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Tag: Elyse S

FitnessHealthy Tips

Mind to Muscle ~Elyse

I’m sweating , my muscles are sore, I had a great workout , but why am I not seeing results!!!!
Sound familiar??? It could be as simple as putting your mind into your muscle.


Some people run through their workouts happy just to be finished but have no mind connection to what exercises they performed or why. This leaves the person at risk for injury, transfers and not seeing the results they thought they would. Frustrating!


There is an answer to this problem…..its mind to muscle. When you put your mind into your muscle(s) your workout will be more proficient and lower the risk of injury. Your reward will be in the RESULTS.   When your mind knows which muscle(s) to contract and release you will feel the mind connection. You will have a safer workout a better understanding of the exercises with no transfers (injury) to joints , neck or back.
Start thinking from within, feel the muscle(s),  and get connected.


An example of mind to muscle would be :
Bicep Curl: we’ve all done this move time and time again but this time ask the trainer what muscle(s) you are working, know where it is located on your body. Let your mind feel the muscle(s) contract and release. Isolate the muscle in your mind and send a command to contract it and release it with or without weights.


Mind to Muscle can be applied to any style of exercise, ex1: a Pilate’s plank– apply a squeeze to your abs…..   Ex2: a strength squat –apply a contract into the quads & hamstrings (front& back of thigh), and release the muscle(s) involved.


Too complicated? Just start with practicing the bicep curl ,let your mind feel it, control the squeeze and release of your muscle(s).
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