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Love to Live Healthy Podcast



Speaker Josephine

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today’s topic is being incredible can sometimes be uncomfortable. We know this right. If you want results, you have to be willing to do what it takes, and this is what it takes. It takes getting up every day and working towards your goal and agreeing that some days will be very, very uncomfortable. And that’s okay, because it’s those tough, uncomfortable days that you get through that make the biggest difference in your outcome. When those uncomfortable times or days appear, you need to work harder to get past them. Don’t waste time thinking of an easier way, because there is no easier way than doing the right thing. The time you actually spend trying to find an easier way or a shortcut could be the time that you already invested into the work that would be getting you to where you want to be. 

Now. Listen, I even tell my kids this all the time. For most of us, life is so simple if we don’t complicate it. If you want to do well in life, you must get up every day and work hard toward what you want, what makes you happy, toward your goals. Don’t waste time looking for shortcuts or easy. Just get up, work hard, make good choices and you will reach your goals. We all have to work, and it should be at multiple things in life – at our jobs, families, school, at our love life, at our health and our body. Everybody has to work hard to get to where they want to be, to make good things happen in their life. But the point is, no matter what it is in life that you are working for, if it makes you happy, you get up every day and you put the time and effort into it, I promise you you will reach your goals. You will make it happen. Yes, it may happen slower for some, but slower, or fast, it will happen if you keep doing the right things. 

Now, when we talk about everyday life, this applies to everything. Right, consecutive days, hard work, making good decisions will lead to incredible results, no matter what you’re putting your time and effort into, and when you continue to do the right thing, the journey is always going to be just as exciting and rewarding as the outcome. Every day you are closer to what you want. Every day you feel better and better mentally, physically. Every day you are closer to what you want. Every day you feel better and better mentally, physically. Every day you have more and more control, and this should apply to everything in your life the more it makes you happy, the more likely your success will be. 

I will tell you one thing, if you haven’t already started working towards your goals and toward where you want to be, I suggest you start now. Spring is here and it is not waiting for you to get ready for it. If you want to be amazing and feel amazing this summer, there’s one simple solution Follow your program. Do the right thing for your body, do it for your mind. Stay on your program. As you know, there are all types of people in the world. There are those who do and those who talk about doing. You have to decide who you want to be. It’s up to you if you want the very best results. It’s up to you if you want to be thin or you just want to talk about how you wish you were thin, how you wish you were eating better, how you wish you were healthier. If you want to be a talker, be a talker. If you want to be a doer, start working towards it now. 

We know one of the very worst feelings is having a party, an event, an occasion and not being ready for it, and looking back and saying I should have, I could have, why didn’t I? You know, some things come up out of the blue and we just think, oh, I wish I would have known, I would have had more time, I would have made sure I was ready for it. But spring is here and summer’s around the corner. And we go through spring and summer every year, so it’s not like you didn’t know it was coming. So you’re either going to be ready or you’re not going to be ready. Right now you have the time to get yourself in motion and make the changes you need to make, to see the differences you want to see. And while many of you still might not reach your goal by summer, if you start now, you will know you’ll be closer to it than you are today. If you start now, you are going to be so much in a better place by the time summer comes than you are today. 

So here are some things I want you to do to remember when you are trying to be the best you can be. 

-You will see the best results when you have six consecutive on-program days every week

-One Cheat Meal and dessert a week

-Exercise is amazing, but only if your food is amazing as well. You can’t eat more because you’re exercising, not when you’re trying to lose weight. 

-Stop making excuses. You are only hurting yourself. 

The bottom line is if you want to be amazing, look amazing and feel amazing, then you have to put the work in. You have to follow your program, you have to be a little hungry and you have to want this more than anything. Temptation will always be in sight, but you have to be stronger than what’s in front of you. You have to look at yourself and visualize. What do you want in two weeks from today? Where do you want to be? Where do you want to be in four weeks from today? Two months from today? Every weight loss day is one day closer to the person you want to be. 

You can only fight the addictions, the habits and the poor choices if you recognize. You have them, so own them and move on from them. If you have been amazing, then continue to be amazing, and if you’ve not done the right things to make yourself happy, then start today and make yourself happy. Make it happen. You are the only person who has control over your happiness, just like you are the only person who has control over being unhappy. We have the same control to be happy as unhappy. It’s always in our choices. You are the only person who can get in your own way today. So make it happen. Don’t be a talker, be a doer. You can do this if you really want it. 

Okay, that’s all I have for now. I want to tell you in two weeks from now, we will have another fabulous story from one of our successful weight loss clients. I can’t wait for you to hear her journey. So please make sure you subscribe to the podcast, because if you subscribe, then you will immediately get notified every time we have a new show, so you don’t have to keep checking. Subscribe. Give it a thumbs up. It helps the program, it helps you. It’s a great way to find all our shows and be notified immediately. I want to thank you all for joining me and listening to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m wishing you all a happy, healthy week full of love. Hugs from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy With Josephine Fitzpatrick