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Tag: healthy traits

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Patterns and Traits to Follow for Successful Weight Loss

Many of my very successful clients tend to follow the same pattern / trails for weight loss success. Below are the TOP FIVE TRAITS for WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS. 


PLANNING: You should know what you are going to eat. Successful clients know what they are going to eat the next day or at the very least the next morning ahead of time. You should never wing it. When you wing it, you will end up grabbing something not on your program.  Many of them will even email me what their choices are for the day and I will okay them to ensure that they will have an amazing weight loss day.  


PREPARED:  So now you plan your day, the next step is to be prepared. You need to make sure the choices you picked for your day are available to you. This may include you stoping at the store the day before or taking something out of your freezer the morning of. When you are prepared for your day you are 99% more likely to stick to ONLY your weight loss foods instead of grabbing something out of hunger. Many of the clients who are well prepared know what they have in their freezer and refrigerators and choose the meals each day according to what is available.


CONSISTENCY: Another very important trait that my most successful clients have is they are consistent throughout. They are consistent with planning, they are consistant with being prepared and they are consistent with doing the right things and making the right choices every day. Consistency is one of the most important traits because if you have a fabulous day of planning and a fabulous day being prepared that’s great, but it’s not enough.  Because now you have to have them 6 days straight to see results. Weight loss days need to be consistent in order to work. I can’t tell you how many times a client will say to me, “But I was good the last two days!” lol You know who you are 😉 – Always remember you need 6 consecutive weight loss days to see the scale move.


EVERYTHING MATTERS: While the top 3 may be very obvious, this one is less obvious but just as important. EVERYTHING MATTERS. Every bite, crumb and sip matter. If you have an extra glass of wine, it matters. If you use soy sauce, it matters. If you have an extra handful of Cheerios, it matters. Will you gain from the little extras? No, you won’t gain, but you also won’t lose. You will maintain. While most of you come in being very successful maintainers, my job is to get you to lose. So remember the most successful clients live by the rule that everything they put in their mouth matters and there is no food or drink that is free. If you are eating it or drinking it, it counts.


POSITIVE THINKING: This is my favorite. While most clients may not start out with it, after only a few sessions many learn the power of it. Positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. Positive thoughts can actually create real value in your life. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and helps you expect only positive results. A positive person anticipates happiness, health and success, and believes he or she can overcome any obstacle and difficulty. To use it in your life, you need more than just to be aware of its existence. You need to adopt the attitude of positive thinking in everything you do – INCLUDING LOSING WEIGHT. BREATH IT AND BELIEVE IT!   


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018