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Tag: break

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Spring Is In The Air


Although the first official day of Spring isn’t until next weekend, it is already starting to feel like winter is over. Yesterday it got up to 72 degrees in New York, the sun was shining and the parks and streets were filled with people enjoying the weather, and today will be the same. 


Spring means a lot of things. For many of us, it means Spring Break. Whether you are traveling or not, a week off from school or work can disrupt our routines and we have to plan for that. If you are traveling, what you plan to eat is just as important as what you plan to wear and where you plan to go. If you want to stay as clean and healthy as possible, plan ahead and give yourself all the preparation you need. Losing over vacation is difficult but possible. But if you want to enjoy the local food and drink, enjoy it. Maintaining is just as much of an accomplishment. But no matter what you choose, it’s back on track 100% when you return. If you are not traveling, it can sometimes be even harder to keep ourselves in check. We are at home with a house full of food, and if we aren’t occupied we could end up snacking all day long. A relaxing week at home is what many of us may need, but if you don’t keep some kind of control it will be hard to come back from it. Give yourself some peace of mind and make a plan for Spring Break. Decide now and follow through. 


This season can also mean Spring Cleaning – out with the old and in with the new. Maybe you need to mix it up and try new things. Maybe check out a new restaurant or recipe. Get outside and go for a walk and explore new streets and neighborhoods. Sign up for a personal trainer or a class with friends. Even the smallest change can invigorate your routine and your motivation. Going through the motions every day can become boring and monotonous, and makes us vulnerable to going off plan. We look for something, anything to excite us. Make it something healthy and positive. 


Spring can also mean growth. Flowers bloom, the leaves grow back on the trees and the grass is green again. It is a time to blossom and thrive. It is a perfect time for gardening. Plant vegetables and herbs and use them later for a delicious and healthy meal. The days are already becoming longer, so take advantage of the extra sunshine. Spending just a couple minutes outside will give you that little bit of Vitamin D our bodies crave. It will boost your mood and give you a moment to breathe and help you manage stress. Try having lunch outside or go for a walk in the morning. 


With each season our daily lives and routines can change. Make it a change for the better. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness

8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797

469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018

FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Where Will You Be on the Next Holiday Break?

Thanksgiving is behind us. Another Holiday has come and gone. As we look forward to our next Holiday Vacation we must use these next 4 weeks very wisely. Because depending on how your last 5 days went and the text messages I received – many of you are in very different places. Some had every intention on staying 100% on and unfortunately your path went in a very wrong direction. Others were expecting the worst and ended up with the best. For some, you had your plan and stuck to it with a 90-10 and ended up doing much better then you could have imagined. Then of course I have my hard-core, who stick to it regardless of what is going on. They never stray from the eat clean 6 and indulge 1. Regardless of what good or bad goes on in their day, they are never stressed about their weight because they always do the right thing.


Where will you be on Holiday Break? It’s always great to have a big goal. But you need little goals in between. Each little goal you reach is a step closer to the big goal. Start today by having a 100% week. Put yourself – body and mind – to the test.  How much can you lose this week? Remember everything you do is for now. It’s not forever. It’s simply to get the weight off. Once the weight is off you are no longer restricting yourself and you can eat more and maintain. But for right now, it’s all about losing. Getting to a good happy place by Holiday Break.


Mentally get into a good place – Losing weight is important to you for your health and happiness. For one week you will be 100% and see what your body does in return. For one week you will say “No” to anything that is tempting because it’s not worth the result. For one week you will be 100% focused on losing weight and not let anything get in your way. This week is about you and what you want for your body and health.


Visualize – where will you be on Holiday Break? Beach, Island, somewhere special – any of these places should be motivating enough to know that you will either be in a bathing suit or shorts and you want to feel good about wearing them and not hiding and wishing you would have done something when you had the chance. Keep this thought in your mind. Yes, you really can change a lot in 4 weeks!


Are you staying home?  Even more reason to do it now. You don’t want to be around so many delicious holiday choices with friends and family and not be able to enjoy it because you are in a bad place to begin with. Start today so you can enjoy later.


If you take the baby steps now and get your number down each week you will feel lighter, in control and most important, healthy and good about yourself when the Holiday comes – everyone will be celebrating and you will too!


What happens when you follow your menu and eat clean foods:
– The first two days are the most challenging – get through them however you have to because I promise by the third day you will begin to feel amazing. Think of it as you over did it and this is what you have to do now. Give and take. It’s time give time.
– The 3rd day the cravings are starting to disappear and you begin to feel in control.
– By the 4th all water weight and bloat is gone.
– The 5th day your fat cells are starting to shrink! Your stomach is getting smaller and you begin to feel lighter (you know when you wake up and your stomach feels flatter and everything about you is just overall lighter- yes that amazing light feeling that gets you to hop out of bed instead of drag yourself out).
– By the 6th day you will begin to realize how less important food is compared to how important it is when you feel amazing, healthy and happy. You feel so good it makes you wonder why you ever over-indulged to begin with.
– The 7th day (morning) – you weigh yourself and you are jumping up and down because you are thrilled you hit your first week goal (the closer you stay to the menu and the cleaner your foods are the more you will lose).  IT’S CHEAT DAY and you enjoy and then right back on and do it again and work toward your second week goal  – it’s that simple.


Follow the plan. It’s 4 weeks until Holiday Break. Where do you want to be and how do you want to  look and feel when you get there?  
Saying what you want is easy – it’s time to prove to yourself you can do it.    
This vacation you will be feeling as healthy and happy as everyone around you. 


~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Where Will You Be on the Next Holiday Break?


Thanksgiving is behind us. Another Holiday has come and gone. As we look forward to our next Holiday Vacation we must use these next 4 weeks very wisely. Because depending on how your last 5 days went and the text messages I received – many of you are in very different places. Some had every intention on staying 100% on and unfortunately your path went in a very wrong direction. Others were expecting the worst and ended up with the best. For some, you had your plan and stuck to it with a 90-10 and ended up doing much better then you could have imagined. Then of course I have my hard-core, who stick to it regardless of what is going on. They never stray from the eat clean 6 and indulge 1. Regardless of what good or bad goes on in their day, they are never stressed about their weight because they always do the right thing.  
Where will you be on Holiday Break? It’s always great to have a big goal. But you need little goals in between. Each little goal you reach is a step closer to the big goal. Start today by having a 100% week. Put yourself – body and mind – to the test.  How much can you lose this week? Remember everything you do is for now. It’s not forever. It’s simply to get the weight off. Once the weight is off you are no longer restricting yourself and you can eat more and maintain. But for right now, it’s all about losing. Getting to a good happy place by Holiday Break.  
Mentally get into a good place – Losing weight is important to you for your health and happiness. For one week you will be 100% and see what your body does in return. For one week you will say “No” to anything that is tempting because it’s not worth the result. For one week you will be 100% focused on losing weight and not let anything get in your way. This week is about you and what you want for your body and health.
Visualize – where will you be on Holiday Break? Beach, Island, somewhere special – any of these places should be motivating enough to know that you will either be in a bathing suit or shorts and you want to feel good about wearing them and not hiding and wishing you would have done something when you had the chance. Keep this thought in your mind. Yes, you really can change a lot in 4 weeks!
Are you staying home?  Even more reason to do it now. You don’t want to be around so many delicious holiday choices with friends and family and not be able to enjoy it because you are in a bad place to begin with. Start today so you can enjoy later.  
If you take the baby steps now and get your number down each week you will feel lighter, in control and most important, healthy and good about yourself when the Holiday comes – everyone will be celebrating and you will too!
What happens when you follow your menu and eat clean foods:
– The first two days are the most challenging – get through them however you have to because I promise by the third day you will begin to feel amazing. Think of it as you over did it and this is what you have to do now. Give and take. It’s time give time.
– The 3rd day the cravings are starting to disappear and you begin to feel in control.
– By the 4th all water weight and bloat is gone.
– The 5th day your fat cells are starting to shrink! Your stomach is getting smaller and you begin to feel lighter (you know when you wake up and your stomach feels flatter and everything about you is just overall lighter- yes that amazing light feeling that gets you to hop out of bed instead of drag yourself out).
– By the 6th day you will begin to realize how less important food is compared to how important it is when you feel amazing, healthy and happy. You feel so good it makes you wonder why you ever over-indulged to begin with.   
– The 7th day (morning) – you weigh yourself and you are jumping up and down because you are thrilled you hit your first week goal (the closer you stay to the menu and the cleaner your foods are the more you will lose).  IT’S CHEAT DAY and you enjoy and then right back on and do it again and work toward your second week goal  – it’s that simple.  
Follow the plan. It’s 4 weeks until Holiday Break. Where do you want to be and how do you want to  look and feel when you get there?  
Saying what you want is easy – it’s time to prove to yourself you can do it.    
This vacation you will be feeling as healthy and happy as everyone around you.
~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick
Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018   
FitnessHealthy TipsLifestyle

Struggling After Vacation

Spring has finally sprung and we are experiencing some beautiful weather. This week I want you to concentrate on moving forward and ONLY moving forward. Leave the past behind you and focus on the future. STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP…IT GETS YOU NOWHERE. Don’t spend your energy and thoughts about what you didn’t do or should have done this past holiday break. Think about what you want to look and feel like come this summer. Are you ready for the barbeque parties? Or the pool?  Can you imagine yourself in shorts and a tank top? Sundress? These are questions only you can answer. Because in a few short weeks you will be pulling your summer clothes out of your closet and they will either be VERY TIGHT or THEY WILL FIT or THEY WILL BE BIG. The result is entirely up to you.


After vacation we tend to have a hard time getting back on track. We spend a week eating and/or drinking a little more than we should (a lot more for some). Your body doesn’t turn off and on after a week. It needs to be trained again. So if you are experiencing a hard time because you are struggling getting back on track.  Try your best to work through it. It’s okay to be a little hungry it will go away. Yes they may be real hunger pains, but only because you just spent a week of overeating. You need to work through it or your new extra weight will become old weight and will not come off so easy. Do it now….Get rid of it now!


Start with the basic 3 meals and 3 snacks. If you need an extra snack, have one from your program. It’s better to have an extra snack off your program than to grab something that will take you off your path. Make sure you have healthy on program snacks with you at all times. It’s important to have snacks within arm’s reach. If you get to the point where you are starving then you waited too long and most likely will grab something unhealthy. After one week you should be back on your program 110%.


We can’t change the past. We can only learn from it and use what we learn to make our future a better and positive place for us. Treat your body with respect, love and kindness. Fuel it with healthy food that will make you feel good and run at 110%. When you treat your body like the gift that it is…it returns the favor.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Innovation Weight Loss and Fitness
8031 Jericho Tpke Woodbury, NY 11797
469 7th Ave Manhattan, NY 10018