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Tag: Holidays

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

You Always Have A Choice


With the first round of holidays coming up this weekend, it’s important to remember that you always have a choice when it comes to what you eat. Religious restrictions and traditions, and family obligations can make us feel like we have no control, but you always have the power to make the right decisions. Mentally it can be difficult to resist holiday food and socially it can be hard to say no, but it is always up to you. Here are some things to remember around the holiday time.


First, pause for a moment. If you are acting on a craving, try and get past it. The battle between our stomach and our brain is something that we face every day, but we can be especially vulnerable during the holidays. We want that special treat but we know we shouldn’t have it. This can be even harder when we want to eat healthy on a holiday or when the holiday continues over several days. If you’re going to have the same or similar meals several nights in a row, pick your time to indulge and don’t let one special meal or day turn into several days or a week. When we go off of our plan a little, it can snowball and cause us to sabotage ourselves. Holidays are special and you should enjoy them to the fullest, just remember that the food isn’t the most important part and to be smart about your choices like any other day.  


You should also ask yourself if it’s really worth it or if it’s just an excuse to over indulge. Think about the outcome and how you will feel about a meal or treat later that day. Will you regret it or be content with your choice? It may sound simple but it’s going to take strength and commitment. That’s what makes it really worth it once you reach your goals! It can be a battle between what you want now and what you want most – patience and determination are the key. Work on your good habits now and it will only help you with the bigger holidays later this year. 


Follow your instincts. If it feels wrong, you probably shouldn’t do it. Sometimes that may make us want to do something more, but even if you are just starting your weight loss journey, you know what foods and behaviors to avoid. But if you do make a mistake, don’t get too caught up in the negativity. The best thing you can do is pick yourself up and start fresh. This weekend is just the beginning of a fun and holiday filled season – making smart choices now will help you this week and beyond.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

August Hours & Closings and What’s Coming Up In September



STORE will be OPEN this week August 17th-22nd
WE ARE CLOSED NEXT WEEK AUGUST 23rd-30th (including deliveries) – so if you need anything please put your orders in this week.  Thank you 🙂
We will re-OPEN ON MONDAY Aug 31st through Wednesday September 2nd   
AND closed for Labor Day Weekend September 3rd-7th
Closings do not affect communication, text, email and online. Josephine, Thea, Nora, Debbie and Jeff will still be available and working for all in-studio and online clients at all times.
*BEGINNER RUNNING CLUB:  Join Josephine and learn to run 1 mile, a 5k, 10k, and half marathon. Nothing will change your body like running does. Josephine has trained thousands of past clients ages 16-60 who have never run before to run half marathons. While it’s the hardest thing to do it’s the most rewarding. If running is something you always wanted to try then this is for you. Meetings will take place at local parks and running paths. Stay tuned for more info.  
*INNOVATION “LOVE TO LIVE HEALTHY” WEB-CHANNEL –  Join us every week on our NEW WEB CHANNEL that includes In-studio weight loss sessions with real clients. Learn and watch REAL IN STUDIO CLIENTS weight loss successes and struggles. The weekly channel also includes discussions with Josephine on weight loss foods, tips and tricks to help you reach your weight loss goals. INCLUDES weekly one-on-one training sessions for individuals and families. The channel launches in September and includes everything you want to know and everything you need to know for weight loss success.  
SEPTEMBER STARTS OUR NEW YEAR – IF THE SUMMER GOT A HOLD OF YOU AND YOUR WEIGHT – IT’S TIME TO TAKE IT BACK. Why wait until January to make a resolution? Start in September and by January you will need a new resolution. By next summer you will no longer face the challenges you faced this year. We have the menu, the food, the exercise and the 24/7 support you need. WE GIVE YOU NO EXCUSES. MAKE THE COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF. SET YOUR OWN PERSONAL GOAL AND REMEMBER THAT YOU, YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR HAPPINESS are the most important thing to you and everyone who loves you. 
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Monday Morning Bloat!


It’s Monday after a long holiday weekend and I am sure many of you are promising you will never eat like that again. Others are proud of how well they did. Wherever you may be on your weight loss path, put the weekend behind you and think about where you are going.   


The path to weight loss success is about consistency and consecutive days. You need to eat clean consistently and do it for at least 6 consecutive days to see the results. So what you need to do right now is simply get right back on program and before you know it you will begin to feel amazing again.  




1. Stay with the basics. Eat your meals and snacks and deal with the pain of saying no. It’s only food and will be there next cheat day.


2. It’s okay to be a little hungry. If you feed into your hunger every time you feel it, you are never giving your stomach a chance to shrink.  


3. While you may feel bloated it’s still very much water weight. It has not turned to real fat. The real fat begins if you do not do the right things this week and you gain weight on top of the weekend water weight. Then your weekend weight will no longer be water weight it will be fat – the choice is always yours to do the right thing.


4. It’s very easy to lose your way when summer is filled with parties, drinking and good food. It’s a simple process – you eat clean and fuel your body for weight loss 6 days and indulge one day. No one should be indulging everyday. The parties will always be there. It’s up to you to look at them as celebrations and not a reason to overeat. You need to learn to live with them in your life. 


5. The key to weight loss is simple. You follow your program and you lose the weight. The trouble begins when you start trying to figure out short cuts. There are no short cuts. Eat healthy, eat clean, eat less and lose weight. That’s the bottom line and the more you come to terms with it, the faster you will see your results. You have to remind yourself constantly that it’s only food. It will be there tomorrow, it will be there next week and it will be there on your cheat day. You don’t have to have it right now.


Think back to this past weekend. Were you comfortable in your clothes? Did your refuse to put on a bathing suit? Did you change 10x and were you happy with how you looked?   Whether the answer is yes you felt great or yes you were uncomfortable, use your experience to either:



Change and do the right thing for yourself and your body this week so you DON’T have the same experience next week 




Continue to do the right thing by yourself and your body so you DO have the same experience this week.   


We have a long summer ahead of us and the quicker that you live the 6 days clean and one day off, the more you will be able to enjoy what summer has to offer. The better you will feel in your summer clothes and the better you will feel in your own skin.  



Everyday you choose to fuel you body by eating clean, 

your body returns the favor by looking and feeling amazing.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Physical Hunger Vs. Mental Hunger


Most people feel hunger many times throughout the day. Some people feel it as soon as they wake up, others rarely eat breakfast. Some people like to graze throughout the day, while other people prefer to sit down to a big meal. In France, snacking is frowned upon and lunch is the biggest meal of the day. In America, potions are typically much larger than the rest of the world. In Spain, dinner is typically eaten at around 10 P.M. All around the world, and even across the U.S., eating habits and culture shape the way we experience and deal with hunger. In general, there are two types of hunger: physical and mental. Physical hunger is considered more “real” while mental hunger is felt psychologically.


When you make the decision to begin a weight loss program, you may find yourself thinking about food more than ever before. Dealing with restrictions can make you crave those tasty yet unhealthy foods you were eating before but that doesn’t mean you should put them in your body. Being left hungry is a big fear and a major set back for a lot of people on their path to weight loss, so recognizing the difference between physical and mental hunger can make all the difference if you find yourself struggling.


These two types of hunger may often feel the same but there are some clues you should be aware of to be able to tell the difference. When your body needs fuel and energy, it will send you hunger signals in a certain way. In general, physical hunger is gradual and isn’t fixated on specific foods. You may experience low energy or lightheadedness if it takes you a while to satisfy physical hunger. On the other hand, mental hunger, or emotional hunger, is more sudden and urgent. It can be triggered by the craving of a certain food and usually involves absent minded eating. It is also often paired with an upsetting emotion (something negative happens so you want to eat something to make you feel better). Unlike physical hunger, mental hunger does not go away when you are full and it can cause you to overeat, which leaves you feeling guilty instead of energized and satisfied.


Recognizing mental hunger is the easy part – resisting it is the real battle. The first thing you should do when you’re trying to determine if you’re actually hungry or not is to stop and think about why you want to eat. Are you bored? Anxious? Upset? As we have said, negative emotions can make you think you want to indulge in that yummy food that makes you feel better. Instead of immediately giving in, even if you’re about to eat something healthy, reflect on your emotions and remind yourself that emotions can’t make you hungry. They just convince you that you are. You should also pay attention to the time. When was the last time you ate? For example, if you just had a meal but you’re looking for dessert, you’re not actually hungry you’re just craving something sweet because you often have dessert and your body looks forward to it whether you realize it or not. You can also try drinking a glass of water before deciding if you really need a snack. Another way you can help yourself is to have healthy snacks on hand. Not only will you be able to satisfy your hunger with something good for you and your weight loss, but snacks that are high in protein and fiber will help keep hunger at bay.


Mental hunger can be one of the biggest challenges when it comes to weight loss. Emotions are so closely tied to eating – we celebrate with food and we grieve with food. Most social events and holidays seem to revolve around food. Cutting the ties with your cravings and emotional eating habits is hard and takes time, but it will happen. You’re not just eating healthy to lose weight – you’re creating new habits for yourself without even realizing it.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Information and Tips for This Week


Hi Everyone! I will be heading to San Francisco, California this Friday 3/27 to meet with a client for one week. I strategically planned it because we also have a family event we are attending the following week, so it will be a work/vacation for 2 weeks. However, I will continue to be available to you throughout the 2 weeks. Starting Friday 3/27 all texts and emails will be answered in the early morning and late evening. Because of the time difference and my work schedule it would be impossible for me to give exact times. What I think would be most effective for everyone is if you continue to text and email throughout the day when your questions come to mind or when you need any help. But just be aware that the questions you send will be answered in the mornings and late evenings. So you may have to be proactive in some of your questions. For example, if you are going out to dinner I t would be great to ask the day before so it gives me time to look up the menu and answer.


If you send me your daily food diary you will send it as usual and know that I will comment on it either that evening or the next morning depending on when you send it. The same with your weight. If you are an online client and you send your weight in weekly then you will send it as usual and depending on when you send it I will answer either in the morning or evening. If you have any food questions, general questions, need motivational support – you will send them whenever you think of them and I will answer either the morning of or the evening, depending on when it’s received. Text messages should be sent to 516-457-8598 and all emails should be sent to


While I am gone you will:


Remember that you are accountable for everything you put in your mouth. The up coming holiday should not only be about food – It should be about the holiday, family and friends. Spring Break means summer is around the corner, along with shorts, tank tops, summer dresses and bathing suits.








WE ARE CLOSED APRIL 3, 4 AND 5 for Passover and Easter


Jeff is available for anyone who would like to continue to weigh-in. He will be in the studio Wednesday through Friday 9am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm. (all weights are sent directly to me).




In the next two weeks we will begin spring break and holidays. Reasons why you CAN’T STAY on your program will start flooding your head. So take these next two weeks and make a real difference. More than you already have. Really give yourself 2 hardcore weeks. Here are some tips on how to do that:


1) One snack a day – I can see your eyes rolling through my computer. But honestly we don’t need ANY snacks, never mind 3. I give them to you to get you through the day mentally, not physically. 3 meals a day is plenty for us. So if you can survive on one snack instead of 2 or 3 you will see an amazing difference in your weight loss. Do you really need the snack between breakfast and lunch? Do you need a whole snack after dinner? What about if you just took a bite of something sweet after dinner. Wouldn’t that be just as effective? These are the things I want you to think about moving forward. Remember it’s for just 2 weeks. It’s not forever.


If it’s too hard you may want to try and do 1 or 2 snacks every other day instead of every day. You may be surprised that you do not need it and won’t feel the loss of hunger from it. Sometimes we get into the habit of eating something at a certain time but it’s not something we really need or necessarily want. Test it out and see how you do.


2) Start walking. Make a promise to yourself that you will walk everyday for the next two weeks. Even if you currently go to the gym, incorporate the walking into your day. It may sound silly or not worth the effort to you, but I assure you that if you incorporate at least 30 minutes a day of walking in addition to whatever you are doing now, you will see that it will make a big difference in your weight loss numbers.


Set a minimum time (for example 30 min a day). If you do more, great, but you have to do at least 30 min. Walk everyday. It can be at the soccer field during sports practice or in your neighborhood. Walk the dog or walk with your significant other or your children. But walk!!! Walking is not only good for exercise. It also sets off a feel good hormone in your body. It’s good for your Mind and Heart. It also gets you out of the house and out of the kitchen!! Because as I have told you over and over… most of the time when we are reaching for something out of the cabinet, it’s not because we are hungry. You just spent all winter cooped up in your home and now you have the opportinuinty to go out and enjoy the weather. It’s lighter later, and even on the brisk days it’s very doable to go out and walk. Momma Nature is giving you NO EXCUSES, so stop making them for yourself.


3) Drink your lemon water and continue to drink water throughout the day. There are so many reasons to start your day with warm/hot lemon water. It gets your metabolism moving and heats up the body for blood flow. The acidic in the lemon combined with the hot water not only helps break down internal fat, it also reduces your appetite. Then continue to drink water throughout the day. Water acts like lubricant for intestines , it keeps everything moving throughout your system. When it gets dry and hard it gets clogged. The water keeps it moist. Another amazing factor is it keeps you full longer. When you drink a 12 oz bottle of water before a meal you physically won’t be able to take in as much as if you didn’t drink it. If you are not a water drinker you need to keep it with you at all times. Have one full bottle on hand and when that runs out fill it with another. You will get used to it and eventually look for it. I know you will run to the bathroom more often but that will eventually stop. Your bladder will get use to it and it will become less and less. But like everything else, all of these amazing things will only happen when you are consistent with drinking it. It doesn’t work when it’s for one or two days. It has to become a part of your life for it to work. Consistency is key! Minimum is 8 oz 8 times a day.


The more you are on track before the holiday starts the better you will do during it. Healthy is a way of life. Start living it!


~ Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolution


It’s time to shake off that holiday haze and get back to reality. Some people see it as a welcome end to a hectic and busy holiday season, while some may still be clinging to the last few moments of celebration. Either way, for almost everyone it is time to go back to school or work, say goodbye to your relatives and put the decorations back in the attic. Returning to your usual work or class schedule is impossible to avoid so maybe you’re thinking about taking your time getting back to your weight loss plan. January 1st was still part of the holiday break so maybe you planned to get serious about your resolution today…But you weren’t ready to get up when the alarm clock went off this morning, so forget about having your head in the right place when it comes choosing what to eat this week. And those leftovers shouldn’t go to waste, right? The passing of another holiday season and the stress of going back to your regular routine may make you feel overwhelmed, but now is not the time to shy away from your commitment to your resolution. Take this as an opportunity to kick things into high gear. Use this fresh start to build on what you have been doing.


But beware – the worst thing you can do right now is go overboard. Putting too many things on your plate or trying to quit certain things “cold turkey” can make you weaker and crumble under pressure. If you have a long list of strict resolutions or things you want to accomplish (quit candy, cut alcohol consumption, exercise more, drink less soda, drink more water, eat more vegetables, get healthy, try juicing or a detox, eat more protein and focus on your weight loss, etc.) all at the same time, your brain is going to be the one getting the workout instead of your body. When you split your attention and have too many priorities it can actually make it harder to accomplish anything at all. For example, if you over do it at the gym it just means you’ll probably dread exercising and be less likely to workout. Instead, push yourself just beyond your comfort zone without getting too intense. Similarly, if you were to skip meals or try some crash diet you are basically setting yourself up for failure. Making changes to your eating and exercise habits is possible when done right.


The best way to succeed is to break up your resolution into manageable pieces. You should make realistic goals that are specific to you. If you have never been a runner and then decide to run a marathon next month, you should probably reconsider. Or if you want to cut down on how much sugar you consume, you will probably be feeling cravings after just a day or two without it. Your brain automatically prefers comfortable, old habits over new and different ones. For a while, for example, you will still crave sugar or resist going for a jog, but eventually you will be running a full marathon and will have left those sugar cravings behind. The most important part of this idea is to have a plan and hold yourself accountable. Make clear goals for each month or week and keep track of them. If you miss a goal, it’s not the end of the world. Readjust your plan and keep going. You’re not giving yourself any excuses to quit, you’re actually ensuring your success.


Most of all, it’s important to remember that this will take time. It is commonly felt that resolutions need to be accomplished within the beginning of the new year for them to count, but remember that a year is 12 months. It’s not a January Resolution, it’s a New Year’s Resolution. Changing your habits and completing a major accomplishment won’t happen over night. The changes may be small and gradual, but that doesn’t make them any less of a success. By the end of the year you will have accomplished so much that you never thought would ever be possible right now. The same way you start with simple, short phrases when you learn a new language – start small and you will see major results.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Healthy Holiday Recipes


With two of the biggest holidays this month, it can seem impossible to stick to your weight loss plan in December. Traditional and seasonal foods are so important to the meaning of both Christmas and Hanukkah but there are a couple ways you can make your holiday meals healthier without feeling like you are missing out on any of the celebration.


Instead of replacing traditional holiday foods, try making existing recipes a little healthier. Latkes are usually made with regular potatoes, but can also be made with zucchini, sweet potatoes, onions and carrots. Though it is traditional to fry them, you can bake them in the oven instead. Simply prepare them to your liking and bake at 425 degrees for 5 minutes on each side.




You can buy applesauce to pair with the latkes or you can make some with just a few simple ingredients and flavor to your taste. Peel, core and quarter whatever flavor apple you like and add to a large pot filled with water. Add whatever spices you choose, such a cinnamon and nutmeg, or leave as is. Heat until apples are tender and cooked through then mash or blend them to however chunky or smooth you prefer.




Brisket is another recipe that can easily be made lighter. Use the “first-cut” section as opposed to the fattier “point cut” to start. Use a dry rub to marinate and bake in the oven. Serve with sauce on the side.




Before you even sit down for Christmas Eve Dinner you have a great opportunity to serve some healthy and festive appetizers and snacks. Spiced nuts are great for the holidays and are delicious and simple. To prepare, warm nuts such as pecans, walnuts, pistachios and cashews or any combination, in the oven then drizzle with a small amount of olive oil and toss with seasonings of your choosing such as salt, thyme, rosemary, pepper, or cayenne pepper.




Go with a red and green theme for Christmas with this clean and gluten free recipe. Chop red and green peppers into thin slices then add a dab of hummus. It’s simple, healthy and festive all in one.




For dinner, you can’t go wrong with a simple roasted chicken. It’s healthy and will please almost anyone at your table. Dress it up for the holidays by laying skinless chicken slices on a bed of pomegranate farro salad. For the salad, cook then cool the farro and add with arugula, romaine, celery, pomegranate seeds, almonds and a vinaigrette of your choosing.




 There are so many seasonal sides that can be a fantastic addition to any holiday dinner. Roasted winter vegetables are a great go to. Beets, turnips, carrots, fennel and onions can be combined with thyme and extra virgin olive oil for a simple, colorful side dish.




Try a fresh twist on quinoa with this recipe for Quinoa with Dried Cherries and Pistachios: Prepare quinoa as usual. Meanwhile, combine olive oil, lemon juice and pepper separately then add this mixture to the quinoa. Mix in dried sweet cherries, dry-roasted pistachios, fresh mint and parsley.




If you’re looking for something sweet, try one of these recipes: Crunchy Pear and Celery Salad (pictured left) and Pear and Arugula Salad with Walnuts (pictured right). The first salad calls for cider, pear, raspberry or other fruit vinegar to be whisked with a small amount of honey and salt for the dressing. Then add diced pears, celery and pecans to the mixture and season with pepper. Serve on top of a lettuce leaf for a beautiful presentation. For the other salad, simply toss arugula, pear slices and walnuts with mustard vinaigrette.




Putting even just one healthy recipe on your table or bringing it to your host’s table can take away some of the stress of holiday eating. When your mind is less concerned with what you’re eating, you can embrace the holiday and the people around you so much more. Enjoy!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodybury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy and Healthy Holiday Parties


Tis the season. The hustle and bustle has started and each day that passes we find ourselves closer to mayhem than the day before. I myself have been experiencing the craziness of running from the city to Woodbury, attending school functions and holiday events. It’s amazing how much we can fit into a month that seems to fly by in a blink of an eye. Yet everything we experience seems to feel a little easier, lighter and brighter. For example, last night my normal 2 hour commute took 4 1/2 hours to get home from my New York City location. There were no accidents. The tunnel was just gridlock and bumper to bumper in the daily rush hour traffic. But most commuters around me took it in stride. Holiday music blared from car windows and everyone seemed more relaxed in what would have been a usual night of frustration. For many, the month of December brings happiness and cheer along with many scheduled and unscheduled events. Traffic, holiday parties and unplanned eating. While the average person can gain 10 pounds over Thanksgiving, in the month of December you are packing on between 12-15. So here are some thoughts to get you through the unplanned and planned parties you have coming up.


Let’s start with the smartest decision of all…Don’t go hungry. I know you want to fit into that dress or suit, but if you go to the party hungry you are setting yourself up for disaster. Because we know all it takes is one glass of alcohol and you will feel ten pounds lighter and the food will be ten times more tempting. So on the day of any holiday party, have your breakfast, lunch and snacks. Even if you plan on drinking alcohol it’s best to have your snacks. You may not lose, but more importantly you will not gain. After all, if we can get through December and maintain, you should consider yourself a success.


Moving on…When you are faced with the holiday hors d’oeuvres table, the best thing you can do is be choosy. The phrase about one’s eyes being bigger than their stomach comes to mind. Don’t get seduced by the food! At the end of the day it’s just food. It will be there at the next holiday party you go to. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it, but let’s taste instead of indulge. Visualize the difference between tasting everything and indulging in everything. Not a pretty sight for those who are indulging in everything. Most important, never eat to please others. If you know you have had enough then own up to it and be done with it. Focus on what’s really important – spending time, laughing and enjoying the people around you.


When it’s time for you to dive into the food table, here are a couple of helpful tips to remember portion sizes. You can enjoy all that the party has to offer, just start small. A fist is around one cup. Your thumb is the equivalent of about an ounce and your palm is around three ounces. Two thumbs are around a tablespoon and the tip of your finger is about a teaspoon. Choose carefully when serving yourself or eyeballing a portion. Remember alcohol can impair your vision so when eyeing sizes it might be best to eat before you drink. You can also help yourself out a little more by using a smaller plate when you have the option. A bigger plate my cause you to fill it up even though you only want or need part of what you dished out.


For most of us, celebrating and consuming tend to go hand in hand. There are a few things you can do to keep yourself from overeating mindlessly or unintentionally. First, take your time before eating when you arrive. Don’t go straight for the food. Instead, socialize before you get a plate. Also, once you have started eating or have had your fill, move away from the food. Don’t linger when it can be so easy to grab one more. And again, remember to watch what you drink. It can be easy to refill your glass and lose track when you’re eating and socializing. Start with water or soda before having that glass of wine or eggnog. Make sure to drink a full glass of water between each alcoholic drinks, it will not only keep you hydrated it will help your headache the next day. And of course make sure you have a designated driver.


Most of all, remember this time of year is about enjoying old and new acquaintances. It’s a fun and festive month and when it’s all over you want to find yourself with fond and fun memories, not the 10-15 lbs it’s left behind. Be mindful – make good choices. Everything matters. At the end of the day and year – it’s still only food. It’s will all be there in 2015.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

Healthy Tips

Holiday Planning

With the Holidays literally around the corner many people are having a hard time controlling what they are eating.  Home baked cookies, cakes, alcohol – it’s no wonder the average person gains approx. 10 lbs between Thanksgiving and New Years.   It’s important at this time of year to plan ahead.  Here are some helpful hints that will help you control your Holiday indulgences:


  • Exercise everyday – No excuses this time of year.  Try and incorporate exercise everyday – even if it’s simply walking your dog for 20 min. 
  • Meal Planning – have your meals and foods prepared in advance so you don’t grab and eat mindlessly.
  • Indulge – Know in advance what day you will be having your indulgences.  Think  of it this way – If you incorporate one indulge day a week  you will continue to lose weight.  If you incorporate 2 days a week you will most likely maintain.  Anything over two– you are back to gaining.  (you should continue to exercise everyday).

Don’t get into the mindset that just because it’s the holidays you are going to gain weight.  You don’t have to gain weight because it’s the holiday season.  You can enjoy the yummy treats and continue to lose or maintain your weight as long as you have a plan.  Know in advance where you are going and what you are plan on eating.  If you do this you will be amazed when you have control how much better you feel and how little or no damage you will do to your weight loss success.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018