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Tag: stay on program through holidays


COUNTDOWN …… Keep the Focus!

As we travel through the last two weeks before the Holiday Break  many of you are very much on your healthy weight loss path and others are still struggling a little to get to where you want to be.  Wherever you are today and moving into this week I want you to be positive and confident about what you can achieve and why you want to do it.  Don’t only focus on your number — instead focus on staying on program, having the control that makes you happy, and how much it all makes you feel good.


FOCUS:  With so many holiday parties and gatherings before vacation if you are struggling focus on doing the very best you can because at the end of the day maintaining is better than gaining.


FOCUS:  Even being on program between holiday parties is better than being off program all together.  Just keep reminding yourself if you weren’t on program and weren’t watching and being mindful where would you be.  That’s a scary thought for many.  But knowing that you may not be doing your very best but doing the best you can right now is what matters and what will keep you from gaining — and sometimes that is enough.


What’s the point? — The holiday is in less than two weeks and I have so many parties in between what is the point of trying right now?  The point is very simple you are either going to go in a happy positive place where you at the very least feeling  de-bloated or a place that you feel out of control and very uncomfortable — choose your hard!


FOCUS:  You can still lose a couple of pounds before you leave but even more important you will leave and start the holiday feeling lighter and in control over your day and that can really make the difference in how you feel, act and enjoy  your holiday, vacation and everyone that loves you.


FOCUS:  Don’t worry about where you weight is today — don’t even think about it.  Just follow your program and you will feel better tomorrow.  Whether you are leaving in one week or two — if you stay on program and keep moving forward everyday  you will feel better and better.  Whether you are staying home or going on vacation — feeling lighter and in control is where you want to be and how you want to feel.


The Journey — Something I think is important to share is how important your journey is.  I know I say it all the time but it’s very easy to get caught up in feeling sorry for yourself and bad about the mistakes and choices you make. But the Innovation journey of weight loss is based around real life. That’s why we have a cheat day.  So we don’t beat ourself up when we want to enjoy something we love.  We have to remember we are not always going to be amazing every single second of every day.  But what I want you to focus on is how happy you are on the journey to feeling your best.  Every step you take in the direction of eating clean and losing weight is one more step to feeling great both mentally and physically.   And while you are taking those steps — (slow or fast – turtle or shark) — keep the focus on all the happiness in your life —and start with the Happiness of the Holiday Season and being around those you love.


A Positive Mind Gives You A Positive Life

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick