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Tag: organization

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

How Being Organized Can Help You Lose Weight

It may sound strange but being organized can be just as important as being strong-willed and determined when it comes to losing weight. If you don’t have any healthy snacks in your home, do you think you are more likely to go to the grocery store or just eat whatever unhealthy treats are laying around? If you don’t plan your lunch on a busy day are you more likely to eat whatever is fast and convenient even if it isn’t healthy or will you put in the extra effort to find something that fits in to your weight loss plan? A lot of us have felt trapped by a situation and end up trying to choose the “healthiest” option even though we know we’re eating something we shouldn’t. The truth is, you have the ability to make sure you never get forced into an unhealthy situation, it just takes some planning and organization. 



Start with your kitchen. Keep all foods organized and separated. Many people can’t always get rid of unhealthy foods because of family or kids, so making healthy food accessible can often be the first step to making a smart choice. If your refrigerator or pantry is jammed with a mix of healthy and unhealthy foods, is hard to say what you will reach for in a moment of craving? Make healthy options easy to see and reach for. This will also help you keep track of your go-to foods so you never run out. 



Once you are stocked, prep your food. Some people like to prep meals ahead of time, but even just washing, cutting and preparing vegetables and fruits can be a big help. Separated all food into snack or meal-sized portions and keep them in an easily accessible space in your refrigerator. Make reaching for a healthy snack as easy as reaching for a cookie. You can even go a step further and combine foods like veggies and hummus or peanut butter and apple slices in the same container for a complete and quick snack. 



Making healthy food part of you routine will help you stay regular and stay on track. You don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorites – finding healthy alternatives to your staples can make the transition to clean eating easier. Switch milk or creamer for skim milk or almond milk. Like ice cream? Keep 40 calorie fudge pops in your freezer. Need a sweet or salty snack at night? Make sure you have portioned snacks of the approved foods you crave like popcorn and sweets and you don’t have to lose out when you need your fix. 



Even if you buy healthy foods they won’t make a difference if they just sit in your kitchen. Putting in the extra effort to plan and prepare will take the thinking out of making the right choice and simplify your day. Don’t let “I didn’t have a choice” become an excuse. Something as simple as packing your lunch, keeping healthy snacks in the car, or stocking your kitchen with healthy foods will help you get that much closer to your goals. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018