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STOP and THINK before you GRAB.   When we are under any kind of stress and food is our comfort, we immediately GRAB for something that we know is unhealthy and something that we wouldn’t be eating if we weren’t under stress at the moment.   But ask yourself this question……why do you think you JUST GRAB AND INDULGE?  The answer might be simple……  if you took the time to stop and think about it,  you wouldn’t do it.  Studies show that 9 out of 10 times if you are going to do something that you know you shouldn’t be doing, just think about it for 60 seconds and see if it’s still something you want to do…. just 60 seconds can change your mind. If you stop and take 60 seconds to think about what you are actually doing along with the consequences it may cause- then you most likely wouldn’t do it.   But when you GRAB without thinking – you have already subconsciously made the decision NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT.   


It’s not always easy to do the right thing.  Many times we want to and start our day with all good intentions to do the right thing,…. and then something happens and it throws us off our game.  Whether its the baby crying , our significant other whining, the boss is being difficult or the children have a crisis…..Whatever it is at that moment you immediately think “you need to eat something-  because that’s the only way you are  getting through this.”  Unfortunately, the crisis passes or the baby stops crying and you have already indulged in something that will not stop or go away as quickly as you already resolved the problem.  “A minute on the lips is a lifetime on the hips”


So how do you get around this constant dilemma?  STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU GRAB  Let’s take this step by step ….. First STOP.  Before you think or grab just STOP.  Don’t go near the item you are thinking of eating.  Most of the time we already know where we are going to start our indulgence and what we are going to start with.  Don’t fool yourself.  You know so just STOP yourself and don’t move.  Next, THINK. Give yourself 60 seconds to just think about if you really want to do this.  Is it going to make you feel better or worse?  Even if it makes you feel better for that one second you are eating it, how will it make you feel after its gone in 10 seconds.  Is there another way you can control the situation?  Go for a walk, take a shower, walk away from the stressful situation until you can think clearly.   Most important if you really feel the need to GRAB AND EAT is there a better choice? For example: a cup of cheerios, or a protein bar and a cup of tea.  Something that you know is healthy for you and will also help comfort you.   Grabbing something healthy will make all the difference in how you feel  and how you handle your stressful situation.  Because when you eat unhealthy on top of a stressful situation, you are only adding more stress to stress.


Just a quick recap so I know you got it.....60 Seconds is all it takes. STOP and THINK before you GRAB.   Regardless of what is going on around you at the moment or how difficult it may feel, take 60 secondsSTOP from Grabbing whatever it is you are going to grab and THINK .…  is EATING it really going to make you feel better or worse?!   Think about how quickly the problem at hand is going to be resolved and how long the indulgence will take to go away.  Can you talk yourself through it and know that if you don’t fall weak that you will in turn feel so much better about yourself and the way you handled the situation then if you just eat it.  A good suggestion is  always keep healthy food options around you so when you do grab you can grab for a healthy snack.     Remember,  when you try to eat your stress away the only outcome is guilt and weight gain.   So next time you run into a stressful situation take 60 seconds and really think about what you are doing and is it worth the consequences.    STOP AND THINK before you GRAB and you will  save yourself some unneeded stress and weight gain for your mind and body.