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Tag: meal

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Back to School Time


The transition from summer to fall is one of the most challenging and chaotic of the year. We go from vacations and camp, to school, college and busy activity schedules. The weather changes and the sun sets earlier. The days feel shorter when it already feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. This is a time when we are constantly on the go and thinking about the next thing, which can mean hasty decisions and grabbing whatever is fast and easy when it’s time to eat. Now is the time to prepare and make sure we give ourselves a hand. Stock your fridge with healthy food. Cook meals ahead of time. Have snacks on hand that you can eat on the go and during your commute. Look at menus ahead of time when you know you are going out to eat. One of the best ways to fight temptation is to eliminate it – know your weak points. Whether it is late at night, after school or work or right after breakfast, be prepared for when you tend to go off your healthy plan. Stick to your exercise routine or make adjustments around your new busy schedule.


Many college students are already at school. This can be a stressful time for parents and students, whether it is their first year or they are graduating soon. Overeating is a common concern caused by the stress and anxiety of college life. Between studying, homework, classes, professors, time management, sleep schedule, social adjustment, relationships, jobs, moving or commuting, worries about the future, final exams, being homesick, graduation, etc. – students can find it hard to eat healthy, find healthy foods to eat and know what to eat. It will take some time to figure out dining halls and local places to eat, but there are always options. And if you are a member of the Innovation Online Program you can reach out to us at any time and we can find the best food options on campus for you. The important thing to remember is that eating won’t take the stress away, it will just delay it or give you relief for a few moments. Instead of turning to food, try some problem solving techniques such as making a to-do list to prioritize your tasks and work on them one by one. If procrastination is the problem, try working in a new location away from any possible distractions. If you are burnt out there’s nothing wrong with taking a break, a short nap or doing something you enjoy. Exploring your neighborhood and campus is a great way to get comfortable with your surroundings and get your body moving. If you ever need help, reach out to a parent, friend, family member, professor or advisor. Find what works for you and have a healthy and successful school year!


For most younger kids, today is their first day of school. Make them a part of lunch prep – they can help plan their lunches with your guidance. Whether it’s our PB and J bites, a turkey sandwich on white bread or whatever they love, including them in packing their lunch can help them learn about healthy eating and give them confidence and independence. One important thing you can remind them of is that just because they are back to school that doesn’t mean the outdoor fun is over. Spend time outdoors after school and on the weekends as long as the weather is nice. You can pick fruit at a farm, attend a concert or sporting event, see a movie at a theater or outdoors, have a family barbecue or picnic, go to the park or beach one last time, and the list goes on. It’s a great way to connect and regroup as a family as the school year takes over.


There are many of us who wish that summer would never end, and how could we not? It would be great to always be on vacation or away at camp. Living completely carefree and not worrying about the consequences. But the reality is you had your fun and now it’s time to get serious, take care of your health and body both physically and mentally – the only way to do that is to get back on program 100%. There is a great deal to look forward to in the upcoming months and if you start now you will be in a good place in time to enjoy the next Holiday season. The first days of September and the fall season is an exciting time of opportunity, new beginnings and unknown potential. Build a strong and healthy momentum now and make September a successful month for you and your family that will continue through the rest of the year.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Do What Makes You Happy


Life is so much easier when you just do the right thing. While the right thing may be different for many people, I think most agree when it comes to weight loss, staying in control is so much easier than becoming out of control and trying to continuously get back in it.  With end of the summer vacation and the anticipation of the going kids back to school, it’s very easy to just wait another couple of weeks to get back on track. However, those weeks can turn into 10 pounds very quickly. And hopefully it’s not on top of weight that you accumulated over the summer to begin with.In the last week I have received so many texts and emails. One moment you have it all together, and  then in what feels like a blink of an eye you are out of control and the weight is increasing at lightening speed. While it’s easy to ask how and why, and even easier to point the finger to everyone around us…friends, family, vacations, stress, anxiety etc etc etc…We all know the real answer is very simple – You gave in. You will always have something going on in your life – happy, sad, stress etc. But if and when you let food and your surroundings become more important and bigger than what you really want and what really makes you happy – that is when life really becomes stressful for you. When you do the right thing you can handle everything in life so much easier. *Take a simple problem and it’s at a time when you are not doing the right thing and you feel bloated and unhealthy, your weight is up and your clothes don’t fit. That little problem that you are dealing with is so much bigger because you are in an ugly, uncomfortable place and it makes everything around you ugly and difficult. The worst part of this is you are not the only person it affects. It affects everyone around you. It not only feels better to do the right thing it also makes your life easier and everyone around you so much happier.

CHALLENGE:  FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS – I want you to make a serious effort to DO THE RIGHT THING and take all the blame every time you over eat or go off program. So that means – No blaming the kids because they are crazy and out of control. No blaming your significant other because they eat terrible. No blaming the beautiful vacation you are on because it made you over eat and No blaming your friends because of social pressure. FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS IT’S ALL ON YOU! You are in control of what you do and what you want because at the end of the day you are the one who is putting the food and drink in your mouth. Remember everyone has something going on in their life. Trust me, I work with thousands and thousands of people all over the world and everyone (even the most perfect in control person) has something going on that could easily let them slip. But they don’t. They don’t because they know once they let it slip it’s just another thing that is not right in their life on top of what they are already dealing with. They have come to understand and realize that when life is challenging, eating healthy and doing the right thing makes every obstacle in their life easier.

Weight loss, feeling healthy and fit is actually the one thing you do have control over. Whether or not you do it is once again on you. So whether you are on vacation, at work, getting kids ready for school, college – You can and will do the right thing and stay on program like so many have done this summer:

FOR EXAMPLE: Quinn from Indiana who has lost over 35 lbs since May and still losing. Or Miggy who is down 20 lbs, and Jaimie hit 30 lbs last week, we have Mary Kate who is down 23 lbs in 4 weeks and Ally who went on two major vacations this summer and is still down 25lbs. The list goes on and on…You see what’s really important here is for you to understand that when you have 6 days clean and 1 day to eat whatever you want – it is more than enough for a social, happy, healthy and fun life and you still lose weight and feel great. If you need anything more than that one day off then it’s on you. If you want to lose weight, be happy and and feel great – THEN DO THE RIGHT THING – BECAUSE YOU KNOW THAT IS WHAT MAKES YOU TRULY HAPPY!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Fit For Summer – Fit For Life


It is already almost half way through August and it is starting to feel like the end of summer is approaching. Even though we will have warm, mild weather through September and maybe even part of October, soon we will be back to our busy schedules. Work, school, college, homework, sports and the holiday season will be here before we know it.


But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet. August may feel like we are running towards a finish line, but there is still so much that can be done and so much to reflect on that can help us stay healthy for the rest of the year and beyond.


When it comes to our fitness and body image, summer really exposes our true feelings and priorities. We can’t hide, and we want to feel and look our best in bathing suits and short sleeves. But as the weather changes and we add on the layers, we can feel like it’s okay to let things go a little. We accomplished our goals and had a successful summer, so we may find that our will power and motivation start to disappear. But this just means that it’s time to adjust and re-evaluate. Do you want to stay inside this fall and winter, feeling heavy and bloated? Or do you want to feel healthy and in control, even through the holidays? Decide where you want to be now, not 3 months from now when you are trying to undo all the unhealthy choices you wish you hadn’t made.


The truth is, summer is different from the rest of the seasons. We have more time and are more carefree. We are in a positive mindset, the sun is shining and we feel good so we want to eat good. But as the year goes on and we move into fall and winter, things change. So start now and make a new plan. Your goals can be the same but with changing schedules, seasonal foods and weather conditions there need to be some adjustments. Change up your routine – try new restaurants or recipes, new workouts or classes, or any way you want to switch it up. Or it can be as simple as adjusting your current routine – if you run or walk outside, be prepared to head inside or get the right gear so you can keep going through any weather. If you know you will be on the go all the time, whether you are in the car or taking the train, start to think about meals and snacks you can take with you. It will be one less thing to think about and preparing ahead of time makes it that much easier to follow though.


Make sure to keep it consistent and commit. Food and exercise are the tools that get you there, but at the end of the day it’s up to you to make it happen. Transitioning from summer to fall can be physically and mentally draining, so don’t let your health take a back seat. Finding what works for you and staying healthy year round takes work but it is always worth it.


Eating clean and living a healthy lifestyle is about more than looking good in a bathing suit. It’s about more than being fit for just the few months of summer. It is about making healthy changes that stick and learning to eat, drink and live in a new way that makes us feel happy, healthy, accomplished and in control.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

Healthy TipsLifestyleUncategorized

Take Out Guide

Dining out or ordering in from a restaurant can help save time and energy on a busy night, but it can also make it hard to find the right dish that fits into your weight loss plan. It can be difficult to navigate a menu full of sauces, pastas, cheeses, breads, and fried foods. But you still have a choice. Don’t think a meal is out of your control because you’re picking from a menu that wasn’t make with your fitness in mind. Here are some tips for eating outside your home.


If you are ordering from an Asian menu, edamame is a great appetizer. Avoid anything fried like egg rolls or dumplings. Lettuce wraps with steamed or grilled chicken and/or vegetables is also a great option. For dinner look for steamed chicken or fish, no sauce, or stick to vegetables throughout your meal. Asian dishes may seem lighter than other types of cuisine but sauces can contain lots of calories, fat, sodium and/or sugar.


When it comes to sauces, Italian food is probably the most notorious. It will be tough to find something that isn’t covered in creamy, cheesy or meaty sauces. And something to watch out for even before your plates reach you is that basket of bread.  It looks great and tastes even better, but is not a great option when trying to lose weight. Since bread has no nutritional value the only reason you will be eating it is to expand your waist. Instead, start with a salad. Something simple and traditional with a lemon and red vinegar dressing and plenty of vegetables. For an entrée, look for grilled chicken or fish, without any sauce, or just stick with vegetables.


Like a basket of bread, a bowl of chips at a Mexican restaurant can tempt you into eating meaningless calories. Don’t snack! If you wouldn’t eat it at home, don’t eat it in a restaurant or off their menu. Luckily, grilled chicken and vegetables will be abundant. Look for a burrito bowl (the ingredients of a burrito or taco but without the shell) or fajitas (without the tortilla). As always, vegetables are a good idea.


If you’re going with something American, such as a diner, deli, sandwich shop, or a local or chain restaurant, your options are along the same line. It’s always safe to go with salad or vegetables with light dressing and no sauce. Again, skip the bread or bread sticks that may end up on your table – if you didn’t order it, don’t eat it. Grilled chicken, fish and turkey are great options. Or have breakfast for dinner with an egg white veggie omelet.


No matter where you eat, always keep it clean and simple. And always ask yourself, is this a meal you would prepare for yourself and eat at home? Or are you using a meal out or ordered in as an excuse to stray from your weight loss foods? In the end, it doesn’t matter if you eat it at your dining room table or a table at your family’s favorite restaurant, it’s still a meal that counts.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY