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Tag: positive

clean eatingdieteatcleanfamilyFitnessHealthy TipsLifestyleweight loss


A Positive State of mind is so important in so many areas of your life- family, work, school, friends, health.  We can literally talk our self into happiness and/or talk our self right into depression.  When you keep things positive and happy your life may not be perfect but it will be a lot better and a lot more positive than if you are living in a negative stare of mind.  When it comes to weight loss I would have to say more than 90% of it is mental.  We eat when we are not hungry, we feel pressured in social situations, we want the weight loss but we don’t want to put the work in that comes with it.  We can step on the scale and when it doesn’t say what we want we throw in the towel and over -eat.  We never even stop to think how much better we feel.  A great weight loss day can be as easy as walking away – but when you tell your mind that – it’s not so easy.


How do you get to a positive state of mind.  There is no magic.  You accept where you are and you move forward to where you want to be.  When you are not in a great place it can be the hardest time to push yourself to get there- but it’s also when you need to push yourself the most.  Let’s face it you have two directions…

  1. Do the right thing, fight through the hard and keep yourself in a positive place and feel good.
  2. Continue to make excuses, blame everyone around you and self sabotage and stay in the negative.

Sometimes it will take you being laser focused to do the right things – planning ahead, reminding yourself over and over what you want, walking away from the temptations, and pushing aside all the negative feelings – focusing only on where you want to go.  Reminding yourself constantly that when you stay positive and on program – it is the only thing that will change the way you feel mentally and physically about yourself and about everything around you.  Keep it simple – when  you do the right things and you follow your menu you feel better.  When you feel better you act better and you even speak nicer to everyone around you – you think happier thoughts throughout the day and you let go of any negativity.  Every good decision leads to another one.  Even when the scale doesn’t move as much as you wanted it to you wills till say how much better you feel mentally and physically by following your menu.  Will it be hard- of course it will be.  But just focus on one solid week at a time.  You have to stay positive and know if you put the time in an you follow your menu and you stay true to 6 clean weight loss days with 1 Cheat Day.  It will only take one week to get to a place the you realize and remember makes you so so happy.

We know staying on program and feeling good are two very good ways to live positive.  Here are some more ways that will keep you living in a positive state of mind:

  1. You must plan your days.  Know what you are doing and eating every day.  When you plan in advance and you know what you are eating you are taking the struggle out of your day.  When you take out the struggle you add in positivity.
  2. Know what you are wearing so you don’t have to sabotage yourself with negative thoughts first thing in the morning when things do’t quite fit yet.  
  3. Stay away from the scale for one week.  I know that will be the hardest challenge of all but I promise yo that by the end of the week not only will the number be in the right direction but you will feel mentally better all week.
  4. PROMISE yourself one solid 110% week on program.  Follow your menu for 6 straight days.  The consistency is the key and putting yourself in the mindset that no matter what I am sticking to my menu of meals and snacks for one week – after one complete week you will feel like you did it and you are back in it!  It will be an empowering positive end to a successful week!
  5. Change every  negative thought into a positive one.  As soon as those little negative thoughts come creeping into your mind you must immediately replace them with positive thoughts.  negative thinking will always win over positive if you let it.  Really make an effort to change your mindset when those little negative thoughts find their way in.  
  6. make the decisions that will keep your results positive.  Stay away from sabotages.  Remind yourself that you really can do whatever you want.  Every decision you make is your own.  Don’t base them off what others want.  You know your feelings and how staying on or off program will affect you.  It’s up to you to make the right decisions.  It’s not what is going on in your life or in anyone else’s.  You make each decision – because good or bad you are the one who has to live with the results.

There are soooo many Innovation positive Sharks!  They are positive about what they are doing everyday.  I you are not one o them – YOU SHOULD BE! There is no reason that you are not doing the right thing for your mind and body everyday.  There is no reason that you shouldn’t look and feel like you BEST SELF every day!  Don’t even begin to say “I can’t or it’s too hard.”  Everyone can make the same excuses just like everyone can make the right choices.  You can do and achieve whatever you want to.  But you really need to want it and it has to be a priority to you.  There is no difference between you and the person next to you who has done amazing and continues to do so.  The only difference is THEY WANTED IT MORE.  You can give yourself every excuse in the book but I’m telling you that if you really want it, and you make it a priority, and you stay positive and follow your program – you will do it.  

It all starts with you.  Your choices – Your decisions, and Your positive mindset.  




FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle


Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. 
When I read this quote, I couldn’t help but think of so many of you. When we feel mentally weak it’s so easy for us to let our thoughts take control of who we are and what we want. It becomes a snowball in our life to let our thoughts about food and drink affect our actions and in return affect our life in a negative way. When our thoughts take control it can make us depressed and sad….it can turn any day into a bad one. It’s the time that we feel mentally weak that we choose to let our guard down and we begin to self sabotage with unhealthy choices and actions. These are the choices that affect not only us but everyone important in our life.
The reason I felt so strongly about writing this today is because whatever negative you did these past few weeks/months may hit home today. Whether you are off to work and your clothes don’t fit or you have come to the realization that you gained 10 lbs from summer fun. Either way it’s an easy time to let your thoughts control you actions and continue to spiral out of control.
The second part of the quote is what I want you to focus on today – it’s when we are mentally strong we turn the tables and we force ourselves to do the right thing and control what we want and who we become. Regardless of how much temptation is around us we choose to be healthy and happy and stay that way. We wake in the morning with the 100% intention to feel amazing and do the right things and thats what we do. Day and night our mental strength controls our actions and our actions control our thoughts to stay happy, healthy and fit.
I know I don’t have to ask the question- which do you want to feel? I already know the answer. In fact, for most of you it’s not one or the other it’s both, and it’s both too often. It’s what constantly causes the vicious roller coaster ride you put yourself on day in and day out. One day you feel confident and amazing the next it’s self pity and indulgence. It’s the same 5 pounds you keep losing and gaining. It’s an unhealthy path because it can change your day and thoughts mentally on a daily basis.
Today I want you to make a commitment to finally be done with the roller coaster and want to step off the ride forever. The best way to do this is to start focusing on quality goals as much or more than quantity goals.
Focus on goals and actions that are more important than the scale moving an ounce in either direction. I’m not telling you to forget the number all together, I know how important that is for you to be aware of and to monitor your progress. I’m just saying in addition to the number moving in the right direction you should think about another goal and positive actions that would mean a lot to you and possibly change your day/life. Focus on goals that will help you get the number moving in the right direction and positive actions/goals that will trigger more positive actions/goals in your daily life.
The following are some examples of positive quality goals you might want to focus on so that each day is more productive and positive than the next:
1.  MY FAVORITE: Make it a priority to eat healthy 6 days a week and cheat only 1 day a week.
2.  This month start to plan ahead everyday and have your meals and snacks packed in advance.
3.  Do not get upset over anything that is not meaningful to yourself  and your family.
4.  Don’t let yourself get caught up in gossip and find yourself eating on the phone. The person you are talking about is exercising while you are talking about them.
5.  Make a commitment to learn to run 1 mile without stopping or walk a fast 2 miles.
6.  When you feel sad make yourself laugh.
9.  When you start to feel depressed let yourself sing a happy song out loud.  (Sounds silly but it works!)
10.  When you feel fear -make yourself push forward.
11.  If you feel uncertain – raise your voice louder in confidence.
12.  If you feel insecure – think about your past successes.
Repeat them, follow them and live them. Whether it’s one or all of them – Promise yourself that you will focus on a positive life mentally and physically. It’s important for all of us to recognize and identify our emotions and learn to control our thoughts and moods through positive actions. When you wake in the morning I want you to fight to start positive and stay positive. Everyone has issues. I tell you all the time that no one’s life is perfect, it doesn’t exist. What does exist is living a perfect life. Those who live a perfect life make it perfect with their positive thinking and positive actions. They stay on their path and in control because they want it. They work everyday to live and be happy. Don’t look for problems because I promise you will find them. Look for the positive, the happy, the playful and the control to be who you want to be and feel the way you want to feel.
Start today. Focus on feeling good, and to feel good you have to eat healthy and on program. Focus on exercise because it gives you energy and strength. Focus on accomplishing your everyday tasks at work and home. Make a list and focus on getting it done. Be a good person, listen to your children, talk to your parents, and put positive effort and time into your significant other. Make the priorities in your life based around the most important things – your health, your family, your home, your happiness, your career!
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Be Powerful, Be Positive, Be Amazing!


Did you know that your mind is so powerful it can actually heal you! When you are positive you are powerful and then you are amazing! Studies show that some positive people have such powerful minds that they can actually heal themselves from illnesses. Of course it’s with the help of medicine and sometimes surgery. But the point is, negative people bring negative situations into their life and positive will bring positive.

 A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
– Increased life span
– Lower rates of depression
– Lower levels of distress
– Greater resistance to the common cold
– Better psychological and physical well-being
– Reduced risk of death
– Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
– Weight loss


That’s right – weight loss! Of course the examples above are all important, but the key I want you to focus on is that your mind is so powerful that when you want something enough and you are positive about it you can talk yourself into it. If you are positive and really want to lose weight you can talk yourself into not being hungry. You can talk yourself into being thin! If you don’t believe it – then you are being negative 🙁
When you are positive you believe you are powerful. In fact, you believe you can do anything you set your mind to. If you want it, you can do it – It’s a way of life. Everyday you need to talk to yourself about being positive, and about living positive and most important, believing in yourself. We all know that being positive is a lot healthier than being negative. But did you know that you can actually train your brain to be positive? For some people, being positive is not as easy as it is for others. The power of positive thinking goes way behind just being happy. It is all about approaching life and the obstacles in it with a confident attitude. Facing the day with “I can do this!” because “I can do anything!”
How do you train the brain? You have to tell yourself everyday that this is your life and you can do anything and be the person you want to be. You have to believe that everything and anything is possible. You have to want to be happy and you have to want to be amazing everyday.
When my clients come in to my office I love to use the Eeyore and Tigger analogy:
EEYORE: When clients are not doing the right thing for themselves and they are eating the wrong foods and it makes them feel terrible – they come to me with their head down and they are a little sad and I call them “Eeyore”. I tell them that because they are not doing the right thing they are portraying to the world that they are down, sad, and mopey. Most of the time you don’t even realize that is how you are walking around. But when you are not happy, positive and confident…it’s shows.
TIGGER: When clients come in doing the right thing and eating the right food and losing weight and feeling great – they come in with a big “Hi!” and they are light on their feet, hopping around…they can’t wait to get on the scale. They are talking and telling me how great they have been following and all the wonderful things they have going on…They are my “Tigger”. They are happy and bubbly and it shows everywhere they go.
So what you have to think of now is who are you – Are you Eeyore or Tigger? But more importantly, who do you want to be…I would hope the answer is Tigger. Who doesn’t want to be happy and bubbly and healthy and feeling great. The only way you will feel great, happy, positive and powerful is when you are doing the right thing for your body and your mind. You have to wake up everyday wanting to be the best you can be. Loving the people around you and going out of your way to be happy for yourself and for them. You have to say No to the temptations and welcome the healthy foods you can have. You have to enjoy the exercise and love to be on a healthy path. Life is hard and it’s easy to get down on yourself. But if you are not in a good place today – with your weight, your job, a relationship – you are the only person who can change that. You are the only person who can make the changes in your life to be happy TO BE TIGGER! You are the only one who can become the person you want to be. Don’t sit around blaming everything around you – that’s negative. Be positive and start today and change what needs to be changed.
HOW DO YOU CHANGE IT: The best way to change anything is to have a plan. Write down what you want and what you want to accomplish. Give yourself a goal date. Then make little goals to reach the big goal and work each day to accomplish it.
EXAMPLE: If you want to lose 20 lbs by September 1.
– Write it down and have your program handy and how you are going to eat clean and healthy and the foods that work for you. – Plan what exercises you will do and on what days.- Then write little goals that will help you reach your big goal.

– For example:  If you started today you want to take off 4 lbs by July 1st — and then 2 lbs every week until September 1 = 20 lbs

– I bet you are thinking right now -WOW!  If I follow this I can lose 20 lbs by September 1! YES YOU CAN!

See, you are the only person who keeps getting in the way of what you really want. It’s not the food, it’s not anyone around you…It’s 110% you. Just like you are the only one who can make it happen you are also the only one who can stand in your own way and make it not happen. So, if you want to change your life in a positive way, start by being positive and happy. Today…right now…this moment…be happy about making positive changes. Wake up every day and follow your plan and reach your goal. Nothing amazing changes in a day. To become amazing – It takes hard work and a powerful and positive mind that includes perseverance and happiness.…..start one day at a time.
In a world where you can be anything
Be powerful & Positive
Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 10.47.57 AM
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Be Powerful, Be Positive, Be Amazing!


Did you know that your mind is so powerful it can actually heal you! When you are positive you are powerful and then you are amazing! Studies show that some positive people have such powerful minds that they can actually heal themselves from illnesses. Of course it’s with the help of medicine and sometimes surgery. But the point is, negative people bring negative situations into their life and positive will bring positive.

 A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
– Increased life span
– Lower rates of depression
– Lower levels of distress
– Greater resistance to the common cold
– Better psychological and physical well-being
– Reduced risk of death 
– Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
– Weight loss


That’s right – weight loss! Of course the examples above are all important, but the key I want you to focus on is that your mind is so powerful that when you want something enough and you are positive about it you can talk yourself into it. If you are positive and really want to lose weight you can talk yourself into not being hungry. You can talk yourself into being thin! If you don’t believe it – then you are being negative 🙁 
When you are positive you believe you are powerful. In fact, you believe you can do anything you set your mind to. If you want it, you can do it – It’s a way of life. Everyday you need to talk to yourself about being positive, and about living positive and most important, believing in yourself. We all know that being positive is a lot healthier than being negative. But did you know that you can actually train your brain to be positive? For some people, being positive is not as easy as it is for others. The power of positive thinking goes way behind just being happy. It is all about approaching life and the obstacles in it with a confident attitude. Facing the day with “I can do this!” because “I can do anything!”
How do you train the brain? You have to tell yourself everyday that this is your life and you can do anything and be the person you want to be. You have to believe that everything and anything is possible. You have to want to be happy and you have to want to be amazing everyday.    
When my clients come in to my office I love to use the Eeyore and Tigger analogy:
EEYORE: When clients are not doing the right thing for themselves and they are eating the wrong foods and it makes them feel terrible – they come to me with their head down and they are a little sad and I call them “Eeyore”. I tell them that because they are not doing the right thing they are portraying to the world that they are down, sad, and mopey. Most of the time you don’t even realize that is how you are walking around. But when you are not happy, positive and confident…it’s shows.  
TIGGER: When clients come in doing the right thing and eating the right food and losing weight and feeling great – they come in with a big “Hi!” and they are light on their feet, hopping around…they can’t wait to get on the scale. They are talking and telling me how great they have been following and all the wonderful things they have going on…They are my “Tigger”. They are happy and bubbly and it shows everywhere they go.  
So what you have to think of now is who are you – Are you Eeyore or Tigger? But more importantly, who do you want to be…I would hope the answer is Tigger. Who doesn’t want to be happy and bubbly and healthy and feeling great. The only way you will feel great, happy, positive and powerful is when you are doing the right thing for your body and your mind. You have to wake up everyday wanting to be the best you can be. Loving the people around you and going out of your way to be happy for yourself and for them. You have to say No to the temptations and welcome the healthy foods you can have. You have to enjoy the exercise and love to be on a healthy path. Life is hard and it’s easy to get down on yourself. But if you are not in a good place today – with your weight, your job, a relationship – you are the only person who can change that. You are the only person who can make the changes in your life to be happy TO BE TIGGER! You are the only one who can become the person you want to be. Don’t sit around blaming everything around you – that’s negative. Be positive and start today and change what needs to be changed.  
HOW DO YOU CHANGE IT: The best way to change anything is to have a plan. Write down what you want and what you want to accomplish. Give yourself a goal date. Then make little goals to reach the big goal and work each day to accomplish it. 
EXAMPLE: If you want to lose 20 lbs by September 1.  
– Write it down and have your program handy and how you are going to eat clean and healthy and the foods that work for you.  

 – Plan what exercises you will do and on what days.   

 – Then write little goals that will help you reach your big goal.  

            – For example:  If you started today you want to take off 4 lbs by July 1st — and then 2 lbs every week until September 1 = 20 lbs

                    – I bet you are thinking right now -WOW!  If I follow this I can lose 20 lbs by September 1! YES YOU CAN!

See, you are the only person who keeps getting in the way of what you really want. It’s not the food, it’s not anyone around you…It’s 110% you. Just like you are the only one who can make it happen you are also the only one who can stand in your own way and make it not happen. So, if you want to change your life in a positive way, start by being positive and happy. Today…right now…this moment…be happy about making positive changes. Wake up every day and follow your plan and reach your goal. Nothing amazing changes in a day. To become amazing – It takes hard work and a powerful and positive mind that includes perseverance and happiness.…..start one day at a time.  
In a world where you can be anything
Be powerful & Positive
Screen Shot 2016-06-22 at 10.47.57 AM
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018