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Struggling After Vacation

Spring has finally sprung and we are experiencing some beautiful weather. This week I want you to concentrate on moving forward and ONLY moving forward. Leave the past behind you and focus on the future. STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP…IT GETS YOU NOWHERE. Don’t spend your energy and thoughts about what you didn’t do or should have done this past holiday break. Think about what you want to look and feel like come this summer. Are you ready for the barbeque parties? Or the pool?  Can you imagine yourself in shorts and a tank top? Sundress? These are questions only you can answer. Because in a few short weeks you will be pulling your summer clothes out of your closet and they will either be VERY TIGHT or THEY WILL FIT or THEY WILL BE BIG. The result is entirely up to you.


After vacation we tend to have a hard time getting back on track. We spend a week eating and/or drinking a little more than we should (a lot more for some). Your body doesn’t turn off and on after a week. It needs to be trained again. So if you are experiencing a hard time because you are struggling getting back on track.  Try your best to work through it. It’s okay to be a little hungry it will go away. Yes they may be real hunger pains, but only because you just spent a week of overeating. You need to work through it or your new extra weight will become old weight and will not come off so easy. Do it now….Get rid of it now!


Start with the basic 3 meals and 3 snacks. If you need an extra snack, have one from your program. It’s better to have an extra snack off your program than to grab something that will take you off your path. Make sure you have healthy on program snacks with you at all times. It’s important to have snacks within arm’s reach. If you get to the point where you are starving then you waited too long and most likely will grab something unhealthy. After one week you should be back on your program 110%.


We can’t change the past. We can only learn from it and use what we learn to make our future a better and positive place for us. Treat your body with respect, love and kindness. Fuel it with healthy food that will make you feel good and run at 110%. When you treat your body like the gift that it is…it returns the favor.



~Love to Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick