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Tag: December ready




I hope your branches are not made of CHOCOLATE! 

Yes December is here and it’s the most challenging time of the year. But is it really? Personally I don’t think it is. First of all it goes way to fast and second it doesn’t even compare to summer that is 2 months long and full of all social activities. December is quick and cheerful and bright but of course it’s also filled with lots of goodies, baking, parties and alcohol all squeezed into 31 days. And if you are mindful you will be fine and if you are amazing you will do great but if you are mindless you will be really upset come January 1.  

One thing we know for sure – the results are always up to you. 

Yes it’s hard but think about how many times you say that throughout the year. It’s always going to be hard. There is no easy time to lose weight but how you handle the situation in the month will determine if it’s going to be hard or easy. Do not put yourself into the mindset that it’s going to be too hard because of the holidays. If you tell yourself that then you are already telling yourself that you don’t believe you can do it. And I can tell you right now if you don’t believe you can do it – you absolutely won’t do it. 

I Believe – I Believe – I Believe

The first thing you need to do is want it and believe 100% you can do it.

Let’s be honest. I have clients who will do amazing through December and it’s not that they are not enjoying – trust me they are. But they also know the importance of keeping it to one cheat meal. When they stay on 6 days a week and enjoy the one cheat meal a week they not only enjoy their food but they enjoy how they look and feel. They know the importance that if they want to lose weight and feel great they have to stay on 6 days a week consistently. It doesn’t mean they can’t go to holiday parties mid week it just means they have a plan for when they do go to holiday parties mid week. When you have a plan and stick to it you will see the results you want.

When you have a plan for the good days and 

a plan for the most challenging days

that is when you will see the best results. 

Whatever holiday traditions you are celebrating we know that every piece of chocolate and every holiday cookie and every holiday drink looks better when it’s wrapped in holiday cheer! So it’s important to always have a plan and to really do your best to follow through on it. Its important to make the choices that are going to make you feel the best today, tomorrow, next week and next year.

You can absolutely lose weight in December if you want too,

 You can maintain in December if you want to 

You can gain in December even if you DON’T want to. 

When it comes to temptation one thing that I think really helps is to not think about what you feel in the moment, instead think about how you are going to feel later that night or the next morning. Ask yourself this question – Is it something that is going to make you happy or is it something that is just there and you are grabbing and eating it because of the moment or the holiday environment. If you are honest you will know the answer before you ask it. 

I know I am constantly reminding you that the better you feel the better you will do. I am a true believer in if you are doing the right thing and feel good you are more likely to choose the right options to keep you feeling that way. When you are around a holiday dinner or party and feel amazing — you will want to do everything you can to stay that way. 

When you feel good you look and you do good

Final Thoughts: Have your plan and follow through with it and I promise you will enjoy December, enjoy how you look and feel, be so happy with your results and enjoy keeping the control that makes you feel so good.  

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick