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Tag: fall fitness

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Preparing for Fall

Though these last few weeks have still felt like summer for most of us, the shift to fall is now unmistakable. The temperature is dropping, the kids are back to school and there is a different feeling in the air. Fall is an exciting time of new opportunities, changes and challenges. Here are some things to think about to prepare yourself for some of these changes and put yourself in the best position to succeed.


Summertime is a great time for a lot of foods that are no longer in season, so make sure you have that in mind when you are planning your meals and snacks. Unfortunately a lot of fruits are on their way out, and you may even want to switch summer vegetables like corn and cucumber for heartier fall vegetables like squash, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and more. Adjust your grocery list next time you go shopping and be prepared for when you go out to eat. Eating foods that are in season is a great way to make sure you are getting as much nutrients from what you eat as possible, and it keeps you from being backed into a corner when your usual summer foods aren’t available.


Fall is a great time for fitness, indoors or outside. Even if you haven’t made exercise part of your routine before and want to try, there are so many opportunities to take advantage of. You can walk, run, bike and hike without the summer heat exhausting you and forcing you inside. It’s also a great time to try a gym membership, personal trainer or exercise classes or videos. Having an indoor exercise option will be especially helpful for days when the weather prevents you from going outside or when the winter comes around and getting outside seems impossible. Don’t wait until the last minute – get in to these good habits now so when it’s late in the fall and winter is around the corner you are ready. If you plan to exercise at home, make sure you have any equipment you might need – mat, weights, videos, or machines and space to do it. If you want to try joining a gym, find one in a convenient location with all the options and amenities you want so you aren’t stuck later. If you want to start taking exercise classes or working with a trainer, give yourself time to try a couple different things and find what you like.


The last thing that you should be aware of is your mindset. As we transition into sweater season, don’t let your motivation disappear and don’t let yourself hide under layers of clothing. If getting healthy and fit is what you really want, don’t let it slip away. Preparing now will help set you up for success during the hardest months of winter when it’s cold and dark and all we want to do is sit inside and hibernate. Now is the perfect time to try new things and change it up.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Preparing for Fall


Though these last few weeks have still felt like summer for most of us, the shift to fall is now unmistakable. The temperature is dropping, the kids are back to school and there is a different feeling in the air. Fall is an exciting time of new opportunities, changes and challenges. Here are some things to think about to prepare yourself for some of these changes and put yourself in the best position to succeed. 


Summertime is a great time for a lot of foods that are no longer in season, so make sure you have that in mind when you are planning your meals and snacks. Unfortunately a lot of fruits are on their way out, and you may even want to switch summer vegetables like corn and cucumber for heartier fall vegetables like squash, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and more. Adjust your grocery list next time you go shopping and be prepared for when you go out to eat. Eating foods that are in season is a great way to make sure you are getting as much nutrients from what you eat as possible, and it keeps you from being backed into a corner when your usual summer foods aren’t available. 


Fall is a great time for fitness, indoors or outside. Even if you haven’t made exercise part of your routine before and want to try, there are so many opportunities to take advantage of. You can walk, run, bike and hike without the summer heat exhausting you and forcing you inside. It’s also a great time to try a gym membership, personal trainer or exercise classes or videos. Having an indoor exercise option will be especially helpful for days when the weather prevents you from going outside or when the winter comes around and getting outside seems impossible. Don’t wait until the last minute – get in to these good habits now so when it’s late in the fall and winter is around the corner you are ready. If you plan to exercise at home, make sure you have any equipment you might need – mat, weights, videos, or machines and space to do it. If you want to try joining a gym, find one in a convenient location with all the options and amenities you want so you aren’t stuck later. If you want to start taking exercise classes or working with a trainer, give yourself time to try a couple different things and find what you like. 


The last thing that you should be aware of is your mindset. As we transition into sweater season, don’t let your motivation disappear and don’t let yourself hide under layers of clothing. If getting healthy and fit is what you really want, don’t let it slip away. Preparing now will help set you up for success during the hardest months of winter when it’s cold and dark and all we want to do is sit inside and hibernate. Now is the perfect time to try new things and change it up.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018