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Speaker 1 (Josephine)

Hi everyone, welcome to the Love to Live Healthy show. I’m Josephine Fitzpatrick. Today’s episode is Suffer Now or Suffer Later. The choice is always yours. First thing I want to say is wow, we had the most amazing results this past week. Almost every single client in studio and online lost weight. That is a lot of people doing the right thing and I’m so proud of you all. 

You know, the clocks have changed and I can’t believe we are already halfway through March already. And it was a challenging week with the time change. You know, we don’t realize how much that could affect us, but all of a sudden people were hungrier. They just felt off, and that is because you have more daylight, which feels like more time in your day. So if you feel hungrier, the first thing to do is try to start eating a little later than you normally do, so this way you don’t feel like you finished at five and there is still three hours of sunshine. Maybe save a half a snack for the evening. You know, you must remember, you are in control of your appetite, your mind and your body. You train it. So yes, changing it that first week might feel like a struggle, and it probably will be, but by the second week you will be fine, you will get used to it because you’re training your body, mind and appetite.

When the time changes, one thing we know for sure that it’s a true sign that summer is approaching. In New York, we’ve already gone from 30 degrees to 65 degrees overnight. It happens so fast. 

And so many of you are going to say I’m so excited for the warm weather, and so many of you are going to say I wish I had more time. But the truth is you do have more time. Every day is a chance for another great day and it’s a chance to add on to the great day you had the day before. Always remember what you do today affects your tomorrow. You will either do the right thing now and suffer through getting back on program now, and suffer through eating less now, suffer through the exercise now. But if you suffer through it all now then when June and July comes that’s the reward. You will feel amazing. So when everyone’s putting on shorts and bathing suits, you will be right there with them OR you will not do that. You will continue to overeat, you will continue to grab, taste, have extras bites, and when June and July come and everyone’s putting on shorts and bathing suits, you will be suffering and wishing that you suffered now instead.

So remember, you will either suffer now or you suffer later. Actually, that is going to be this week’s mantra I will suffer now, so I am not suffering later. 

What I can tell you and I have been talking about a lot lately is, once you decide to start being 100%, that is what’s going to make all the difference in your results and how you look and feel. And, of course, how you look and feel is going to make all the difference in your day. It changes everything and makes a difference in how you approach your day and how you feel throughout the day. You see, if you commit and stay on program, you may suffer being a little hungry through the day, but by the end of the day waking up feeling lighter the next day, that’s the reward. Or you will eat off program. You will eat too much, eat unhealthy, grab, taste pick. You’ll feel full and bloated. By the end of the night you’ll wake up feeling even worse next day. Either way, you suffer now or you suffer later.

Now I know we all have challenges and excuses, Why it’s hard, and why it sometimes feels impossible to do it. You know how many people I see so I could probably write a book on excuses, and, honestly, even for me I just had a bank account hacked. It was terrible, but I got through it and I didn’t eat my way through it. I might have drove people crazy around me, but to me that was better than taking it out on the food, though they may not have thought so (laughing). But my point is it was a real excuse. To me it was very warranted excuse to be stressed, and I was very stressed over it, because when you count on your bank to protect your money and someone decides to just take what you have and the bank lets them, well, that’s very stressful to me and that is a warranted excuse. Right?, To not like be able to see my path clearly, but I stayed with it. I stayed with what I had to do with food because I knew it would only make me feel worse and more stressed than I already was.

The good news is they stopped it and we had everything returned and now we have an extra protection that, ironically, I have to pay for, which is another whole type of fraud. Right?! (laughing) I have to pay extra so my bank accounts don’t get hacked. It’s crazy. But enough of that. 

I just thought I would share this with you, that we all have challenges. We all go through things in life and we all have good excuses.

I know for a fact that many times your excuses are very serious and very warranted, but eating your feelings and your stress and not caring in the moment is not going to help you. It’s going to keep you stuck and in a bad place, both mentally and physically, and it’s never, ever going to help the challenge. In the moment it might feel like it helps it or it feels like it’s worth it. You over eat, indulge in a bottle of wine, extra desserts, because you think it helps your stress or helps you get through the stress or the moments of stress, but it actually only adds to the stress. It adds to the challenge, because as soon as you are done, you know it’s not worth it. You put yourself back and you gain weight that you already lost and now you have to lose it all over again. That is never worth it. 

So my biggest point I want you to take from all this is I know there are many excuses that are very warranted excuses, but the unfortunate thing is, whether it’s a good excuse or a great excuse, it’s going to keep you stuck where you are and the excuse is never going to help you get to where you want to be. So deal with the challenge, deal with the excuse, the problem or the issue, without using food and alcohol to make you feel better. No matter what excuse you have or how good it is, I promise you, whatever it is, if you were taking care of yourself and feeling better and feeling thinner and your clothes are fitting you, you would feel a thousand times better going through that problem or excuse than you would if you were going through the same problem or excuse not feeling good.

I don’t care if you have to keep trying over and over again. Get away from the excuses and commit to what you want and just do it, because there is no reason that you should not be one of these happy clients that I have. I know this program is so doable. I’m not telling you to do something that you can’t do. You have the tools, the support, the food and cheat meal. Every client that has been successful on program all say the same thing the program is so doable. They found it so much easier than anything they’ve ever done. They love ordering the food because it’s easy and delicious and they love the support it’s hand holding. 

We know how hard weight loss can be, so we make sure we are there for you. But YOU have to be there for YOU and make the right choices and be strong in the face of temptation. Stop waiting, stop putting it off and stop making excuses. Trust me, we are approaching spring. You want to suffer now and enjoy later. 

I just did a Monday tip the other day and it was all about you have to stop losing the same weight over and over again. You have to get yourself unstuck and the only way to do that is your mindset. You have to tell yourself, no matter how hard this week is going to be and no matter what is going on or what excuse I have, I am staying on my program 100% no extras, because at the end of the week when I weigh in, I need that scale to go down. I am the only person that is in control of doing that this week.

Repeat your mantra every day you wake up and every night before you go to bed.

I am not going to let any challenge or excuse prevent me from reaching my goal. I am going to suffer through it now so I do not suffer later.

That’s all I have for today. I hope it helps an I am hoping everyone has the most amazing day, week and month. Much love and hugs from me to all of you. 

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick