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Tag: Mental Detox




I just wanted to put out a little message to everyone who is struggling. It’s okay. Don’t compare yourself to those that are doing great – I promise your time will come. But for now while you are struggling just keep moving forward. Don’t give up because that is only going to make you gain more weight on top of the weight you already want to lose. Instead just take it one day at a time. Try to get through each day the best you can. 

The most important advice is try to make this a healthy competition between you and you. Every single person is unique and special and that includes you. While I know you can be the best version of yourself that might not be today – but what you can absolutely do today is have a better day than yesterday. Even if it’s not perfect make it better than the day before. Because we don’t want our bad off days to become new bad habits. Instead keep trying to do something better every day to make it better than the day before. Maybe one less snack or do a detox meal or incorporate a longer workout or exercise.  I see clients struggle everyday – but they keep trying, and eventually they have amazing days and amazing weeks. When we keep trying to move forward and keep trying to be better than the day before – eventually you will have more and more good days. 

One mindset to help get you back on track. I can’t stress this enough – as we can already see in the NY weather. It’s not going to be cold for much longer. There are so many people who are working extra hard right now to become the person they want to be for this summer. It’s not easy for them either they are just doing it because they already know in only a few short months they do not want to deal with the feelings of not fitting into their summer clothes. So think about today and where you want to be when the coats come off and there is nothing to hide under. Make sure you are doing everything you can right now to feel your best – even if it’s not perfect be the best you can be because that is all that you need to do today. 

My final thought is to make sure you plan prepare and try your best to follow through on each day. When you fall off your path with an extra snack or meal just get right back on and continue your on program. Do not focus on what you did wrong focus on what you are doing great. Keep everyday as positive as you can because the more positive the mindset the more likely you are going to stick to your weight loss day. 

Some days will be easier than other – on the harder days is when you need to really use your strength to keep it together and push through. Stop making excuses why you can’t and find all the excuses why you can and most of all why you want to. I know you are capable of doing it – and when YOU believe that you can do it is when it’s really going to happen for you – and that is when it will become your time to be the best version of you. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick



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