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Tag: christmas break

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Holidays


HAPPY HOLIDAYS:  The holidays are here and many are getting ready to celebrate and others vacate. Whatever you are doing or where you are going, I want you to keep in mind some very important things. As you know I always say planning is a big part of your success. The best way to plan is to do it the day before so you know what you are doing and/or where you are eating the day of. If you know that your lunch and dinner will be too far apart make sure to have a snack in between. In order to have a snack you need to have access to one. You don’t want to get to the point of being over hungry because then you will lose control and not be able to come back from it. This is a very difficult time of year for weight loss and you can make it less difficult if you plan accordingly.


IMPORTANCE OF SNACKING: Make sure you have your snacks and use them when you need them. If you are hanging out by the pool make sure you have the vegetables and hummus so you don’t go for the nachos. Sometimes we can forget the importance of snacking. Once a upon a time it was thought that if you ate before a meal you would ruin your dinner. But the truth is, if you DON’T have a snack before a meal you will not only ruin your meal but also your weight loss. Why? Because you will be so hungry you won’t be able to make a healthy choice. You will reach for everything and you will eat fast and too much before you even realize what happened. But when you have a snack before you go out and feel a little satisfied when you get to dinner you will not act like it’s your last meal. You will immediately see the difference in how you feel and how you can control your choices. So make sure you have your snacks available and use them when you need them – that’s what they are for.


YOUR ACTIONS DETERMINE YOUR RESULTS: Remember that throughout the next two weeks you are responsible for what you do. Whatever your choices are will result in your outcome. We sometimes forget that holidays and vacations have an ending. When we are in the moment of enjoying and celebrating we forget that reality is around the corner. I want you to enjoy and celebrate – it’s wonderful and you should continue to do that. It’s one of the most important things about working so hard all year. What fun is being thin, healthy and feeling great if you can’t go out and enjoy it and show the world how amazing you feel. With that said, you must also keep in mind this is not the last vacation or holiday you will have. When it’s over you want to feel just as good as when it started. The best way to do that is to think about your actions and the outcome. When you grab for something – do you really want it? Or are you eating it because you are on vacation? Always think before you grab and eat. Remember, whatever you do today you have to deal with tomorrow. If you are okay with it then go for it, but if you know that it’s going to make your first week of the New Year miserable then don’t do it.  There are not too many things that are worth that and you need to keep that in mind when you are grabbing and consuming. Remember how hard you have worked for where you are today and regardless of who or what is around you, at the end YOU will be the one who is either stuck or content with the outcome of your choices. No one has that power except you.




Through the holidays and on vacation the choices to Lose weight – Maintain – or Gain is ultimately up to you.  Here are some things to follow to determine where you would like to end up:




LOSE WEIGHT: You can stay on your course of eating clean 6 days and save everything you see on vacation throughout the week for your Cheat Day.  If you do this try and save the Cheat Day for the last day you are there – this way you look and feel amazing all week and you can see the things throughout the week that you would like to have on your Cheat Day.


MAINTAIN:  Have a Cheat meal, a dessert or drinks each day.  You can’t do all three, it has to be one of the three if you are having a Cheat everyday. This will help you maintain. It teaches you that you can enjoy but you just can’t treat everyday like a full Cheat Day.




LOSE WEIGHT: With two back to back holidays in one week [Christmas eve – Christmas Day] and [New Years Eve – New Years Day], you have the choice of picking one each week and having your one Cheat Day a week. If you do that you will continue to stay on your path and lose weight. Sometimes it’s easier to continue what you know and what you feel comfortable with. For those who do not celebrate both it’s an easier decision,  but for those who do celebrate both you should think about maintaining…


MAINTAIN: While the back to back holidays are little difficult there is an easy solution to get through them and maintain. Keep your days clean and enjoy your feast at night. If you like a big Christmas morning breakfast then you can have your feast Christmas eve night and again Christmas day morning but all the other meals of both days must be clean and on program. So basically it’s two full meals with desserts and drinks if you choose. If you do this for two back to back days you will maintain. Of course like any other Cheat Day you WILL NOT go on the scale the next day. You will enjoy, go right back on program the next day and weigh in the following week and you should be the number you were before the holiday began.


My final thoughts to you for the next two weeks – is to live a life that you are proud of.  If at any time you find that you are not proud of what you are doing – find the strength to start over. It’s important to enjoy and have fun and celebrate. It’s the reason why we work so hard to eat clean and feel good in between the special occasions. Just always stay mindful, have a plan and remember you are creating memories with those you love. You want them to be memories that you can all look back on with love and joy. Remember that how you treat yourself will reflect in how you treat others. When you are happy they are happy and when you feel good they feel better. Appreciate the beauty of the world, and appreciate what you worked so hard for. Do not ruin your holidays or ruin it for those you love because you over did it and can’t wait for it to end. Instead, throughout the next two weeks, be the person that makes you happy and act in ways that you know will make you feel your best.  If you fall off your path get up and immediately back on program. Be the person that you worked so hard to be and remember the person that you want to see January 1st. Enjoy the life, the love and the happiness that you have and always, always have hope in your hearts for those less fortunate.




~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10017