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5 min warm up before / 5 min cool down after

• 1 Set of 10 Jumping Jacks with a 30 second rest in between each set.
• 1 Set of 10 Jump Rope (invisible option) with a 30 second rest in between sets
• 1 Set of 10 Bicycle Crunches with a 30 second rest in between each set
*Each week increase your workout by working your way up to 3 Sets of Each Exercise doing 10-12 repetitions per set


5 min warm up before / 5 min cool down after

• 1 Set of 10 Bicep curls (holding 3lbs weight or a 12oz full water bottle in each hand) with a 30 second resting in between each set
• 1 Set of 10 Sumo Squats with a 30 second rest in between each set
• 1 Set of 10 Tricep Extensions (holding 3lb weights or a 12 oz full water bottle in each hand) with a 30 second resting in between each set
• 10 Planks – 30 Seconds each plank (Beginners start with as many as you can do and increase as your strength and endurance gets stronger.
*Each week increase your workout by working your way up to 3 Sets of Each Exercise doing 10-12 repetitions per set


5 min warm up before / 5 min cool down after

• 1 Set of 10 Jumping Jacks with a 30 second rest in between each set.
• 1 Set of 10 Jump Rope (invisible option) with a 30 second rest in between sets
• 1 Set of 10 Bicycle Crunches with a 30 second rest in between each set
*Each week increase your workout by working your way up to 3 Sets of Each Exercise doing 10-12 repetitions per set


5 min warm up before / 5 min cool down after

• 1 Set of 10 Bicep curls (holding 3lbs weight or a 12oz full water bottle in each hand) with a 30 second resting in between each set
• 1 Set of 10 Sumo Squats with a 30 second rest in between each set
• 1 Set of 10 Tricep Extensions (holding 3lb weights or a 12 oz full water bottle in each hand) with a 30 second resting in between each set
• 10 Planks – 30 Seconds each plank (Beginners start with as many as you can do and increase as your strength and endurance gets stronger.
*Each week increase your workout by working your way up to 3 Sets of Each Exercise doing 10-12 repetitions per set


5 min warm up before / 5 min cool down after

• 1 Set of 10 Jumping Jacks with a 30 second rest in between each set.
• 1 Set of 10 Jump Rope (invisible option) with a 30 second rest in between sets
• 1 Set of 10 Bicycle Crunches with a 30 second rest in between each set
*Each week increase your workout by working your way up to 3 Sets of Each Exercise doing 10-12 repetitions per set


You have the option of repeating one of the above exercises or doing something fun that requires 30 minutes (walk the dog, play an outside activity with a family member – think outside the box and have some fun while exercising!)



Stand with your arms at your sides. Be sure your feet are straight and close together. Hold your head straight, but in a comfortable position to avoid strain. Bend your knees. Jump up while spreading your arms and legs at the same time. Lift your arms to your ears and open your feet to a little wider than shoulder width. This should all be done in a fast fluid movement. Clap or touch your hands above your head. As you return from jumping up bring your arms back down to your sides and at the same time bring your feet back together.



Lift the weight or bottle using an underhand grip. Stand straight and relax your shoulders. Keep your arms alongside your body, and maintain your elbow and upper arm position. Curl the weight up towards your chest slowly, counting to 3 to maintain a steady and controlled movement. Make sure your elbows and upper arms don’t move from their original position. Pause briefly at the top of the movement when your biceps are fully flexed. Lower the weight, again slowly counting to three, to complete a standing bicep curl.



Begin with your feet wider than shoulders width apart, toes pointed out and knees over the toes (think of a sumo wrestling stance). Keep your back straight, chest out and abs tight throughout the move. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Focus on sitting down rather than bending your legs to avoid straining the knees. Keep your weight on your heels throughout the exercise while maintaining a straight posture.

Push off with your heels at the bottom of your move, squeezing your glutes and inner thighs until you are back in the starting position. Once you have completed the squat, check your alignment and start again. Perform breaths on each repetition inhaling on the way down while exhaling slowly on the way up. Proper breathing creates internal pressure in the stomach and chest, which helps to support your spine during the squat.

Check your form with a mirror keeping in perfect alignment throughout the squat. Poor form may lead to injuries and will negate the wonderful benefits that sumo squats provide.




Use the same size weight that you use when you do bicep curls. Tricep extensions can be done either bending over or laying on your back on a workout bench. This exercise will be described bending over. Assume the position. Lift the dumbbells, being sure to use your legs and not lift the weight with your back. Next bend at the waist as close to a 90 degree angle as possible. Extend the dumbbells backward behind you. Remain in your bent position as your arms become fully extended. Then return your arms to their starting position at your sides.




Sit on the floor. Take the position of a normal sit-up, with legs bent at the knees and hands behind the head. Prepare for some serious burn.Lift the legs off the ground, but keep them bent at the knees. Now slowly pull the left knee towards the head. Pull the head upward at the right shoulder, targeting the left knee, bringing the knee and elbow together. Then, return the leg to the starting point and switch legs.

Repeat this move with the opposite knee and shoulder. Rotate back and forth, starting slowly first. The motion will be similar to riding a bike, with left elbow going to the right knee and right elbow going to the left knee. Now comes the fun. Pick up the pace, increasing the rate of the sit-up. After a few more reps, increase the rate even more.

During the process, make sure the knees remain bent and lifted off the ground approximately 1 to 2 feet. The higher the legs are off the ground, the more difficult it is to do. Also, keep the back firmly planted on the floor.



Lie face down on mat resting on the forearms, palms flat on the floor.

Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows.

Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels.

Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdominals to prevent your rear end from sticking up in the air or sagging in the middle.
Hold for 30 seconds, lower and repeat for 10 reps.




jumping rope engages not only the major muscle groups within your lower body, but it also effectively increases the heart rate to burn excess calories, or fat. This exercise can be performed with or without a jump rope. To start this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the jump rope in your hands (or if you do not have one, utilize your hands as if you did). Position your hands out to the side with your elbows close to your torso. Start jumping and if you have a rope, swing the rope around your head and under your feet as you jump; without a rope simply perform the circular arm motions that are associated with this activity. Make sure that when you are jumping you keep your knees supple, which mean never locking them, and push your body into the air with your toes. Continue this exercise for 3 minutes before taking a break and then starting again with a 2 minute routine. Finally, push yourself and perform a 1 minute routine at a higher intensity level by increasing the speed of the rope and your jumps.



Stand with feet shoulder with apart…. and then move your right leg forward without stepping out too far. Your step should be comfortable and allow you to keep your balance. You should be able to feel the stretch in your gluteus and hamstring muscles.

Lower your body by bending your legs. Your right leg should create a 90-degree angle at the knee. Your left knee should dip down toward the floor until it almost touches.Remember to stretch only as far as you can without being uncomfortable and feeling unsteady. Maintain posture by keeping your back straight. Your right knee should be directly above your foot without moving too far forward. Keep your feet completely on the ground, relying on both feet for balance. Raise your body back up without standing up completely. Repeat these steps for lowering and raising your body.