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Tag: thanksgiving dinner

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

How To Get Through the Holiday Weekend

The countdown to Thanksgiving is now less than a week! As one of the most highly anticipated meals of the year, it’s good to have a plan to get through the holiday as healthy as possible. Break the cycle of overeating and post-holiday regret with these tips to stay in control.


Start with a light and healthy breakfast in the morning. Skipping meals or not eating at all until dinner on Thanksgiving Day will only hurt you. Going hungry all day then stuffing yourself with a big meal will throw your body completely off balance and putting so much pressure on the big meal will make it seem like you have to over indulge because that is what the day is all about. Instead, think of it like any other holiday meal. It’s special, home made, and you only get it once a year, but, like all other holidays, don’t forget that Thanksgiving is about more than just food. Continue eating light throughout the day at lunch or just have snacks.


When you do finally sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, go with the tasting approach we have mentioned before. Start with a tablespoon of any dish you want to try or know you love. For the healthier dishes you find such as vegetables or salad, be more generous. That includes turkey! Just be sure to cut away any skin or fat. It can take your brain 20 minutes before it realizes that you’re full, so take your time when you eat. There may be certain dishes that you think you want more of when you sit down to eat, but when you give yourself time to really enjoy the food at a slow pace you may realize that you don’t need seconds after all. Help yourself to another serving of the dishes you really love if you’re still hungry. As long as you go little by little, you can fully enjoy your favorites.


Now comes the hard part: getting back to your weight loss plan after the holiday. Mondays can be hard, but the Monday after Thanksgiving can be especially difficult. Make a plan now to get back on track. Prepare a meal, make plans with a friend to exercise or sign up for a class. Don’t just tell yourself you’ll do it, make solid plans so you can’t just let it slide.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Two Weeks Until Thanksgiving


It’s hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. The Halloween decorations just came down and now another holiday is already around the corner. This is going to be a very busy time, but you should use these next two weeks to prepare for the four day feast.


The best thing you can do in this time is have a really clean two weeks. Be extra vigilant about what you’re eating and drinking, but it’s not about eating less. Don’t end every meal unsatisfied. If you’re consumed with cravings for two weeks, Thanksgiving dinner will throw you completely off balance when you finally satisfy your hunger and over eat. It is never good to go extreme in either direction – it’s all about balance and staying in control. It doesn’t end with one meal or one weekend, it’s about making healthy choices every day.


If you can comfortably skip a snack on some days, try it, even if it’s every other day or once a week, it can still help. Pick something easy like switching out your coffee or latte in the morning with a bottle of water, or skip that afternoon snack.


Another option is having a cheat meal instead of a whole cheat day. This can work leading up to Thanksgiving and also any day over the holiday. It might take some extra will power but it can help you enjoy the special meals a little more when you know you’ve been really good in the time leading up to the holiday. No matter what you choose to do, it is so important to have the right mindset. Enjoy everything to the fullest but don’t let your guard down. Be sure to keep reading the blog this month for more tips and some healthy recipes for Thanksgiving!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11730

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018