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Tag: hydrate

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Don’t Commit A Memorial Day Offense


EUI – Eating under the influence!
EWI – Eating while impaired!
      BWI – Binging while intoxicated!
It has arrived…Memorial Day Weekend is the first holiday weekend that kicks off the summer fun. The parties are planned, BBQ’s are ready, and the pools are all open. White shirts, shorts and sandals are out of closets and ready to be worn…For some, it’s super exciting!! For others, not so much 🙁
It’s the time when layers start peeling. You are either ready or not!
If you are ready and have been doing the right things then you must be super excited! It is just super fabulous and you should be so proud of yourself for putting in the hard work when you needed to!!! You know you will do fine this weekend because you are already in control and have learned what it takes to get to where you are today. Yay!!!
If you are on your way or have recently started or re-started the program – that is super awesome too! It doesn’t matter when or how many times you need to do it, as long as you end up in a great place. So don’t let the weekend get you carried away. Stay on your course and continue to do the right things so come Tuesday you will feel as successful as you do today!
If you haven’t started and wish you had, or you stopped and wish you didn’t – don’t be too hard on yourself because honestly what’s done is done. You can’t go back so you might as well go forward. Have a plan to get back on track 100% on Tuesday and get through the weekend— but don’t over do it because you have been off. Try and make the best choices and do the best you can. It will make starting on Tuesday a much better place to begin.
DRINKING: Are you drinking this weekend? If so, make sure you know the maximum number of drinks — When do you lose control? After 1, 2 or 3 drinks? You should know in advance when you should stop. Don’t let the situation control you – you must always control the situation. Drink water in between to stay hydrated. If you use a drink as your snack you will be fine. But don’t lose sight that too much of anything will make you gain weight.
EUI – Eating under the influence means that you have had a drink in replace of your snack but you are okay. You are still in control and know what you are doing and feel good. You know that you are having fun and are still very much in control of the situation around you. You are sipping your drink and using it as a tool to have in your hands so not to pick at the food around you. You are having a blast and even more so because you know you will be thrilled when you wake up the next morning. Eating under the influence is fine and you can do really well with it if you don’t lose control and don’t have that next drink that will put you into an EWI. Know your limit.  
EWI – Eating While Impaired. It’s not the alcohol that makes you gain, it’s what the alcohol makes you do that makes you gain. Once you are impaired you no longer realize that you are losing control. Not completely out of control but not in control. You are picking at everyone’s plate and everything that is around you. You are not hungry but don’t have the ability to completely stop what you are doing. You are having fun but you know you ate too much and over did it and that you will not be thrilled with your actions in the morning.  
BWI –  Binging While Intoxicated – ugh. Completely lost all control. You start eating everything in sight and speaking louder than everyone around you. It doesnt matter because you don’t feel a thing. You are eating because you can – it doesn’t matter if you are enjoying it or not. You forget that you are on program and you forget that you even need to lose weight!!! You even start to believe that you can do what you want because it’s not affecting you…why? Because you look freaking amazing tonight – Everyone looks amazing when you are drinking!!! The best part of the night is you won’t worry about what you feel like when you wake up. The worst part of the night is you are not worried about how you will feel when you wake up 🙁 
If you need another reason to watch how much you drink, you should know excessive drinking does more than just make you over eat. Too much alcohol (wine, beer included) stops the fat burn. It doesn’t only slow your judgment – it actually slows everything in your body. That’s why it’s important to be eating super clean when you drink. If you over do it with the food and the alcohol – it’s not a good mix and you will have a not so happy weight gaining day. Make sure to  keep the food choices clean. The alcohol should be your dessert and your meals should be clean then you will continue to lose instead of maintain or gain.
REMEMBER: It’s okay to say no to any food or drinks that you do not want. Your true friends don’t pressure you. They will just be happy you are there and will want you to do what makes you happy…so try not to use them as an excuse that you had to do something you didn’t want to. Follow the same advice you would give to those you love.  
Okay so what do you do if you are not drinking???? OMG! …. What’s left??? HOW ABOUT THE ACTUAL PARTY!!!! Have some fun. Enjoy the company. Play some games, help the host, move around and socialize…DRINK WATER WATER WATER!!! AND STAY HYDRATED! … and really see how easy it is to enjoy yourself without having to over indulge in everything. Only then will you see how much better it is to wake up the next morning and know you had a great time while doing all the best things for your body.  
Whether you decide to have one drink or three drinks the most important thing is to make sure you are okay with your choices and always stay in control of who you are and what you want. There is no point in doing something that you will regret later. It’s only fun when you are truly enjoying the moment and know you will be happy with the ending.  
Throughout the weekend keep these thoughts close…….
At the center 
of your being you have the answer.
You know what it is you really want. 
You know your goals and how hard you have worked for them.
More than anyone 
You know who you are…
You know the person you want to be…
Only you can
Become that person, Be that person, Remain that person.
Please understand that while these are fun ways to look at what we do while we are under the influence – they are also very serious and brought to your attention to make a point. Whether you are DWI or BWI – drinking  influences your ability to make the right decisions and can affect you and everyone around you. Make good, smart choices for yourself and those you love!  
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Don’t Commit A Memorial Day Offense

EUI – Eating under the influence!
EWI – Eating while impaired!
      BWI – Binging while intoxicated!
It has arrived…Memorial Day Weekend is the first holiday weekend that kicks off the summer fun. The parties are planned, BBQ’s are ready, and the pools are all open. White shirts, shorts and sandals are out of closets and ready to be worn…For some, it’s super exciting!! For others, not so much 🙁 
It’s the time when layers start peeling. You are either ready or not!  
If you are ready and have been doing the right things then you must be super excited! It is just super fabulous and you should be so proud of yourself for putting in the hard work when you needed to!!! You know you will do fine this weekend because you are already in control and have learned what it takes to get to where you are today. Yay!!!
If you are on your way or have recently started or re-started the program – that is super awesome too! It doesn’t matter when or how many times you need to do it, as long as you end up in a great place. So don’t let the weekend get you carried away. Stay on your course and continue to do the right things so come Tuesday you will feel as successful as you do today!
If you haven’t started and wish you had, or you stopped and wish you didn’t – don’t be too hard on yourself because honestly what’s done is done. You can’t go back so you might as well go forward. Have a plan to get back on track 100% on Tuesday and get through the weekend— but don’t over do it because you have been off. Try and make the best choices and do the best you can. It will make starting on Tuesday a much better place to begin.  
DRINKING: Are you drinking this weekend? If so, make sure you know the maximum number of drinks — When do you lose control? After 1, 2 or 3 drinks? You should know in advance when you should stop. Don’t let the situation control you – you must always control the situation. Drink water in between to stay hydrated. If you use a drink as your snack you will be fine. But don’t lose sight that too much of anything will make you gain weight.
EUI – Eating under the influence means that you have had a drink in replace of your snack but you are okay. You are still in control and know what you are doing and feel good. You know that you are having fun and are still very much in control of the situation around you. You are sipping your drink and using it as a tool to have in your hands so not to pick at the food around you. You are having a blast and even more so because you know you will be thrilled when you wake up the next morning. Eating under the influence is fine and you can do really well with it if you don’t lose control and don’t have that next drink that will put you into an EWI. Know your limit.  
EWI – Eating While Impaired. It’s not the alcohol that makes you gain, it’s what the alcohol makes you do that makes you gain. Once you are impaired you no longer realize that you are losing control. Not completely out of control but not in control. You are picking at everyone’s plate and everything that is around you. You are not hungry but don’t have the ability to completely stop what you are doing. You are having fun but you know you ate too much and over did it and that you will not be thrilled with your actions in the morning.  
BWI –  Binging While Intoxicated – ugh. Completely lost all control. You start eating everything in sight and speaking louder than everyone around you. It doesnt matter because you don’t feel a thing. You are eating because you can – it doesn’t matter if you are enjoying it or not. You forget that you are on program and you forget that you even need to lose weight!!! You even start to believe that you can do what you want because it’s not affecting you…why? Because you look freaking amazing tonight – Everyone looks amazing when you are drinking!!! The best part of the night is you won’t worry about what you feel like when you wake up. The worst part of the night is you are not worried about how you will feel when you wake up 🙁 
If you need another reason to watch how much you drink, you should know excessive drinking does more than just make you over eat. Too much alcohol (wine, beer included) stops the fat burn. It doesn’t only slow your judgment – it actually slows everything in your body. That’s why it’s important to be eating super clean when you drink. If you over do it with the food and the alcohol – it’s not a good mix and you will have a not so happy weight gaining day. Make sure to  keep the food choices clean. The alcohol should be your dessert and your meals should be clean then you will continue to lose instead of maintain or gain.
REMEMBER: It’s okay to say no to any food or drinks that you do not want. Your true friends don’t pressure you. They will just be happy you are there and will want you to do what makes you happy…so try not to use them as an excuse that you had to do something you didn’t want to. Follow the same advice you would give to those you love.  
Okay so what do you do if you are not drinking???? OMG! …. What’s left??? HOW ABOUT THE ACTUAL PARTY!!!! Have some fun. Enjoy the company. Play some games, help the host, move around and socialize…DRINK WATER WATER WATER!!! AND STAY HYDRATED! … and really see how easy it is to enjoy yourself without having to over indulge in everything. Only then will you see how much better it is to wake up the next morning and know you had a great time while doing all the best things for your body.  
Whether you decide to have one drink or three drinks the most important thing is to make sure you are okay with your choices and always stay in control of who you are and what you want. There is no point in doing something that you will regret later. It’s only fun when you are truly enjoying the moment and know you will be happy with the ending.  
Throughout the weekend keep these thoughts close…….
At the center 
of your being you have the answer.
You know what it is you really want. 
You know your goals and how hard you have worked for them.
More than anyone 
You know who you are…
You know the person you want to be…
Only you can
Become that person, Be that person, Remain that person.
Please understand that while these are fun ways to look at what we do while we are under the influence – they are also very serious and brought to your attention to make a point. Whether you are DWI or BWI – drinking  influences your ability to make the right decisions and can affect you and everyone around you. Make good, smart choices for yourself and those you love!  
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Don’t Let Exercise Drop in the Cold Weather

Your commitment may be strong right now but it can be hard to find motivation in the cold weather to get active. Leaving the house can feel like a battle and at the end of the day all you want to do is get inside and curl up on the couch. There seems like no right time to fit in a workout or go to the gym, and any time you spend outside you want to keep to a minimum. But hibernating in the winter will just make you feel even more sluggish and lethargic, and when spring comes around you will have to start all over again. Don’t let this time go to waste. There are a variety of ways to stay active inside and outside this fall and winter that can crush any excuse.


Think it’s too cold to exercise? According to expert doctors in a paper published in 2006, it is never too cold outside as long as you dress properly and keep moving. As long as you keep moving, you are producing heat. As for your workout attire, be sure to cover all parts of your body from your ears to the tips of your fingers to avoid frostbite, but don’t overdress. This can cause you to overheat and sweat more, which in the end can make you colder. Another myth is that the cold air can damage your lungs or cause asthma symptoms. This is also not true – by the time the air reaches your lungs it is at body temperature. The air may cause irritation, but it is because of the dryness, not the cold. This is related to another important tip: don’t forget to hydrate. You may not want to drink water because you are cold, but the dry environment just means you need it more. So if you like to walk or run, keep it up! And when the snow falls, stay safe but enjoy the opportunity. Build a snowman with your family or try something new like cross country skiing or snowshoeing.


And even if you aren’t able to get outside, you can still stay fit. There are so many indoor workouts that you can do from the comforts of your home with little to no equipment. Working out at home is convenient, comfortable, available around the clock and you don’t need a membership. We have a list of easy workouts here: or you can find a wide variety on our Pinterest page:


You can search specifically for a workout that fits any criteria: stretches to help you sleep, workouts to tone your inner thighs, ways to strengthen your ankles and avoid injury, different levels of plank poses, office workouts, pool workouts, winter workouts and much more. You can also find workouts that involve objects in your home such as a chair, couch or bed. If you choose to invest in an exercise machine or workout equipment, or already own something, you can find great workout routines to give your exercise direction and a goal.


So when you’re looking to warm up this winter, head to the gym, the outdoors or turn to your at home workout, not the couch.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Staying Hydrated in Cold Weather

Now that fall is in full swing there may be things about your daily life and routine have changed since the warmer weather, but one thing that should always stay the same is drinking water consistently throughout the day. In the summertime it is easy to tell when you’re getting dehydrated, and nothing cools you down like a tall glass of ice water. But in the fall and winter months we are less inclined to drink water. It may feel like the last thing you want is something cold to drink, but the effects of dehydration can really take a toll in the colder months. In colder temperatures, your body will focus more on maintaining its core temperature and less on fluid balance. You body won’t alert you when it needs water as often as it should, so you have to take the initiative and stay hydrated.


Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluid than you take in, and our bodies are constantly losing water from perspiration, exercise and even breathing. Dehydration has a lot of negative side effects, such as thirst and dry mouth, but can also include sleepiness or tiredness, headaches, dizziness or lightheadedness, and dry skin. In this case, dry skin refers to dehydrated skin. The difference is that dry skin lacks oil and dehydrated skin lacks moisture. Dehydrated skin is especially likely because of the cold weather and can be characterized by irritation, inflammation, itchiness and sensitivity; a feeling of tightness or tautness; a look or feel of roughness; slight to severe flaking or scaling; and fine lines, severe redness and cracks. To keep these symptoms at bay, always keep bottled water or your own reusable water bottle on hand.


Not all bottle water is created equal. Pay attention to the thickness of the bottle and where it comes from when choosing a bottle water brand. You may have noticed that some bottled water packaging is getting thinner. This thinner, lower grade plastic may be better for the environment but it’s not better for your body. Some bottles are at risk of leaching, meaning that chemicals in the plastic can affect the water after a certain amount of time. This is a big reason why you shouldn’t reuse disposable water bottles. Many brands display where their water comes from on the packaging, but for others you might have to do some research. If a brand says “from a municipal source” or “from a community water system” that means it was derived from tap water. If it is difficult to find information about a bottled water brand then you probably shouldn’t be drinking it. Find a brand with a known protected source and one that makes testing and treatment information that shows high water quality readily available. Our top pick is Smart Water. It fits all this criteria, and it also has the added benefits of electrolytes. Electrolytes, or ionized minerals, are important because they are what the cells in your body use to carry electrical impulses, like nerve impulses and muscles contractions, across themselves and other cells. This means they help your body run at optimal levels, and an electrolyte deficiency can cause cramping. That is why hydration and electrolytes are so important during and after a workout, especially in the winter months. Smart Water contains the electrolytes calcium, magnesium and potassium without any sugar, calories, fluoride or sodium.


If you would rather go with a reusable water bottle, there are a couple things to consider. They can be made from a variety of materials such as plastic, stainless steel, aluminum and glass. They each have their pros and cons. For example, plastic is durable, light and inexpensive, but can have a plastic taste and chemical leaching is a possibility. To avoid this, get a bottle that is BPA free. Fill it with filtered water, clean it often and dispose of it when it is no longer usable.


It is important to remember all this when performing seemingly simple activities like raking leaves, shoveling snow or holiday shopping on a hectic day because they will quickly dehydrate you. Get in the habit now and ensure you have a healthy winter!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11730

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018