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[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]KEEP IT SIMPLE[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Do you ever notice how there are so many things in life that we make so much harder than they should be? Even when we want things to be simple and we want to do the right things, we can find a way to make them difficult. Like losing weight. We know what we have to do and yet we keep putting it off and putting it off, and before you know it, we are in a place that feels impossible to escape. It’s just so easy to give in to the cravings and our surroundings. But at the end of the day when you are laying in bed you wonder, Why? Why did you go off your path when you know that staying on it is what makes you feel your best?[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]


[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]This week keep it simple:[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

  • [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Follow your menu
  • Have one Cheat Day a week
  • Exercise once a day (plan it and do it)
  • If you fall off you get right back on. Don’t let one day turn into one month
  • Give 110% because even if it ends up less it will be more than giving no effort at all
  • Be accountable – if you go off, own it don’t ignore it
  • Don’t stop weighing yourself weekly – that is the same as ignoring it
  • Stop putting your weight loss off. If you need to get back then do it now.
  • The longer you wait the more weight you will have to lose
  • Understand there is no magic pill. If you want to lose weight you need to eat less and follow the program. It’s very doable that’s why there are so many who lost the weight and continue to keep it off.
  • Stop making excuses
  • Put the work in everyday and you will see the results. [dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]Im super excited to say right now we have literally hundreds of “sharks’who have stayed on program and continue to lose weight and feel great — proving it can be done if you want it badly enough. They have made enjoying life first and food secondary. For them there is no better feeling than eating clean and feeling amazing. They show it everyday in how they look and feel. They are super excited about summer! They love to get up and get dressed in clothes that they want to wear, not clothes they have to wear. Being on program is a way of life and they love to live it.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]If you haven’t been in a good place, don’t wait for the perfect time to do what you need to. There is never a perfect time. Start today and don’t look back. Don’t think about why, and don’t even overwhelm yourself about where you are starting. – Focus only on where you are going and how badly you want to get there. Everyday that you make amazing is one day closer to where you want to be.[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]The Simplest things often give the best results[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick[dt_sc_hr_invisible_small]