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Tag: hanukkah dinner

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Happy Hanukkah


Tomorrow begins the Jewish holiday Hanukkah and a week-long celebration. It is an eight-day holiday packed with festivities and traditional food. The meaning behind it celebrates the symbolic meaning of a candle that was lit with enough oil to last one day but miraculously it lasted eight days, which is the reason why it is also known as the Festival of Lights. Because it is such a long holiday, some families celebrate one or two nights while others celebrate every night. There are several traditional aspects of the holiday that are usually present such as the driedel, the menorah, gelt and the traditional foods that can include chalah bread, brisket, kugel, matzo ball soup, latkes (potato pancakes) and other fried foods to highlight the importance of oil. Cheese and dairy foods are also common. For those of you who are celebrating, this can be a tough holiday when it comes to your weight loss plan because of the importance of dairy and oil. Here are our top three tips to enjoy the holiday without derailing your weight loss.


1) The first is to go with the tasting method. Start with a tablespoon of the heavy dishes and go back for second helpings of your favorites. It may be difficult to find something healthy to fill you up, so try bringing a salad or healthy side such as roasted winter vegetables, quinoa or applesauce.


2) If you know you’re going to be attending or hosting more than one dinner, pick and choose what you put on your plate with a little more scrutiny. When you’re going to be having the same or similar meal the next night or a few days later, consider skipping seconds.


3) Compensate for the extended feast during the day leading up to dinner and on the days in between. Eat clean on a day you know you will have a big dinner, and stick to your routine on the days you aren’t celebrating with eating healthy and exercise. If you are only celebrating one day and make it your cheat day, that’s great, but either way, don’t let it become a cheat week.


To all of out clients celebrating this week we wish you a happy and healthy Hanukkah!


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018