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Tag: routine





All of us are aware that kids need a routine to provide structure and discipline in their lives. When we were younger, most of us were told to go to bed at a certain time, wake up at a certain time, do our homework after school, eat dinner at a regular hour, shower, even play with our friends at a specific time. But what about adults? Many grownups do not have a set daily routine and ‘wing’ their day. They have no idea what they are going to do when they wake up each morning because they have not thought about creating a schedule to adhere to. As a result, many people feel like they are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and falling short of their goals and true potential. So what do you do if you feel like this…. The answer lies in carefully designing a routine that works best for you, one which helps you be productive, in control, and be the best person you can possibly be.

For me a routine is beyond essential. I live by my routine. Having a routine helps me feel successful everyday. But I know many people feel that having a routine is boring, rigid, and even stifling, – . They would rather live their lives in a whimsical manner, believing that it frees them somehow if they do not follow a routine But the truth is and what I have learned myself is that designing and adhering to a personal daily routine is actually the path to freedom, productivity, happiness, and fulfilling my true potential.

Here are some reason why having a daily routine is so important.

1. A Routine Makes Us More Efficient

When we have a routine that we follow daily, it reduces the need to make decisions each day. It enables us to know exactly what tasks we need to do each day without having to contemplate, decide or think too much. When we are finished with one task, we know what comes next without much thought. Activities become standardized and we become more efficient as a result. This really fits in with your food and exercise. You don’t think about if you are going to stay on program – you do it because it has become part of your routine.

2. Routines Create Structure in your Life

A daily routine provides structure and a logical sequence in our lives. It provides the framework within which we live our lives and conduct our daily activities. Soon we become familiar and comfortable with what we have to do each day. It allows us to experience a flow to our day. The key is the flow. When I am working but I know I am running I do not procrastinate I simply finish my work put on my running clothes and I am out the door. Why? Because it’s not a chore it’s simply part of my routine that I do everyday. 

3. A Routine Saves Time, which is Our Most Valuable Resource

Time is the most precious asset at our disposal because, once lost, it is non-retrievable. By following a routine, we free up time that would otherwise be spent on planning, decision-making and preparation. Or even talking ourself out of doing something. How many times have you thought about something you planned on doing but spent 20 minutes talking yourself out of it. We have all done it and we also know the time we spent talking ourself out of it you could have completed the task. When you have your routine it is already predetermined in your schedule, allowing you to use your time efficiently. 

4.Routine Instills Good Habits

The secret to building good habits is repetition. When we design a personal routine that works for us, it helps us develop good habits by encouraging us to repeat the same tasks over and over again. Adhering to a routine allows us to foster habits that match our goals and aspirations. Eventually your good habits will be as normal as brushing your teeth every morning. 

5. It also Breaks Bad Habits

While our routine helps us develop good habits that are in line with our full potential, it also helps to break bad habits that do not serve us well. We can slowly replace our bad habits with good ones through repetition. Consistency and repetition are the key to having a healthy routine in your life. The more you do them the easier they become. That goes for everything from walking away from temptation to planing your meals and snacks for the day. 

6. Routine Helps Us Become More Proficient

When you have a routine, you start to become better at doing certain things because you do it regularly. That is one of the keys to mastering any skill. Think about something you are skillful at. More likely than not, you developed your skill because you have performed the task over and over again. Practice makes perfect! Exercise is a great example. Whether you are lifting weights, spinning or going for a run. The more you do it the easier it becomes. That is why we often increase our weights and our distance. Routine helps you get stronger mentally and physically. 

7. Routine Helps Us Get the Most Important Tasks Done

When we carefully design a personal routine and stick to it, it allows us get the most important things done first and out of the way. There is no room for forgetfulness or neglect. Because the most important tasks have been predetermined by us, as long as we follow our routine, we know that we will complete what is important and not spend time and effort on frivolous things first. Think about how many times you had really important things you had to accomplish but you spent time on your phone scrolling through social media and you look at the clock and an hour passed – talk about a waste of your time. And more importantly you didn’t get things done that absolutely needed to get done. 

8. Reduces the Need for Determination and Willpower

I mentioned brushing your teeth earlier. When we brush our teeth in the morning, it does not require a lot of determination or willpower because most of us(I hope) have made it a daily ritual. We hardly think about having to brush our teeth; we simply do it. The same holds true for other tasks when we follow a routine. It simply becomes your routine. I can’t tell you how often clients will tell me that they need to be motivated or they can’t stay on program and that they have no willpower. But if you do it every day and it’s part of your routine eventually you won’t need motivation or willpower to do the right thing – they become a part of your day and you will do it just like you wake up and brush your teeth.

9. Routine Reduces Procrastination

When you are on your phone or computer or video watching – you are procrastinating from what you should be doing. When a set of tasks and activities become routine, it reduces the chance that you will procrastinate doing them. It becomes ingrained into our system and we almost do it subconsciously. That is the point you want to get too. You want to do it as if it was part of your day and it’s a subconscious effort. People ask me all the time how do I run everyday— I run because it’s a part of my routine. I don’t think about it I don’t say should I or shouldn’t I – I simply do it because it has become a habit. We all know that procrastination is a waste of time and having a routine is a great way to combat it. Consistency and repetition is what is going to make your life easier. 

10. Routine also Builds Momentum

As we all know, when you do the same things repetitiously, it builds momentum, making it easier to persist. That is why going to the gym gets easier the more frequently you do it. Eating healthier is easier the more you do it – walking away from temptation gets easier the more you do it. And with all this you see the scale dropping the more you stick to your routine. Momentum is a huge factor when it comes to ensuring success and following a routine helps build that momentum.

11. Routine Builds Self Confidence

When we adhere to a routine and stick with it, the routine helps build self confidence. For me it gives me a sense of tremendous satisfaction. It provides me with the ‘fuel’ to continue my routine daily so I can reap the benefits associated with it. I feel so good about myself when I follow through with what I planned and do my routine everyday – it’s not work it’s something I have learned to love and count on to keep me feeling my best. Something I bet you didn’t know is that a lack of self confidence is one of the main reasons people find it difficult to change their lives for the better. They mentally feel like they can’t do it – that they can’t change – when the truth is routine is what helps you change your life for the better and routine gives you the self confidence to keep going to keep doing it and to keep reaching new goals 

What we must remember is 

Our goals and aspirations are rarely, if ever, achieved all at once. Successful people accomplish their goals by doing the same things over and over again. An athlete gets good at his sport because he practices daily. An artist hones his craft through repetition. Developing and sticking with a routine that is congruent with your goals is one of the surest ways to ensure success.

12. Routine Helps Reduce Stress and Facilitate Relaxation

There will always be things in our lives that are beyond our control, and we need to accept that. However, there is so much that we can control, especially if we follow a routine. When we design and stick to a routine, it eliminates a lot of stress because we do not have to think and worry about what needs to get done. The act of ‘doing’ gives us a sense of control and helps us relax instead of fretting about the tasks at hand. 

One thing I want to point out is to keep in mind that It is also perfectly okay to set aside certain times to do nothing. Not every aspect of our lives needs to be scheduled or incorporated into a daily routine. There is a time and place for leisure, relaxation.  The point is that you have thought about it carefully and are mindful about your choices. After all, having a routine is nothing other than a conscious choice to live your life in a certain way through healthy repetition. I believe It is one of the keys to success and happiness.

Each of us is different and has different goals, needs, desires, and resources.That is why it is important to develop our own routine after carefully deciding what we want to achieve in our lives. The rewards to be reaped are definitely worth the effort. 

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine”

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Preparing for Christmas


With Christmas less than a week away it may be tempting to just throw all the rules out the window and give in to the holiday’s temptations. Delicious appetizers and extravagant meals followed by decadent desserts. It’s something many people look forward to all year long. But do you really have to put your weight loss plan on hold in order to fully enjoy the holiday? You probably have plenty of excuses to keep yourself from exercising or eating healthy: “I’m too busy with Christmas preparations to fit exercise in to my day”, “I want to relax in my time off from work/school”, “I’ve been really good recently I deserve to eat whatever I want”, and so on. But does it ever really feel satisfying when you give in to temptation? We tend to tell ourselves that we have to go overboard in order to really do a holiday right. But there is also reward in doing something, no matter how small, that makes you proud of yourself when the holiday ends. Think of it not as missing out on something, but more like making a smarter decision that will be even more satisfying.


Something that can really help you get through Christmas as healthy as possible is to stick to your fitness routine as much as possible or make time for exercise in the next week. If you usually wake up for an early morning workout – stick to it. If you aren’t usually a morning person, give it a try. As much as you want to press the snooze and sleep in, working out in the morning not only helps you be productive throughout the day during the rest of the year, but it can also help you fit in more activities during the holidays when you have more free time. It will put you in a good mood, help you sleep better and sticking to a routine will help you stay in shape. When you start the day healthy you are more likely to make good decisions the rest of the day. And going from a healthy lifestyle to completely the opposite and then trying to get back will really overwhelm your body.


On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, try and find a way to put the focus on something other than food. It’s known that Christmas is about more than food and presents, but how often do we really think about this and take it to heart? Come up with a fun activity or new tradition, such as sharing family photos, playing a game or walking around your neighborhood and looking at the Christmas lights. Embrace the opportunity to enjoy the holiday with friends and family and all of a sudden it seems easier to manage when the meal isn’t the only highlight of the night. It will also make it easier to get back to your weight loss plan when the holiday is over. As much as you don’t want to think about the end of this wonderful time, it will go a lot smoother when you are thinking about the happy memories you have instead of the extra work you have ahead.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018