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Tag: New Year

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Is Someone Trying to Sabotage Your Resolution?

We’re more than half way through the first month of the New Year and you have probably already faced many obstacles while trying to stick to your Resolution. Going back to school and work after the winter break means eating on the go and that healthy eating usually takes a back seat to a busy schedule. And it can be tough to make time for exercise, especially in the cold weather when it can be hard to find the energy. Difficulties like these can be combatted from within through motivation and encouragement, but sometimes you will find that challenges can come from another person. Your friends and family may seem supportive, but sometimes they think that steering you away from your weight loss will make you happy and more relaxed. They see you eating light and they hear of how you struggle sometimes, so they think that giving you a way out and convincing you to skip that workout or to have that dessert will solve your problems. It can be hard to say no to the people you care about and spend the most time with, but you also have to watch out for people that are trying to sabotage your Resolution.


Co-workers may mean well when they come by with that box of donuts or plate of cookies they baked last night, but you have to rise above being tempted in the workplace. The last thing you need is to start rewarding yourself with food when you complete a task or feel stressed at your job. Getting personal at work can be uncomfortable, but there are nice ways to turn down unhealthy food and unnecessary snacks. Just let people know that you don’t have room or just ate, or if you feel the need to take what they are offering, only take a bite or two. So next time your coworkers are passing around birthday cake slices at an office party, have a plan and get through the day without the extra eating.


If you don’t find temptation at work, you will most certainly find it at home with your kids and family. You may plan to eat healthy when you come home but your kids probably have something else in mind. They want what they want, and they want dessert too, and you won’t hear the end of it until they get it. Maybe they want to go out for dinner to their favorite place where you know you don’t have many options. It can be hard to juggle your own eating habits with your family’s. You feel like eating healthy doesn’t seem like a priority when you’re eating with other people. This can be especially hard when you’re at a relative’s table when food is personal. If you do feel the pressure to eat, use the tasting method. Just take one spoonful. And remember that when it comes to family meals, it’s about more than food. Don’t focus on what you’re not eating, focus on the time you spend together.


Your family and coworkers may understand your choices, but your friends may be your biggest obstacle. They want you to indulge and enjoy things with them. They want to go out for drinks or meet up at a cafe for coffee. When you find yourself in a social situation where eating or drinking certain foods is part of the get-together, you have to do the best you can. Don’t just give up because you think the situation is out of your control. Look for healthy alternatives or go for something that you know is a good choice. Meeting up isn’t an occasion to fall off the wagon. You can also plan accordingly when you have the time. If you know you’re meeting up with a friend for coffee, keep it simple (no sugary syrups or whole milk) and make it one of your snacks.


Navigating social situations is part of daily life so it will also be part of your weight loss. It can be tiring to combat your own temptations, and then to add someone else telling you that you should treat yourself to whatever food you want isn’t helpful. They may think that one meal or snack isn’t a big deal, but you work too hard to spoil your resolution. Make it something you are proud of and include the people around.  If they really want the best for you they will understand.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution


It’s time to shake off that holiday haze and get back to reality. Some people see it as a welcome end to a hectic and busy holiday season, while some may still be clinging to the last few moments of celebration. Either way, for almost everyone it is time to go back to school or work, say goodbye to your relatives and put the decorations back in the attic. Returning to your usual work or class schedule is impossible to avoid so maybe you’re thinking about taking your time getting back to your weight loss plan. January 1st was still part of the holiday break so maybe you planned to get serious about your resolution today…But you weren’t ready to get up when the alarm clock went off this morning, so forget about having your head in the right place when it comes choosing what to eat this week. And those leftovers shouldn’t go to waste, right? The passing of another holiday season and the stress of going back to your regular routine may make you feel overwhelmed, but now is not the time to shy away from your commitment to your resolution. Take this as an opportunity to kick things into high gear. Use this fresh start to build on what you have been doing.


But beware – the worst thing you can do right now is go overboard. Putting too many things on your plate or trying to quit certain things “cold turkey” can make you weaker and crumble under pressure. If you have a long list of strict resolutions or things you want to accomplish (quit candy, cut alcohol consumption, exercise more, drink less soda, drink more water, eat more vegetables, get healthy, try juicing or a detox, eat more protein and focus on your weight loss, etc.) all at the same time, your brain is going to be the one getting the workout instead of your body. When you split your attention and have too many priorities it can actually make it harder to accomplish anything at all. For example, if you over do it at the gym it just means you’ll probably dread exercising and be less likely to workout. Instead, push yourself just beyond your comfort zone without getting too intense. Similarly, if you were to skip meals or try some crash diet you are basically setting yourself up for failure. Making changes to your eating and exercise habits is possible when done right.


The best way to succeed is to break up your resolution into manageable pieces. You should make realistic goals that are specific to you. If you have never been a runner and then decide to run a marathon next month, you should probably reconsider. Or if you want to cut down on how much sugar you consume, you will probably be feeling cravings after just a day or two without it. Your brain automatically prefers comfortable, old habits over new and different ones. For a while, for example, you will still crave sugar or resist going for a jog, but eventually you will be running a full marathon and will have left those sugar cravings behind. The most important part of this idea is to have a plan and hold yourself accountable. Make clear goals for each month or week and keep track of them. If you miss a goal, it’s not the end of the world. Readjust your plan and keep going. You’re not giving yourself any excuses to quit, you’re actually ensuring your success.


Most of all, it’s important to remember that this will take time. It is commonly felt that resolutions need to be accomplished within the beginning of the new year for them to count, but remember that a year is 12 months. It’s not a January Resolution, it’s a New Year’s Resolution. Changing your habits and completing a major accomplishment won’t happen over night. The changes may be small and gradual, but that doesn’t make them any less of a success. By the end of the year you will have accomplished so much that you never thought would ever be possible right now. The same way you start with simple, short phrases when you learn a new language – start small and you will see major results.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2015! This year we are going to focus on Balance and how important it is for you to achieve in your daily life. Balance comes in all different shapes and sizes, and when we talk about weight loss it’s so important to figure out how balance will work for you. We can’t live on an all or nothing system. We can’t survive on being perfect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. First of all, it takes a whole lot of work to be perfect and who wants to try and live up to being perfect everyday? One of the fun things about working hard to be healthy and feel good about yourself is when we can go out and enjoy it.

Weight Loss – Balance is about learning how to have fun, enjoy, and stay in control.


To have successful weight loss you need Balance in all areas of your life. The following are my favorite 5 resolutions to keep you healthy and your life in balance in 2015.


1) WEIGHT LOSS & FITNESS: While over 85% of Americans are overweight it’s no wonder it’s the number one resolution. But it’s also the number one resolution people stop doing before any other resolution. By Valentines Day, 75% of weight loss and fitness resolutions are already done and forgotten about. Don’t be that person this year. Make your weight loss and fitness a priority. A Healthy, Nutritious body and regular exercise has been associated with more health benefits than anything else known to man. Studies show that they reduces the risk of some cancers, increases longevity, enhance mood, lowers blood pressure, and even improves arthritis. In short, a healthy nutritious body and exercise keeps you healthy and makes you look and feel better. Start by having a plan. When you have a weight loss and fitness plan you are more likely to see it through.


2)  ENJOY LIFE MORE & ENJOY YOUR FAMILY: Given the hectic, stressful lifestyles of millions of Americans, it is no wonder that “enjoying life more” has become a popular resolution in recent years. It’s an important step to a happier and healthier you! Get out there with your family or friends and do something that makes you happy, something fun! It can’t be all about work all the time.


3) LEARN SOMETHING NEW: Have you vowed to make this year the year to learn something new? Perhaps you are considering a career change, want to learn a new language, or maybe even learn how to cook? 🙂 Whether you take a course or read a book, you’ll find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year’s resolutions to keep. Most local colleges and universities offer distance and adult education programs. Find something that interests you and learn something new this year.


4)  GET OUT OF DEBT:  Was money a big source of stress in your life last year? Join the millions of Americans who have resolved to spend this year getting a handle on their finances. It’s a promise that will repay itself many times over in the year ahead. There is no greater stress on the body and mind then being in debt. Take small steps and get out of it while you can. If you are not in debt then start saving. People who have a savings account feel 60% less stress than those who live paycheck to paycheck.


5)  HELP OTHERS: This is my favorite. A popular, non-selfish New Year’s resolution, is volunteerism and it can take on many forms. Whether you choose to spend time helping out at your local library, mentoring a child, donating your time at the local hospital – there are many nonprofit volunteer organizations that could really use your help. Or if your time is really in short supply, maybe you can at least find it in you to donate the furniture, clothing and other household items that you no longer need.


If you can get your life in balance you will feel a much better sense of control.  The above 5 resolutions give you that control in every area of your life from Health, Having fun, Education, Financial and the Giving of Yourself. The resolutions are not meant to accomplish overnight. They are meant to accomplish this year.


Make 2015 your year of balance, control

and one you want to remember and reflect on.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

New Year Celebrations

The final holiday of 2014 is just around the corner. It is hard to believe that this year is about to come to an end! Whether you plan to celebrate the coming of the New Year out on the town or watch the festivities from the comfort of your home, take this time to make one last healthy push this year. New Years is typically a night of partying and leaving this year behind for a fresh start, but don’t let it fool you. You don’t get to press a magical restart button when the clock strikes midnight. The rules still apply, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate these past 12 months to the fullest. Make this week extra healthy – eat clean and exercise in preparation for New Years Eve celebrations and to get a step ahead on your New Years Resolution, instead of letting Christmas and Hanukkah holiday eating spread out over this week. The time after the big holidays is crucial. It may seem like a constant uphill battle, but once you are able to bounce back after such a hectic and heavy eating schedule you will be so glad that you put in the extra effort now. Enjoy that party and a bubbly drink knowing you earned it.


This is a great time to be building momentum. This month we have talked a lot about getting through the holidays, but you should also take this time to give some thought to your New Years Resolution. Usually it’s something that people dread. A seemingly impossible task that they commit themselves to even though they know deep down that they won’t accomplish it. They tell their family and friends that they’re going to finally get healthy, eat right, exercise and lose those 5, 10, 15,  20 plus pounds. But then they dive in with the wrong mindset. Everything healthy they do is a step in the right direction, and when they go off track and finally give up? Well, it was expected to end that way anyway.


That cycle ends this year. Whether you have been on your weight loss plan for the past few months or made the decision to start last week, you already took the first step. What else will you do differently? Remember how far you have already come and look forward to your future accomplishments.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Don’t Get Caught Up In Festive Eating

So you’ve gotten through Thanksgiving weekend and whether you are happy with how the holiday went or not, it’s time to get back on track. It’s easy to get caught up in festive eating all weekend and beyond when it comes to leftovers and seasonal foods, but it’s important to get out of the holiday haze. This time of year can provide you with plenty of excuses to overeat or fall off the wagon, OR it can strengthen your resolve and sense of self-control. Confidence and determination will help your mood and subsequently, your success. Anxiety and regret can cause you to stress eat under pressure. It can be an unfortunate cycle that can intensify during the holidays, but preparing before and getting your momentum back after are just as important as what happens during a holiday.


This is going to be especially true this month with two of the biggest holidays of the year just a few weeks away. And with a fresh start around the corner on January 1st, many people feel tempted to just give up and start over in the New Year. December can be the hardest month of they year for these reasons and many more, but there are a few things you can do to keep yourself in the right mindset.


One of the best ways to ensure that you’ll have a good day is by starting with a healthy breakfast and/or exercise. Even if it’s a simple meal or a short workout, the morning will set the stage for the rest of your day. During the day look for healthy alternatives in ordinary situations. Try taking the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator when possible, choose the healthiest option even when dining out (consult our Healthy Restaurant Choices page), and make sure you’re getting enough water when you may want to choose something warm like coffee or hot chocolate. Get excited about exercise – make a new playlist to listen to during a workout, try a new class or activity, or get involved with a friend or family member.


Remember that we have plenty of healthy recipes on the blog in the “healthy recipes” tag ( or on the coldest days when you can’t make it to the gym or outside, there’s the at home workouts here: This is an important month – make it count!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11979

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

Healthy Tips

Holiday Planning

With the Holidays literally around the corner many people are having a hard time controlling what they are eating.  Home baked cookies, cakes, alcohol – it’s no wonder the average person gains approx. 10 lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years.   It’s important at this time of year to plan ahead.  Here are some helpful hints that will help you control your Holiday indulgences:


  • Exercise everyday – No excuses this time of year.  Try and incorporate exercise everyday – even if it’s simply walking your dog for 20 min. 
  • Meal Planning – have your meals and foods prepared in advance so you don’t grab and eat mindlessly.
  • Indulge – Know in advance what day you will be having your indulgences.  Think  of it this way – If you incorporate one indulge day a week  you will continue to lose weight.  If you incorporate 2 days a week you will most likely maintain.  Anything over two– you are back to gaining.  (you should continue to exercise everyday).

Don’t get into the mindset that just because it’s the holidays you are going to gain weight.  You don’t have to gain weight because it’s the holiday season.  You can enjoy the yummy treats and continue to lose or maintain your weight as long as you have a plan.  Know in advance where you are going and what you are plan on eating.  If you do this you will be amazed when you have control how much better you feel and how little or no damage you will do to your weight loss success.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018