lifestyle.   
KNOW YOUR LIMIT: When it comes to alcohol, know your limits. If you know you can’t have more than 1 drink or you will lose control then don’t have more than 1. It’s important to stay in control of the drink before you let the drink control you.  
Regardless of what season we are in, it takes dedication and mindfulness to change into the person you want to be. Just take one day at a time and continue to make the right decisions. While it’s totally up to you how much you will lose this summer – it’s also up to you how much you will gain. The important thoughts should be that you keep heading in the right direction. You will no longer put it off – Slow or fast you are headed there.  
The secret to living the life of your dreams is to start living the life of your dreams today, in every little way you possibly can.     
Congratulations MAX!!!  YOU DID IT!!!!
You look absolutely amazing!!!!!!
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness 
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Weight Loss


Summer is a great time for weight loss. We can show off and enjoy our hard work, and it’s also a strong motivator to keep working towards our goals. In the winter, we hide under layers of clothes and indulge in heavy holiday meals. But now is the time that we can feel lighter and enjoy the weather. But we also have to be careful because when we feel carefree we can lose sight and go off track without realizing how much we can gain. Here are some tips for summer that will also help you stay on track. 


DO Stay Hydrated. With the increase in temperatures and hours of sunshine, even just walking to get from point A to point B can cause us to sweat and lose water. Simple activities such as walking, biking, shopping, going to the beach and any other way you enjoy the outdoors can really dehydrate you if you aren’t careful. Be prepared with water and hydrating snacks on hand.  Water is always best. Something with additions like electrolytes or a natural flavor is great, but make sure you aren’t drinking sugar and sodium. Avoid sugary beverages like sports drinks, energy drinks and even some teas and juices. Always pay attention to the labels. You can also choose a hydrating snack like watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, apples, celery, and so much more. 


DON’T Gain From Drinking. When we drink it’s usually for two main reasons – to hydrate or to enjoy. When we hydrate, we are quenching our thirst and helping fuel our bodies. We need water to live and we are constantly losing water. When we drink to enjoy, we are having a coffee or tea with breakfast, a soda with lunch or a glass of wine with dinner. We drink for the taste, or just out of habit. These type of drinks can be enjoyed and you can still stay on plan, but it takes self control. As we have said many times before, alcohol is one thing but the things we eat and drink are another thing. Sugar, caffeine and alcohol can cause us to crave food we wouldn’t normally eat, especially in the summertime when we are relaxing and enjoying the season. 


DO Be careful in the sun. One thing many of us look forward to is the sunshine and getting a tan. Having a little bit of color can make us feel even more confident but it can also have lifelong effects. Cover up and wear sunglasses, and always use sunscreen. Seek shade wherever possible, such a a beach umbrella, awning or cabana. Make sure children and kids always have sunscreen and shade. 


DON’T Burn. Premature wrinkles, sun spots, eye damage, sunburn and skin cancer can all be direct results of too much sun and UV rays exposure. Avoid tanning beds and sun lamps – try a self tanning lotion instead. It can also hydrate your skin an give you a natural glow. 


DO Enjoy Travel. The free time we get in the summer is perfect for travel. Whether you are planning a family trip or a getaway while the kids are at camp, summer is wonderful for a vacation. Going on a trip is a rewarding and relaxing, and we can to enjoy ourselves when it comes to activities, shopping and eating and drinking. Think about what matters most to you and come up with a plan before you go. Pack healthy snacks, look at menus ahead of time and set your limits for yourself. 


DON’T Indulge Beyond Your Limits. Travel also involves long plane rides or train or car travel, which can mean waking up early, staying up late or just having an exhausting day getting somewhere. When we are tired we look for caffeine and sugar to give us a boost, and healthy foods can be limited at airports and during transit. But it’s not impossible and you can follow through on your clean eating. While you are away, be realistic about how you want to eat and what you want to accomplish. Being on vacation can mean staying out late and eating and drinking late into the night. It can also mean big breakfasts and constant munching during the day on appetizers and other treats. When you come back, be prepared for the results and be ready to get back on track. 


DON’T Stress. If you let the negativity get to you it will just make it worse. Don’t give up because you think you have failed. You only fail when you stop trying. The last thing you want is to have a terrible summer where you are down on yourself and spiraling out of control. It always sounds easier said than done, but all it takes is one healthy snack or meal to get you back on track. One healthy decision can get moving in the right direction agian. Don’t let one slip up or one bad week make you give up on everything. 


DO Stay Motivated. Find what speaks to you and go after it. Whether that is an event or date that you are working towards, or a dress or pair of pants you want to fit into, or maybe you just want this to be your summer where you feel fit and accomplished. Celebrate the little successes and enjoy the progress you make each day and each week. It will all add up and before you know it you will be exactly where you want to be.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018