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Tag: cancer

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestylePodcast

Interview with Dr. Hurlbert – Listen Now


If you missed our Radio Show this past Saturday you can hear it today on our
“Love to Live Healthy” Podcast


This Week listen to Josephine and Thea interview Dr. Marc Hurlbert from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF)
about the importance of testing, keeping a healthy weight, eating clean, exercise and alcohol consumption.


Did you know that over 80% of Breast Cancer is not family related. Listen to learn more about how you can Stay Healthy
 and get involved in the fight against Breast Cancer.


Simply click on the “Radio Show” Page above and scroll down to the “Podcast” Link, or click here.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
211 E 43rd Street Manhattan, NY 10019
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

The Many Benefits of Ginger


Ginger is a flowering plant that has been used for centuries as a spice and a natural remedy. Though many of us don’t incorporate ginger into our daily lives, its numerous health benefits should earn it a place in our kitchens. It is so easy to add ginger to our day – add slices of ginger root or ground ginger to a mug of boiling water, or ginger teas are a great alternative and come in many flavors. It can also be added as a dry spice to numerous recipes. Here are just a few reasons to give it a try. 


Prevention. When it comes to cancer prevention, ginger is an amazing and relatively unknown source of benefits. Ginger has been shown to help battle certain types of cancer, including ovarian cancer by destroying cancer cells and even causing the cells to then attack and kill each other. It may also prevent the growth of colorectal cancer cells according to recent research. Ginger can also help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease by helping to slow down the loss of brain cells. Ginger can also boost your immune system which means you will get sick less often and will help you recover faster when you do get ill. And a strengthened immune system means that when everyone around you is getting sick, you will be more resistant. 


Treatment. Ginger has long been used to help treat gastrointestinal issues. It has been known to help alleviate gas and it relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract, which can provide relief for people with IBS. This comes from its antioxidants, which has anti-inflammatory effects. People who suffer from arthritis have found relief with ginger – it can help with inflammation, swelling and pain. It is also a common treatment for nausea, and is even safe for pregnant women experiencing morning sickness. It can also help with motion sickness, vomiting, dizziness and cold sweating. 


Overall Health. Ginger is extremely soothing and healing for anyone suffering from a cold or the flu. It can also promote healthy sweating as a way to rid our bodies of toxins. It can also be a natural way to help open up airways for people who suffer asthma and can help alleviate other symptoms. Another great benefit of ginger is improved circulation, which can open your pores and make you feel energized. The list goes on and on – ginger can provide pain relief, clear your sinuses, heal frostbite, block acid heartburn and more. 


Weight Loss. While the numerous health benefits are enough of a reason to start incorporating ginger into our diet, the weight loss aspects make it even better. Ginger is a fat burner, and it ensures that when you are losing weight you are burning fat and not just losing water weight. It also stimulus your appetite and digestive system, so it can be a great way to boost your metabolism before a meal. Some research suggests that ginger can help keep blood glucose levels in check and keep us from crashing during that low energy afternoon time when we look for caffeine and snacks. It even helps with exercise by relieving tired muscles after a workout so you can stay active. One of the best aspects is that it helps your body absorb nutrients. When you are losing weight and making a healthy change, our bodies can really benefit from the maximum absorption.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Eat Less, Live Longer?


Cutting calories and eating smaller portions are common ways to help you lose weight, but could it also help you live longer? Several studies and some new research has shown that when you cut back, it can cause your body to react in a way that can extend your life. It is worth noting that this is not an extreme – starvation is never healthy or recommended. But many of us eat such large portions and snack too often, which can hurts us when it comes to more than just our weight. 


There are two sides to this concept. The first is that making the change to a healthy lifestyle from an unhealthy lifestyle will medically make you so much healthier is so many ways, thus extending your life. Heart disease, cancer and diabetes are some of the top causes of death of men and women today. Losing weight and adopting healthy eating habits can reduce your risk of developing these diseases. Eating clean and cutting back will put you in a better state of overall health, and has been known to improve cholesterol levels, heart rate, blood pressure, body fat and weight, which will help you live longer. 


The second part of this point of view is that the changes your body goes through when it consumes less calories is good for you. When you consume less, your body increases its rate of “cellular recycling” – a process by which our bodies reuse nutrients in our cells. In a way, it triggers survival mode in our bodies, causing us to use every bit of what we eat and drink. It is a natural process called autophagy, which is defined by the physiological process in our bodies that deals with the destruction of cells. At first glance, this doesn’t sound good. But when you think about it, you realize that it is a perfectly healthy process. For example, our skin is constantly being created and rebuilt, whether that is after we have been injured or just from daily living. Skin cells are constantly lost and rebuilt. The same goes for most of the cells in our body. At some point, almost all of the cells in your body die and are recreated from within. When you eat too much and have fat or toxins built up inside you, your body can’t function and rebuild as well as it could if you were eating clean and smaller portions. Eating healthy also ensures that when your body is creating cells and rebuilding itself, it is using the nutrients you are feeding it. It’s true when they say you are what you eat. 


Again, going to extremes and drastically cutting calories is never good. It can cause you to feel dizzy or depressed, or it can cause memory loss and reduce your bone density. Eating on your weight loss plan provides you with enough nutrients and calories to live healthy, lose weight, and maybe even live longer.


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Free Month for Cancer Awareness

Far too many times I see women in my office who have not had a mammogram done out of fear of what they might find. They use the excuse that they are too busy, or say that they will go, but they are in no rush because they don’t have family history. I have news for everyone that doesn’t already know this – more than 50% of cancer today is environmental. You don’t have to have a family history to get cancer. But at the end of the day, more people do not go for the life saving test.  Your friends, neighbors, parents, sisters brothers etc. – they just don’t go. They don’t go for one reason – FEAR. The fear of finding something. We know when we go for any test annually that it’s only a matter of minutes that can change our life.  One test and we can become a cancer patient. Yes, I agree, that’s scary. But it’s even more scary to put it off and not know.


If you wait for symptoms your survival rate is less than half of what it is when you find it early. So while I know the fear of finding out something that can be life changing is terrifying, it is far more scary to not know and find out when it’s too late. After each year passes you have the elephant in the room growing because you know you didn’t go the year before. Every year will be scarier than the year before if you continue to push it aside. I speak from experience. I can tell you first hand that when you don’t go – it doesn’t stop growing. I know this because I lost my Mom at the age of 59 and my sister at the age of 51 both to cancer. Both very treatable conditions, but they refused to go to the doctor. Because of my mother’s death, my sister felt doomed. Instead of catching something very early and treating it, she let it grow to the point of no saving her. I have learned from their mistakes and go to every appointment I need to. But it doesn’t make me any less scared. I know every time the results I hear have the potential to be bad news. But I would rather know and deal with it, and God willing put it behind me, than not face it until it’s too late.


I’m no different than anyone else. I try and live as healthy as possible, in the hopes that my healthy lifestyle and low body fat will help me reduce my cancer risk, but I know it’s not a definite. What I do know to be definite is that if I find something early, I can hopefully treat it and my healthy lifestyle will help me recover faster than if I was unhealthy. I hope you can learn from my family’s mistakes and go and get checked. Not just for breast cancer, but all cancers. Because of our environment, it’s important that we have testing for all cancers annually – age accordingly. If you know you have a family history go early. If you don’t have a family history, check with your doctor for what testing you should be having for your age.


Because I feel so strongly about this and because I see first hand so many women who just “don’t make the time” to go…. I am offering my annual FREE MONTH FOR CANCER AWARENESS. Come in with ANY CANCER SCREENING TEST REPORT (MAMMOGRAM, COLONOSCOPY, OBGY OVARIAN, PANCREATIC, TESTICULAR, ETC) that you had completed in the month of October 2014 and we will add a free month on to your existing membership or new membership. Do it for you! Do it for the ones you love! Do it for the ones that love you! FACE IT. DEAL WITH IT.…….IT’S THE ONLY CHANCE YOU HAVE OF BEATING IT.




Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018