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Tag: just do it



Im sure you already listed your resolutions and wrote down your goals.  What you have to decide now is are they something you just wrote down or are they something you are going to follow.  After a week already into 2020 you may have realized writing that list is super easy — following it is a whole different story.


Regardless of where you are right this moment or where your vacation took you— this year you know and believe that you are ready.  This year we are going to make 2020 a year of health, happiness, love, joy, and healthy eating. If we are going to be honest we know they all go hand in hand.  You can not have one without the other.  Most of the time when you are eating clean and healthy you are happy and when you are happy you are eating clean and healthy.   All of these put you in a place of loving yourself from the inside out — they are of the important things for a healthy mind and body.  2020 is a time to appreciate what you have and still strive to want more.  It’s  year to do the right thing even in the most difficult circumstances.  Many times when we set out to do the right thing everything else works out and falls into place.  It’s only when we are taking the time to try and figure out how to do the wrong thing is when we get into trouble.


2020 MANTRA!

  • Don’t think about it just do it.  Sometimes we sit and think over and over and try to make deals with our self how we can somehow fool our weight loss.  If I eat this now I won’t count it because I will skip lunch.  But you don’t skip lunch and even if you do it never evens out the way you want it too.  Stop over thinking it and just do what you are supposed to be doing.  Every time that little voice comes into your head and tries to give you a reason to NOT do the right thing — you will say — “No I’m not going there — I am following my program because that is what makes me happy and makes me feel good”.  Give yourself NO ALTERNATIVE – NO DEALS – NO BARGAINS.  Sometimes it’s just so much easier to do the right thing then taking the time to figure out how to do the wrong one.


Think about this new MANTRA and how it will change your life — because taking the time to not do the right thing actually takes more work then just doing the right thing.  What I mean is when you wake up and you commit to yourself and the program and you know that nothing is going to get in your way of doing the right thing — that’s when everything happens.  Week after week we have the consistency of weight loss.  Everything just gets easier  — it becomes easier to lose weight because your body goes into fat burning cycle that only happens when you have the consistency week after week.  Life gets easier because you are no longer trying to figure out how to make deals with yourself.   There is no extra time wasted because you are simply doing what you are supposed to be doing.  You don’t have to spend time thinking about if you should or shouldn’t or how to get around it.  This goes for everything in your life.  If you are supposed to be at work – go to work.  If you are planning to take an exercise class or go to the gym – then go.   If you are supposed to be at a family party that you really don’t want to go to — go anyway.  Just continue everyday to do what you are supposed to be doing — eat what you are supposed to be eating — and cheat when it’s your cheat day.  Life is so much simpler when we are not trying to get out of what we should be doing and JUST DO IT.


There will always be temptation — there will always be a party or celebrations or vacation that will want give you the excuse.  You will learn that when you simply follow your program and go into everything with the right attitude knowing you will follow and do what you are supposed to be doing — you will have a great time that night and also have a great morning after.  If you want to feel good and see the results you have to start by committing to yourself and the program and trust yourself and the trust the program.  You see all the clients who lose weight on it.  You know when you do it how immediately better you feel.  Just commit to doing the right thing and following through with the right choices in 2020!  Because when you do — it won’t matter what you have on your path you will get through it and you will feel accomplished and proud of yourself for doing it.  You will enjoy every step of the journey because you will love to live the healthy balance of the program eating clean for health and weight loss 6 days a week and having your one cheat day that is all for you.  But this will never happen until you commit and move forward with the attitude that no matter what is going on you will not try to get out of anything you will just do what is right and do what you are supposed to — because that is what brings results!   And it’s not just in weight loss — When you do the right thing day after day  you get the best results in every area of your life.  Make 2020 about doing the right thing for you and for everyone that loves you.  Believe in yourself — you are no different than all the other clients who have amazing success on program — you can do this!



Believe in yourself and Just do it.

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick