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This week we have been focusing on NOT PLAYING THE VICTIM IN OUR OWN LIFE. To me that is such a powerful statement that we sometimes forget we have power over. That it’s actually up to us how we choose to use our energy in the challenges that we have. Do we play victim or are we leaders.

 When I say to a client stop playing the victim in your life they always respond with a questionable look – Like what are you talking about – but then within seconds they realize what I am saying and what they are doing. They are playing the victim in their own life. It’s a realization that is something we don’t always want to see about ourselves. And it’s certainly not easy to admit or even say out loud. Because the answer determines who we are. When we play victim we blame others but when we are leaders we take the responsibility. It’s two different types of people that only you can decide who you are and which person you want to be.

A VICTIM – is when something is done and it wasn’t your choice. But playing the victim – is when you choose to live your life based on that bad experience. Not playing the victim is when you look at the bad experience and think – I didn’t like it and I wished it wouldn’t have happened but I have to believe I was meant to go through it because it was a learning experience for me or an opportunity to grow in some way. That takes you out of playing the victim. Now understand this in no way has anything to do with those who victimize you. They have to deal with their own Karma. Whether it’s today or tomorrow it will always come around to them. So don’t put your energy into them. The universe will do it for you. Let go – Let God. 

Most of the time we don’t even realize we are playing the Victim. This could be in any part of your life it doesn’t matter whether it’s weight, family, career. Think about the words you say to yourself. They made me; I couldn’t walk away; I had no choice; I have no time…. It can go on and on. When I say I have heard it all I really have. But when I switch the roles and I put the realization on you to stop playing the victim. — Yes you can walk away, you do have time, and you do have choices – in fact not only do you have choices – you are the person who is writing your own story. It is then that we see our life in a whole different light. 

Of course this will only work if you want to change. Many times we play the victim in our life because we don’t want to put the energy in to make the changes that need to be made. You see whether you are playing the victim or you are playing the leader — how you use your energy is going to make the biggest difference how you live your life. And that difference could be good or bad depending on which way you choose. 

Think about the people around you. Who would you consider a person who plays the victim. Now think about the energy he/she brings into the room, into conversations. Even if you love them or love spending time with them – a person who plays the victim always has a negative tone of what happened to them or how someone did them wrong and why they can’t accomplish something – it’s never their fault.  You feel the negativity in the room and depending on the person and the energy it can sometimes be exhausting to be with them. 

Now think about your own life – what kind of energy do you manifest. What kind of energy do you distribute into a room, your family, friends, and universe. We all have challenges and bad experiences. Some worse than others. But how you learn from them, and how you use the energy from that learning is going to determine not only who you are as a person but also how you write the story of your own life. 

So I ask you to look at your life and ask yourself that question

What is the story I am writing about my life. 


You are the one who is solely in charge of your life, you hold the keys to your success, you can create the life of your dreams, you can live in whichever way you choose. Sometimes I think we forget that we dictate how we live. 

Every single day you write your story and you not only write the story you can change it at any time. The job you work in, the weight you are, the health you are in, the way you live, the people you surround yourself with is all your choice, you are the creator of your life, so why not create the best possible life for you. Yes of course there are some things which are destined for you, which you can not change or do anything about, but there are so many things about your life that you are in charge of as long as you put the work in.

So from this point on I want you to demand the best from yourself, raise the bar and push yourself, and stay consistent. We can get easily distracted and lose focus on our goals, but i’m telling you if you don’t demand the best from yourself no one is going to do it for you. You must get up everyday and write the story you want to live. You are not the victim you are the lead role in your life and you will learn from your experiences and you will put good energy into your body, mind, family and universe. You will keep moving forward everyday knowing the you want more and deserve the best life possible. You are willing to work hard and put the effort in everyday to reach your goals and create the life that you want. I really believe we are all capable of achieving anything, it does not matter where you are, or who you are, you have everything within you to become the person you want to be. 

Dream, believe, achieve. Live life to the limits.

~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick